China Is Sweeping The Oscars

By your own words, you fear the future. I do not, there will be some difficult times but the end result is the best is yet to come.
If you're not worried about America's future then you're a fucking idiot.
If you're not worried about America's future then you're a fucking idiot.
You can worry all you want, it will only make you physically ill and old and gray before your time. Life is too short for fear and worry. You got to have faith that people won't get too crazy and the people's vote continues to protect US all.
You can worry all you want, it will only make you physically ill and old and gray before your time. Life is too short for fear and worry. You got to have faith that people won't get too crazy and the people's vote continues to protect US all.
I've had to deal with stress all of my life. I've spent near a year in a base surrounded by hostiles in a foreign country.
This is nothing new.
I've served in the military and US government as a civilian thru Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush sr, Clinton, Bush jr, Obama, and Trump. I've never seen the shit this idiot Biden is doing.
You need to start looking into securing some food supplies for the coming collapse.
I've had to deal with stress all of my life. I've spent near a year in a base surrounded by hostiles in a foreign country.
This is nothing new.
I've served in the military and US government as a civilian thru Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush sr, Clinton, Bush jr, Obama, and Trump. I've never seen the shit this idiot Biden is doing.
You need to start looking into securing some food supplies for the coming collapse.
The collapse you speak of is only one of the possibilities. Besides if a total collapse occurs as you fear, would you really want to live in that type of world ? I wouldn't. That would mean the entire history of mankind was worth nothing. I don't see that, I see some hardships during our transition from what was to what will be our future. All very necessary at this point, and all very well thought out.
The collapse you speak of is only one of the possibilities. Besides if a total collapse occurs as you fear, would you really want to live in that type of world ? I wouldn't. That would mean the entire history of mankind was worth nothing. I don't see that, I see some hardships during our transition from what was to what will be our future. All very necessary at this point, and all very well thought out.
OMG, you're a survivalist too ! I should have figured that out. Planning around your fears, instead of your aspirations.
The collapse you speak of is only one of the possibilities. Besides if a total collapse occurs as you fear, would you really want to live in that type of world ? I wouldn't. That would mean the entire history of mankind was worth nothing. I don't see that, I see some hardships during our transition from what was to what will be our future. All very necessary at this point, and all very well thought out.
You love looking at things with rose colored glasses.
This isn't something you'll see in TV. It's gonna be in your livingroom.
These people cannot do anything but screw up.
They're intentionally causing a collapse and you're thinking that the lights are gonna stay on and the stores are gonna be open.
You can kiss all of that goodbye.
For at least 5 years all hell is going to break loose.
All of the rich politicians have their walled compounds and their armed guards protecting them from all of the people out there with us looking for food to eat.
Venezuela went thru it a few years ago and a lot of people ended up eating out of dumpsters.
And what's worse is none of it was necessary.

But they have their plan and it's working because of idiots like you that can't see past the end of their noses.
You love looking at things with rose colored glasses.
This isn't something you'll see in TV. It's gonna be in your livingroom.
These people cannot do anything but screw up.
They're intentionally causing a collapse and you're thinking that the lights are gonna stay on and the stores are gonna be open.
You can kiss all of that goodbye.
For at least 5 years all hell is going to break loose.
All of the rich politicians have their walled compounds and their armed guards protecting them from all of the people out there with us looking for food to eat.
Venezuela went thru it a few years ago and a lot of people ended up eating out of dumpsters.
And what's worse is none of it was necessary.

But they have their plan and it's working because of idiots like you that can't see past the end of their noses.
Trump's presidency was the most erratic and destructive in history. Biden is working diligently to protect US and is building a solid future for all Americans. I'm sorry you cannot see that. Like I said your fears are not allowing you to see the truth. And I said all this would not be accomplished without some hardships. By the way, if you think you're suffering now, you can't handle the future. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Good night.
Trump's presidency was the most erratic and destructive in history. Biden is working diligently to protect US and is building a solid future for all Americans. I'm sorry you cannot see that. Like I said your fears are not allowing you to see the truth. And I said all this would not be accomplished without some hardships. By the way, if you think you're suffering now, you can't handle the future. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Good night.
Biden is barely working 3 hrs a day.
He's not doing anything.
Barack's staff is doing all of the work.
A Muslim loving communist raised by communists.
And you know people our age are the first that the communists get rid of when they start installing their agenda.
Biden is barely working 3 hrs a day.
He's not doing anything.
Barack's staff is doing all of the work.
A Muslim loving communist raised by communists.
And you know people our age are the first that the communists get rid of when they start installing their agenda.
Biden's people, are Obama's people plus Hillary's people.

Great combination. (Not).
Since when did people start giving a crap about the Oscars again?

Viewership increased 12 % this year. 18.7 million watched the Academy Awards, that's still low. In it's hay day more than 2010 through 2014 they averaged around 40 million viewers. At least it's going back up.
Viewership increased 12 % this year.

Wasn't it down something like 20% over the last few years, though?

I was going to watch until I heard Chris Rock wasn't hosting and Will Smith had been banned for the next 10 years.

Wasn't it down something like 20% over the last few years, though?

I was going to watch until I heard Chris Rock wasn't hosting and Will Smith had been banned for the next 10 years.

More like 50%, had a double why going on, the pandemic and the trump clown show. That stopped a lot of things in their tracks.
Holy Shit....did you just try to throw in a "B ..b...b...but Trump' in a discussion about the Oscars?


Damn, you got TDS BAD...
TDS is a disease that trump followers have. Always has been, cult members never think straight.
Thank you for showing you have no clue what you're talking about. Trying to assign your own definition is a sign of your denial.
It includes the word derangement, who is more deranged, the majority of people who abhor trump because of what he's done to our nation or the weirdos who follow him as a cult. It's a no-brainer if you still have a brain.

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