Choose Your Poison: ObamaCare or UHC?

ObamaCare or UHC?

  • ObamaCare

  • Universal Health Care/Medicare For All

  • I Am Not Voting Next Year

Results are only viewable after voting.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
How about a none of the above option? Healthcre insurance and government involvment in healthcare is excaty how it got so screwed up and broken in the first place. Before all this insurance and goverment crap got started the cost was affordable and the quality was much higher.
Beliving that you are going to win out on any insurace program, including healthcare is like taking a trip to Las Vegas on a one way ticket thinking that you'll get back home by beating the house. Odds are, that's not very likly to happen. And it's not as if the goverment has such a great track record at anything it does including healthcare. So why are so many people such willing suckers?
I have provided a I Am Not Voting Next Year option.

If you vote for a Republican next year, you are voting for Obamacare.

If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for some form of UHC.

That's not the same. Ill be voting for Trump again BTW so i guess you'll be screaming at the sky again.
You deserve Trump.

For those dumb enough to ASSume I am in favor of Obamacare, here is a prediction I made in 2012 right here on this forum. A prediction I made for this year, 2019:

I want you to remember in 2019 that you were told today that ObamaCare is going to bankrupt your state.

By that time, Obama will be retired on the golf course, laughing his ass off. And when your fellow citizens get slammed with a higher state tax bill, and your fellow citizens find their state benefits abruptly cut back, you should probably know that Obama will have a lot of Secret Service protection. And he will need it.

That is Obama's way. Shower you with free gifts and pushing the costs out until long after he is gone. Just so you will swallow his c**k and vote for him.

Remember. 2019. You were warned way ahead of time. You were warned today.

I have plenty of other posts I can provide in which I slammed Obama and Obamacare.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Democrats keep telling us to fix Obamacare. If it ain't broke, then why does it need fixing
Both of them are fucked up, because they are all about control you fucking retard
Well, you are the one who allowed yourself to be hoaxed into this corner. So who's the retard, really?
As long as there’s not a mandate I don’t give two shits, I will continue to pay out-of-pocket
There is still an employer mandate, which affects far more people than the individual mandate did.

There are still health care exchanges and subsidies.

All Trump managed to do is make Obamacare even more disastrous and expensive.

You fell for, and continue to fall for, a massive Trump/Republican hoax.

So who's the retard?

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

You’re obviously an Obamacare supporter, The whole concept of paying into a pool is socialism… Socialism always fails in the end

I have posted at least a hundred times the way I think our health care system should work. So you are pulling manufactured bullshit out of your ass when you make the false claim I support Obamacare.

Why do you assholes always lie when you are cornered by your own stupidity? I never fell for the Trump or GOP hoaxes like you did. That does not automatically mean I support the Democrats, retard. When will you dumb fucks ever figure that out?

It’s not about supporting Trump, because actually I did not vote for the guy. But he governs way more conservative than any career politician has... And he is single-handedly destroying the GOP establishment... Chaos is good for the country… For DC not so much. Lol
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Democrats keep telling us to fix Obamacare. If it ain't broke, then why does it need fixing
Here is a prediction I made in 2013. I was scoffed at ruthlessly by the pseudocons whenever I made this prediction. They simply could not believe Obamacare would one day be popular:

Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.

I vote Option 3.

Medicare and Tricare.
I have mixed feelings about Tricare. And I have not yet reached the age where I can use both Medicare and Tricare, but I am looking forward to it.

It was a shock when I went from just using Tricare to also using Medicare. The good news was, preventive medicine was not being paid for instead of out of my pocket when I went to both. But the real shocker was when I noticed that I was now being charged a hefty premium each month for part B Medicare and was required to have it and still retain Tricare. Medicare is not free.

I've only used both twice. The last time was for a double Catarac removal (recently) where I also could have gone through the VA. The Problem with going through the VA, if I had elected going through the VA, I would have been legally blind in both eyes by the time the operation would have happened. I was already legally blind in my left eye at 20/400 and my right eye was 20/100. Not an option. I used Medicare and tricare and got the left eye done in 30 days. 1 week later, the right eye. I think the total cost to me will be under 100 bucks out of pocket. I can live with that. Especially when I got my 20/15 back in my left eye and better than 20/20 back in my right eye. Tricare is like a supplemental insurance that is payback for our giving our time and more to our Country. So it's not free either. We paid for it.

Medicare is NOT free and shouldn't be. But it depends on your income level on what your premium is. The Government does not say who you can see to use it. They don't say what medicines you can or cannot have prescribed to you by your Doctor (legally). And it almost always requires some for of supplemental insurance or out of pocket expense. Medicare is NOT free. And it works.

