China, Russia in largest-ever joint naval drills

... vice versa, it will be difficult for the US to invade China or Russia for the same reason, the logistics nightmare.
Time will tell who is right and who is wrong. I believe it is very possible the Russians and Chinese could invade the USA and take us down. Things are not looking good. - J.

Forget about China, even Russia does not have the capacity to invade the US. God forbid if the war breaks out between the US and Russia, it will be fought with stand off weapons. We all will be dead in few hours. There will be no one left to invade anyone.
Are you certain? Bill Clinton sent China computers with retrievable confidential information on everything we know about defending ourselves, and everybody on the hill knows this. If China and Russia are still in joint operations, China is just testing out our technology as of the day Clinton sent them this info.

Right now, on Missile Defense, Obama is going over to Russia but claiming he will snub Putin after telling this to the Russian President just before he was re-selected for a second term:

[ame=]Obama : After election more flexibilty - YouTube[/ame]

All that current balderdash about snubbing Putin when he gets there? <piffle>

I smell a tell-all, an update, the gift of Alaskan waters IN TRADE FOR PERSONAL GAINS, and all the other shit Obama promised. Plus he paved the way for Cuba to profit from China and Russia to drill in the Gulf of Mexico where he nixed AMERICAN drillers from drilling to get even with them for NOT FUNDING HIS CAMPAIGN!!!!

I think Obama is a Manchurian candidate gone all the way to the top with the instructions from Jeremiah Wright to "GOD DAMN AMERICA!!!"


I hope you are wrong about Obama being a Manchurian candidate.
Obama is inviting people to live here who hate our guts as much as he does.

Where were you when Obama was saying Trayvon Martin, petty thief, could have been his son, who told George Zimmerman he was going to kill him, slammed his head into the concrete sidewalk numerous times before Zimmerman panicked and decided he really would be a dead man if he didn't pull out his gun and shoot.

The video of the stench of a President who makes secretive deals with the Russian top brass after he ushers in 3 communist nations into the Gulf to replace American oil workers who were making top dollar on deep sea drilling? Accident?

The details of the BP Petroleum rig drew my horrified suspicion when Obama refused to allow the BP people into their own rig to determine what went wrong, and I do mean slammed the door on them, just like he slammed the door on the American drillers in the Gulf of Mexico who may not have voted for his sorry ass. All for hated revenge of people who work hard to earn a good living for their families, Slam!!!

Obama--"It's all Bush' fault and will be for the rest of my administration." Say what?

And the pantywaist press looks far the other way like they did for Saddam Hussein when he was murdering his own people, his neighbors on all sides, and threatening Israel to win accolades from the crazy extremists with developing nuclear weapons.

I'm sorry, it doesn't look good what Obama has done, the communist crowd he invited into his kitchen cabinet, his printing of money by demanding the Treasury do so because he is their boss, usurping every power in the book and getting tips from the Hollywood crowd to completely decimate the Republicans, who are the last chance for Constitutional rights until communism is pushed through here, the communism his mother spoon fed him with her communist parents who appointed a card-carrying communist mentor for young Obama in Hawaii and got him scholarships to universities whose foundation money was overtaken by socialists rather than patriots to this republican form of government. Antiwar socialists who went so far as to shove out the ROTC from several Ivy-League universities.

I wish I were wrong. I really do.

But I'm overwhelmed by the sickening lies and obfuscations the press has foisted against American citizens in their quest to BE Europe, the Europe we broke away from since power in too few hands is abused.

We can't win the pr game with a public that just doesn't care so much that university political and history departments are domineered by specifically chosen socialists who give prizes to students who swallow the slop of that failed system.

I wish I were wrong.

But the writing is on the wall, and I'd like to not look, but it's there, buried like truth in the 2500 pages of white papers of Affordable Care package that is the highest tax hike in the history of the country and the history of the world. The word "affordable" is a talking point word to hide the truth. It isn't affordable. Pelosi sacrificed credibility to get it passed for the committee; people like not having to worry about paying health care costs, but the grandchildren will have to pay a million apiece in the unionization of health care that the other part of the "affordable" lie creates. It doesn't create a viable, but a crippling expense against the future. Detroit's bankruptcy due to unsustainable demands tepidly argued against unions who wanted the rewards of management with none of the responsibility. Not any.

