Chinese Communists See U.S. as ‘a Defeated Power’ in Pandemic Fight


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
I think to anyone with some analytical ability they are definitely right.

That they would come out and say it for all to hear demonstrates just how confident they are with their power and how it will grow now by leaps and bounds.

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Of course they do. The Covid virus attack has worked out better than their wildest dreams. On top of that, they got the President they wanted, China Joe. 2020 was a banner year for the CCP.
You don't get to call this an attack unless you also admit how badly Trump countered it. Continually downplaying it and shaming his little Trumpbots into not defending themselves from it. If this was an attack Trump was a collaborator who purposely maximized the death toll.
I think to anyone with some analytical ability they are definitely right.

That they would come out and say it for all to hear demonstrates just how confident they are with their power and how it will grow now by leaps and bounds.

Not at all. It only proves we can't trust the right wing to do the right thing, even though they are on the Right Wing.
Of course they do. The Covid virus attack has worked out better than their wildest dreams. On top of that, they got the President they wanted, China Joe. 2020 was a banner year for the CCP.

Yep....I said way back when the virus was first recognized that it may have been a deliberate biological attack by the very clever chinese....the attack was organized in a manner that duped Western Governments or even if not....done in a manner which would not provoke retaliation....though Trump consistently said they would be punished..

I think though he meant in economic terms.

The simple truth is that even if we knew it was done one wants war with China....that would be it would mean a nuclear exchange...or at least very likely one would not forget China is more prepared for nuclear war than any other nation .....not even to mention they have little value for human life and their leadership has said they have too many people anyhow.

The Chinese Communist leaders are incredibly more ruthless than most Westerners realize and they have always been that way....Mao without doubt the most ruthless leader the world has ever known....yet most are completely ignorant regarding how incredibly ruthless he was.

Thus they are not susceptible to nuclear blackmail but we are....would any American President sacrifice Los Angeles for a Chinese General famously said.

Trump I do think would have inflicted considerable economic damage on them to the extent that they would not likely ever do something like that again.

Anyhow......which ever way you slice it....America is facing very dark days and we probably have the worst President in history to deal with what is coming down the pike.....certainly in modern times....even jimmah carter looks strong comparable to the contemptible biden.

Unfortunately for America biden will be President and China will walk all over him....even if they do not have the ability to blackmail him(many think they do have enough on biden and son to blackmail him) they will walk all over the weak and addled biden....though biden is so out of it....China might have a difficult time predicting wih much accuracy what the old fool might do. Thus in a sense he is a wild card.
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You don't get to call this an attack unless you also admit how badly Trump countered it. Continually downplaying it and shaming his little Trumpbots into not defending themselves from it. If this was an attack Trump was a collaborator who purposely maximized the death toll. propaganda. Trump did downplay it because as our leader he needed to prevent panic which if the media had been allowed to scare people without some counter balance could have happened.

Not even to mention that most of the deaths were people already in bad health with numbered days.

Very few healthy people have died from the virus.

The media as usual will not tell the truth about it.....especially the part about the majority of the cases occuring in the minority communities.
Of course they do. The Covid virus attack has worked out better than their wildest dreams. On top of that, they got the President they wanted, China Joe. 2020 was a banner year for the CCP.

Yep....I said way back when the virus was first recognized that it may have been a deliberate biological attack by the very clever chinese....the attack was organized in a manner that duped Western Governments or even if not....done in a manner which would not provoke retaliation....though Trump consistently said they would be punished..

I think though he meant in economic terms.

The simple truth is that even if we knew it was done one wants war with China....that would be it would mean a nuclear exchange...or at least very likely one would not forget China is more prepared for nuclear war than any other nation .....not even to mention they have little value for human life and their leadership has said they have too many people anyhow.

The Chinese Communist leaders are incredibly more ruthless than most Westerners realize and they have always been that way....Mao without doubt the most ruthless leader the world has ever known....yet most are completely ignorant regarding how incredibly ruthless he was.

Thus they are not susceptible to nuclear blackmail but we are....would any American President sacrifice Los Angeles for a Chinese General famously said.

Trump I do think would have inflicted considerable economic damage on them to the extent that they would not likely ever do something like that again.

Anyhow......which ever way you slice it....America is facing very dark days and we probably have the worst President in history to deal with what is coming down the pike.....certainly in modern times....even jimmah carter looks strong comparable to the contemptible biden.

