Choices Have Consequences

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Considering the shortage of tradesmen, more people can be than can be directors of fine art museums, or even staff members

I can keep repeating myself , but my time is important.

Guess what happens to those great wages if conservatives get their way and everyone does go into trades?

It's not that everyone has to go into the trades, it's the simple fact that some college degrees only prepare you for jobs with limited openings.

Actually that’s not really true. By far the most important skills acquired in most liberal arts degrees are skills for research, analysis and composition.

There are massive numbers of jobs which have no “training” as one would have for a trade.

That used to be the skills given by a liberal arts degree, now it's about conformance, regurgitation of SJW groupthink, and assumption that your given degree will lead to a high paid mental flossing job.

There’s no assumption anything will lead to a high paid job, well with few exceptions. There’s no assumption becoming an electrician will lead to a high paid job either.

But the skills from a liberal arts degree are considerable and should not be ridiculed.

Get an Engineering Degree and your chance of finding a job is much higher. Get an accounting degree and the same applies.

Get a degree in 17th century Bavarian art, and unless the local Bavarian art museum is hiring you may be out of luck.

Again, that’s just not the case. The idea that a liberal arts degree is directly related to a specific job isn’t outdated because it was never true.

Then why are so many liberal arts degree takers bitching about not being able to find a job, or at least a job that meets their assumptions?

Because nothing can ever guarantee a job. One thing I know for sure. Unemployment rates for those with college degrees is substantially lower unemployment rate than those without.

It's not about guarantee, it's about the chance of getting a job that rewards the level of monetary commitment spent to get a degree leading to that job.

Again, if those degrees lead to fulfilling work, why are so many people bitching that they do not?

They often lead to fulfilling work. I don’t know how many people are bitching. I’d caution you from making quantitative judgements based on internet memes.

Sorry, but it's a known phenomenon, the whole 1% vs 99% thing.

Wrong its the 99% against the top 1%.

Electricians and plumbers are not 1%. They don’t do bad, but to be a 1%, you need an income in the ballpark of $500,000 per year and that ain’t happening.

i don't know. My plumber has two sons working for him and three trucks, at least. He has not accepted new customers in over ten years.

I could see him hitting that number. And if not, he could still be a contender, and his sons will be well situated to grow the business though out a long working career ahead of them.

Outside shot, but sure. Does he charge $250 per hour?

No, pretty reasonable actually. At least with regular residents. I think more and more he has been doing commercial customers.

It is quite an American success story. His wife died young, and left him as a single father. Now, his business is a money fountain.

Just back of envelop, if you work 40 hours a week solid, all on the job, for 50 week a year, you’d need to charge $250 an hour to make $500k.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Considering the shortage of tradesmen, more people can be than can be directors of fine art museums, or even staff members

I can keep repeating myself , but my time is important.

Guess what happens to those great wages if conservatives get their way and everyone does go into trades?

It's not that everyone has to go into the trades, it's the simple fact that some college degrees only prepare you for jobs with limited openings.

Actually that’s not really true. By far the most important skills acquired in most liberal arts degrees are skills for research, analysis and composition.

There are massive numbers of jobs which have no “training” as one would have for a trade.

That used to be the skills given by a liberal arts degree, now it's about conformance, regurgitation of SJW groupthink, and assumption that your given degree will lead to a high paid mental flossing job.

There’s no assumption anything will lead to a high paid job, well with few exceptions. There’s no assumption becoming an electrician will lead to a high paid job either.

But the skills from a liberal arts degree are considerable and should not be ridiculed.

Get an Engineering Degree and your chance of finding a job is much higher. Get an accounting degree and the same applies.

Get a degree in 17th century Bavarian art, and unless the local Bavarian art museum is hiring you may be out of luck.

Again, that’s just not the case. The idea that a liberal arts degree is directly related to a specific job isn’t outdated because it was never true.

Then why are so many liberal arts degree takers bitching about not being able to find a job, or at least a job that meets their assumptions?

Because nothing can ever guarantee a job. One thing I know for sure. Unemployment rates for those with college degrees is substantially lower unemployment rate than those without.

It's not about guarantee, it's about the chance of getting a job that rewards the level of monetary commitment spent to get a degree leading to that job.