Yes, I wish I were wrong, but Obama has decided he's going for the gusto. There's nothing I can do to stop it. Americans are apathetic about the future, because they've not seen a terrorist face to face who wants them dead more than anything else in his universe because he's been brainwashed to think Allah will be happy with him.

Yep. I'd like to be wrong.
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Then why did you change the subject so quickly, big mouth?
Maybe because I had another point to make? It certainly wasn't because you were right about what we did in those country's, when looking at things in the proper perspective. Yeah, we destroyed a lot of shit and here we are, 10 years later and we still don't control everything. In fact, we have to pay the Taliban to guard our convoy's out to remote outposts. If we're so bad ass, why are we paying our enemy not to shoot at us?

Care to answer that one, bitch-boy?
The highest tax hike in the history of the world? That's a pretty bold claim. ;)
Were you asleep when Justice Roberts had his say on the "Affordable" Health care tax? The entire left was saying :lalala:

Do you think Supreme Court Justice Roberts lied when he said the reason the Supreme Court could NOT rule on the "Affordable" Care Act was because in actuality it was a Federal Tax, which is under the jurisdiction of another branch of government, the Legislative Branch and Congress to be very exact.

Health Care a Tax?

Yep, a tax. That's the opinion of the majority on the Supreme Court, with noted exceptions.

The highest damn tax levied against the "Middle Class" in this free nation's history.

Setting slavery (a 100% tax) aside, yes, it is the highest tax in the history of the world passed by a legislative body.

I'm so sorry people can't wrap their minds around something Congress calls "Affordable" being the highest tax in history.

It has to be because the 30% of American workers who work 40 hours a week or more have to pay a lot for everybody else, some of whom are students or younger, some of whom are retired between the ages of 62 and 110, and some who are totally disabled and unable to hold a job due to their illness.

I reiterate, Nancy Pelosi resided over a Congress who passed the highest nonwar tax in the history of the United States for an item that was considered personal responsibility by the authors of the Constitution--medical expenses due to bad luck and old age, which at that time one saved to cushion the issues that would come when one grew incapable of taking care of himself or herself.

Nobody starved, because those bad church people the highly contentious atheists are pissing and moaning about cooked and took food to the indigent.
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The highest tax hike in the history of the world? That's a pretty bold claim. ;)
Were you asleep when Justice Roberts had his say on the "Affordable" Health care tax? The entire left was saying :lalala:

Do you think Supreme Court Justice Roberts lied when he said the reason the Supreme Court could NOT rule on the "Affordable" Care Act was because in actuality it was a Federal Tax, which is under the jurisdiction of another branch of government, the Legislative Branch and Congress to be very exact.

Health Care a Tax?

Yep, a tax. That's the opinion of the majority on the Supreme Court, with noted exceptions.

The highest damn tax levied against the "Middle Class" in this free nation's history.

Setting slavery (a 100% tax) aside, yes, it is the highest tax in the history of the world passed by a legislative body.

I'm so sorry people can't wrap their minds around something Congress calls "Affordable" being the highest tax in history.

It has to be because the 30% of American workers who work 40 hours a week or more have to pay a lot for everybody else, some of whom are students or younger, some of whom are retired between the ages of 62 and 110, and some who are totally disabled and unable to hold a job due to their illness.

I reiterate, Nancy Pelosi resided over a Congress who passed the highest nonwar tax in the history of the United States for an item that was considered personal responsibility by the authors of the Constitution--medical expenses due to bad luck and old age, which at that time one saved to cushion the issues that would come when one grew incapable of taking care of himself or herself.

Nobody starved, because those bad church people the highly contentious atheists are pissing and moaning about cooked and took food to the indigent.

Thank you for that whole lot of nothing.

Nothing in this post provides evidence of your claim. You said this is the highest tax hike in the history of the world. There have been many, many nations over the course of thousands of years. There have been all kinds of taxes. You have neither explained how large this particular tax hike is nor given your evidence that it is larger than any other in the history of the world. :lol:

Trying to push that onto me by saying I can't wrap my head around the 'Affordable Care Act' being the highest tax is deflection. I didn't say this wasn't a tax hike, or that it wasn't a large one. I said your claim, now repeated, that this is the largest tax hike in the history of the world is very bold. It seems more like a bunch of made-up crap, actually, but I was being diplomatic about it. :eusa_whistle: any actual evidence of the claim, or just going to rant a bit more? :popcorn:

EDIT : Oh, and I like that you've moved the goalposts to call it the highest tax hike in the history of the world by a legislative body. :tongue:
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According to 24, the Chinese have desperately trying to obtain a circuit board which reveals all of Russian key defenses.
The highest tax hike in the history of the world? That's a pretty bold claim. ;)
Were you asleep when Justice Roberts had his say on the "Affordable" Health care tax? The entire left was saying :lalala:

Do you think Supreme Court Justice Roberts lied when he said the reason the Supreme Court could NOT rule on the "Affordable" Care Act was because in actuality it was a Federal Tax, which is under the jurisdiction of another branch of government, the Legislative Branch and Congress to be very exact.

