Hillary's List of Scandals is longer Than Her List of CAREER Achievements

So, you're saying Hillary's only accomplishment is being listed as 'popular' in some poll...from 2008...or what?!
laugh with all your brainless buddies, see if i care...
You are the dumbfuck posting that nonsense.
Fine example of desperation.
because she didn't say that bill losing an election is a Hillary Clinton accomplishment? Dumbass
Maybe because it's meaningless.
Like your response.
Then why did she say it?
Do you have problems following along? Do you know how forums work?
easyt65 claims to have a degree in journalism. Apparently the paper mill from which he got his diploma thinks "journalism" means parroting the propaganda of others. To graduate, you have to demonstrate an ability to Ctrl-C, then Ctrl-V, while chewing bubble gum at the same time.

Wel easy likes the bullshit threads... All these have been refuted or laughed at... Easy is a joke and has no credibility...

Look at his point 5...
5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
Huma Abedin, who served as Hillary’s longtime deputy chief of staff and has worked with her for nearly 20 years, has known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood – a group bent on “destroying Western civilization from within” – and other Islamic supremacists. As WND has extensively reported, the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic supremacist connections not only extend to Abedin’s mother and father, who are both deeply tied to al-Qaida fronts, but to Abedin herself.

Allegations by some Republican members of Congress[edit]
In a letter dated June 13, 2012, to the State Department Inspector General, five Republican members of Congress—Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Trent Franks of Arizona, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Thomas J. Rooneyof Florida, and Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia—claimed that Abedin "has three family members – her late father, her mother and her brother – connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations."[37][38][39]The five members of Congress alleged that Abedin had "immediate family connections to foreign extremist organizations" which they said were "potentially disqualifying conditions for obtaining a security clearance" and questioned why Abedin had not been "disqualified for a security clearance."[38]

The claims in the letter were generally rejected, and were labeled by some as conspiracy theories.[37][40] The Washington Post editorial board called the allegations "paranoid," a "baseless attack," and a "smear."[37] The letter was also criticized by, among others, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Representative Keith Ellison, Democrat of Minnesota, the first Muslim member of Congress, who called the allegation "reprehensible."[41]Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, also rejected the allegations, saying "The letter and the report offer not one instance of an action, a decision or a public position that Huma has taken while at the State Department that would lend credence to the charge that she is promoting anti-American activities within our government....These attacks on Huma have no logic, no basis and no merit."[41] Bachmann's former campaign manager Edward Rollins said the allegations were "extreme and dishonest" and called for Bachmann to apologize to Abedin.[42] The Anti-Defamation League condemned the letter, calling upon the Representatives involved to "stop trafficking in anti-Muslim conspiracy theories."

Think is they are starting to think baseless allegations are true.
laugh with all your brainless buddies, see if i care...
You are the dumbfuck posting that nonsense.
Fine example of desperation.
because she didn't say that bill losing an election is a Hillary Clinton accomplishment? Dumbass
Maybe because it's meaningless.
Like your response.
Then why did she say it?
Do you have problems following along? Do you know how forums work?
Another meaningless response.
the list of scandals continues to grow because RW's make them up as fast as they can ... starting with the fake birth certificate 7 years ago and morphing to Clinton having skid marks in her undies ..
the list of scandals continues to grow because RW's make them up as fast as they can ... starting with the fake birth certificate 7 years ago and morphing to Clinton having skid marks in her undies ..
Clinton not only appreciates your support....she counts on your lack of individual thinking
the list of scandals continues to grow because RW's make them up as fast as they can ... starting with the fake birth certificate 7 years ago and morphing to Clinton having skid marks in her undies ..

they think if they repeat their lies often enough, they become true.

I suspect that only works with low-information rightwingnuts.
Jill, what is truly amazing is how liberals can read, and research, the long list of historically documented facts / scandals and still (I imagine) claim / OPINE with a straight face that there is nothing to any of it. Even MORE amazing is how liberals can see the long list of scandals compared to absolutely ZERO accomplishments and still defend and support this immoral, unethical, criminal, lying POS.

The problem is not 'low information wingnuts' because this is the name liberals call the actually intelligent people who are brining up these historically documented facts. The problem is not even Hillary Clinton, as she is only being true to who she is. The problem is not any claim that Liberals are stupid or 'low-information' - they know probably better than anyone who Hillary is and what she has done. The REAL problem is that Liberals simply do not give a damn. Case in point, your response to every factual, historically researched and documented account of Hillary scandal was the 'laughing' icon, proving that you think this is funny. You just don't give a damn.
Hillary Clinton's Scandal-Plagued Political Career Has Resulted in a List of Scandals Longer Than Her List of Accomplishments

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever



1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
Clintons singled out enemies to both of them during the Clinton administration, to include ‘Slick Willy girls’ Gennifer Flowers and Liz Ward Gracen, sexual assault accusers Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick, fired White House Travel Office Director Billy Dale, attorney Kent Masterson Brown, and Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly.

2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds
The Clintons have been accused of hiring private investigators to not only dig up dirt on perceived adversaries – such as Juanita Broaddrick, the woman allegedly raped by Bill, and other abused women such as Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones – but to stalk, scare and threaten them. Willey asserts Hillary was behind a campaign of intimidation and harassment against her that fit a pattern employed against numerous other women whose claims of sexual impropriety or assault by Bill Clinton threatened the couple’s political fortunes. Hillary’s own War on Women has been waged against her husband’s victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, and adulterous affairs.

