Chinese Communist Party burning virus victims while they are still alive

The CCP has been decieving the western world since its very beginning.....and is still doing it.

And our illustrious rulers decived us, … murderously. Point?
Just to be clear you are stating that President Trump is equivalent to Xi Jinping, correct?
Wow I hope that isn't true but nothing that regime does would surprise me. Ugh.
I believe every word of it, particularly as we now know what a huge draw the worst cases are on hospital resources, and to think the best response to CCP's international atrocity from the US federal leviathan to these savages to date is a few republican's calling for an investigation into the WHO! The WHO and all of its top echelon staff teamed up with CCP and intentionally pulled wool over CDC/NIH eyes about the scale and threat of this! They have committed crimes against humanity and both require incineration of their own, both need to be extincted!

Settle down war-monger boy. :itsok:
Dear God, do the math! It doesn't matter whether the bug got loose from lab intentionally or not, ditto for the ludicrous wet market story, what matters is what they did once they ascertained just what it was, what it was capable of, and how virulent(contagious).

The only question is what did they do once they knew, and we know absent shred of doubt what they did, they subjugated the doctors who attempted to warn the planet of the scale of the threat, they compelled their WHO moles to intentionally mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth, CDC & NIH into thinking as late as January 14th that the bug could not transmit itself human to human, all the while in Wuhan they were taking extraordinary steps, including burning them alive!

China had two choices, do the right thing and alert the planet, or commit to it, we know exactly what they chose to do, they committed to it! Wake up and see the truth before blinded eye, they have committed an international atrocity, and they are in effect at war and we need to respond, dear God they have brought the United States to its knees, wake the hell up and ditch the stupid PC which infests your mind....
Shut yo goofy ass up...

aint nobody going to war with China you moron
Wow I hope that isn't true but nothing that regime does would surprise me. Ugh.
I believe every word of it, particularly as we now know what a huge draw the worst cases are on hospital resources, and to think the best response to CCP's international atrocity from the US federal leviathan to these savages to date is a few republican's calling for an investigation into the WHO! The WHO and all of its top echelon staff teamed up with CCP and intentionally pulled wool over CDC/NIH eyes about the scale and threat of this! They have committed crimes against humanity and both require incineration of their own, both need to be extincted!

Settle down war-monger boy. :itsok:
Dear God, do the math! It doesn't matter whether the bug got loose from lab intentionally or not, ditto for the ludicrous wet market story, what matters is what they did once they ascertained just what it was, what it was capable of, and how virulent(contagious).

The only question is what did they do once they knew, and we know absent shred of doubt what they did, they subjugated the doctors who attempted to warn the planet of the scale of the threat, they compelled their WHO moles to intentionally mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth, CDC & NIH into thinking as late as January 14th that the bug could not transmit itself human to human, all the while in Wuhan they were taking extraordinary steps, including burning them alive!

China had two choices, do the right thing and alert the planet, or commit to it, we know exactly what they chose to do, they committed to it! Wake up and see the truth before blinded eye, they have committed an international atrocity, and they are in effect at war and we need to respond, dear God they have brought the United States to its knees, wake the hell up and ditch the stupid PC which infests your mind....
Shut yo goofy ass up...

aint nobody going to war with China you moron
Moron? Your's is the IQ running at room temp, we are at war, so fucked are you by the democratic party and its hate machine, both of which are totally beholding to the CCP, all you can muster at this late and obvious stage is more of same? You're the fucking moron, so stupid are you, and the legions of idiots just like you, that you cannot see truth as it slaps stupid face repeatedly!

This person I am responding to is an idiot, those who read my reply from here, the words are for you, not this tool of the CCP and democratic party hate machine. China perpetrated the greatest attack upon the United States in its history, such is totally beyond dispute and they have succeeded in bringing the USA to its knees, their actions alone are an act of open, barbaric warfare, and what were those actions? Whether the virus leaked from their lab or not is of no relevance whatsoever anymore, the only question is what did the do once they knew what was loose????