Health Care a Tax?

Yep, a tax. That's the opinion of the majority on the Supreme Court, with noted exceptions.

The highest damn tax levied against the "Middle Class" in this free nation's history.

Setting slavery (a 100% tax) aside, yes, it is the highest tax in the history of the world passed by a legislative body.

I'm so sorry people can't wrap their minds around something Congress calls "Affordable" being the highest tax in history.

It has to be because the 30% of American workers who work 40 hours a week or more have to pay a lot for everybody else, some of whom are students or younger, some of whom are retired between the ages of 62 and 110, and some who are totally disabled and unable to hold a job due to their illness.

I reiterate, Nancy Pelosi resided over a Congress who passed the highest nonwar tax in the history of the United States for an item that was considered personal responsibility by the authors of the Constitution--medical expenses due to bad luck and old age, which at that time one saved to cushion the issues that would come when one grew incapable of taking care of himself or herself.

Nobody starved, because those bad church people the highly contentious atheists are pissing and moaning about cooked and took food to the indigent.

Thank you for that whole lot of nothing.

Nothing in this post provides evidence of your claim. You said this is the highest tax hike in the history of the world. There have been many, many nations over the course of thousands of years. There have been all kinds of taxes. You have neither explained how large this particular tax hike is nor given your evidence that it is larger than any other in the history of the world. :lol:

Trying to push that onto me by saying I can't wrap my head around the 'Affordable Care Act' being the highest tax is deflection. I didn't say this wasn't a tax hike, or that it wasn't a large one. I said your claim, now repeated, that this is the largest tax hike in the history of the world is very bold. It seems more like a bunch of made-up crap, actually, but I was being diplomatic about it. :eusa_whistle: any actual evidence of the claim, or just going to rant a bit more? :popcorn:

EDIT : Oh, and I like that you've moved the goalposts to call it the highest tax hike in the history of the world by a legislative body. :tongue:
As I understand it, it's the highest tax in the history of the world. In the future it will take food off the American family's table, and farmers will not work for nothing, although some of them say they already do, as they lose their farms often in droughts, drug/alcohol abuse, and floods.

Sorry what I think disturbs you so.

High Court Upholds Health Care Law

The Supreme Court upheld the health care reform law on Thursday in a ruling in which conservative Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the liberal wing and spelled out ways to keep the highly controversial law within the bounds of the Constitution. The ruling vindicates President Obama&#8217;s signature domestic policy initiative, even if it doesn&#8217;t stop the political debate over the sweeping Affordable Care Act.
The 5-4 ruling lets stand the mandate &#8211; the requirement that just about everyone carry health insurance or pay a fine. But the ruling calls the fine a tax, allowing the law to escape arguments that it violates the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.

Josh Mandel says Obamacare will ultimately be 'the biggest tax in history'

Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel joined other Republicans in calling for its repeal, saying the decision "sets the stage for the November election." He identified the law as a pivotal issue in his campaign to unseat incumbent U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown.

Mandel issued a statement on the day of the decision asserting that Brown had voted "for what will likely go down as the biggest tax increase in history."
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The highest tax hike in the history of the world? That's a pretty bold claim. ;)
Were you asleep when Justice Roberts had his say on the "Affordable" Health care tax? The entire left was saying :lalala:

Do you think Supreme Court Justice Roberts lied when he said the reason the Supreme Court could NOT rule on the "Affordable" Care Act was because in actuality it was a Federal Tax, which is under the jurisdiction of another branch of government, the Legislative Branch and Congress to be very exact.

Health Care a Tax?

Yep, a tax. That's the opinion of the majority on the Supreme Court, with noted exceptions.

The highest damn tax levied against the "Middle Class" in this free nation's history.

