China Is STILL Exporting COVID - Are They Trying To Create 'Pandemic 2.0'?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
When China1st learned of the COVID outbreak in Wuhan it isolated the Wuhan province from the rest of China...but it refused to cancel international flights from Wuhan to the rest of the world.

With / Despite reportedly 2+ million new cases of COVID, China is still exporting its 'home-grown' virus to the rest of the world.

Has one person in the media ever asked Biden a single question about what he is doing to prevent a repeat of chinavirus 2020? Much less getting to the bottom of just how Covid-19 really happened, Wuhan and Fauchi and all?

Didn't think so.
i think from the very start of Covid -19 they have been weaponizing the virus to use it in a way that would cause so much issues for everyone else in other counties e.g. the west but themselves, but they messed up and now can't control it , it's now gone out of hand as there are many variants of Covid it originally was in a lab e.g. so its man made i dought that it wasn't an accident it got out the lab it was in
When China1st learned of the COVID outbreak in Wuhan it isolated the Wuhan province from the rest of China...but it refused to cancel international flights from Wuhan to the rest of the world.
I've pointed to this FACT many times in answer to those who argue that China did not intentionally leak this virus. More evidence is available nearly every month that points to the CCP creating this virus in their lab but IMO it doesn't matter if it was released intentionally or if it was an accidental leak.
EITHER WAY, the CCP effectively weaponized the virus by restricting it from spreading out of Hubei province while using international flights to nearly every destination on the planet.

Ironically, if this really IS the same virus, different iteration, then we are seeing the spread of it among the Chinese population who have had no chance of building natural immunity because the virus was stopped from affecting them until now.
Trump held the G7 call when he was in office and wanted the countries to made a statement blaming China for covid at least two of the others buckled and refused. Now Italy said that apparently about 50% of people from China landing there have tested positive recently.

Now, 2+ years later the communique is "oh maybe this was China after all"? Where was media then or today? They were cursing Trump.

A ban of Chinese citizes will be viewed as political in nature or even an around-about way to decouple in some fashion. It seems like an odd step to take at this juncture.
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When China1st learned of the COVID outbreak in Wuhan it isolated the Wuhan province from the rest of China...but it refused to cancel international flights from Wuhan to the rest of the world.

With / Despite reportedly 2+ million new cases of COVID, China is still exporting its 'home-grown' virus to the rest of the world.

The entire city was locked down. Getting a flight out must have been easy peezy. :auiqs.jpg:
When China1st learned of the COVID outbreak in Wuhan it isolated the Wuhan province from the rest of China...but it refused to cancel international flights from Wuhan to the rest of the world.

With / Despite reportedly 2+ million new cases of COVID, China is still exporting its 'home-grown' virus to the rest of the world.

What do you care? Don't you throw in with the imbeciles who say that it's no worse than a cold?
When China1st learned of the COVID outbreak in Wuhan it isolated the Wuhan province from the rest of China...but it refused to cancel international flights from Wuhan to the rest of the world.

With / Despite reportedly 2+ million new cases of COVID, China is still exporting its 'home-grown' virus to the rest of the world.

why are you so worried???
What do you care? Don't you throw in with the imbeciles who say that it's no worse than a cold?

You could not be more wrong.

After getting the vaccines I had a stroke and developed COVID Pneumonia.

My immune deficieny disease lowered my resistsnce to almost nothing. COVID was found to be most deadly to those who already had existing conditions similar to mine and to the elderly.

I am completely against mandates for the experimental drug that was created by allowing Big Pharma to bypass safety protocols and procedures, that never tested to see if it would actually stop anyone from getting the virus or prevent its spread, a 1-size-fits-all experimental drug rushed onto the market and tested on humans - US.

I was forced to get the vaccines - if I had it to do over again I would refuse.

Biden and Democrats lied and declared COVID was an illness of the UN-vaccinated -- he received all vaccines and boosters and still got COVID ... TWICE (at least).

I believe unless someone was / is old and has pre-existing conditions that made / make them 'hi-risk' - if they are young / strong / healthy - they probably should't get the vaccines....MY choice / opinion.

Most importantly, again, I believe people should have a CHOICE whether to take the experimental drugs / vaccines or not, not have it mandated.

The vaccines have proven to be dangerous to some, even deadly.

Again, two of the reported potential / 'common' affects of the vaccines are stroke and Myocarditis - I developed / got both after being fully vaccinated.

I am recovering physically but have not been the same since. 34 years of military service ended...IMO not only due to COVID but also due to the vaccines.

The COVID vaccines are not 'like measels, mumps, rubella vacvines'. Those were fully tested usig all safety protocols and procedures, fully tested prior to being rolled out and made mandatory. Because it was / is an experimental drug I believe people should have the right to choose.
You could not be more wrong.

