China mocks the MAGA Douche: “Once Upon a Virus.” In it, Lego" LOL! What will CIC Bones Spur spew at China?

Chinese State Media Mocks American Coronavirus Response... In Legos

Seems this is what happened. With The Great Orange Douche on the job.
Over 66,000 Americans have died to show us the Great deeds of MAGA!

You know what?

China should be careful.

China should not mock the US.....or any Western country for that matter.

China should know better.

China should put a sock in it.

Yes, socks made in China!
People who live only within the American bubble, especially Trump fans, have no idea how easy it is for foreigners to make fun of American politicians. This video is a good idea of how much of the world looks upon our President.

Of course the Statue of Liberty once stood as a beacon to the world, even to students at Tiananmen Square, who created a huge “Goddess of Liberty” to show their desire for free speech and other rights we often take for granted. Hopefully one day we can again be seen as a beacon of hope, not a blundering arrogant bully, to the peoples of the world, to “the masses yearning to breath free.”
No wonder everyone who doesn't live in the US wants to live in the US.
Chinese people generally know and appreciate that America is a much richer (per capital) country, and that we have individual freedoms they sorely lack. That is why many wealthy people who speak English are happy to move here, or at least send their kids here to school. Of course they know all about our two party system, which doesn’t necessarily impress them. Most Chinese measure their own society’s progress, and their own happiness, by their own yardstick. They are proud of their country and of their own personal accomplishments. Many fear that the U.S. wants to hold them back, and that we are just hypocrites when we speak about “democracy.”
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People who live only within the American bubble, especially Trump fans, have no idea how easy it is for foreigners to make fun of American politicians. This video is a good idea of how much of the world looks upon our President.

Of course the Statue of Liberty once stood as a beacon to the world, even to students at Tiananmen Square, who created a huge “Goddess of Liberty” to show their desire for free speech and other rights we often take for granted. Hopefully one day we can again be seen as a beacon of hope, not a blundering arrogant bully, to the peoples of the world, to “the masses yearning to breath free.”
No wonder everyone who doesn't live in the US wants to live in the US.
That was packed with insight!
People who live only within the American bubble, especially Trump fans, have no idea how easy it is for foreigners to make fun of American politicians. This video is a good idea of how much of the world looks upon our President.

Of course the Statue of Liberty once stood as a beacon to the world, even to students at Tiananmen Square, who created a huge “Goddess of Liberty” to show their desire for free speech and other rights we often take for granted. Hopefully one day we can again be seen as a beacon of hope, not a blundering arrogant bully, to the peoples of the world, to “the masses yearning to breath free.”
No wonder everyone who doesn't live in the US wants to live in the US.
That was packed with insight!
you expect more than ridicule as reaction to your deeply idiotic statement. your attitude is why people laugh at americans.
People who live only within the American bubble, especially Trump fans, have no idea how easy it is for foreigners to make fun of American politicians. This video is a good idea of how much of the world looks upon our President.

Of course the Statue of Liberty once stood as a beacon to the world, even to students at Tiananmen Square, who created a huge “Goddess of Liberty” to show their desire for free speech and other rights we often take for granted. Hopefully one day we can again be seen as a beacon of hope, not a blundering arrogant bully, to the peoples of the world, to “the masses yearning to breath free.”
No wonder everyone who doesn't live in the US wants to live in the US.
That was packed with insight!
you expect more than ridicule as reaction to your deeply idiotic statement. your attitude is why people laugh at americans.
I was wondering about the reality of why everyone wants to live in the US.
I guess you're pissed off now that Trump has turned off the charity spigot to your nations treasury.
As far as I can see, Trump has turned ON the charity spigot of unlimited bailouts ... to corporations, private Hedge Funds, banks, and rich people. Some of that newly created money will go to laid off workers, but not much. It’s “Bread & Circuses” ... at least until it ain’t. I’ve got a front row seat. Maybe for four more years. But I’m not going anywhere.
My country? As far as I can see, Trump has turned ON the charity spigot of unlimited bailouts ... to corporations, private Hedge Funds, banks, and rich people. Some of that newly created money will go to laid off workers, but not much. It’s “Bread & Circuses” ... at least until it ain’t. I’ve got a front row seat. Maybe for four more years. But I’m not going anywhere.
Chinese State Media Mocks American Coronavirus Response... In Legos

Seems this is what happened. With The Great Orange Douche on the job.
Over 66,000 Americans have died to show us the Great deeds of MAGA!

Yeah? So? You think we give a shit what a fucking dictatorship claims about us?

Go on spewing chinese state propaganda little traitor.

You should have kept your trap shut, now we know what sort of creature you are.
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What details? Why don’t you provide them? How much money is Trump giving to Israel?
I wish none and I'll tell you why.
There are more Jewish billionaires per capita than any other group of people on earth.
When the US crashed in 2008, the US had to cut grants to other nations.
Those Jewish billionaires sent their money to Israel and Christian & non-Sectarian charities that are supported mostly by Jews were begging those Jewish billionaires to resume their charity.
So you see, I agree with you that the US should no give money to any other nation.
But charities in the US would be f*cked.
Unless, of course, perhaps nice Christian boys like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, who give zip to US charities until now, would pick up the slack.

I know, I know, these facts evaporate before they reach your Mentally Ill brain.
Well, I’m sure Trump appreciates whatever “charity” he gets from his Zionist friends, and I myself will gladly accept all checks sent to me by the government — or even Bill Gates!

But what does all this have to do with the price of tea — or an N95 mask — in China?
Well, I’m sure Trump appreciates whatever “charity” he gets from his Zionist friends, and I myself will gladly accept all checks sent to me by the government — or even Bill Gates!

But what does all this to do with the price of tea — or an N95 mask — in China?
The same as this has to do with you insisting that when you get diarrhea a Jew is to blame.
Never said anything of the kind.
But those hotdogs at Nathan’s at Coney Island
... were as bad as pig’s feet in Chinatown!
Never said anything of the kind.
But those hotdogs at Nathan’s at Coney Island
... were as bad as pig’s feet in Chinatown!
I've asked you before...Do you how to Click the "Post Reply" button?
Perhaps you should read..."Post Reply" buttons for Dummies.
I wouldn't do that if I were them ...some times crazy man he takes shit to personal and they got tons of assets in the U.S. he'll start freezing shit what do we owe them . Pfft a trillion chicken scratch .. canceled

Crazy man got a 4 dollar sharpie an loves those exec orders

Dirty scum sucking chicom chink dirty pigs

Trump should! Itll only egg on the rest of the pissed off planet ...which would be fine by me

China is already a big house of cards ...if the west had any balls left you could crush them ...economically alone
Chinese State Media Mocks American Coronavirus Response... In Legos

Seems this is what happened. With The Great Orange Douche on the job.
Over 66,000 Americans have died to show us the Great deeds of MAGA!

I see you're on the side of a totalitarian communist state. That kind of ruins any shot you had at convincing people that your opinions are worthy.
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Chinese State Media Mocks American Coronavirus Response... In Legos

Seems this is what happened. With The Great Orange Douche on the job.
Over 66,000 Americans have died to show us the Great deeds of MAGA!

I saw that video last week.

It upset me mostly because it's true.

China is making a mockery of our nation using the leader of our nation, his total incompetence and lies to do it.

I knew trump was going to be a disaster and worse than the bush boy but wow, I had no idea trump was going to be this bad.

The scary thing, since all republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower, the next republican president will be worse than trump.

Yes I know, none of us can imagine anything worse than trump but I thought that in the bush boy years. I was wrong.

trump makes the bush boy look almost decent.

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