Again, if those degrees lead to fulfilling work, why are so many people bitching that they do not?

They often lead to fulfilling work. I don’t know how many people are bitching. I’d caution you from making quantitative judgements based on internet memes.

Sorry, but it's a known phenomenon, the whole 1% vs 99% thing.

Wrong its the 99% against the top 1%.

Electricians and plumbers are not 1%. They don’t do bad, but to be a 1%, you need an income in the ballpark of $500,000 per year and that ain’t happening.

i don't know. My plumber has two sons working for him and three trucks, at least. He has not accepted new customers in over ten years.

I could see him hitting that number. And if not, he could still be a contender, and his sons will be well situated to grow the business though out a long working career ahead of them.

Outside shot, but sure. Does he charge $250 per hour?

No, pretty reasonable actually. At least with regular residents. I think more and more he has been doing commercial customers.

It is quite an American success story. His wife died young, and left him as a single father. Now, his business is a money fountain.

Just back of envelop, if you work 40 hours a week solid, all on the job, for 50 week a year, you’d need to charge $250 an hour to make $500k.

Which leaves out the money he is making as his sons, and possibly others work jobs that he is not personally working on, being the owner/boss.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Considering the shortage of tradesmen, more people can be than can be directors of fine art museums, or even staff members

I can keep repeating myself , but my time is important.

Guess what happens to those great wages if conservatives get their way and everyone does go into trades?

It's not that everyone has to go into the trades, it's the simple fact that some college degrees only prepare you for jobs with limited openings.

Actually that’s not really true. By far the most important skills acquired in most liberal arts degrees are skills for research, analysis and composition.

There are massive numbers of jobs which have no “training” as one would have for a trade.

That used to be the skills given by a liberal arts degree, now it's about conformance, regurgitation of SJW groupthink, and assumption that your given degree will lead to a high paid mental flossing job.

There’s no assumption anything will lead to a high paid job, well with few exceptions. There’s no assumption becoming an electrician will lead to a high paid job either.

But the skills from a liberal arts degree are considerable and should not be ridiculed.

Get an Engineering Degree and your chance of finding a job is much higher. Get an accounting degree and the same applies.

Get a degree in 17th century Bavarian art, and unless the local Bavarian art museum is hiring you may be out of luck.

Again, that’s just not the case. The idea that a liberal arts degree is directly related to a specific job isn’t outdated because it was never true.

Then why are so many liberal arts degree takers bitching about not being able to find a job, or at least a job that meets their assumptions?

Because nothing can ever guarantee a job. One thing I know for sure. Unemployment rates for those with college degrees is substantially lower unemployment rate than those without.

It's not about guarantee, it's about the chance of getting a job that rewards the level of monetary commitment spent to get a degree leading to that job.

Again, if those degrees lead to fulfilling work, why are so many people bitching that they do not?

They often lead to fulfilling work. I don’t know how many people are bitching. I’d caution you from making quantitative judgements based on internet memes.

Sorry, but it's a known phenomenon, the whole 1% vs 99% thing.

Internet memes =/= reality.

“it’s a known phenomenon” is a lazy argument

They are a window into the reality of a situation, even if distorted.

Good lord no. Is that seriously how you guys base your reality?

This might explain a lot.

Considering how many white post college age trotskyists seem to be getting into trouble in the riots, I would look for my explanations in why they seem to have so much time on their hands.

Well, at least they aren’t hatching a criminal conspiracy to kidnap a governor and put her on trial for made up crimes like true patriots.

Lol, the few guys we have ID'ed in that plot are good old Anarchists and hate Trump as well.

But it figures you give a pass to interfering with others right to travel, other's property rights, and the ability of the police to do their fucking job instead of fighting poseur Che wannabes.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Considering the shortage of tradesmen, more people can be than can be directors of fine art museums, or even staff members

I can keep repeating myself , but my time is important.

Guess what happens to those great wages if conservatives get their way and everyone does go into trades?

It's not that everyone has to go into the trades, it's the simple fact that some college degrees only prepare you for jobs with limited openings.

Actually that’s not really true. By far the most important skills acquired in most liberal arts degrees are skills for research, analysis and composition.

There are massive numbers of jobs which have no “training” as one would have for a trade.

