China, Russia in largest-ever joint naval drills

Sanghai Co-operation is not a military treaty like Warsaw pact or NATO. These days lots of countries engage in bilateral and multilateral exercises which touch upon topics such as border security, counter terrorism, and fighting extremist and separatist activism. The primary objective of these exercises is to promote trade and commerce between interested parties.

China will not go to war on behalf of Russia and vice versa. Now if the US attacked both Russia and China at the same time then it is quite possible that they may join hands. In the geopolitics, there are no permanent friends or foes.
"You're such a fucking idiot that you can't even be accurate in your racism. Fucking moron."


trust was MUCH quicker to type still has that asian flavor. i coulda went on with the ching-choOOOww, mai-waaaah...........oh please. i really should be speaking FLUENT chinese at this point.

"You really should work on speaking English and not being so much of a fucking douchebag."

A Grazie ! fresha-peppa !
Some of the alarmist posts on this thread reminded me of an essay written by James Kraska. It is called How the United States Lost the Naval War of 2015. It is a very well written essay. I think some of you will like reading it. It is based on a fictional scenario which leads to the sinking of an US aircraft carrier by Chinese.
Oh yeah, exact same situation.... :rolleyes:

Stay in school kid, they need someone to mop the floors and such.
The arrogant and ignorant bravado is the same. Thinking you're more of a bad ass than you really are, is identical. Thinking no one can knock you down. But that ain't reality.

If we're such a bad ass, then how come we can't beat a bunch of hillbilly's with RPG's in Afghanistan? How come we didn't get our way in Iraq, if we're such a bad ass country?

You act like you know, but that's all it is, an act.
Sanghai Co-operation is not a military treaty like Warsaw pact or NATO. These days lots of countries engage in bilateral and multilateral exercises which touch upon topics such as border security, counter terrorism, and fighting extremist and separatist activism. The primary objective of these exercises is to promote trade and commerce between interested parties.

China will not go to war on behalf of Russia and vice versa. Now if the US attacked both Russia and China at the same time then it is quite possible that they may join hands. In the geopolitics, there are no permanent friends or foes.
It's an organization that was created in response to US aggression.

Do the math.
The world wouldn't let the nazis do it in WWII and they won't let the US do it today.

Russia Prepares Armed Forces for Syrian Military Deployment

The units being prepared for an intervention are the 76th Division of airborne forces (an especially experienced unit of the Russian army), the 15th Army Division, as well as special forces from a brigade of the Black Sea fleet, which has a base in the Syrian port of Tartus.

On Monday last week, three Russian warships were sighted off the Syrian coast. An anonymous source from the Russian government told the Iranian newspaper Tehran Times that Moscow wants to show NATO that it will not allow any military operation against Damascus under the guise of a humanitarian mission.
^ I know why Sanghai Cooperation was created.

Russia has plenty of assets to deter the US from active hostility against it. It does not need China for that. What Russia lacks is dollar (literally) and that deficiency is being fixed by trade and commerce with China. China lacks military high tech and is hoping to bridge that gap through purchasing high tech military items and TOT from Russia.

Is fear of the US serving as catalyst for their cooperation? The answer is yes. However, Russian and China have long way to go before they can form NATO like organization against the US. I am not saying that it is an impossibility but we are not there yet.
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^ I know why Sanghai Cooperation was created.

Russia has plenty of assets to deter the US from active hostility against it. It does not need China for that. What Russia lacks is dollar (literally) and that deficiency is being fixed by trade and commerce with China. China lacks military high tech and is hoping to bridge that gap through purchasing high tech military items and TOT from Russia.

Is fear of the US serving as catalyst for their cooperation? The answer is yes. However, Russian and China have long way to go before they can form NATO like organization against the US. I am not saying that it is an impossibility but we are not there yet.
And my point is that US aggression on that side of the planet is forcing their hand.

That's all I'm saying.
"Stay in school kid, they need someone to mop the floors and such."

i dunno, in life, not everyone has the ....capacity to become: a doctor, an astrophysicist....nypd commissioner...etc. people work a these jobs because....well, who's gonna mop the hallway floors or take out the garbage of that school your kid goes to. there needs to be someone to do these types of jobs you stupid .... .... rag....

don't make fun of ANYONE who works holds a position such as that. THEY DO WHAT THEY HAVE TO DO to earn a living. Trust me, there's more HUMBLE, down-to-earth people who work at such jobs than rotted PEOPLE that positions "and such."

fly away now....
That was harsh and unnecessary.
And it's not news, either.

That's his MO. That's how he prefers to communicate with others.

But part of it is my fault. Sometimes when I see him being a real jerk in one of his posts, I have this twisted urge to show him I'm a bigger asshole than he is, so I'm deliberately being mean.
China's defense ministry said on Tuesday that its navy will send four destroyers, two guided missile frigates, and a support ship for the " Joint Sea-2013" exercises.

Four destroyers and two frigates!!!!


Add an Egg Roll and you get the $6.99 lunch special.

Are you people seriously threatened?
China's defense ministry said on Tuesday that its navy will send four destroyers, two guided missile frigates, and a support ship for the " Joint Sea-2013" exercises.

Four destroyers and two frigates!!!!


Add an Egg Roll and you get the $6.99 lunch special.

Are you people seriously threatened?
It's not a threat, it's a warning.
China's defense ministry said on Tuesday that its navy will send four destroyers, two guided missile frigates, and a support ship for the " Joint Sea-2013" exercises.

Four destroyers and two frigates!!!!


Add an Egg Roll and you get the $6.99 lunch special.

Are you people seriously threatened?
It's not a threat, it's a warning.

A warning that they might have twice as many frigates!!!



The Sky is Falling.
"Stay in school kid, they need someone to mop the floors and such."

i dunno, in life, not everyone has the ....capacity to become: a doctor, an astrophysicist....nypd commissioner...etc. people work a these jobs because....well, who's gonna mop the hallway floors or take out the garbage of that school your kid goes to. there needs to be someone to do these types of jobs you stupid .... .... rag....

don't make fun of ANYONE who works holds a position such as that. THEY DO WHAT THEY HAVE TO DO to earn a living. Trust me, there's more HUMBLE, down-to-earth people who work at such jobs than rotted PEOPLE that positions "and such."

fly away now....

If you want Billo Bagoshit to feel better about himself, send him some flowers and then tell him to stop being such a fucking hysterical idiot.
If we're such a bad ass, then how come we can't beat a bunch of hillbilly's with RPG's in Afghanistan? How come we didn't get our way in Iraq, if we're such a bad ass country?

We destroyed the government and military in both those countries in very short order, you moron.

You know what? Forget the mop. You clearly aren't sharp enough to know which end to use (for cleaning purposes, that is...)

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