After getting the vaccines I had a stroke and developed COVID Pneumonia.

My immune deficieny disease lowered my resistsnce to almost nothing. COVID was found to be most deadly to those who already had existing conditions similar to mine and to the elderly.

I am completely against mandates for the experimental drug that was created by allowing Big Pharma to bypass safety protocols and procedures, that never tested to see if it would actually stop anyone from getting the virus or prevent its spread, a 1-size-fits-all experimental drug rushed onto the market and tested on humans - US.

I was forced to get the vaccines - if I had it to do over again I would refuse.

Biden and Democrats lied and declared COVID was an illness of the UN-vaccinated -- he received all vaccines and boosters and still got COVID ... TWICE (at least).

I believe unless someone was / is old and has pre-existing conditions that made / make them 'hi-risk' - if they are young / strong / healthy - they probably should't get the vaccines....MY choice / opinion.

Most importantly, again, I believe people should have a CHOICE whether to take the experimental drugs / vaccines or not, not have it mandated.

The vaccines have proven to be dangerous to some, even deadly.

Again, two of the reported potential / 'common' affects of the vaccines are stroke and Myocarditis - I developed / got both after being fully vaccinated.

I am recovering physically but have not been the same since. 34 years of military service ended...IMO not only due to COVID but also due to the vaccines.

The COVID vaccines are not 'like measels, mumps, rubella vacvines'. Those were fully tested usig all safety protocols and procedures, fully tested prior to being rolled out and made mandatory. Because it was / is an experimental drug I believe people should have the right to choose.

I'm so sorry. I will pray for your continued recovery and good health.

fwiw, and not much--I believe there are better treatments in natural health care now than pharmaceuticals. 5 years ago I would have been shocked that I just typed that, but here we are. I'm sure you're looking at all of those.

Prayers and best wishes....
I'm so sorry. I will pray for your continued recovery and good health.

fwiw, and not much--I believe there are better treatments in natural health care now than pharmaceuticals. 5 years ago I would have been shocked that I just typed that, but here we are. I'm sure you're looking at all of those.

Prayers and best wishes....

Thank you very.much.

My COVID turned into 'Long Haul' COVID and recovery has taken almost a year now. My lungs are almost clear, but I am still dealing with some other nasty symptoms. Docs tell me they are still learning about Long Haul COVID, about how not everyone gets it , how not everyone gets it, how it affects different people differently,etc...

I consider myself blessed and know there are many people out there with their own issues, some a lot worse than mine.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

I personally wish the best for everyone out there, no matter what difference of opinions, etc... I pray, as we go into a new year, that everyone has good health, has good fortune, stays safe, and prospers.

(Personal / mushy sentiment mode now de-activated. :p. )
Why not ban all flights permanently and tell China to hide behind their wall again?

The world would be a better place if they did.

IMO China (and the WHO) should be held accountable, for attempting to HIDE the outbreak and allowing it to spread worldwide in hopes it would not be discovered that it originated in China / Wuhan.
You could not be more wrong.

After getting the vaccines I had a stroke and developed COVID Pneumonia.

My immune deficieny disease lowered my resistsnce to almost nothing. COVID was found to be most deadly to those who already had existing conditions similar to mine and to the elderly.

I am completely against mandates for the experimental drug that was created by allowing Big Pharma to bypass safety protocols and procedures, that never tested to see if it would actually stop anyone from getting the virus or prevent its spread, a 1-size-fits-all experimental drug rushed onto the market and tested on humans - US.

I was forced to get the vaccines - if I had it to do over again I would refuse.

Biden and Democrats lied and declared COVID was an illness of the UN-vaccinated -- he received all vaccines and boosters and still got COVID ... TWICE (at least).

I believe unless someone was / is old and has pre-existing conditions that made / make them 'hi-risk' - if they are young / strong / healthy - they probably should't get the vaccines....MY choice / opinion.

Most importantly, again, I believe people should have a CHOICE whether to take the experimental drugs / vaccines or not, not have it mandated.

The vaccines have proven to be dangerous to some, even deadly.

Again, two of the reported potential / 'common' affects of the vaccines are stroke and Myocarditis - I developed / got both after being fully vaccinated.

I am recovering physically but have not been the same since. 34 years of military service ended...IMO not only due to COVID but also due to the vaccines.

The COVID vaccines are not 'like measels, mumps, rubella vacvines'. Those were fully tested usig all safety protocols and procedures, fully tested prior to being rolled out and made mandatory. Because it was / is an experimental drug I believe people should have the right to choose.
holy woohan batsh*t easy


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