There is no reason that we can't expand Medicare to every Citizen of the United States under the same policies and procedures and make things much better. ACA won't work and we certainly are in the middle of a disaster without any kind of Federal Health Care. But we have one that works and does fill all the voids. Why not stop this stupid fighting and just expand it to everyone that pays taxes.
I currently have Tricare Prime. I pay a quarterly premium for that.

I did not know that the premium for Medicare B depends on your income. That sucks. When I retire, I will have my military pension, social security, and my 401k and other savings. So I guess I will take a big hit on Medicare B.

The thing about Tricare is that not every doctor takes Tricare or is in the network. So how does that work in conjunction with Medicare?

Now every doctor will take Medicare either. Once you get a Doctor, stick with them is all I can say. Doctors like being paid on time. Medicare is slow in payment. So many don't like taking Medicare. The 30 to 60 day wait. But Tricare takes almost forever to pay. It's not the fact that don't pay. It's the fact it takes so long. If a Doctor is in the Networks it's because they elected to be in the Network. If they are not in the network it's because they have elected to NOT be in the network. I would like to see that option removed and the "Network" crap stopped. It's funny, some Doctors might accept Tricare but not Medicare while others might accept Medicare but not Tricare. This is stupid.

You are soon to be entering in the wonderful world of Universal Health Care which you are just a part time member of now. So when anyone says that they are against it, we all join it sooner or later. The option of not joining it is.........
The Republicans made a massive strategic mistake in 2017. They had deluded themselves into believing Obamacare was hugely unpopular. They believed the American people would prefer their "do nothing" plan to Obamacare. They believed that sabotaging parts of Obamacare would make them popular.

They grossly miscalculated and lost the House as a result.

In light of the current impeachment inquiry, I bet they are kicking themselves in the nuts every day for drinking their own Kool-Aid.

That's why they won't fuck with Obamacare ever again. That's why if you vote Republican, you are voting for Obamacare.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
How about a none of the above option? Healthcre insurance and government involvment in healthcare is excaty how it got so screwed up and broken in the first place. Before all this insurance and goverment crap got started the cost was affordable and the quality was much higher.
Beliving that you are going to win out on any insurace program, including healthcare is like taking a trip to Las Vegas on a one way ticket thinking that you'll get back home by beating the house. Odds are, that's not very likly to happen. And it's not as if the goverment has such a great track record at anything it does including healthcare. So why are so many people such willing suckers?
I have provided a I Am Not Voting Next Year option.

If you vote for a Republican next year, you are voting for Obamacare.

If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for some form of UHC.

That's not the same. Ill be voting for Trump again BTW so i guess you'll be screaming at the sky again.
You deserve Trump.


We do not deserve Trump but have earned him nonetheless.

Now make America great again. Good way to start is to discuss something other than your unlimited desire for free shit for you and your pals.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.

I vote Option 3.

Medicare and Tricare.
I have mixed feelings about Tricare. And I have not yet reached the age where I can use both Medicare and Tricare, but I am looking forward to it.

It was a shock when I went from just using Tricare to also using Medicare. The good news was, preventive medicine was not being paid for instead of out of my pocket when I went to both. But the real shocker was when I noticed that I was now being charged a hefty premium each month for part B Medicare and was required to have it and still retain Tricare. Medicare is not free.

I've only used both twice. The last time was for a double Catarac removal (recently) where I also could have gone through the VA. The Problem with going through the VA, if I had elected going through the VA, I would have been legally blind in both eyes by the time the operation would have happened. I was already legally blind in my left eye at 20/400 and my right eye was 20/100. Not an option. I used Medicare and tricare and got the left eye done in 30 days. 1 week later, the right eye. I think the total cost to me will be under 100 bucks out of pocket. I can live with that. Especially when I got my 20/15 back in my left eye and better than 20/20 back in my right eye. Tricare is like a supplemental insurance that is payback for our giving our time and more to our Country. So it's not free either. We paid for it.

Medicare is NOT free and shouldn't be. But it depends on your income level on what your premium is. The Government does not say who you can see to use it. They don't say what medicines you can or cannot have prescribed to you by your Doctor (legally). And it almost always requires some for of supplemental insurance or out of pocket expense. Medicare is NOT free. And it works.

There is no reason that we can't expand Medicare to every Citizen of the United States under the same policies and procedures and make things much better. ACA won't work and we certainly are in the middle of a disaster without any kind of Federal Health Care. But we have one that works and does fill all the voids. Why not stop this stupid fighting and just expand it to everyone that pays taxes.
I currently have Tricare Prime. I pay a quarterly premium for that.

