China just deployed 150k troops to NK border

Looks like under President Zionist we will see at least 2 of the nations with no Rothschild bank get one. Syria and North Korea. They almost have the entire world's banking system in their hands and their hands ALONE.

From the daily mail, supposedly the troops. They don't look dressed for conflict...
China 'deploys 150,000 troops to North Korea border' | Daily Mail Online
It would be hard to believe that China was O.K. with N. Korea having nukes. In the long run, they're as much a threat to China as they are to us.
I suspect China is just sealing off their border with N.Korea to prevent a retaliatory attack across that border from fat boy Kim.

This suggests that Trump told Xi the USA's is going to strike N.Korea.

The carrier battle group moving towards Korea is probably the task force that is going to do it.

The missile boat destroyers are probably the attack platforms.

The carrier and other warships are probably there to escort the missile boats.

There could be a huge sea battle if fat boy Kim figures this all out.

And he might also attack S.Korea and/or China in retaliation.

It will be an exciting week.

China Times reported on Apr. 9 that China's military deployed two army groups, about150 thousand troops, at Sino-N. Korean border to guard against an unexpected situation, while troops of S. Korea and U.S. have been conducting joint exercises since last month, including decapitation operation to remove Kim Jong-un.

According to China Times Online in Taiwan, the Northern Military District which is in charge of defending North Eastern region of China ordered full battle preparation to all land, sea, and air units under its command, and massed 150 thousand troops out of 430 thousand troops which makes up 16th, 23rd, 39th, and 40th Army Groups.

The news site reported that the Northern District took this measure in response to Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises by S. Korean and U.S. troops, which continues until the end of this month, whose scenario is to eliminate N. Korean leadership including Kim Jong-un and destroy N. Korea's WMDs when a crisis breaks out in Korean Peninsula.

The lead units for rapid response to a N. Korean crisis are 39th Army Group and 40th Army Group whose command headquarters are at Yingkou and Jinzhou in Liaoning Province. The 39th Army Group is a heavy mechanized unit and the 40th is the rapid deployment force.

Furthermore, they deployed a new Kongjing-500 early warning aircraft to the border to beef up aerial surveillance

/end translation

China Times reported on Apr. 9 that China's military deployed two army groups, about150 thousand troops, at Sino-N. Korean border to guard against an unexpected situation, while troops of S. Korea and U.S. have been conducting joint exercises since last month, including decapitation operation to remove Kim Jong-un.

According to China Times Online in Taiwan, the Northern Military District which is in charge of defending North Eastern region of China ordered full battle preparation to all land, sea, and air units under its command, and massed 150 thousand troops out of 430 thousand troops which makes up 16th, 23rd, 39th, and 40th Army Groups.

The news site reported that the Northern District took this measure in response to Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises by S. Korean and U.S. troops, which continues until the end of this month, whose scenario is to eliminate N. Korean leadership including Kim Jong-un and destroy N. Korea's WMDs when a crisis breaks out in Korean Peninsula.

The lead units for rapid response to a N. Korean crisis are 39th Army Group and 40th Army Group whose command headquarters are at Yingkou and Jinzhou in Liaoning Province. The 39th Army Group is a heavy mechanized unit and the 40th is the rapid deployment force.

Furthermore, they deployed a new Kongjing-500 early warning aircraft to the border to beef up aerial surveillance

/end translation
That would be way too big.

All that is going to happen is a missile strike from a couple of USN destroyer/cruisers.

China Times reported on Apr. 9 that China's military deployed two army groups, about150 thousand troops, at Sino-N. Korean border to guard against an unexpected situation, while troops of S. Korea and U.S. have been conducting joint exercises since last month, including decapitation operation to remove Kim Jong-un.

According to China Times Online in Taiwan, the Northern Military District which is in charge of defending North Eastern region of China ordered full battle preparation to all land, sea, and air units under its command, and massed 150 thousand troops out of 430 thousand troops which makes up 16th, 23rd, 39th, and 40th Army Groups.

The news site reported that the Northern District took this measure in response to Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises by S. Korean and U.S. troops, which continues until the end of this month, whose scenario is to eliminate N. Korean leadership including Kim Jong-un and destroy N. Korea's WMDs when a crisis breaks out in Korean Peninsula.

The lead units for rapid response to a N. Korean crisis are 39th Army Group and 40th Army Group whose command headquarters are at Yingkou and Jinzhou in Liaoning Province. The 39th Army Group is a heavy mechanized unit and the 40th is the rapid deployment force.

Furthermore, they deployed a new Kongjing-500 early warning aircraft to the border to beef up aerial surveillance

/end translation
That would be way too big.

All that is going to happen is a missile strike from a couple of USN destroyer/cruisers.
We don't know that. Soon as a missile strike happens, the DMZ will explode with artillery fire into Seoul. I'm sure the North Korean military has contingency plans in case Kim Jong-un is taken out so a communist regime can continue. Doesn't he have a sister?
Understandable. It's clear the US is preparing to attack North Korea. Our interventionist foreign policy is shockingly out of control. How many more countries is our Government planning to bomb and invade? When will Americans tire of endless war?
Maybe they are there to take out Fat boy?
I thought about that....THEY would be best to do it because they can handle shit there we can't! They know the customs and tribal issues etc. Let China take the asshole out....let them install some Chinese puppet leader idc!

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