China Not Helping With North Korea

Unless China agrees to bring down the hammer on NK, the US should conduct a surgical strike that would cripple NK's nuclear program. If NK were then to attack SK (very unlikely*), the US should conduct a widescale bombing campaign which destroys NK military capability. The idea that China would start WW3 over this is ludicrous. Instead, they would protest and then occupy some or all of NK to stabilize the situation and prevent a flood of refugees into China. At that point, SK would have to decide if it still wanted to unite with NK as a single demilitarized country or stay protected by US troops.

*The "irrational" argument that NK would go down in flames of glory by attacking SK is itself irrational. Kim Jong Un wants to keep his head as much as anyone else. He has just learned that, by pretending to be crazy, he can keep the wishy-washy US off balance. It is time to end this charade once and for all.
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There is not going to be an attack on N. Korea....anyone who believes that lives in a fantasy world....why not? Simple we do not want a war with China,

What you will see is a phoney diplomatic effort by China and the N. Koreans will play along and suddenly act nicey nice...promise never to use their nuclear weapons first etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

Bottom Line...N. Korea will retain its nuclear program and continue to work on its ICBM's though in a quieter mode at least for least until America has been conditioned to learning to live with a Nuclear N. Korea with ICBM's capable of reaching China, Like Russia and soon to be like Iran.

The ramifications of all this is quite simple...the eventual withdrawal of America from the Chinese area of influence...aka the S. China sea area, the take over of Taiwan by the mainland chinese...similar to how they took back Hong Kong from the U.K., the takeover of S. Korea by the North. China is rising...America is declining.....thus it has been said and thus it will be. Deal wid it.

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