They ordered the WHO to mislead the CDC/NIH which directly served to mislead the president and his administration into believing the virus incapable of human to human transmission and they maintained that lie until the 14th of January, until it was to late for the USA to stop it! What that means is this, of the two choices facing the CCP(assuming it was an accident)were either do the right thing and warn the USA and thus the world, or not to warn anyone, to commit to it!

It is irrefutable that they chose to commit to it, all CCP actions demonstrate conclusively that they chose to commit to a path of allowing the virus to target their enemy, the USA! The CCP organ, the WHO, deliberately mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth so as to retard the response of the United States, this is irrefutable, and while WHO was doing that bit of warfare on behalf of the CCP, the CCP was quietly buying up all of the medical supplies on earth, even as China continued to lead the entire world in their manufacture!

Two conclusions are easily arrived at from this, first they were clearly endeavoring to deny the enemy aid and comfort, and secondly they were cornering the market, or attempting to do so! Pay close attention to this, Italy, which joined in with the Chinese controlled democratic party of the USA, and attacked the initial United States response as racist for shutting down travel into the USA from China, donated a boatload(literally)of medical supplies to the CCP as Wuhan was in the throes of covid-19, mind you they donated it to the far wealthier China. Do you know what China then did to Italy as the Italians were crushed under the assualt of covid-19? China offered Italy their donations back, but only if Italy purchased them back!

We are at war, wake the fuck up or just shut the fuck up....
The CCP has been decieving the western world since its very beginning.....and is still doing it.

And our illustrious rulers decived us, … murderously. Point?
Thats not a very good defense of the communist dictatorship

you can do better than that
Wow I hope that isn't true but nothing that regime does would surprise me. Ugh.
I believe every word of it, particularly as we now know what a huge draw the worst cases are on hospital resources, and to think the best response to CCP's international atrocity from the US federal leviathan to these savages to date is a few republican's calling for an investigation into the WHO! The WHO and all of its top echelon staff teamed up with CCP and intentionally pulled wool over CDC/NIH eyes about the scale and threat of this! They have committed crimes against humanity and both require incineration of their own, both need to be extincted!

Settle down war-monger boy. :itsok:
Dear God, do the math! It doesn't matter whether the bug got loose from lab intentionally or not, ditto for the ludicrous wet market story, what matters is what they did once they ascertained just what it was, what it was capable of, and how virulent(contagious).

The only question is what did they do once they knew, and we know absent shred of doubt what they did, they subjugated the doctors who attempted to warn the planet of the scale of the threat, they compelled their WHO moles to intentionally mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth, CDC & NIH into thinking as late as January 14th that the bug could not transmit itself human to human, all the while in Wuhan they were taking extraordinary steps, including burning them alive!

China had two choices, do the right thing and alert the planet, or commit to it, we know exactly what they chose to do, they committed to it! Wake up and see the truth before blinded eye, they have committed an international atrocity, and they are in effect at war and we need to respond, dear God they have brought the United States to its knees, wake the hell up and ditch the stupid PC which infests your mind....
Shut yo goofy ass up...

aint nobody going to war with China you moron
Moron? Your's is the IQ running at room temp, we are at war, so fucked are you by the democratic party and its hate machine, both of which are totally beholding to the CCP, all you can muster at this late and obvious stage is more of same? You're the fucking moron, so stupid are you, and the legions of idiots just like you, that you cannot see truth as it slaps stupid face repeatedly!

This person I am responding to is an idiot, those who read my reply from here, the words are for you, not this tool of the CCP and democratic party hate machine. China perpetrated the greatest attack upon the United States in its history, such is totally beyond dispute and they have succeeded in bringing the USA to its knees, their actions alone are an act of open, barbaric warfare, and what were those actions? Whether the virus leaked from their lab or not is of no relevance whatsoever anymore, the only question is what did the do once they knew what was loose????

They ordered the WHO to mislead the CDC/NIH which directly served to mislead the president and his administration into believing the virus incapable of human to human transmission and they maintained that lie until the 14th of January, until it was to late for the USA to stop it! What that means is this, of the two choices facing the CCP(assuming it was an accident)were either do the right thing and warn the USA and thus the world, or not to warn anyone, to commit to it!