Setting slavery (a 100% tax) aside, yes, it is the highest tax in the history of the world passed by a legislative body.

I'm so sorry people can't wrap their minds around something Congress calls "Affordable" being the highest tax in history.

It has to be because the 30% of American workers who work 40 hours a week or more have to pay a lot for everybody else, some of whom are students or younger, some of whom are retired between the ages of 62 and 110, and some who are totally disabled and unable to hold a job due to their illness.

I reiterate, Nancy Pelosi resided over a Congress who passed the highest nonwar tax in the history of the United States for an item that was considered personal responsibility by the authors of the Constitution--medical expenses due to bad luck and old age, which at that time one saved to cushion the issues that would come when one grew incapable of taking care of himself or herself.

Nobody starved, because those bad church people the highly contentious atheists are pissing and moaning about cooked and took food to the indigent.

Somebody had to break Reagan's old record.
Were you asleep when Justice Roberts had his say on the "Affordable" Health care tax? The entire left was saying :lalala:

Do you think Supreme Court Justice Roberts lied when he said the reason the Supreme Court could NOT rule on the "Affordable" Care Act was because in actuality it was a Federal Tax, which is under the jurisdiction of another branch of government, the Legislative Branch and Congress to be very exact.

Health Care a Tax?

Yep, a tax. That's the opinion of the majority on the Supreme Court, with noted exceptions.

The highest damn tax levied against the "Middle Class" in this free nation's history.

Setting slavery (a 100% tax) aside, yes, it is the highest tax in the history of the world passed by a legislative body.

I'm so sorry people can't wrap their minds around something Congress calls "Affordable" being the highest tax in history.

It has to be because the 30% of American workers who work 40 hours a week or more have to pay a lot for everybody else, some of whom are students or younger, some of whom are retired between the ages of 62 and 110, and some who are totally disabled and unable to hold a job due to their illness.

I reiterate, Nancy Pelosi resided over a Congress who passed the highest nonwar tax in the history of the United States for an item that was considered personal responsibility by the authors of the Constitution--medical expenses due to bad luck and old age, which at that time one saved to cushion the issues that would come when one grew incapable of taking care of himself or herself.

Nobody starved, because those bad church people the highly contentious atheists are pissing and moaning about cooked and took food to the indigent.

Thank you for that whole lot of nothing.

Nothing in this post provides evidence of your claim. You said this is the highest tax hike in the history of the world. There have been many, many nations over the course of thousands of years. There have been all kinds of taxes. You have neither explained how large this particular tax hike is nor given your evidence that it is larger than any other in the history of the world. :lol:

Trying to push that onto me by saying I can't wrap my head around the 'Affordable Care Act' being the highest tax is deflection. I didn't say this wasn't a tax hike, or that it wasn't a large one. I said your claim, now repeated, that this is the largest tax hike in the history of the world is very bold. It seems more like a bunch of made-up crap, actually, but I was being diplomatic about it. :eusa_whistle: any actual evidence of the claim, or just going to rant a bit more? :popcorn:

EDIT : Oh, and I like that you've moved the goalposts to call it the highest tax hike in the history of the world by a legislative body. :tongue:
As I understand it, it's the highest tax in the history of the world. In the future it will take food off the American family's table, and farmers will not work for nothing, although some of them say they already do, as they lose their farms often in droughts, drug/alcohol abuse, and floods.

Sorry what I think disturbs you so.

So no, no actual evidence. Gotcha. ;)

Sorry my asking for evidence is such a difficult thing for you to wrap your head around. :tongue:
The Supreme Court had four dissenting justices, one of whom opined:

Not all the justices were convinced. "In our view, the entire Act before us is invalid in its entirety,” conservative justice Anthony Kennedy – who many court watchers thought would be the swing vote -- wrote in his dissent.

This is also from the National Journal article in my recent post above.
Thank you for that whole lot of nothing.

Nothing in this post provides evidence of your claim. You said this is the highest tax hike in the history of the world. There have been many, many nations over the course of thousands of years. There have been all kinds of taxes. You have neither explained how large this particular tax hike is nor given your evidence that it is larger than any other in the history of the world. :lol:

Trying to push that onto me by saying I can't wrap my head around the 'Affordable Care Act' being the highest tax is deflection. I didn't say this wasn't a tax hike, or that it wasn't a large one. I said your claim, now repeated, that this is the largest tax hike in the history of the world is very bold. It seems more like a bunch of made-up crap, actually, but I was being diplomatic about it. :eusa_whistle: any actual evidence of the claim, or just going to rant a bit more? :popcorn:

EDIT : Oh, and I like that you've moved the goalposts to call it the highest tax hike in the history of the world by a legislative body. :tongue:
As I understand it, it's the highest tax in the history of the world. In the future it will take food off the American family's table, and farmers will not work for nothing, although some of them say they already do, as they lose their farms often in droughts, drug/alcohol abuse, and floods.