That used to be the skills given by a liberal arts degree, now it's about conformance, regurgitation of SJW groupthink, and assumption that your given degree will lead to a high paid mental flossing job.

There’s no assumption anything will lead to a high paid job, well with few exceptions. There’s no assumption becoming an electrician will lead to a high paid job either.

But the skills from a liberal arts degree are considerable and should not be ridiculed.

Get an Engineering Degree and your chance of finding a job is much higher. Get an accounting degree and the same applies.

Get a degree in 17th century Bavarian art, and unless the local Bavarian art museum is hiring you may be out of luck.

Again, that’s just not the case. The idea that a liberal arts degree is directly related to a specific job isn’t outdated because it was never true.

Then why are so many liberal arts degree takers bitching about not being able to find a job, or at least a job that meets their assumptions?

Because nothing can ever guarantee a job. One thing I know for sure. Unemployment rates for those with college degrees is substantially lower unemployment rate than those without.

It's not about guarantee, it's about the chance of getting a job that rewards the level of monetary commitment spent to get a degree leading to that job.

Again, if those degrees lead to fulfilling work, why are so many people bitching that they do not?

They often lead to fulfilling work. I don’t know how many people are bitching. I’d caution you from making quantitative judgements based on internet memes.

Sorry, but it's a known phenomenon, the whole 1% vs 99% thing.

Internet memes =/= reality.

“it’s a known phenomenon” is a lazy argument

They are a window into the reality of a situation, even if distorted.

Good lord no. Is that seriously how you guys base your reality?

This might explain a lot.

Considering how many white post college age trotskyists seem to be getting into trouble in the riots, I would look for my explanations in why they seem to have so much time on their hands.

Well, at least they aren’t hatching a criminal conspiracy to kidnap a governor and put her on trial for made up crimes like true patriots.

Lol, the few guys we have ID'ed in that plot are good old Anarchists and hate Trump as well.

But it figures you give a pass to interfering with others right to travel, other's property rights, and the ability of the police to do their fucking job instead of fighting poseur Che wannabes.

And the rest (including the ring leader) were gun clinging 2nd amendment loving violent righties. Or in Trump’s view “very good people”

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Considering the shortage of tradesmen, more people can be than can be directors of fine art museums, or even staff members

I can keep repeating myself , but my time is important.

Guess what happens to those great wages if conservatives get their way and everyone does go into trades?

It's not that everyone has to go into the trades, it's the simple fact that some college degrees only prepare you for jobs with limited openings.

Actually that’s not really true. By far the most important skills acquired in most liberal arts degrees are skills for research, analysis and composition.

There are massive numbers of jobs which have no “training” as one would have for a trade.

That used to be the skills given by a liberal arts degree, now it's about conformance, regurgitation of SJW groupthink, and assumption that your given degree will lead to a high paid mental flossing job.

There’s no assumption anything will lead to a high paid job, well with few exceptions. There’s no assumption becoming an electrician will lead to a high paid job either.

But the skills from a liberal arts degree are considerable and should not be ridiculed.

Get an Engineering Degree and your chance of finding a job is much higher. Get an accounting degree and the same applies.

Get a degree in 17th century Bavarian art, and unless the local Bavarian art museum is hiring you may be out of luck.

Again, that’s just not the case. The idea that a liberal arts degree is directly related to a specific job isn’t outdated because it was never true.

Then why are so many liberal arts degree takers bitching about not being able to find a job, or at least a job that meets their assumptions?

Because nothing can ever guarantee a job. One thing I know for sure. Unemployment rates for those with college degrees is substantially lower unemployment rate than those without.

It's not about guarantee, it's about the chance of getting a job that rewards the level of monetary commitment spent to get a degree leading to that job.

Again, if those degrees lead to fulfilling work, why are so many people bitching that they do not?

They often lead to fulfilling work. I don’t know how many people are bitching. I’d caution you from making quantitative judgements based on internet memes.

Sorry, but it's a known phenomenon, the whole 1% vs 99% thing.

Internet memes =/= reality.

“it’s a known phenomenon” is a lazy argument

They are a window into the reality of a situation, even if distorted.

Good lord no. Is that seriously how you guys base your reality?

This might explain a lot.

Considering how many white post college age trotskyists seem to be getting into trouble in the riots, I would look for my explanations in why they seem to have so much time on their hands.