Unfortunately for America biden will be President and China will walk all over him....even if they do not have the ability to blackmail him(many think they do have enough on biden and son to blackmail him) they will walk all over the weak and addled biden....though biden is so out of it....China might have a difficult time predicting wih much accuracy what the old fool might do. Thus in a sense he is a wild card.
Well stated. It is stunning to me that China has gotten away with global murder and that half of America is so god damned stupid, they blame our President for their treachery.
Capitalism, What is That sayeth the Right Wing. Y'all need fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions instead of merely doth protesting too much.
Most who voted democratic were doing so because they had been duped by the media into hating Trump in a irrational manner---aka the point where you would hear them say things like---'I would vote for the devil before Trump' and to that add the fact that most of them had no idea who biden actually is nor did they really care.

I doubt if even the majority on here(and those on here are much better informed than the general electorate) knew that biden has had two brain surgeries...and the kinds of brain surgery he had does have after-effects which biden clearly demonstrates.

Thus at the most critical time in our history when we are faced with threats that may actually destroy America our great leader is ole Joe Biden.....absolutlely insane---the old geezer naps most of the day...has been hiding in his basement so long he is barely functional....has to be led around ike a has been said a country gets the kind of leaders it deserves....not the kind it needs.
Most who voted democratic were doing so because they had been duped by the media into hating Trump in a irrational manner---aka the point where you would hear them say things like---'I would vote for the devil before Trump' and to that add the fact that most of them had no idea who biden actually is nor did they really care.

I doubt if even the majority on here(and those on here are much better informed than the general electorate) knew that biden has had two brain surgeries...and the kinds of brain surgery he had does have after-effects which biden clearly demonstrates.

Thus at the most critical time in our history when we are faced with threats that may actually destroy America our great leader is ole Joe Biden.....absolutlely insane---the old geezer naps most of the day...has been hiding in his basement so long he is barely functional....has to be led around ike a has been said a country gets the kind of leaders it deserves....not the kind it needs.
FDR actually died in office.
Most who voted democratic were doing so because they had been duped by the media into hating Trump in a irrational manner---aka the point where you would hear them say things like---'I would vote for the devil before Trump' and to that add the fact that most of them had no idea who biden actually is nor did they really care.

I doubt if even the majority on here(and those on here are much better informed than the general electorate) knew that biden has had two brain surgeries...and the kinds of brain surgery he had does have after-effects which biden clearly demonstrates.

Thus at the most critical time in our history when we are faced with threats that may actually destroy America our great leader is ole Joe Biden.....absolutlely insane---the old geezer naps most of the day...has been hiding in his basement so long he is barely functional....has to be led around ike a has been said a country gets the kind of leaders it deserves....not the kind it needs.

This post is well deserving of an Emeril "BAMM!".
Most who voted democratic were doing so because they had been duped by the media into hating Trump in a irrational manner---aka the point where you would hear them say things like---'I would vote for the devil before Trump' and to that add the fact that most of them had no idea who biden actually is nor did they really care.

I doubt if even the majority on here(and those on here are much better informed than the general electorate) knew that biden has had two brain surgeries...and the kinds of brain surgery he had does have after-effects which biden clearly demonstrates.

Thus at the most critical time in our history when we are faced with threats that may actually destroy America our great leader is ole Joe Biden.....absolutlely insane---the old geezer naps most of the day...has been hiding in his basement so long he is barely functional....has to be led around ike a has been said a country gets the kind of leaders it deserves....not the kind it needs.

This post is well deserving of an Emeril "BAMM!".

Joe Biden’s Obvious Brain Damage
You don't get to call this an attack unless you also admit how badly Trump countered it. Continually downplaying it and shaming his little Trumpbots into not defending themselves from it. If this was an attack Trump was a collaborator who purposely maximized the death toll.

You would have critized Trump regardless of anything, right?
You don't get to call this an attack unless you also admit how badly Trump countered it. Continually downplaying it and shaming his little Trumpbots into not defending themselves from it. If this was an attack Trump was a collaborator who purposely maximized the death toll.

You would have critized Trump regardless of anything, right?
Not at all. The left could have accomplished more with Your guy than the right wing did. He should have run as a democrat not Bloomberg.

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