Choices Have Consequences

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

The Clinton Foundation's gender pay gap worried campaign

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

YO...........STFU and go get me another stick of 3 inch rigid conduit.................what you can't pick it up........

How the hell did I get this dang helper..............damn....yes the drill spins clockwise when drilling and why it has taken you an hour to drill the dang hole.

What did you say?

Thanks for proving my point.

I got the gist and I've never worked construction. (other than minor shit on my rental property)

White Collar vs Blue Collar mentality...

Many people have been told that you must have a PHD to succeed in life but when you look past those words and look at those that are the richest in the World most of them are just average people with little to no College...

Learning a trade is more important and I can tell you that you can make a shitload of cash as a plumber ( pun intended ) than being a civil servant, so the reality is learn a trade and build your own business...

I strongly suspect that my plumber is a millionaire.

White Collar vs Blue Collar mentality...

Many people have been told that you must have a PHD to succeed in life but when you look past those words and look at those that are the richest in the World most of them are just average people with little to no College...

Learning a trade is more important and I can tell you that you can make a shitload of cash as a plumber ( pun intended ) than being a civil servant, so the reality is learn a trade and build your own business...

I strongly suspect that my plumber is a millionaire.

Mike Rowe featured a guy with a high school diploma who started emptying septic tanks. He’s a multi millionaire now.

White Collar vs Blue Collar mentality...

Many people have been told that you must have a PHD to succeed in life but when you look past those words and look at those that are the richest in the World most of them are just average people with little to no College...

Learning a trade is more important and I can tell you that you can make a shitload of cash as a plumber ( pun intended ) than being a civil servant, so the reality is learn a trade and build your own business...

I strongly suspect that my plumber is a millionaire.

All joking aside Plumbing is a decent living...

I can make a decent living when healthy doing it...

Having been raised by an Uncle who was a Mennonite allowed me to learn a lot of basic skills most would not learn...

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

If that girl was a plumber or electrician she would be getting the same pay as the other guy in the photo.

The who equal pay thing has been debunked so many times

There are many media reports of a gender gap, often claiming that women are paid only about 80% of what men are paid. But that number is comparing the total amount of salary paid to men and to women in this country. It does not take into account such crucial factors as profession, qualifications, type of employer, seniority, hours worked or many other things that go into deciding compensation. When these basic factors are taken into account, the gender pay gap vastly decreases. For example, PayScale issued a report entitled: “The State of Gender Pay Gap 2019” based on a survey of 1.8 million wage earners. It reported that “women still make only $0.79 for every dollar men make in 2019.” But the controlled pay gap, “the amount that a woman earns for every dollar that a comparable man earns,” was a small fraction of that. When comparing two people in the same profession, with the same seniority, working the same number of hours, and so forth, women earn $0.98 for every dollar that a man earns.
What is funny is Trade School Jobs and even driving can make you a decent living that will put food on the table and give you a leg up in life while not breaking your bank...

Not everyone is built for the Higher Education way of life or being a Civil Servant or White Collar type...

Those that thumb their nose at jobs like Plumbing should realize a few things and learning plumbing is not hard and is easy and it pays well because of the type of job it is that deals with sewage that could lead to diseases if you are not properly protected...

So I can see how that Boy made more money because of the demand for trade school people while someone who took classes on wearing your pussy hat correctly would most likely end up flipping burgers at McDonald’s and even then they may not be qualified to do that!

So when picking your Educational path many of you usually pick areas that are saturated in that field which lead to lower wages and long waits to find work...

Just a mere fact!
I started off in industrial maintenance, got a degree(2 year) in industrial electricity and electronics and got a job as a PLC programmer. I make about 150k a year and cost of living in my area is low so I make a great living. I went to school with a guy who started his own LLC and got a contract doing programming for the Tesla production line. He was making $150 an hour working 10 hour days 5-6 days a week with only a 2 year degree. That's some crazy money.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

YO...........STFU and go get me another stick of 3 inch rigid conduit.................what you can't pick it up........

How the hell did I get this dang helper..............damn....yes the drill spins clockwise when drilling and why it has taken you an hour to drill the dang hole.

What did you say?

If you don't understand, then shut up and go make sandwiches.

You trampers can't type a complete sentence. Your crazy as the tramp.

You mean "you're" get a damn education
I started off in industrial maintenance, got a degree(2 year) in industrial electricity and electronics and got a job as a PLC programmer. I make about 150k a year and cost of living in my area is low so I make a great living. I went to school with a guy who started his own LLC and got a contract doing programming for the Tesla production line. He was making $150 an hour working 10 hour days 5-6 days a week with only a 2 year degree. That's some crazy money.
But you're not educated without a degree from a leftist approved college

White Collar vs Blue Collar mentality...

Many people have been told that you must have a PHD to succeed in life but when you look past those words and look at those that are the richest in the World most of them are just average people with little to no College...

Learning a trade is more important and I can tell you that you can make a shitload of cash as a plumber ( pun intended ) than being a civil servant, so the reality is learn a trade and build your own business...

I strongly suspect that my plumber is a millionaire.

Many are

White Collar vs Blue Collar mentality...

Many people have been told that you must have a PHD to succeed in life but when you look past those words and look at those that are the richest in the World most of them are just average people with little to no College...

Learning a trade is more important and I can tell you that you can make a shitload of cash as a plumber ( pun intended ) than being a civil servant, so the reality is learn a trade and build your own business...

And you're respected.
I started off in industrial maintenance, got a degree(2 year) in industrial electricity and electronics and got a job as a PLC programmer. I make about 150k a year and cost of living in my area is low so I make a great living. I went to school with a guy who started his own LLC and got a contract doing programming for the Tesla production line. He was making $150 an hour working 10 hour days 5-6 days a week with only a 2 year degree. That's some crazy money.
But you're not educated without a degree from a leftist approved college
Now you tell me. I guess my dumb country a$$ just didn't know any better. :omg:

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

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