I did not know that the premium for Medicare B depends on your income. That sucks. When I retire, I will have my military pension, social security, and my 401k and other savings. So I guess I will take a big hit on Medicare B.

The thing about Tricare is that not every doctor takes Tricare or is in the network. So how does that work in conjunction with Medicare?

Now every doctor will take Medicare either. Once you get a Doctor, stick with them is all I can say. Doctors like being paid on time. Medicare is slow in payment. So many don't like taking Medicare. The 30 to 60 day wait. But Tricare takes almost forever to pay. It's not the fact that don't pay. It's the fact it takes so long. If a Doctor is in the Networks it's because they elected to be in the Network. If they are not in the network it's because they have elected to NOT be in the network. I would like to see that option removed and the "Network" crap stopped. It's funny, some Doctors might accept Tricare but not Medicare while others might accept Medicare but not Tricare. This is stupid.

You are soon to be entering in the wonderful world of Universal Health Care which you are just a part time member of now. So when anyone says that they are against it, we all join it sooner or later. The option of not joining it is.........
I've been retired from the military for several years and have yet to enter the VA program. That's because the VA does not cover my family, and so we all use Tricare.

I suppose sooner or later I should check out the VA for myself. I just haven't had a need to yet.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
How about a none of the above option? Healthcre insurance and government involvment in healthcare is excaty how it got so screwed up and broken in the first place. Before all this insurance and goverment crap got started the cost was affordable and the quality was much higher.
Beliving that you are going to win out on any insurace program, including healthcare is like taking a trip to Las Vegas on a one way ticket thinking that you'll get back home by beating the house. Odds are, that's not very likly to happen. And it's not as if the goverment has such a great track record at anything it does including healthcare. So why are so many people such willing suckers?
I have provided a I Am Not Voting Next Year option.

If you vote for a Republican next year, you are voting for Obamacare.

If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for some form of UHC.

That's not the same. Ill be voting for Trump again BTW so i guess you'll be screaming at the sky again.
You deserve Trump.


We do not deserve Trump but have earned him nonetheless.

Now make America great again. Good way to start is to discuss something other than your unlimited desire for free shit for you and your pals.
I say again, anyone who says I support Obamacare or UHC is talking out of their ass. I have posted at least a hundred times on this forum what I think should be done, and it is all about free enterprise and the free market. So stop lying about me, you are making an ass of yourself.

But the fact is, what I want and what choices we have are two entirely different things.

Trump and the Republicans have hoaxed all of us into a corner: Obamacare or UHC.
I vote Option 3.

Medicare and Tricare.
I have mixed feelings about Tricare. And I have not yet reached the age where I can use both Medicare and Tricare, but I am looking forward to it.

It was a shock when I went from just using Tricare to also using Medicare. The good news was, preventive medicine was not being paid for instead of out of my pocket when I went to both. But the real shocker was when I noticed that I was now being charged a hefty premium each month for part B Medicare and was required to have it and still retain Tricare. Medicare is not free.

I've only used both twice. The last time was for a double Catarac removal (recently) where I also could have gone through the VA. The Problem with going through the VA, if I had elected going through the VA, I would have been legally blind in both eyes by the time the operation would have happened. I was already legally blind in my left eye at 20/400 and my right eye was 20/100. Not an option. I used Medicare and tricare and got the left eye done in 30 days. 1 week later, the right eye. I think the total cost to me will be under 100 bucks out of pocket. I can live with that. Especially when I got my 20/15 back in my left eye and better than 20/20 back in my right eye. Tricare is like a supplemental insurance that is payback for our giving our time and more to our Country. So it's not free either. We paid for it.

Medicare is NOT free and shouldn't be. But it depends on your income level on what your premium is. The Government does not say who you can see to use it. They don't say what medicines you can or cannot have prescribed to you by your Doctor (legally). And it almost always requires some for of supplemental insurance or out of pocket expense. Medicare is NOT free. And it works.

There is no reason that we can't expand Medicare to every Citizen of the United States under the same policies and procedures and make things much better. ACA won't work and we certainly are in the middle of a disaster without any kind of Federal Health Care. But we have one that works and does fill all the voids. Why not stop this stupid fighting and just expand it to everyone that pays taxes.
I currently have Tricare Prime. I pay a quarterly premium for that.

I did not know that the premium for Medicare B depends on your income. That sucks. When I retire, I will have my military pension, social security, and my 401k and other savings. So I guess I will take a big hit on Medicare B.

The thing about Tricare is that not every doctor takes Tricare or is in the network. So how does that work in conjunction with Medicare?