It is irrefutable that they chose to commit to it, all CCP actions demonstrate conclusively that they chose to commit to a path of allowing the virus to target their enemy, the USA! The CCP organ, the WHO, deliberately mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth so as to retard the response of the United States, this is irrefutable, and while WHO was doing that bit of warfare on behalf of the CCP, the CCP was quietly buying up all of the medical supplies on earth, even as China continued to lead the entire world in their manufacture!

Two conclusions are easily arrived at from this, first they were clearly endeavoring to deny the enemy aid and comfort, and secondly they were cornering the market, or attempting to do so! Pay close attention to this, Italy, which joined in with the Chinese controlled democratic party of the USA, and attacked the initial United States response as racist for shutting down travel into the USA from China, donated a boatload(literally)of medical supplies to the CCP as Wuhan was in the throes of covid-19, mind you they donated it to the far wealthier China. Do you know what China then did to Italy as the Italians were crushed under the assualt of covid-19? China offered Italy their donations back, but only if Italy purchased them back!

We are at war, wake the fuck up or just shut the fuck up....

And another that has no clue as to what war is, this time from the right side of the aisle.

China will be missing all those glorious American Dollars pumping into their economy. Probably why they downplayed the virus.

The shutdown is what will hurt America and China and the world.

It won't affect Bill Gates much, though.
The CCP has been decieving the western world since its very beginning.....and is still doing it.

Leftists in America would do the same if they could get away with it.

They'd claim all Boomers and elderly have the virus and kill them all.

Our govt made that calculation, yes. And they decided some of us were good to go down.

Is it any different than Governors refusing to use HCQ and Erythromycin to treat patients infected with Wuhan Covid-19.

Who hates big govt? Who needs medicine or science? Don has a hunch. Don's hunch was COVID-19 was nothing. Don has a new hunch now? He should stick to hunching the flag and Ivanka.
China is big government. The problem with agendas is the human experience does not stand still. Progs use people then move to the next issue. Most of their agendas designed to improve things have nasty flaws.
Well, yeah. You can't kill them first. That'd be murder.
There is a thing called self defense and if the instigator(s) is killed in the process, oh well. If they had just kept to themselves, they themselves would still be here.

God bless you and the true victims always!!!

Wow I hope that isn't true but nothing that regime does would surprise me. Ugh.
I believe every word of it, particularly as we now know what a huge draw the worst cases are on hospital resources, and to think the best response to CCP's international atrocity from the US federal leviathan to these savages to date is a few republican's calling for an investigation into the WHO! The WHO and all of its top echelon staff teamed up with CCP and intentionally pulled wool over CDC/NIH eyes about the scale and threat of this! They have committed crimes against humanity and both require incineration of their own, both need to be extincted!

Settle down war-monger boy. :itsok:
Dear God, do the math! It doesn't matter whether the bug got loose from lab intentionally or not, ditto for the ludicrous wet market story, what matters is what they did once they ascertained just what it was, what it was capable of, and how virulent(contagious).

The only question is what did they do once they knew, and we know absent shred of doubt what they did, they subjugated the doctors who attempted to warn the planet of the scale of the threat, they compelled their WHO moles to intentionally mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth, CDC & NIH into thinking as late as January 14th that the bug could not transmit itself human to human, all the while in Wuhan they were taking extraordinary steps, including burning them alive!

China had two choices, do the right thing and alert the planet, or commit to it, we know exactly what they chose to do, they committed to it! Wake up and see the truth before blinded eye, they have committed an international atrocity, and they are in effect at war and we need to respond, dear God they have brought the United States to its knees, wake the hell up and ditch the stupid PC which infests your mind....
Shut yo goofy ass up...

aint nobody going to war with China you moron
Moron? Your's is the IQ running at room temp, we are at war, so fucked are you by the democratic party and its hate machine, both of which are totally beholding to the CCP, all you can muster at this late and obvious stage is more of same? You're the fucking moron, so stupid are you, and the legions of idiots just like you, that you cannot see truth as it slaps stupid face repeatedly!

