China suggests it might declare war aginst America

the chicoms already have a communist insurgent army here !! theyre called democrats !
And, big Tech! We are being assaulted on so many Chicom fronts already, it almost looks like a surrender!
Fu Manchu and Charlie Chan are both out to get you!
Typical pro Commie Chink comment.
Charlie Chan shake head. Fu Manchu laugh.
Confucius say you dumber than dead duck
hanging in restaurant window.
the chicoms already have a communist insurgent army here !! theyre called democrats !
And, big Tech! We are being assaulted on so many Chicom fronts already, it almost looks like a surrender!
Fu Manchu and Charlie Chan are both out to get you!
Typical pro Commie Chink comment.
Charlie Chan shake head. Fu Manchu laugh.
Confucius say you dumber than dead duck
hanging in restaurant window.

Confucious also say, that man who stick's dick in tailpipe of car, get hot rod.
This be you.
... When they take an economic interest in a 3rd world country they move hundreds of thousands of Chinese in to do the work. ...

That would be the economic expansion I mentioned. Those third-world countries are now having second thoughts about the Faustian bargain they made, and it's going to get worse. This, combined with the shift in global manufacturing, is going to set back Xi's long-term plans to a significant degree.
We'll see what happens when those countries try to take back what they gave the Chinese.
Yes we will. There is precedent.
its a shame that the retarded leaders of china dont take a vacation off the mainland...they would be shot immediatly...scare tactics in hong aint to late for them if they start shooting the commies one by one...but back to the cowardly leaders... bring it on you fucking retards...waitng on your response!!!!chicken shit assholes
China's navy is a joke.

You should study naval warfare capabilities. After a career in electronic warfare in the Navy that required me to be an expert in naval warfare capabilities of potential adversaries, I have maintained that interest.

The article has an interesting shortcoming of the Chinese submarines: they're all diesel... Except that's not a shortcoming at all when it comes to killing our aircraft carriers. Diesel boats are dead silent and a Chinese model successfully penetrated our anti-submarine defenses as far back as 2007, popping up in the middle of a carrier task force.

Diesel subs are limited in range at 14k miles where a nuke sub only has to come back for supplies.
While diesel electrics are quiet they have to refuel and surface at some point which makes them vulnerable along with their refueling tankers.
And you can bet we know where those points will be.

I gave you the link about the Chinese diesel sub that surfaced in the middle of a carrier task force. Your love for America and your patriotism are commendable but they lead you to assumptions that just aren't based in reality.

You realize that Shanghai is only 6100 miles from San Francisco, right? And, though it is not a straight line route, carrier hunting is far easier than sub hunting. You also realize, I hope, that our carriers are no threat at all to China until they're within about 700 miles of China.

I'll give you one point - their Navy is not as strong, relative to our current Navy, as Japan's was, relative to our 1941 Navy. Even so, they could wreak deadly havoc on us today. Imagine what 10 more years will give them.


Interestingly, China is working hard to increase their amphibious fleet and landing crafts. There's not much worry that they could deploy enough men to the United States to be a big problem during a war (but afterwards it could be different if we lost the war or Biden surrendered). The only purpose of an amphibious fleet is to take land. China is clearly preparing for landing somewhere and it's not the United States. The rest of the South Pacific is their target - perhaps even Australia. When the Chinese attack the Philippines, Malaysia, or Indonesia, do we sit and do nothing?

What about their new navy base in Djibouti?

They're also building a port in Myanmar (linked in the above page). As they expand into the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, they don't have far to go to get to our carriers; we bring them right to the Chinese.

It's naive to think that even the biggest and meanest kid on the block can't get whipped by someone who plans and waits for the right time and conditions.
Again...China's navy is a joke compared to the US Navy.
The thing that would be interesting if war were to break out between us is what theater would it take place in?
No way in hell would we allow China to sail all the way to our shores,and they'd put up a hell of a fight to stop us from doing the same.
We could actually get there but then you'd have billions of chinese to contend with.
But then they'd starve to death in any protracted war.

I really appreciate your American pride and patriotism but you really don't know this topic. Even in WWII, the US lost 350 ships but we were able to build about a thousand new warships and 1500+ Liberty cargo ships during the 4 years of WWII. We can't do that today; we don't have the manufacturing capacity or the raw material capacity - we gave all of that to China.

If we struck first, it would be devastating to our Navy but we could eliminate theirs. But they could rebuild. If they strike first, they would be devastating to our Navy - but we couldn't rebuild in any short time.

Our only military hope against China would be a naval first-strike followed by a nuclear first strike - or vice versa

You cant compare WW2 with Japan to war with China.
Japan had a badass navy at the time compared to the US.
We ramped up steel production amidst war time needs. Do you remember the huge drive to recycle steel?
We can do the same now.Yes it would take some time but we could do it if our countries survival depended on it.
I'm a strong proponent of bringing back all war related manufacturing back to America as well as medical research and production.
If we dont,I agree we're fucked.
We can do this again if needed

I never said we were fucked. I don't think we're fucked. But we'd better start today to think more strategically in this country and to understand that there are enemies in the world. We're going to war with China. The only thing that will stop it is if we hugely increase our readiness for war and/or the Chinese people overthrow their government. Or we abandon our friends in te PI, Malaysia, or Singapore.
We're going to war with China. The only thing that will stop it is if we hugely increase our readiness for war and/or the Chinese people overthrow their government. Or we abandon our friends in te PI, Malaysia, or Singapore.
Just what our bankrupt and Internally divided country needs ... a Great War and trillions more for our Military Industrial Complex!!!

