Chinese zoo admits their pandas are just dogs painted black and white


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
This is funny as all get out. A zoo in China advertised that they had pandas, except when they started panting and barking, people realized they were just dogs.


"A Chinese zoo has been forced to come clean after bizarre footage of their ‘pandas’ shocked the world."

"A Chinese zoo has been forced to come clean about their bizarre-looking ‘pandas’ that left many scratching their heads.
Visitors to the Shanwei Zoo in China’s eastern Guangdong province were excited to see ‘pandas’ advertised but were left bewildered after the ‘bears’ began panting and barking in their enclosure.

Mind-boggling footage of the animals quickly went viral and left many to come to the obvious conclusion that these were in fact, not real pandas.

Facing pressure, the zoo initially tried to claim the animals were a rare breed of “panda dogs.”

However they were soon forced to admit they had just dyed two puppies black and white to resemble pandas."

This is funny as all get out. A zoo in China advertised that they had pandas, except when they started panting and barking, people realized they were just dogs.


"A Chinese zoo has been forced to come clean after bizarre footage of their ‘pandas’ shocked the world."

"A Chinese zoo has been forced to come clean about their bizarre-looking ‘pandas’ that left many scratching their heads.
Visitors to the Shanwei Zoo in China’s eastern Guangdong province were excited to see ‘pandas’ advertised but were left bewildered after the ‘bears’ began panting and barking in their enclosure.

Mind-boggling footage of the animals quickly went viral and left many to come to the obvious conclusion that these were in fact, not real pandas.

Facing pressure, the zoo initially tried to claim the animals were a rare breed of “panda dogs.”

However they were soon forced to admit they had just dyed two puppies black and white to resemble pandas."

This type.of.deception is common in China, sadly. Even so, the West trusted them to become capitalist. Give them credit, they made a mockery of Western elite. Reducing.them to little more than dancing jesters just hoping for some easy profits.. It is interesting to watch isn't it?
This is funny as all get out. A zoo in China advertised that they had pandas, except when they started panting and barking, people realized they were just dogs.


"A Chinese zoo has been forced to come clean after bizarre footage of their ‘pandas’ shocked the world."

"A Chinese zoo has been forced to come clean about their bizarre-looking ‘pandas’ that left many scratching their heads.
Visitors to the Shanwei Zoo in China’s eastern Guangdong province were excited to see ‘pandas’ advertised but were left bewildered after the ‘bears’ began panting and barking in their enclosure.

Mind-boggling footage of the animals quickly went viral and left many to come to the obvious conclusion that these were in fact, not real pandas.

Facing pressure, the zoo initially tried to claim the animals were a rare breed of “panda dogs.”

However they were soon forced to admit they had just dyed two puppies black and white to resemble pandas."

When the $$$$$ is tight &/or supply is low one has to do with what ya got. The owners of the zoo should of advertised them as half breed St. Bernard/Panda & labeled them as Panards!
This is funny as all get out. A zoo in China advertised that they had pandas, except when they started panting and barking, people realized they were just dogs.


"A Chinese zoo has been forced to come clean after bizarre footage of their ‘pandas’ shocked the world."

"A Chinese zoo has been forced to come clean about their bizarre-looking ‘pandas’ that left many scratching their heads.
Visitors to the Shanwei Zoo in China’s eastern Guangdong province were excited to see ‘pandas’ advertised but were left bewildered after the ‘bears’ began panting and barking in their enclosure.

Mind-boggling footage of the animals quickly went viral and left many to come to the obvious conclusion that these were in fact, not real pandas.

Facing pressure, the zoo initially tried to claim the animals were a rare breed of “panda dogs.”

However they were soon forced to admit they had just dyed two puppies black and white to resemble pandas."

At least they are damn cute little panda dogs!
You sure seem to spend a lot of time in China
No, I hear and read extensively on Chinas successes, failures and culture, including in business. Have you ever visited a Chinese run shop in your city? We have one of the largest malls on the outskirts of Toronto and you could buy knock off "luxury items",.they used to have pirated DVDs etc. It.wasn't the authentic product but was promoted as such, the police didn't do much about it.
what are your sources? Can you list a few, I am always looking for new news sites.

At least twice a month, best seafood one can get in St Louis.
No, there are several on youtube primarily but I dont have them.on my tablet and I dont want to influence you. My advice,.if you google "China news" you will find many, some like CGTN which are run by the Chinese government so obviously much more positive news and others Taiwan or foreign based which provide more news on the military etc. do the same.on youtube but you must be willing to learn from different sources and sift through the bias. Multiple reports on the same story/issue and you know the truth is somewhere in between.
No, there are several on youtube primarily but I dont have them.on my tablet and I dont want to influence you. My advice,.if you google "China news" you will find many, some like CGTN which are run by the Chinese government so obviously much more positive news and others Taiwan or foreign based which provide more news on the military etc. do the same.on youtube but you must be willing to learn from different sources and sift through the bias. Multiple reports on the same story/issue and you know the truth is somewhere in between.

I am not much of a YouTuber except for music. I prefer reading news to watching it.

Nikkei Asia and Merco Press along with Panama America and Reuters are my daily reading to start each day. Will check out other foreign sources depending what is happening. Will turn to RT or Al Jazeera or the BBC depending on the story.
I am not much of a YouTuber except for music. I prefer reading news to watching it.

Nikkei Asia and Merco Press along with Panama America and Reuters are my daily reading to start each day. Will check out other foreign sources depending what is happening. Will turn to RT or Al Jazeera or the BBC depending on the story.
RT and AJ aren't on my list, they are completely biased, perhaps even worse than CGTN. BBC is sometimes more balanced though of late the have been really anti-Israel. I almost feel they just want the war there to end regardless of how or who "wins" so that America and the world can focus solely on funding the UKs protection against Russia in Ukraine.
RT and AJ aren't on my list, they are completely biased, perhaps even worse than CGTN.

They are biased in some areas, but they also give insight you cannot get anywhere else.

BBC is sometimes more balanced though of late the have been really anti-Israel.

There is a lot of that going around, much of it Israel brings on themselves.
This type.of.deception is common in China, sadly. Even so, the West trusted them to become capitalist. Give them credit, they made a mockery of Western elite. Reducing.them to little more than dancing jesters just hoping for some easy profits.. It is interesting to watch isn't it?
They are biased in some areas, but they also give insight you cannot get anywhere else.

There is a lot of that going around, much of it Israel brings on themselves.
Meh. Some of it might be brought on by the war but much of it is political. Politicians want votes from a growing Muslim voter base even if it means betraying a democratic ally. This is not news I will celebrate.

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