This person I am responding to is an idiot, those who read my reply from here, the words are for you, not this tool of the CCP and democratic party hate machine. China perpetrated the greatest attack upon the United States in its history, such is totally beyond dispute and they have succeeded in bringing the USA to its knees, their actions alone are an act of open, barbaric warfare, and what were those actions? Whether the virus leaked from their lab or not is of no relevance whatsoever anymore, the only question is what did the do once they knew what was loose????

They ordered the WHO to mislead the CDC/NIH which directly served to mislead the president and his administration into believing the virus incapable of human to human transmission and they maintained that lie until the 14th of January, until it was to late for the USA to stop it! What that means is this, of the two choices facing the CCP(assuming it was an accident)were either do the right thing and warn the USA and thus the world, or not to warn anyone, to commit to it!

It is irrefutable that they chose to commit to it, all CCP actions demonstrate conclusively that they chose to commit to a path of allowing the virus to target their enemy, the USA! The CCP organ, the WHO, deliberately mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth so as to retard the response of the United States, this is irrefutable, and while WHO was doing that bit of warfare on behalf of the CCP, the CCP was quietly buying up all of the medical supplies on earth, even as China continued to lead the entire world in their manufacture!

Two conclusions are easily arrived at from this, first they were clearly endeavoring to deny the enemy aid and comfort, and secondly they were cornering the market, or attempting to do so! Pay close attention to this, Italy, which joined in with the Chinese controlled democratic party of the USA, and attacked the initial United States response as racist for shutting down travel into the USA from China, donated a boatload(literally)of medical supplies to the CCP as Wuhan was in the throes of covid-19, mind you they donated it to the far wealthier China. Do you know what China then did to Italy as the Italians were crushed under the assualt of covid-19? China offered Italy their donations back, but only if Italy purchased them back!

We are at war, wake the fuck up or just shut the fuck up....

And another that has no clue as to what war is, this time from the right side of the aisle.

China will be missing all those glorious American Dollars pumping into their economy. Probably why they downplayed the virus.

The shutdown is what will hurt America and China and the world.

It won't affect Bill Gates much, though.

Wow I hope that isn't true but nothing that regime does would surprise me. Ugh.
I believe every word of it, particularly as we now know what a huge draw the worst cases are on hospital resources, and to think the best response to CCP's international atrocity from the US federal leviathan to these savages to date is a few republican's calling for an investigation into the WHO! The WHO and all of its top echelon staff teamed up with CCP and intentionally pulled wool over CDC/NIH eyes about the scale and threat of this! They have committed crimes against humanity and both require incineration of their own, both need to be extincted!

Settle down war-monger boy. :itsok:
Dear God, do the math! It doesn't matter whether the bug got loose from lab intentionally or not, ditto for the ludicrous wet market story, what matters is what they did once they ascertained just what it was, what it was capable of, and how virulent(contagious).

The only question is what did they do once they knew, and we know absent shred of doubt what they did, they subjugated the doctors who attempted to warn the planet of the scale of the threat, they compelled their WHO moles to intentionally mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth, CDC & NIH into thinking as late as January 14th that the bug could not transmit itself human to human, all the while in Wuhan they were taking extraordinary steps, including burning them alive!

China had two choices, do the right thing and alert the planet, or commit to it, we know exactly what they chose to do, they committed to it! Wake up and see the truth before blinded eye, they have committed an international atrocity, and they are in effect at war and we need to respond, dear God they have brought the United States to its knees, wake the hell up and ditch the stupid PC which infests your mind....
Shut yo goofy ass up...

aint nobody going to war with China you moron
Moron? Your's is the IQ running at room temp, we are at war, so fucked are you by the democratic party and its hate machine, both of which are totally beholding to the CCP, all you can muster at this late and obvious stage is more of same? You're the fucking moron, so stupid are you, and the legions of idiots just like you, that you cannot see truth as it slaps stupid face repeatedly!