Sorry what I think disturbs you so.

So no, no actual evidence. Gotcha. ;)

Sorry my asking for evidence is such a difficult thing for you to wrap your head around. :tongue:
So sorry, Montrovant. I guess I thought you had read the opinions and knew why I said that. My bad. Here you go:

High Court Upholds Health Care Law

The Supreme Court upheld the health care reform law on Thursday in a ruling in which conservative Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the liberal wing and spelled out ways to keep the highly controversial law within the bounds of the Constitution. The ruling vindicates President Obama’s signature domestic policy initiative, even if it doesn’t stop the political debate over the sweeping Affordable Care Act.
The 5-4 ruling lets stand the mandate – the requirement that just about everyone carry health insurance or pay a fine. But the ruling calls the fine a tax, allowing the law to escape arguments that it violates the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.

Josh Mandel says Obamacare will ultimately be 'the biggest tax in history'

Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel joined other Republicans in calling for its repeal, saying the decision "sets the stage for the November election." He identified the law as a pivotal issue in his campaign to unseat incumbent U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown.

Mandel issued a statement on the day of the decision asserting that Brown had voted "for what will likely go down as the biggest tax increase in history."

The highest tax hike in the history of the world? That's a pretty bold claim. ;)
Were you asleep when Justice Roberts had his say on the "Affordable" Health care tax? The entire left was saying :lalala:

Do you think Supreme Court Justice Roberts lied when he said the reason the Supreme Court could NOT rule on the "Affordable" Care Act was because in actuality it was a Federal Tax, which is under the jurisdiction of another branch of government, the Legislative Branch and Congress to be very exact.

Health Care a Tax?

Yep, a tax. That's the opinion of the majority on the Supreme Court, with noted exceptions.

The highest damn tax levied against the "Middle Class" in this free nation's history.

Setting slavery (a 100% tax) aside, yes, it is the highest tax in the history of the world passed by a legislative body.

I'm so sorry people can't wrap their minds around something Congress calls "Affordable" being the highest tax in history.

It has to be because the 30% of American workers who work 40 hours a week or more have to pay a lot for everybody else, some of whom are students or younger, some of whom are retired between the ages of 62 and 110, and some who are totally disabled and unable to hold a job due to their illness.

I reiterate, Nancy Pelosi resided over a Congress who passed the highest nonwar tax in the history of the United States for an item that was considered personal responsibility by the authors of the Constitution--medical expenses due to bad luck and old age, which at that time one saved to cushion the issues that would come when one grew incapable of taking care of himself or herself.

Nobody starved, because those bad church people the highly contentious atheists are pissing and moaning about cooked and took food to the indigent.

Somebody had to break Reagan's old record.
You won't be laughing when the actual bill is taken from your paycheck, if you get one.
This is not the thread's fault that some people decided to take extreme view on things. The truth as usual lies somewhere in between. This is true that neither China nor Russian can match the US one on one. They recognize that. They also recognize that they need to put their differences behind and start co-operation with each other. It is true that Russia and China have fought pitched tank battles but since the invasion of Serbia by NATO forces, there has been an urgency between the two to co-operate. They have been increasing bilateral trade steadily besides this naval drill. Russia and China closed an unprecedented business deal in the sum of $270B about a month or so ago. These business deals take care of two things: a) help Russia's with its cash flow issue b) help fill China's technology gap. It is a mutually beneficial relationship which strengthens both countries.

As far as Chinese base in Mexico is concerned, it does not make much sense because Mexico and US have peaceful border and I do not think Mexico is stupid enough to jeopardize that by allowing Chinese base on its soil. Anyhow, I have yet to see a report from a credible news source to take it seriously.
Russia and China have a defense treaty, similar to the one between the US and NATO.

You fight one, you're gonna get both!

