China, Russia in largest-ever joint naval drills

No. Seriously, I don't.
We have over a 1000 bases around the world and for the last 10 years, we've been going from country to country attacking sovereign nations over bullshit reasons. And now we're starting to zero in on country's that are in Russia's sphere of influence with Syria and Iran. We're putting missles in Poland and are now talking about doing military exercises in the South China Sea. When you add all this up from their point of view, it looks like we're getting ready to attack them.
I hope I'm not. I'm glad you mentioned the 1000 bases our military are spread out across the world on. Because they are not here. I'm wondering if like Canada we have less American troops on our own soil then Chinese, Russian and German troops. I would not be surprised to learn of it. We are like sitting ducks here.

If it were up to me ALL our soldiers would be called home IMMEDIATELY. - Jeri
I didn't know we were planning military exercises in the South China Sea. I'll have to read up on that. Thanks.
Bingo. Same goes for Iran. Iran and Russia have the grand design treaty. Same deal.

China and Russia are both thick as thieves right now.

You seem to be ignorant of the long and intense animosity that exists between Russia and the PRC. They'll put on a show because they know we have a weak President right now, but both countries need us and despise each other waaaaaaaaaaay too much to really put their necks on the line for each other against us. And neither country is stupid enough to watch their militaries be annihilated on a fool's errand. China wants to look strong, Russia needs to feel strong, but they both know they can achieve that well short of any ridiculous invasion scheme perspired out of the open pores of some conspiracy nut on an internet forum.
Anyone who cannot see the Russians and Chinese are planning an invasion on the USA must be blind. It is right before us here. How is it possible not to be capable of the understanding the obvious?!

I do not think Russia is planning anything sinister but I am not so sure about China.
You seem to be ignorant of the long and intense animosity that exists between Russia and the PRC. They'll put on a show because they know we have a weak President right now, but both countries need us and despise each other waaaaaaaaaaay too much to really put their necks on the line for each other against us. And neither country is stupid enough to watch their militaries be annihilated on a fool's errand. China wants to look strong, Russia needs to feel strong, but they both know they can achieve that well short of any ridiculous invasion scheme perspired out of the open pores of some conspiracy nut on an internet forum.
China and Russia have a defense treaty and together, they can barbacue this country from coast to coast.
You seem to be ignorant of the long and intense animosity that exists between Russia and the PRC. They'll put on a show because they know we have a weak President right now, but both countries need us and despise each other waaaaaaaaaaay too much to really put their necks on the line for each other against us. And neither country is stupid enough to watch their militaries be annihilated on a fool's errand. China wants to look strong, Russia needs to feel strong, but they both know they can achieve that well short of any ridiculous invasion scheme perspired out of the open pores of some conspiracy nut on an internet forum.
China and Russia have a defense treaty and together, they can barbacue this country from coast to coast.

I have to agree with you. I don't know where Unkotare comes up America having superior power over Russia or China. Militarily we have never been in worse shape. We are in economic dire straits, financially we are ruined, strategically we are in very bad position, we wouldn't stand a chance. That is the reality of the situation as it stands. Our soldiers that were born in America are all in different countries. Our bases are full of foreign soldiers. We are not in a good position at all to be telling Russia and China what they need to be doing. Much less Syria or Egypt.

It's a bad situation. Russia & China are not doing these type drills for their health. I'm not buying it. Chinese base in Mexico with 60,000 Chinese down there - on the google map, training with Russians and Cubans out in the desert according to the locals? I don't think we are facing reality here, folks.
Keep joking, Unkotare. They are training for the future invasion of the USA. You've got a Chinese base in Mexico - 60,000 troops - ( google maps confirmed the location as well as locals ) training with Russians and other S. American troops right now. Recently they have been seen by eye witnesses doing training exercises in the desert and along the border..

Add to this you've got more Russian, Chinese and German troops on Canadian soil than Canadian soldiers, Ditto for Alaska..

Very troubling situation. I don't believe America has much time left now. - Jeri
China has 60,000 troops in this hemisphere while the Pieces of Eight gang tear down borders?
I have to agree with you. I don't know where Unkotare comes up America having superior power over Russia or China. Militarily we have never been in worse shape. We are in economic dire straits, financially we are ruined, strategically we are in very bad position, we wouldn't stand a chance. That is the reality of the situation as it stands. Our soldiers that were born in America are all in different countries. Our bases are full of foreign soldiers. We are not in a good position at all to be telling Russia and China what they need to be doing. Much less Syria or Egypt.

It's a bad situation. Russia & China are not doing these type drills for their health. I'm not buying it. Chinese base in Mexico with 60,000 Chinese down there - on the google map, training with Russians and Cubans out in the desert according to the locals? I don't think we are facing reality here, folks.
If we lock horns with Russia, it will be the end of all life on planet earth.

At least with China, they will have to decide on whether to bomb their own property or not. They own about a 3rd of this country. In fact, they have so much stock in the US, that I sometimes wonder, "Does the United States even exist anymore? Or are we just the collective sum of Pacific Rim portfolio's?"
"Bingo. Same goes for Iran. Iran and Russia have the grand design treaty. Same deal. "China and Russia are both thick as thieves right now."

"They're doing the same thing we do."

Behind the controls though, i feel....a litttttttttle different mindset. where's Your location again: “Long Beach CaliforNI-a" ….

And I don’t have to physically live in Russia or china to KNOW…………….. THE MINDSET of "them."

Is that why the Russians and Chinese ( with help of South Americans and Cubans ) are planning this invasion on the USA? Because of Iraq and Afghanistan?

What evidence is there of a proposed invasion of the US by China, Mexico, Cuba and miscellaneous South American regimes from Mexico? I can think of very little more ridiculous unless you want to predict a Mexican takeover of Texas? Is this a lead in for another rw demand for higher defence budgets? Any D-Day dates in the rumor mill?

I don't know where Unkotare comes up America having superior power over Russia or China. .

I come up with it in the real world where our military strength and technology is still decades ahead of both of their combined. Russia knows it, China knows it, but hysterical lefties like you who desperately want to think the worst of America don't want to know it. Any such idiotic scheme would set both their militaries back at least 50 years, and neither country would ever take seriously the delusions of some Anti-American conspiracy nut like you. Russia wants to look tough and knows our weak President gives them the perfect opportunity. China is thinking 100 years ahead but isn't stupid right now. You are just a stone-cold idiot.
Btw, I'm glad to see this thread was moved to the Looney Bin where it belongs.
If we lock horns with Russia, it will be the end of all life on planet earth.

At least with China, they will have to decide on whether to bomb their own property or not. They own about a 3rd of this country.

Why do you think Russians are stupid? Listen up Junior, they are not. And China does not "own" 1/3 of this country, but they, unlike you, understand economics.

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