This person I am responding to is an idiot, those who read my reply from here, the words are for you, not this tool of the CCP and democratic party hate machine. China perpetrated the greatest attack upon the United States in its history, such is totally beyond dispute and they have succeeded in bringing the USA to its knees, their actions alone are an act of open, barbaric warfare, and what were those actions? Whether the virus leaked from their lab or not is of no relevance whatsoever anymore, the only question is what did the do once they knew what was loose????

They ordered the WHO to mislead the CDC/NIH which directly served to mislead the president and his administration into believing the virus incapable of human to human transmission and they maintained that lie until the 14th of January, until it was to late for the USA to stop it! What that means is this, of the two choices facing the CCP(assuming it was an accident)were either do the right thing and warn the USA and thus the world, or not to warn anyone, to commit to it!

It is irrefutable that they chose to commit to it, all CCP actions demonstrate conclusively that they chose to commit to a path of allowing the virus to target their enemy, the USA! The CCP organ, the WHO, deliberately mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth so as to retard the response of the United States, this is irrefutable, and while WHO was doing that bit of warfare on behalf of the CCP, the CCP was quietly buying up all of the medical supplies on earth, even as China continued to lead the entire world in their manufacture!

Two conclusions are easily arrived at from this, first they were clearly endeavoring to deny the enemy aid and comfort, and secondly they were cornering the market, or attempting to do so! Pay close attention to this, Italy, which joined in with the Chinese controlled democratic party of the USA, and attacked the initial United States response as racist for shutting down travel into the USA from China, donated a boatload(literally)of medical supplies to the CCP as Wuhan was in the throes of covid-19, mind you they donated it to the far wealthier China. Do you know what China then did to Italy as the Italians were crushed under the assualt of covid-19? China offered Italy their donations back, but only if Italy purchased them back!

We are at war, wake the fuck up or just shut the fuck up....

And another that has no clue as to what war is, this time from the right side of the aisle.

China will be missing all those glorious American Dollars pumping into their economy. Probably why they downplayed the virus.

The shutdown is what will hurt America and China and the world.

It won't affect Bill Gates much, though.
No, you fail to grasp and account for desperation of a political orientation predicated upon command & control economics.... Its simple, I have lain it all out before your eyes, the attack itself was not intentional, it was never intended specifically, it got out of containment somehow, it very obviously came from that Wuhan level-4 lab, not some freaking wet market. This is what motivated them, they(CCP)knew if details were allowed to emerge they(the CCP)were doomed, thus they committed to allowing it to run its course, and take full advantage of its effects upon the rest of the world to the sole benefit of the CCP and China.... We know that this is what they chose as we watched it all in real time, and continue to do so....
Wow I hope that isn't true but nothing that regime does would surprise me. Ugh.
I believe every word of it, particularly as we now know what a huge draw the worst cases are on hospital resources, and to think the best response to CCP's international atrocity from the US federal leviathan to these savages to date is a few republican's calling for an investigation into the WHO! The WHO and all of its top echelon staff teamed up with CCP and intentionally pulled wool over CDC/NIH eyes about the scale and threat of this! They have committed crimes against humanity and both require incineration of their own, both need to be extincted!

Settle down war-monger boy. :itsok:
Dear God, do the math! It doesn't matter whether the bug got loose from lab intentionally or not, ditto for the ludicrous wet market story, what matters is what they did once they ascertained just what it was, what it was capable of, and how virulent(contagious).

The only question is what did they do once they knew, and we know absent shred of doubt what they did, they subjugated the doctors who attempted to warn the planet of the scale of the threat, they compelled their WHO moles to intentionally mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth, CDC & NIH into thinking as late as January 14th that the bug could not transmit itself human to human, all the while in Wuhan they were taking extraordinary steps, including burning them alive!