Well, at least they aren’t hatching a criminal conspiracy to kidnap a governor and put her on trial for made up crimes like true patriots.

Lol, the few guys we have ID'ed in that plot are good old Anarchists and hate Trump as well.

But it figures you give a pass to interfering with others right to travel, other's property rights, and the ability of the police to do their fucking job instead of fighting poseur Che wannabes.

And the rest (including the ring leader) were gun clinging 2nd amendment loving violent righties. Or in Trump’s view “very good people”

The line was "very fine people", and he was talking about both sides of the removal of Statues debate, not the neo-nazis rallying.

If you are going to perpetuate a lie, at least get the line right.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Considering the shortage of tradesmen, more people can be than can be directors of fine art museums, or even staff members

I can keep repeating myself , but my time is important.

Guess what happens to those great wages if conservatives get their way and everyone does go into trades?

It's not that everyone has to go into the trades, it's the simple fact that some college degrees only prepare you for jobs with limited openings.

Actually that’s not really true. By far the most important skills acquired in most liberal arts degrees are skills for research, analysis and composition.

There are massive numbers of jobs which have no “training” as one would have for a trade.

That used to be the skills given by a liberal arts degree, now it's about conformance, regurgitation of SJW groupthink, and assumption that your given degree will lead to a high paid mental flossing job.

There’s no assumption anything will lead to a high paid job, well with few exceptions. There’s no assumption becoming an electrician will lead to a high paid job either.

But the skills from a liberal arts degree are considerable and should not be ridiculed.

Get an Engineering Degree and your chance of finding a job is much higher. Get an accounting degree and the same applies.

Get a degree in 17th century Bavarian art, and unless the local Bavarian art museum is hiring you may be out of luck.

Again, that’s just not the case. The idea that a liberal arts degree is directly related to a specific job isn’t outdated because it was never true.

Then why are so many liberal arts degree takers bitching about not being able to find a job, or at least a job that meets their assumptions?

Because nothing can ever guarantee a job. One thing I know for sure. Unemployment rates for those with college degrees is substantially lower unemployment rate than those without.

It's not about guarantee, it's about the chance of getting a job that rewards the level of monetary commitment spent to get a degree leading to that job.

Again, if those degrees lead to fulfilling work, why are so many people bitching that they do not?

They often lead to fulfilling work. I don’t know how many people are bitching. I’d caution you from making quantitative judgements based on internet memes.

Sorry, but it's a known phenomenon, the whole 1% vs 99% thing.

Internet memes =/= reality.

“it’s a known phenomenon” is a lazy argument

They are a window into the reality of a situation, even if distorted.

Good lord no. Is that seriously how you guys base your reality?

This might explain a lot.

Considering how many white post college age trotskyists seem to be getting into trouble in the riots, I would look for my explanations in why they seem to have so much time on their hands.

Well, at least they aren’t hatching a criminal conspiracy to kidnap a governor and put her on trial for made up crimes like true patriots.

Lol, the few guys we have ID'ed in that plot are good old Anarchists and hate Trump as well.

But it figures you give a pass to interfering with others right to travel, other's property rights, and the ability of the police to do their fucking job instead of fighting poseur Che wannabes.

And the rest (including the ring leader) were gun clinging 2nd amendment loving violent righties. Or in Trump’s view “very good people”

The line was "very fine people", and he was talking about both sides of the removal of Statues debate, not the neo-nazis rallying.

If you are going to perpetuate a lie, at least get the line right.

Nope, he was referring to the protesters, armed to the teeth who roamed the Michigan capital and turned out to be some of the arrested plotters.


Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Considering the shortage of tradesmen, more people can be than can be directors of fine art museums, or even staff members

I can keep repeating myself , but my time is important.

Guess what happens to those great wages if conservatives get their way and everyone does go into trades?

It's not that everyone has to go into the trades, it's the simple fact that some college degrees only prepare you for jobs with limited openings.

Actually that’s not really true. By far the most important skills acquired in most liberal arts degrees are skills for research, analysis and composition.

There are massive numbers of jobs which have no “training” as one would have for a trade.

That used to be the skills given by a liberal arts degree, now it's about conformance, regurgitation of SJW groupthink, and assumption that your given degree will lead to a high paid mental flossing job.