3) Looting the White House
When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House. Hillary tried to ship furniture to the Clintons’ personal home in Chappaqua, New York. The Clintons came under fire when they reportedly tried to take $190,000 in gifts and furnishings from the presidential mansion. Additionally, the General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of Congress, reported that ”damage, theft, vandalism and pranks did occur in the White House complex” during the presidential transition from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush – including the theft of a presidential seal. According to the General Accounting Office, the cost of the White House vandalism reached about $14,000 and included $4,850 to replace computer keyboards with damaged or missing “W” keys.
The criminal Arkansas hicks pillaged, plundered, and engaged in destrouction of government / tax-payer-citizen owned property!

4) Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clinton duo was involved in a scandal known as “Filegate” in which they illegally obtaining FBI files on perceived adversaries, most of whom served in previous Republican administrations.

“In an effort to discredit the women who charged President Clinton with sexual misconduct, personal files and papers were illegally obtained and released. The courts found, under the Privacy Act, that the privacy of Linda Tripp and Kathleen Willey had been violated,” a Judicial Watch report said, citing just a few of more than 900 relevant files. Judicial Watch said Hillary had been linked “directly to the center” of the controversy.

5) Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
Huma Abedin, who served as Hillary’s longtime deputy chief of staff and has worked with her for nearly 20 years, has known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood – a group bent on “destroying Western civilization from within” – and other Islamic supremacists. As WND has extensively reported, the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic supremacist connections not only extend to Abedin’s mother and father, who are both deeply tied to al-Qaida fronts, but to Abedin herself.

6) Vince Foster’s 1993 death
Vince Foster was deputy White House counsel and Hillary’s friend and law partner who had connections to the Travelgate and Whitewater scandals. In 1993, Foster was found dead in a park with a fatal gunshot wound to his mouth. Files went missing from Fosters’ police-taped office, Hillary’s aide was seen leaving the office with a box of files. Hillary denied knowing about it. The files showed up weeks later in the living quarters of the WH with her fingerprints all over the files. No action was ever taken against Hillary.

7) Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
Hillary’s on-going criminal investigation by the FBI

8) Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Hillary … masterminded a scheme whereby the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government to bankroll the president’s and the Democratic Party’s re-election efforts when it appeared, due to their low standing in the polls, that all the stops needed to be pulled out. It was the lawsuit that I brought against Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, where at Hillary’s instruction, he literally sold seats on Department trade missions to China and elsewhere, which principally uncovered this.

Then you've got the wrong "achievement list".

Her left pinkie has had a more productive life than you.

Her farts are more of contribution to society than your entire existence.
Then you've got the wrong "achievement list".

Her left pinkie has had a more productive life than you.

Her farts are more of contribution to society than your entire existence.

When asked, The STATE DEPARTMENT could not list any of her accomplishments:
“I honestly can't ...."
- What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?

When asked HILLARY couldn't list any...
- Hillary Clinton Can’t Name A Top Accomplishment While Secretary Of State [VIDEO]

You've proved you can insult people in her defense, but even YOU haven't been able to list any of her 'accomplishments'. PLEASE, enlighten us....
Then you've got the wrong "achievement list".

Her left pinkie has had a more productive life than you.

Her farts are more of contribution to society than your entire existence.

When asked, The STATE DEPARTMENT could not list any of her accomplishments:
“I honestly can't ...."
- What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?

When asked HILLARY couldn't list any...
- Hillary Clinton Can’t Name A Top Accomplishment While Secretary Of State [VIDEO]

You've proved you can insult people in her defense, but even YOU haven't been able to list any of her 'accomplishments'. PLEASE, enlighten us....
Funny you've posted nothing but alleged, rumors half truth, inuendo and complete bullshit.
21) Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison
Hillary was named in a lawsuit brought by Peter Franklin Paul for allegedly directing to her 2000 Senate campaign an illegal, in-kind contribution from Paul that included a fundraiser at the exclusive Spago restaurant in Beverly Hills, a tea hosted at the Beverly Hills home of socialite Cynthia Gershman and a lavish, A-list, million-dollar-plus Hollywood gala honoring Bill Clinton. At the trial of Clinton’s finance director for the 2000 senatorial campaign, David Rosen, the government told the jury Paul personally gave more than $1.2 million to produce the events.

Paul, a former business partner of Spider-Man creator Stan Lee who sued Bill for fraud and accused Hillary of hiding nearly $2 million in Senate campaign donations, alleged they sabotaged the media company he formed with Lee to get out of a $17 million agreement made with Bill Clinton to serve as an international promoter for the company after he left the White House. Paul was indicted in June 2001 for manipulating the price of the stock in his company, Stan Lee Media, as it was collapsing.

22) Watergate: Fired for being a 'liar'
Actually, she was ‘released’ for her unethical behavior, seeking to deprive Nixon of legal counsel by author9ing and attempting to submit a brief she KNEW to be fraudulent / incorrect.

Does not matter, most of the 'media' will look the other way. Democrats get away with some things that land Republicans in trouble.
makes it much easier to see the ridonkulousness of all the lies told about her..
You do mean all the lies she has told, right ?? She even lies about her lies. She will lie, when he truth would be so much easier.
what was the one word the majority of voters thought of when thinking of her? I believe it was DISHONEST. we can add our own: LIAR, loser, user, oh the list can go on and on. and you dem. voters are still thinking of voting for her and actually believes she has a snowballs chance of winning

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