China had two choices, do the right thing and alert the planet, or commit to it, we know exactly what they chose to do, they committed to it! Wake up and see the truth before blinded eye, they have committed an international atrocity, and they are in effect at war and we need to respond, dear God they have brought the United States to its knees, wake the hell up and ditch the stupid PC which infests your mind....
Shut yo goofy ass up...

aint nobody going to war with China you moron
Moron? Your's is the IQ running at room temp, we are at war, so fucked are you by the democratic party and its hate machine, both of which are totally beholding to the CCP, all you can muster at this late and obvious stage is more of same? You're the fucking moron, so stupid are you, and the legions of idiots just like you, that you cannot see truth as it slaps stupid face repeatedly!

This person I am responding to is an idiot, those who read my reply from here, the words are for you, not this tool of the CCP and democratic party hate machine. China perpetrated the greatest attack upon the United States in its history, such is totally beyond dispute and they have succeeded in bringing the USA to its knees, their actions alone are an act of open, barbaric warfare, and what were those actions? Whether the virus leaked from their lab or not is of no relevance whatsoever anymore, the only question is what did the do once they knew what was loose????

They ordered the WHO to mislead the CDC/NIH which directly served to mislead the president and his administration into believing the virus incapable of human to human transmission and they maintained that lie until the 14th of January, until it was to late for the USA to stop it! What that means is this, of the two choices facing the CCP(assuming it was an accident)were either do the right thing and warn the USA and thus the world, or not to warn anyone, to commit to it!

It is irrefutable that they chose to commit to it, all CCP actions demonstrate conclusively that they chose to commit to a path of allowing the virus to target their enemy, the USA! The CCP organ, the WHO, deliberately mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth so as to retard the response of the United States, this is irrefutable, and while WHO was doing that bit of warfare on behalf of the CCP, the CCP was quietly buying up all of the medical supplies on earth, even as China continued to lead the entire world in their manufacture!

Two conclusions are easily arrived at from this, first they were clearly endeavoring to deny the enemy aid and comfort, and secondly they were cornering the market, or attempting to do so! Pay close attention to this, Italy, which joined in with the Chinese controlled democratic party of the USA, and attacked the initial United States response as racist for shutting down travel into the USA from China, donated a boatload(literally)of medical supplies to the CCP as Wuhan was in the throes of covid-19, mind you they donated it to the far wealthier China. Do you know what China then did to Italy as the Italians were crushed under the assualt of covid-19? China offered Italy their donations back, but only if Italy purchased them back!

We are at war, wake the fuck up or just shut the fuck up....
What you fail to realize it that guy is a..reverse-leftist? Troll. He trolled you and got one Yuge response.

Welcome to USMB! :coffee:
Wow I hope that isn't true but nothing that regime does would surprise me. Ugh.
I believe every word of it, particularly as we now know what a huge draw the worst cases are on hospital resources, and to think the best response to CCP's international atrocity from the US federal leviathan to these savages to date is a few republican's calling for an investigation into the WHO! The WHO and all of its top echelon staff teamed up with CCP and intentionally pulled wool over CDC/NIH eyes about the scale and threat of this! They have committed crimes against humanity and both require incineration of their own, both need to be extincted!

Settle down war-monger boy. :itsok:
Dear God, do the math! It doesn't matter whether the bug got loose from lab intentionally or not, ditto for the ludicrous wet market story, what matters is what they did once they ascertained just what it was, what it was capable of, and how virulent(contagious).

The only question is what did they do once they knew, and we know absent shred of doubt what they did, they subjugated the doctors who attempted to warn the planet of the scale of the threat, they compelled their WHO moles to intentionally mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth, CDC & NIH into thinking as late as January 14th that the bug could not transmit itself human to human, all the while in Wuhan they were taking extraordinary steps, including burning them alive!

China had two choices, do the right thing and alert the planet, or commit to it, we know exactly what they chose to do, they committed to it! Wake up and see the truth before blinded eye, they have committed an international atrocity, and they are in effect at war and we need to respond, dear God they have brought the United States to its knees, wake the hell up and ditch the stupid PC which infests your mind....
Shut yo goofy ass up...

aint nobody going to war with China you moron
Moron? Your's is the IQ running at room temp, we are at war, so fucked are you by the democratic party and its hate machine, both of which are totally beholding to the CCP, all you can muster at this late and obvious stage is more of same? You're the fucking moron, so stupid are you, and the legions of idiots just like you, that you cannot see truth as it slaps stupid face repeatedly!