There’s no assumption anything will lead to a high paid job, well with few exceptions. There’s no assumption becoming an electrician will lead to a high paid job either.

But the skills from a liberal arts degree are considerable and should not be ridiculed.

Get an Engineering Degree and your chance of finding a job is much higher. Get an accounting degree and the same applies.

Get a degree in 17th century Bavarian art, and unless the local Bavarian art museum is hiring you may be out of luck.

Again, that’s just not the case. The idea that a liberal arts degree is directly related to a specific job isn’t outdated because it was never true.

Then why are so many liberal arts degree takers bitching about not being able to find a job, or at least a job that meets their assumptions?

Because nothing can ever guarantee a job. One thing I know for sure. Unemployment rates for those with college degrees is substantially lower unemployment rate than those without.

It's not about guarantee, it's about the chance of getting a job that rewards the level of monetary commitment spent to get a degree leading to that job.

Again, if those degrees lead to fulfilling work, why are so many people bitching that they do not?

They often lead to fulfilling work. I don’t know how many people are bitching. I’d caution you from making quantitative judgements based on internet memes.

Sorry, but it's a known phenomenon, the whole 1% vs 99% thing.

Internet memes =/= reality.

“it’s a known phenomenon” is a lazy argument

They are a window into the reality of a situation, even if distorted.

Good lord no. Is that seriously how you guys base your reality?

This might explain a lot.

Considering how many white post college age trotskyists seem to be getting into trouble in the riots, I would look for my explanations in why they seem to have so much time on their hands.

Well, at least they aren’t hatching a criminal conspiracy to kidnap a governor and put her on trial for made up crimes like true patriots.

Lol, the few guys we have ID'ed in that plot are good old Anarchists and hate Trump as well.

But it figures you give a pass to interfering with others right to travel, other's property rights, and the ability of the police to do their fucking job instead of fighting poseur Che wannabes.

And the rest (including the ring leader) were gun clinging 2nd amendment loving violent righties. Or in Trump’s view “very good people”

The line was "very fine people", and he was talking about both sides of the removal of Statues debate, not the neo-nazis rallying.

If you are going to perpetuate a lie, at least get the line right.

Nope, he was referring to the protesters, armed to the teeth who roamed the Michigan capital and turned out to be some of the arrested plotters.

No one was hurt. No property was damaged. They came, the protested, they left.

You have evidence that some of the plotters were there? Were any of them organizers?

Or are you going for a "gotcha" moment, you pathetic SJW soi boi hack-twat?

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

You decided to be ignorant.

The only things a fine arts "degree" prepares you for is to teach fine arts, r maybe in a few cases be a museum curator. What was she thinking when she chose that "educational" field? If she wanted a degree that provided a job, she should have chosen computer science, medicine, chemistry, engineering or any of another dozen programs that have jobs waiting for qualified graduates.

Yup. A young man who I was tutoring in geology for his college class was clearly not happy in academia so I suggested he try a trade school. He enrolled in a linemans school and had a job before he graduated. He paid 17k for the school, and had that paid off in 6 months.

He just got a job in California which will pay him well over 100k per year. He's set, and he loves his job.

Climbing poles is brutally hard work, these effete "students" who go for soft degrees like fine arts and political science are allergic to hard work.
I was a TELCO technician and one time I lost my temper with a attorney at a large law firm who was being obnoxious about how long it was taking me to fix his trouble. He finally made the comment "if you had half a brain you'd get a real job like I have" I told him what I grossed the year before and he shut up; it was nearly double what he grossed. Oh and I very probably worked fewer hours making it.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

She needed to make a better choice. There are plenty of opportunities for women in the trades. They make just as much as the guys do. But, it's WORK.

Sometimes hard work. These little snowflakes want to get paid for just showing up.

That doesn't work in the real world.

Hey, decide to be whatever you want to be. Just understand the pluses and minuses of your choice, and don't whine to everyone else when you get them.

I'd be the last person to suggest that the world doesn't need artists, but the reality that you have to accept is you are an artist for love of art, not for money. The phrase "starving artist" isn't a cliche for nothing. You'd best have a plan for a day job.