All this enthusing for more heavily armed policing at home, more overseas military adventures ... is self-destructive obsession. It serves only our own ruling class interests, and maybe not even them.

Ask Malaysian and Singapore leaders what they think about the China-U.S. Cold War and prospects for a hot one — you will get surprising and enlightening answers. China is no democracy and its leadership can be remarkably heavy handed with Muslim minorities and dissidents, but it does not want war and it is not trying to spread any ideology. It is not out to “rule the world.” The chance for further reform in China, or even democratic “revolution,” is profoundly harmed by U.S. military threats, economic bullying, sanctions and boycotts. China feels threatened and has a right to strengthen itself against a potentially dangerous and irrational U.S.A.

The U.S. will also be harmed by its now exaggerated sense of “the China threat,” and its reactions must be carefully and appropriately targeted. In fact the U.S. instinctual reaction in many cases (not just toward China) is the product of power unwilling to share the world’s wealth fairly with new producers of that wealth, with people without stocks and investments, whether they live here or overseas. Call it “liberal” or “neo-conservative” — it is still imperialism, capitalism. Not the good kind we read about in books, either. Americans who are frustrated, who scapegoat even their fellow citizens, who don’t trust even their own political parties, their own elites, their own minorities ... even less clearly see the rest of the world.
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China's navy is a joke.

You should study naval warfare capabilities. After a career in electronic warfare in the Navy that required me to be an expert in naval warfare capabilities of potential adversaries, I have maintained that interest.

The article has an interesting shortcoming of the Chinese submarines: they're all diesel... Except that's not a shortcoming at all when it comes to killing our aircraft carriers. Diesel boats are dead silent and a Chinese model successfully penetrated our anti-submarine defenses as far back as 2007, popping up in the middle of a carrier task force.

Diesel subs are limited in range at 14k miles where a nuke sub only has to come back for supplies.
While diesel electrics are quiet they have to refuel and surface at some point which makes them vulnerable along with their refueling tankers.
And you can bet we know where those points will be.

I gave you the link about the Chinese diesel sub that surfaced in the middle of a carrier task force. Your love for America and your patriotism are commendable but they lead you to assumptions that just aren't based in reality.

You realize that Shanghai is only 6100 miles from San Francisco, right? And, though it is not a straight line route, carrier hunting is far easier than sub hunting. You also realize, I hope, that our carriers are no threat at all to China until they're within about 700 miles of China.

I'll give you one point - their Navy is not as strong, relative to our current Navy, as Japan's was, relative to our 1941 Navy. Even so, they could wreak deadly havoc on us today. Imagine what 10 more years will give them.


Interestingly, China is working hard to increase their amphibious fleet and landing crafts. There's not much worry that they could deploy enough men to the United States to be a big problem during a war (but afterwards it could be different if we lost the war or Biden surrendered). The only purpose of an amphibious fleet is to take land. China is clearly preparing for landing somewhere and it's not the United States. The rest of the South Pacific is their target - perhaps even Australia. When the Chinese attack the Philippines, Malaysia, or Indonesia, do we sit and do nothing?

What about their new navy base in Djibouti?

They're also building a port in Myanmar (linked in the above page). As they expand into the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, they don't have far to go to get to our carriers; we bring them right to the Chinese.

It's naive to think that even the biggest and meanest kid on the block can't get whipped by someone who plans and waits for the right time and conditions.

Wars are not always fought with weapons.
We need to hamstring their economy denying them the money needed to expand their military.
Something is going to have to give in the near future or there will be war.
We're going to war with China. The only thing that will stop it is if we hugely increase our readiness for war and/or the Chinese people overthrow their government. Or we abandon our friends in te PI, Malaysia, or Singapore.
Just what our bankrupt and Internally divided country needs ... a Great War and trillions more for our Military Industrial Complex!!!

All this enthusing for more heavily armed policing at home, more overseas military adventures ... is self-destructive obsession. It serves only our own ruling class interests, and maybe not even them.

Ask Malaysian and Singapore leaders what they think about the China-U.S. Cold War and prospects for a hot one — you will get surprising and enlightening answers. China is no democracy and its leadership can be remarkably heavy handed with minorities and dissidents, but it does not want war and it is not trying to spread any ideology. It is not out to “rule the world.” The chance for further reform in China, or even democratic “revolution,” is profoundly harmed by U.S. military threats, economic bullying, sanctions and boycotts. China feels threatened and has a right to strengthen itself against a potentially dangerous and irrational U.S.A.

The U.S. will also be harmed by its now exaggerated sense of “the China threat,” and its reactions must be carefully and appropriately targeted. In fact our government’s instinctual military reactions in many cases (not just toward China) are products of an imperial power unwilling to share the world’s wealth fairly with the produces of that wealth, whether they are domestic or overseas. Call it “liberal” or “neo-conservative” or “populist” — it is still imperialism, capitalism. Not the good kind we read about in books, either. Americans who are frustrated and scapegoat even their fellow citizens, who don’t trust even their own political parties, their own elites, their own minorities ... even less clearly see the rest of the world.

You REALLY ARE more Pro-Commie China than I originally thought!

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