Chinese tech firms hiring "cheerleaders" for programmers


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
In 2015, this is how Chinese tech companies are 'motivating' male staff

"Tech firms in China are raising eyebrows by reportedly hiring “pretty girls” to motivate programmers who are “are mostly male and terrible at socialising.”

In a scheme that has received complaints for being sexist towards both women and pedalling stereotypes of programmers, “internet companies across China are embracing programing cheerleaders, pretty, talented girls that help create a fun work environment” according to the state-run Trending China Facebook page.

The role involves “buying programmers breakfast, chitchatting and playing ping-pong with them” according to the page managed by China News.

The news page doesn’t detail how many tech firms have introduced the scheme, but photos show girls being taught how to be “motivators”, singing in the office, and playing ping-pong.

Internet companies across China are embracing programming cheerleaders, pretty, talented girls that help create a fun...

It went on to say that a firm has said the scheme has “greatly improved [...] job efficiency and motivation” of its "mostly male" programmers who are "terrible at socialising".

Commenters on Facebook were not impressed by the idea."

“What a ridiculous job, why reduce women to only be valued by their looks and to assist males. Let them have a job at the desk using their minds!” wrote one woman.

“What about female coders? Do these guys hire male “motivators”?” said a male commenter.

“Sexism, exploitation and stereotypes abound!!” wrote a man.

In 2015, this is how Chinese tech companies are 'motivating' male staff

"Tech firms in China are raising eyebrows by reportedly hiring “pretty girls” to motivate programmers who are “are mostly male and terrible at socialising.”

In a scheme that has received complaints for being sexist towards both women and pedalling stereotypes of programmers, “internet companies across China are embracing programing cheerleaders, pretty, talented girls that help create a fun work environment” according to the state-run Trending China Facebook page.

The role involves “buying programmers breakfast, chitchatting and playing ping-pong with them” according to the page managed by China News.

The news page doesn’t detail how many tech firms have introduced the scheme, but photos show girls being taught how to be “motivators”, singing in the office, and playing ping-pong.

Internet companies across China are embracing programming cheerleaders, pretty, talented girls that help create a fun...

It went on to say that a firm has said the scheme has “greatly improved [...] job efficiency and motivation” of its "mostly male" programmers who are "terrible at socialising".

Commenters on Facebook were not impressed by the idea."

“What a ridiculous job, why reduce women to only be valued by their looks and to assist males. Let them have a job at the desk using their minds!” wrote one woman.

“What about female coders? Do these guys hire male “motivators”?” said a male commenter.

“Sexism, exploitation and stereotypes abound!!” wrote a man.
What form of Ping Pong do they play, closet, or fire escape.
In 2015, this is how Chinese tech companies are 'motivating' male staff

"Tech firms in China are raising eyebrows by reportedly hiring “pretty girls” to motivate programmers who are “are mostly male and terrible at socialising.”

In a scheme that has received complaints for being sexist towards both women and pedalling stereotypes of programmers, “internet companies across China are embracing programing cheerleaders, pretty, talented girls that help create a fun work environment” according to the state-run Trending China Facebook page.

The role involves “buying programmers breakfast, chitchatting and playing ping-pong with them” according to the page managed by China News.

The news page doesn’t detail how many tech firms have introduced the scheme, but photos show girls being taught how to be “motivators”, singing in the office, and playing ping-pong.

Internet companies across China are embracing programming cheerleaders, pretty, talented girls that help create a fun...

It went on to say that a firm has said the scheme has “greatly improved [...] job efficiency and motivation” of its "mostly male" programmers who are "terrible at socialising".

Commenters on Facebook were not impressed by the idea."

“What a ridiculous job, why reduce women to only be valued by their looks and to assist males. Let them have a job at the desk using their minds!” wrote one woman.

“What about female coders? Do these guys hire male “motivators”?” said a male commenter.

“Sexism, exploitation and stereotypes abound!!” wrote a man.
Pussy power at its best.

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