The only things a fine arts "degree" prepares you for is to teach fine arts, r maybe in a few cases be a museum curator. What was she thinking when she chose that "educational" field? If she wanted a degree that provided a job, she should have chosen computer science, medicine, chemistry, engineering or any of another dozen programs that have jobs waiting for qualified graduates.

Maybe she actually wanted to be an artist, in which case, she should have taken a course in writing grant applications for arts funding.

White Collar vs Blue Collar mentality...

Many people have been told that you must have a PHD to succeed in life but when you look past those words and look at those that are the richest in the World most of them are just average people with little to no College...

Learning a trade is more important and I can tell you that you can make a shitload of cash as a plumber ( pun intended ) than being a civil servant, so the reality is learn a trade and build your own business...

I strongly suspect that my plumber is a millionaire.

Mike Rowe featured a guy with a high school diploma who started emptying septic tanks. He’s a multi millionaire now.

There's always money to be made in doing necessary stuff that no one else wants to deal with.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

If that girl was a plumber or electrician she would be getting the same pay as the other guy in the photo.

The who equal pay thing has been debunked so many times

There are many media reports of a gender gap, often claiming that women are paid only about 80% of what men are paid. But that number is comparing the total amount of salary paid to men and to women in this country. It does not take into account such crucial factors as profession, qualifications, type of employer, seniority, hours worked or many other things that go into deciding compensation. When these basic factors are taken into account, the gender pay gap vastly decreases. For example, PayScale issued a report entitled: “The State of Gender Pay Gap 2019” based on a survey of 1.8 million wage earners. It reported that “women still make only $0.79 for every dollar men make in 2019.” But the controlled pay gap, “the amount that a woman earns for every dollar that a comparable man earns,” was a small fraction of that. When comparing two people in the same profession, with the same seniority, working the same number of hours, and so forth, women earn $0.98 for every dollar that a man earns.

I worked as a TELCO technician for thirty five years. We had a gender gap in pay despite being a union shop. The women averaged about seventy to eighty percent of the gross the men earned. The kicker is that they were on the same pay scale. The women on average refused to work any overtime that wasn't mandatory and many of them would try to skate on mandatory overtime claiming family necessity like picking up kids. If there really was a wage gap, employers would go out of their way to hire women since they could get the same work for three quarters the money.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.


But how does any of that shit help when I need a diesel mechanic, or an HVAC installer/repairman?

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Of course they can with the proper training. There are many female electricians, plumbers, masons and welders. The trades are full of females who can do the job.

I'm quite aware, and I repeat everyone can't be a trade person.

Then you better practice giving blowjobs and making sandwiches.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Of course they can with the proper training. There are many female electricians, plumbers, masons and welders. The trades are full of females who can do the job.

I'm quite aware, and I repeat everyone can't be a trade person.

Then you better practice giving blowjobs and making sandwiches.

I put you on ignore until you learn to debate logically with one.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Not to many call for someone with a fine arts degree. Most people who take those kinds of courses and get a degree can't find a job. Many college grads have nothing to offer with a degree like Fine arts. Has nothing to do with being a woman.

The guy on the right however would get a job anywhere. Trade school is the way to go.

So the man is smart and the woman is dumb.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, game design, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.[1][4][5][additional citation(s) needed]
it would be so awful if we decided to be one thing.

Nope. The man merely chose a field he could earn a living in.

The woman chose one that's a lot harder to find a job and earn a living doing.

Everyone can't be an electrician or a plumber, and most of them don't make 100K a year.

What is the ratio of job openings for tradespeople vs. the job openings for Fine Arts people?

everyone can't be a trade person.

Of course they can with the proper training. There are many female electricians, plumbers, masons and welders. The trades are full of females who can do the job.

I'm quite aware, and I repeat everyone can't be a trade person.

Then you better practice giving blowjobs and making sandwiches.

I put you on ignore until you learn to debate logically with one.

If you're not going to make yourself useful, then don't get pissy when the rest of the world has no use for you.

Remember elections have consequences.

And you signs, a man holds up a sign and he is 1% and a woman holds up a sign 99%.

Well its about time women make equal pay.

Equal pay? She went to college has a degree and no job. He went to a trade school and works full time. How is this an equal pay issue? I know a female mechanic, she makes more than male mechanics because she is damn good. Should she give up some of her wages for equal pay?

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