China Threatens Real War at Any Time.

You Americans are ignorantly campaigning for a show of strength against China and Russia,
Canada has boots on the ground in Ukraine, moron. I've showed you this before and you choose to ignore it, duck. You keep focusing your venom on the US like a spoiled little brother while your country is actually doing what you accuse the US of doing as a member of NATO.
You Americans are ignorantly campaigning for a show of strength against China and Russia, but the brainwashing you've been subjected to is cancelling out rational thinking on the MAD threat. Pull in your fkng horns befor NYC is a smoking glass parking lot.
Making NYC a smoking glass parking lot would be a big improvement. Just have more busses loaded with invaders drop off their cargo first.

Show of strength! We no longer have strength. We have an army of the perpetually aggrieved. Try telling the Chinese that black lives matter.
Hell, Sen. Feinstein, D-CA, had a CCP spy in her inner circle for years and more recently Eric Swalwell's D-CA, little foray with confirmed CCP spy, Christine Fang.
Something worth note for a change. It's highly suspected that even Obama's 'Red Line' speech on Syria's imagined WMD's was treasonous against America's cause of using the phony WMD excuse again against Assad's Syria. If you don't understand then ask for details when i'm not busy.

Democrats could quite conceivably be working behind the scenes for the cause of peace with both China and Russia.

However, I suspect the facts are showing that the Dems are the party that is leading the world closer to nuclear war. For reasons known to both of us, Trump has become the safest choice for the future of the world. Who would have ever thought??
Hell, Sen. Feinstein, D-CA, had a CCP spy in her inner circle for years and more recently Eric Swalwell's D-CA, little foray with confirmed CCP spy, Christine Fang. Sure, there are no imperialistic motives to what China is doing. Not to mention their imperialist moves on Panama and the South China Sea. BTW, why are they buying huge swaths of ND just outside of a SAC AFB where they are prohibited from farming. We won't even talk about their motives in Africa.
Spot on. China has positioned itself to dominate the world economically by buying up all the mines that produce the metals necessary for building EV car batteries. America's Green Energy Agenda is the primary enabler for China to produce 90% of the car batteries and the rest of the world forced to pay whatever price they want.
China want peaceful means but want to invade Taiwan and has border conflicts with India…

Tell more lies for your Government that you love…
Canada is cooperating with America's (not Nato's) aggression toward Russia and our government has accepted the false pretense of aiding the Ukraine.

I'm completely in disagreement with my government's stance!

But at the same time, i fully understand that the Conservatives would be much, much worse on cooperation with US military aggression.

I don't take the side of Russia and China, I take the side of peace and against American aggression.

I don't waffle on my feelings and I never will!
phony WMD excuse again against Assad's Syria.
WRONG AGAIN, duck. You really need to read a wider variety of sources. Your CCP and Russian mouthpieces are doing you a disservice. Well, maybe all the blame can't be put on your sources. You are at fault for your inability to discern truth from fiction.
I fight with China?
You're getting too far ahead of the developing situation. It's more likely that America will claim that Pelosi's visit was a victory, and then withdraw from the gathering storm it's created.

The resolve of both Russia and China is clad in iron. They both understand that there is no possibility for peaceful coexistence when America is involved.
Then bring it on Quisling dear.
Canada is cooperating with America's (not Nato's) aggression
You just can't help yourself when it comes to exhibiting your stupidity, duck. Canada is on the ground in Ukraine due to their treaty with NATO. The US is also a party to NATO, but that is as far as it goes--except the US pays the bills because deadbeats like Canada don't pay their own way.
Spot on. China has positioned itself to dominate the world economically by buying up all the mines that produce the metals necessary for building EV car batteries. America's Green Energy Agenda is the primary enabler for China to produce 90% of the car batteries and the rest of the world forced to pay whatever price they want.
Spot on Mike! Peaceful means are paving the way for China.
And fwiw, that included Russia before they were forced to react with force against US led expansion eastward.

You and the pissant are only whining now against the obvious facts of China not treading water. You can look forward to China's show of force on Taiwan, in order to protect it's interests. America will want to call that aggression by China if it ever happens!
Peaceful? Ok I suppose lying, cheating, stealing, intimidating and exploiting could be characterized as "peaceful" since they aren't using their military.
You've got the talking points right, through experience of your own country's conduct in the years since the end of WW2.

And now you're only whining and complaining when China resorts to the same tactics.

But you still can't claim military aggression on the part of China and that leaves you and the pissant flatfooted.

Keep the cards and letters coming Mike! You two are burying yourself in confusion, trying to find points on which we can disagree.
However, I suspect the facts are showing that the Dems are the party that is leading the world closer to nuclear war. For reasons known to both of us, Trump has become the safest choice for the future of the world. Who would have ever thought??
What was that you said about waffling, duck? Now you are a Trump fan? HaHaHa. That's rich after the last two years of your posts showing your TDS.
trying to find points on which we can disagree.
Don't kid yourself, duck. You are delusional if you even entertain the idea that I am attempting to find a point that we agree on. I don't tolerate morons. Go back to school and pay attention this time.
Then bring it on Quisling dear.
If you're going to take part you need to face up to the challenge with some substance and grown up behaviour. Something that has been consistently missing from your trolling and spamming of the Trumper lowlife.
And so is everybody finished so soon?

China only threatens so far and would much more prefer to not get involved in a war to protect its interests on Taiwan. The fact of the matter is that China will tolerate the existing situation for years to come if the US doesn't further escalate tensions.

However, there's little denying that China is demonstrating their strong resolve!

The current situation was inevlitlbly going to erupt for China on account of America coming to the understanding that the opportunity for it's pnac agenda diminishes every day.

Let's all hope that lessons have been learned over Pelosi's (America's) challenging China!

Fwiw, we already know that half of Americans were vocal on condemning Pelosi's moves. Domestic policy is definitely clashing with US aggressive foreign policy!
Pissant, I might have time for you now if you have any rational questions you want answered. More childish shit from your nose won't be tolerated, as i have demonstrated.
Peaceful? Ok I suppose lying, cheating, stealing, intimidating and exploiting could be characterized as "peaceful" since they aren't using their military.
Relatively and comparitively speaking, yes, if China's behaviour can be characterized that way?

Do any Americans have the credibility to condemn any other nation?

Does America even attempt lying, cheating, stealing, intimidating and exploiting before turning to bombing of the victim country's civilian population?

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