Russia and China have Treaty of Friendship. This treaty is not equivalent to NATO. NATO is a military treaty which obligates all its members to pitch in if one of the members is attacked. Neither Russia nor China have such obligation towards each other. Even NATO members are expected to behave responsibly and cannot take the support of other NATO members for granted as we saw in the 2008 crisis of Russia and Georgia over Ossetia.

Consider this. The Russians and Chinese both see there is a NWO coming here. They also know it is of USA / European design. Why would they settle to "join as members" when they can have it all? All they have to do is takeover. This is chess, gentlemen. They have no emotional attachment to America or Europe. The strategy is exactly as Dumitru Duduman explained it years ago. These communists are plotting against us.

Russia approaches China and says why let them lead this NWO when we can have it all? You seize Taiwan and tear it free of American control / protection and when Obama tries to stop you we will strike the Americans! You can have the land with all the people. We can get the Cubans, North Koreans and Nicaragua to help us. Mexico is the gateway Dumitru said they'd come through. Now there are reports of them based down there and doing military drills? Really??

Russia and China doing the largest military drills ever? Why? What is this building up to? If you say nothing - you are not looking at what they are doing. There is always motive. Theirs is to invade the United States. I believe it will happen. By land, by sea, by air.

We had an Akula Class II Submarine off the coast of Texas last July - Russian - there were two more discovered off coast of Fla during Superstorm Sandy they were allowed port near Kings Bay and that was within a distance they could listen in. Only one reporter caught the story - no one noticed. We are totally unprepared. We've read reports recently of Chinese war ships in waters off Taiwan - alot of angst over Taiwan people claiming independence - this is old business for China and was never settled - with the taking of Taiwan it will be.
This is not the thread's fault that some people decided to take extreme view on things. The truth as usual lies somewhere in between. This is true that neither China nor Russian can match the US one on one. They recognize that. They also recognize that they need to put their differences behind and start co-operation with each other. It is true that Russia and China have fought pitched tank battles but since the invasion of Serbia by NATO forces, there has been an urgency between the two to co-operate. They have been increasing bilateral trade steadily besides this naval drill. Russia and China closed an unprecedented business deal in the sum of $270B about a month or so ago. These business deals take care of two things: a) help Russia's with its cash flow issue b) help fill China's technology gap. It is a mutually beneficial relationship which strengthens both countries.

As far as Chinese base in Mexico is concerned, it does not make much sense because Mexico and US have peaceful border and I do not think Mexico is stupid enough to jeopardize that by allowing Chinese base on its soil. Anyhow, I have yet to see a report from a credible news source to take it seriously.
Russia and China have a defense treaty, similar to the one between the US and NATO.

You fight one, you're gonna get both!

Russia and China have Treaty of Friendship. This treaty is not equivalent to NATO. NATO is a military treaty which obligates all its members to pitch in if one of the members is attacked. Neither Russia nor China have such obligation towards each other. Even NATO members are expected to behave responsibly and cannot take the support of other NATO members for granted as we saw in the 2008 crisis of Russia and Georgia over Ossetia.

Consider this. The Russians and Chinese both see there is a NWO coming here. They also know it is of USA / European design. Why would they settle to "join as members" when they can have it all? All they have to do is takeover. This is chess, gentlemen. They have no emotional attachment to America or Europe. The strategy is exactly as Dumitru Duduman explained it years ago. These communists are plotting against us.

Russia approaches China and says why let them lead this NWO when we can have it all? You seize Taiwan and tear it free of American control / protection and when Obama tries to stop you we will strike the Americans! You can have the land with all the people. We can get the Cubans, North Koreans and Nicaragua to help us. Mexico is the gateway Dumitru said they'd come through. Now there are reports of them based down there and doing military drills? Really??

Russia and China doing the largest military drills ever? Why? What is this building up to? If you say nothing - you are not looking at what they are doing. There is always motive. Theirs is to invade the United States. I believe it will happen. By land, by sea, by air.

We had an Akula Class II Submarine off the coast of Texas last July - Russian - there were two more discovered off coast of Fla during Superstorm Sandy they were allowed port near Kings Bay and that was within a distance they could listen in. Only one reporter caught the story - no one noticed. We are totally unprepared. We've read reports recently of Chinese war ships in waters off Taiwan - alot of angst over Taiwan people claiming independence - this is old business for China and was never settled - with the taking of Taiwan it will be. They have not only thought about doing it. They have decided to do it! Wait and see!

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