Chinese Tentacles reach deep into America


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Many are still in denial....up to the very highest levels of our government.....however just the other day joe biden aka 'China Joe' was quoting Mao....didn't seem to ruffle many feathers..... a couple of conservative sources did mention it.....when it was done in the biden admin. by a relatively high official there appeared to be more concern.

Sen. Mitch Mcconnel has a chinese wife.

Senator Dianne Feinstein had a known chinese spy as her driver for many goes on and on.....hollywood is practically contolled by china.....​

I mean it literally goes on and on....most know about the heavy involement of chinese in the big tech firms.

What big tech companies are owned by China?
The big seven: China's up-and-coming technology companies
  • Alibaba.
  • Baidu.
  • Huawei.
  • Lenovo.
  • Tencent.
  • Xiaomi.
  • ZTE.
What are the risks to our National Security by such widespread influence/control?

The Director of National Intelligence in the United States casts China as the primary national security threat to the US, and suggests that the struggle against it is equivalent to (or even more severe than) the struggle against Moscow in the Cold War. Israel must consider the nature of the direct challenge posed to it by China, while understanding that to its strategic ally, this is a highly sensitive issue​

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Wow, that sounds serious. I'm sure glad we have Joe Xiden in the WH. China can't bribe Joe or his son Hunter, much.
Everything in the OP listed as a threat to America from Communist China........

Seems to be music to the ears of nearly all Democrats and "welcomed normalization" to them.

All I know is that future American generations will never have any of the freedoms or prosperity previous generations had and that America is on a rocket sled towards 3rd world status.

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