China is about to declare war on the USA. Should the USA fold? (Poll)

Should Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
China and ally Russia will never have a better time to put an end to us. Democrats have destroyed our military. Fuckwad Biden has used the excuses of vaccinations and white supremacy to separate so many pilots that the air force isn't even a shadow of its former self.

That's why they put him in office.
Our carriers are sitting ducks....if war ever erupts.....our aircraft carries would be sunk very quickly.
The age of the aircraft carrier is Battleships during WWII they are no longer viable....unless you are up against some 3rd world nation with little or no missile capabilities.
Yet we still waste billions on them.
Carriers project conventional power anywhere in the world.

As Trump noted, the nuclear sub fleet is where the real deterrence comes from.
Carriers project conventional power anywhere in the world.

As Trump noted, the nuclear sub fleet is where the real deterrence comes from.

Argentina Almost Sunk a British Aircraft Carrier With with a German Submarine​

Imagine what China could do with their nuclear subs and hypersonic missles......not even to mention Russia.

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I don't think she will go. They will back down.

And if she does they won't shoot it down.

In the end nothing is going to happen. But I'll admit, if they shot down pelosi then I wouldn't care because she deserves it. But china doesn't have the balls to do that.
Republicans have gotten REALLY fucked up

Argentina Almost Sunk a British Aircraft Carrier With with a German Submarine

Imagine what China could do with their nuclear subs and hyper-sonic missiles......not even to mention Russia.

Yep, China is practicing already...

The US carriers do have complex defense systems.
How stupid are the Chinese to threaten war?

Compare the US and China's military:
Our carriers are sitting ducks....if war ever erupts.....our aircraft carries would be sunk very quickly.

The age of the aircraft carrier is Battleships during WWII they are no longer viable....unless you are up against some 3rd world natio with little or no missle capabilities.

Yet we still waste billions on them.
Some decades ago there was a suggestion to build Dreadnaughts. Larger hulled vessels with hundreds and hundreds of different types of missiles in them if not thousands. The crew would be minimal. Perhaps not practical. But interesting.
They need a war. The Biden Regime’s poll numbers are too low.

Yep, the last, desperate attempt of a tyrant is war.

But why is Pelosi going to Taiwan? Has anyone explained the reasoning behind her trip?

I outlined a possible scenario elsewhere as to the possibility: Joe leaves office, Kamala becomes POTUS, in the time between that and Harris nominating and both Houses approving her choice of VPOTUS something happens to Harris and Pelosi becomes POTUS.
What the hell do you mean "fold"? No nation should fold if another nation declares war on them.

The winner between America and China will be the one who develops the best economy and attracts the best and brightest citizens. This has traditionally been the U.S, but of late, I might argue that China has cut deep into this action. Canada, England, France and Germany alone have lost many ambition, driven citizens to China. Canada as a percentage loses their best more than ANY nation. Canada funds a police state, China funds innovation and technology, it's why we are NOT an ally and we are hurting Americas interests.

Chinese leaders aren't stupid, they know they aren't America 1920 where the requirement of mass, low skilled, low wage citizens into their country would be a boon, they thus defend their border while poach educated talent from elsewhere.

The truth is I feel sorry for the CIA, FBI and others. They not only have a steep uphill climb in this battle, but their own career politicians have made it more difficult. The you throw in other fake "allies" from Canada to Europe and it's difficult to defend Americas future.

Get smart and elect people who want the best for your country and the best IN your country. I'm not going to blame China for exploiting what even the average dumb citizen of the world can see.
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A war with China will help Biden and all democrats and some repunklicans. It will HURT the rest of us.

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