Choose Your Poison: ObamaCare or UHC?

ObamaCare or UHC?

  • ObamaCare

  • Universal Health Care/Medicare For All

  • I Am Not Voting Next Year

Results are only viewable after voting.
Your're on your own, how's that?
Then you should vote on the poll for Obamacare and $6 trillion health care. Because that's the real result of your attitude. The Republicans love voters like you.
The cost of doing nothing:

Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.
We spend so much because as a nation we're unhealthy as hell.

We eat too much junk food (sugar and fat), drink too much, smoke and don't exercise not to mention all the prescription "medications" we take, that's why our rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer are insane and thus so are our health care costs.

Dreaming up some new, overly complicated take over of health insurance by government isn't going to fix that, all it's going to do is punish the people that take care of themselves and reward the people that don't. So it doesn't really matter which party is in power because neither one of the two crime families is capable of addressing the ROOT CAUSES of the high costs of healthcare in the United States.
The cost of doing nothing:

Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
The cost of doing nothing:

Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
I have added a third option to the poll. "I Am Not Voting Next Year".
The cost of doing nothing:

Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
If the Republicans win next year, then Obamacare will be the law of the land. Just like it is now. So when you say "remain private", you are ignoring the fact we are under an Obamacare regime.
g5000 is someone who votes for UHC for illegals?
And here we see the usual manufacturing of bullshit when you corner a pseudocon.

Which one do you vote for?
I'm not planning on voting next year for either party's candidate.

So YOU have been caught in a false dichotomy.


I will be voting against free health care for illegals.
So you will be voting for Obamacare then.

This is the corner Trump has backed you into. Cool, huh?
The cost of doing nothing:

Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control. The Republicans are just as in favor of big government and federal control as the Democrats are, they just talk a different game.

Just look at their proposals during the Trump Regime to "repeal & replace" ObamaCare that failed (barely), it was nothing more than "ObamaCare-Republican Version" aka slow walk to UHC.
The cost of doing nothing:

Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control. The Republicans are just as in favor of big government and federal control as the Democrats are, they just talk a different game.

Just look at their proposals during the Trump Regime to "repeal & replace" ObamaCare that failed (barely), it was nothing more than "ObamaCare-Republican Version" aka slow walk to UHC.
We don’t want it..
The cost of doing nothing:

Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control. The Republicans are just as in favor of big government and federal control as the Democrats are, they just talk a different game.

Just look at their proposals during the Trump Regime to "repeal & replace" ObamaCare that failed (barely), it was nothing more than "ObamaCare-Republican Version" aka slow walk to UHC.
We don’t want it..

Yeah and? If you don't want it then why support a political crime family whose party bosses do?

Stop listening to what they say and start paying attention to what they actually do and you'll see that the only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the logo behind their names and the framing of the lies they tell to the public.
Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control.
I wish there was a cigar emoji, because you just won one. This is exactly right.

What the herd has yet to figure out is that the Republicans sold us down the river to UHC decades ago.
The cost of doing nothing:

Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control. The Republicans are just as in favor of big government and federal control as the Democrats are, they just talk a different game.

Just look at their proposals during the Trump Regime to "repeal & replace" ObamaCare that failed (barely), it was nothing more than "ObamaCare-Republican Version" aka slow walk to UHC.
We don’t want it..
Then why do you keep allowing yourself to be hoaxed by the GOP and Trump?

You DESERVE to be lied to.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
How about a none of the above option? Healthcre insurance and government involvment in healthcare is excaty how it got so screwed up and broken in the first place. Before all this insurance and goverment crap got started the cost was affordable and the quality was much higher.
Beliving that you are going to win out on any insurace program, including healthcare is like taking a trip to Las Vegas on a one way ticket thinking that you'll get back home by beating the house. Odds are, that's not very likly to happen. And it's not as if the goverment has such a great track record at anything it does including healthcare. So why are so many people such willing suckers?
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