Choose Your Poison: ObamaCare or UHC?

ObamaCare or UHC?

  • ObamaCare

  • Universal Health Care/Medicare For All

  • I Am Not Voting Next Year

Results are only viewable after voting.
16% wage increase, 818% health care cost increase.

Nahhhh. We don't need to do anything about that. :rolleyes:

And that stupid attitude, ladies and gentlemen, is how the Democrats won the health care issue.
Healthcare needs to be 'reformed'? Who decided that some stupid shit liberal?
And there is that willful blindness we have all come to know and recognize in the rube herd which continually begs to be lied to by Trump and the Republicans.


2010 LMAO!
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Democrats keep telling us to fix Obamacare. If it ain't broke, then why does it need fixing
Here is a prediction I made in 2013. I was scoffed at ruthlessly by the pseudocons whenever I made this prediction. They simply could not believe Obamacare would one day be popular:

Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.
They're both junk. Too much government involvement in healthcare.
Yes, but here we are.
Pay out of pocket like I do... no strings attached
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Democrats keep telling us to fix Obamacare. If it ain't broke, then why does it need fixing
Here is a prediction I made in 2013. I was scoffed at ruthlessly by the pseudocons whenever I made this prediction. They simply could not believe Obamacare would one day be popular:

Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.
They're both junk. Too much government involvement in healthcare.
Yes, but here we are.
Yes. We were better off before the damn politicians got involved.

It wasn't just the Policicos alone. The Problems started with the Greedy Corporations. The Corps found a way to legally purchase the Politicos and really ream the rest of us. Before 1982, they would have been standing in front of the FTC and SEC. When the Regs were removed, (and a few other regs were removed) they learned that they could own the Politicos State and Federal. To give you an idea, the formula for Diabetes was invented under a Federal University Lab. It was tested all the way though including final trials. It was ready for production. The Feds sold it to one company for one dollar. That formulae now sells for about a thousand bucks a dose just because they can. Oh, I hear some Politicos bring it up but they get shouted down by the others that are raking in millions from that one company. Yet, in Canada and other places, the doses of exactly the same stuff without the name brand on it sells for about 20 bucks.

Name me your favorite Senator, Representative, or President and let me look into whether they are on the take over this. There is a very good chance that they are and just pay lip service. So let's get some names involved here.

If your favorite Politico ends up on the list (regardless of party) they need to be sent packing.
As long as everyone is playing "Damned Liberals" and "Damned Republicans" nothing is going to get done. Chances are, you own representative (both senate and house) are on the take. Oh, they may make little squeaky noises about it's not right but they won't actually do anything about it because they are on the take.
Democrats keep telling us to fix Obamacare. If it ain't broke, then why does it need fixing
Here is a prediction I made in 2013. I was scoffed at ruthlessly by the pseudocons whenever I made this prediction. They simply could not believe Obamacare would one day be popular:

Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.
They're both junk. Too much government involvement in healthcare.
Yes, but here we are.
Yes. We were better off before the damn politicians got involved.

It wasn't just the Policicos alone. The Problems started with the Greedy Corporations. The Corps found a way to legally purchase the Politicos and really ream the rest of us. Before 1982, they would have been standing in front of the FTC and SEC. When the Regs were removed, (and a few other regs were removed) they learned that they could own the Politicos State and Federal. To give you an idea, the formula for Diabetes was invented under a Federal University Lab. It was tested all the way though including final trials. It was ready for production. The Feds sold it to one company for one dollar. That formulae now sells for about a thousand bucks a dose just because they can. Oh, I hear some Politicos bring it up but they get shouted down by the others that are raking in millions from that one company. Yet, in Canada and other places, the doses of exactly the same stuff without the name brand on it sells for about 20 bucks.

Name me your favorite Senator, Representative, or President and let me look into whether they are on the take over this. There is a very good chance that they are and just pay lip service. So let's get some names involved here.

If your favorite Politico ends up on the list (regardless of party) they need to be sent packing.
Tom Daschle is/was notorious for such corruption... Also he found dead people to vote for him
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Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control. The Republicans are just as in favor of big government and federal control as the Democrats are, they just talk a different game.

Just look at their proposals during the Trump Regime to "repeal & replace" ObamaCare that failed (barely), it was nothing more than "ObamaCare-Republican Version" aka slow walk to UHC.
We don’t want it..

Yeah and? If you don't want it then why support a political crime family whose party bosses do?

Stop listening to what they say and start paying attention to what they actually do and you'll see that the only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the logo behind their names and the framing of the lies they tell to the public.
He’s responding to a democrat party trying to give away everything for free.
LOL and yet you're defending a republican crime family that is trying to give away everything for free or haven't you noticed that vast volume of money the republicans have been printing and shoveling out the door in Washington while they've been in power? What do you think all that debt represents if not "giving things away for free"?

How low is your iq?
Not low enough to play the "which political crime family is the lesser of two evils" game that you and your fellow partisan lemmings seem to enjoy so much.

Perhaps someday you'll figure it out but at the rate you're going I doubt it. :cool:
You mean paying welfare to working Americans when we are in a trade war?? lol
Ok, that's not even close to what I wrote, learn how to read preferably with at least a modicum of comprehension.

Ciao :bye1:

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." -- Richard Steele
We don’t want it..

Yeah and? If you don't want it then why support a political crime family whose party bosses do?

Stop listening to what they say and start paying attention to what they actually do and you'll see that the only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the logo behind their names and the framing of the lies they tell to the public.
He’s responding to a democrat party trying to give away everything for free.
LOL and yet you're defending a republican crime family that is trying to give away everything for free or haven't you noticed that vast volume of money the republicans have been printing and shoveling out the door in Washington while they've been in power? What do you think all that debt represents if not "giving things away for free"?

How low is your iq?
Not low enough to play the "which political crime family is the lesser of two evils" game that you and your fellow partisan lemmings seem to enjoy so much.

Perhaps someday you'll figure it out but at the rate you're going I doubt it. :cool:
You mean paying welfare to working Americans when we are in a trade war?? lol
Ok, that's not even close to what I wrote, learn how to read preferably with at least a modicum of comprehension.

Ciao :bye1:

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." -- Richard Steele
Well that’s what we’re doing

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