This person I am responding to is an idiot, those who read my reply from here, the words are for you, not this tool of the CCP and democratic party hate machine. China perpetrated the greatest attack upon the United States in its history, such is totally beyond dispute and they have succeeded in bringing the USA to its knees, their actions alone are an act of open, barbaric warfare, and what were those actions? Whether the virus leaked from their lab or not is of no relevance whatsoever anymore, the only question is what did the do once they knew what was loose????

They ordered the WHO to mislead the CDC/NIH which directly served to mislead the president and his administration into believing the virus incapable of human to human transmission and they maintained that lie until the 14th of January, until it was to late for the USA to stop it! What that means is this, of the two choices facing the CCP(assuming it was an accident)were either do the right thing and warn the USA and thus the world, or not to warn anyone, to commit to it!

It is irrefutable that they chose to commit to it, all CCP actions demonstrate conclusively that they chose to commit to a path of allowing the virus to target their enemy, the USA! The CCP organ, the WHO, deliberately mislead the two premiere public health agencies on earth so as to retard the response of the United States, this is irrefutable, and while WHO was doing that bit of warfare on behalf of the CCP, the CCP was quietly buying up all of the medical supplies on earth, even as China continued to lead the entire world in their manufacture!

Two conclusions are easily arrived at from this, first they were clearly endeavoring to deny the enemy aid and comfort, and secondly they were cornering the market, or attempting to do so! Pay close attention to this, Italy, which joined in with the Chinese controlled democratic party of the USA, and attacked the initial United States response as racist for shutting down travel into the USA from China, donated a boatload(literally)of medical supplies to the CCP as Wuhan was in the throes of covid-19, mind you they donated it to the far wealthier China. Do you know what China then did to Italy as the Italians were crushed under the assualt of covid-19? China offered Italy their donations back, but only if Italy purchased them back!

We are at war, wake the fuck up or just shut the fuck up....
What you fail to realize it that guy is a..reverse-leftist? Troll. He trolled you and got one Yuge response.

Welcome to USMB! :coffee:

I have no idea what you are talking about, reverse trolls, ect... I'm not concerned with teenage douche bags and internet games, if people possess an intellect, if they are able to see past their own nose, then this is not at all a complicated matter for them them to identify, China's actions after they identified the threat are irrefutably indisputable, and anyone who thinks its business as usual after dust settles upon virus itself is grotesquely self-deluded... The course they chose was to capitalize upon the viruses impact upon the western world, and they clearly had the WHO help them in that, and the CCP and its close ally, the WHO, had but one target in mind as they were intentionally lying about the pathogens highly virulent nature, the United States and its economy.....
Wow I hope that isn't true but nothing that regime does would surprise me. Ugh.
This is the govt. that unapologetically vivisects live humans and harvests their organs while they are alive..and conscious--for sale to the highest bidders. i doubt that checking for a pulse even occurs to them.

The CCP has been decieving the western world since its very beginning.....and is still doing it.

Leftists in America would do the same if they could get away with it.

They'd claim all Boomers and elderly have the virus and kill them all.

Our govt made that calculation, yes. And they decided some of us were good to go down.

Is it any different than Governors refusing to use HCQ and Erythromycin to treat patients infected with Wuhan Covid-19.

Who hates big govt? Who needs medicine or science? Don has a hunch. Don's hunch was COVID-19 was nothing. Don has a new hunch now? He should stick to hunching the flag and Ivanka.
So, China burns people alive, but you don't give a shit, because ORANGE MAN BAD.

But, hey, your Communist masters will be proud. Actually, they'd burn you alive, too, if they could, when your utility is over.
Wow I hope that isn't true but nothing that regime does would surprise me. Ugh.
This is the govt. that unapologetically vivisects live humans and harvests their organs while they are alive..and conscious--for sale to the highest bidders. i doubt that checking for a pulse even occurs to them.

Yet...........liberals claim Russia is our enemy and the China of today is unlike the old china.

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