Now every doctor will take Medicare either. Once you get a Doctor, stick with them is all I can say. Doctors like being paid on time. Medicare is slow in payment. So many don't like taking Medicare. The 30 to 60 day wait. But Tricare takes almost forever to pay. It's not the fact that don't pay. It's the fact it takes so long. If a Doctor is in the Networks it's because they elected to be in the Network. If they are not in the network it's because they have elected to NOT be in the network. I would like to see that option removed and the "Network" crap stopped. It's funny, some Doctors might accept Tricare but not Medicare while others might accept Medicare but not Tricare. This is stupid.

You are soon to be entering in the wonderful world of Universal Health Care which you are just a part time member of now. So when anyone says that they are against it, we all join it sooner or later. The option of not joining it is.........
I've been retired from the military for several years and have yet to enter the VA program. That's because the VA does not cover my family, and so we all use Tricare.

I suppose sooner or later I should check out the VA for myself. I just haven't had a need to yet.

The only time the VA might be helpful will be something that would be super expensive under just Tricare. Like for instance, yesterday I need a name brand prescription. I use both Tricare and the VA for drugs. Some Doctors aren't able to prescribe through the Va so they can under the normal RX. The problem I ran into yesterday, the name brand was not carried by the VA (it would have been the normal 8 bucks for 30 day supply) so I had to go to a RX for it. Even with the Tricare Copay, it costs me 28 bucks for a bottle. We are talking about a very, very small bottle. A tiny, tiny bottle. You get the idea. Without Tricare, that (break out the microscope) bottle of precious liquid would have cost hundreds of dollars. I suggest you look into at least qualifying for the VA RX program for Co-pay. If you need a Name Brand Drug and they carry it, it's going to be much cheaper than under the Tricare Program.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Democrats keep telling us to fix Obamacare. If it ain't broke, then why does it need fixing
Here is a prediction I made in 2013. I was scoffed at ruthlessly by the pseudocons whenever I made this prediction. They simply could not believe Obamacare would one day be popular:

Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.
They're both junk. Too much government involvement in healthcare.
How about a none of the above option? Healthcre insurance and government involvment in healthcare is excaty how it got so screwed up and broken in the first place. Before all this insurance and goverment crap got started the cost was affordable and the quality was much higher.
Beliving that you are going to win out on any insurace program, including healthcare is like taking a trip to Las Vegas on a one way ticket thinking that you'll get back home by beating the house. Odds are, that's not very likly to happen. And it's not as if the goverment has such a great track record at anything it does including healthcare. So why are so many people such willing suckers?
I have provided a I Am Not Voting Next Year option.

If you vote for a Republican next year, you are voting for Obamacare.

If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for some form of UHC.

That's not the same. Ill be voting for Trump again BTW so i guess you'll be screaming at the sky again.
You deserve Trump.


We do not deserve Trump but have earned him nonetheless.

Now make America great again. Good way to start is to discuss something other than your unlimited desire for free shit for you and your pals.
I say again, anyone who says I support Obamacare or UHC is talking out of their ass. I have posted at least a hundred times on this forum what I think should be done, and it is all about free enterprise and the free market. So stop lying about me, you are making an ass of yourself.

But the fact is, what I want and what choices we have are two entirely different things.

Trump and the Republicans have hoaxed all of us into a corner: Obamacare or UHC.

Well, Brother, you already use a form of UHC. The same one I use. Are you willing to give that up and go out and get a civilian one? Or do we take what we have and teach them how to build what we have.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Democrats keep telling us to fix Obamacare. If it ain't broke, then why does it need fixing
Here is a prediction I made in 2013. I was scoffed at ruthlessly by the pseudocons whenever I made this prediction. They simply could not believe Obamacare would one day be popular:

Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.
They're both junk. Too much government involvement in healthcare.
Yes, but here we are.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Democrats keep telling us to fix Obamacare. If it ain't broke, then why does it need fixing
Here is a prediction I made in 2013. I was scoffed at ruthlessly by the pseudocons whenever I made this prediction. They simply could not believe Obamacare would one day be popular:

Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.
They're both junk. Too much government involvement in healthcare.
Yes, but here we are.
Yes. We were better off before the damn politicians got involved.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.

The best choice is neither
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.

The best choice is neither
Unfortunately, we don't have that choice. Except not to vote next year. That's the third option on the poll.
It amazes me that the voters who fell for the Trump/Republican hoax don't go after their blood with a vengeance. It is Trump and the Republicans who have boxed us into this Obamacare/UHC corner.
Healthcare needs to be 'reformed'? Who decided that some stupid shit liberal?
And there is that willful blindness we have all come to know and recognize in the rube herd which continually begs to be lied to by Trump and the Republicans.


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