Choose Your Poison: ObamaCare or UHC?

ObamaCare or UHC?

  • ObamaCare

  • Universal Health Care/Medicare For All

  • I Am Not Voting Next Year

Results are only viewable after voting.
Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control. The Republicans are just as in favor of big government and federal control as the Democrats are, they just talk a different game.

Just look at their proposals during the Trump Regime to "repeal & replace" ObamaCare that failed (barely), it was nothing more than "ObamaCare-Republican Version" aka slow walk to UHC.
We don’t want it..

Yeah and? If you don't want it then why support a political crime family whose party bosses do?

Stop listening to what they say and start paying attention to what they actually do and you'll see that the only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the logo behind their names and the framing of the lies they tell to the public.
He’s responding to a democrat party trying to give away everything for free. How low is your iq?
Arrest people for not paying their bill ,, arrest docs for over charging, and fraud.. just putting the burden on non creators is not the answer
You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control. The Republicans are just as in favor of big government and federal control as the Democrats are, they just talk a different game.

Just look at their proposals during the Trump Regime to "repeal & replace" ObamaCare that failed (barely), it was nothing more than "ObamaCare-Republican Version" aka slow walk to UHC.
We don’t want it..
Then why do you keep allowing yourself to be hoaxed by the GOP and Trump?

You DESERVE to be lied to.
I’m just smart enough to know the plan
I pick none of the above.
Let's go with a constitutional form of healthcare.
Non federal govt intervention.
Not going to happen. Let's be real. I have posted my thoughts many times on what we SHOULD be doing. But let's face it, the Republican plan is "do NOTHING".

So these are your only real choices: Obamacare or UHC.

You can flail and scream and gnash your teeth all you like, but those are the facts.
If you kill 50 percent of the population that is miserable and mean(Demonrats) then the US would be a much happier place, illegals would be FORCED to leave this country and everyone would be healthy , wealthy and wise. Liberals are such ignorant , stupid, mean fuckers. Just look at the OP.

You can flail and gnash your teeth all you want. You can whine about what we SHOULD do all you want. But the fact is, we have only two choices. Obamacare or UHC.

I normally loathe false dichotomies, but in this case we really do have only two choices.

That's a fact.

So pick one. Whether you like it or not, when you vote next year that's exactly what you will be doing. You will be choosing between Obamacare and UHC.
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control. The Republicans are just as in favor of big government and federal control as the Democrats are, they just talk a different game.

Just look at their proposals during the Trump Regime to "repeal & replace" ObamaCare that failed (barely), it was nothing more than "ObamaCare-Republican Version" aka slow walk to UHC.
We don’t want it..

Yeah and? If you don't want it then why support a political crime family whose party bosses do?

Stop listening to what they say and start paying attention to what they actually do and you'll see that the only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the logo behind their names and the framing of the lies they tell to the public.
He’s responding to a democrat party trying to give away everything for free.
LOL and yet you're defending a republican crime family that is trying to give away everything for free or haven't you noticed that vast volume of money the republicans have been printing and shoveling out the door in Washington while they've been in power? What do you think all that debt represents if not "giving things away for free"?

How low is your iq?
Not low enough to play the "which political crime family is the lesser of two evils" game that you and your fellow partisan lemmings seem to enjoy so much.

Perhaps someday you'll figure it out but at the rate you're going I doubt it. :cool:
It pretty clear republicans are winning everything next year, and health care will remain private .. we will deport illegals.. we will only allow merit
Don't kid yourself, with the Republicans in power we're just on a slower path to Government Run UHC than with Democrats in control. The Republicans are just as in favor of big government and federal control as the Democrats are, they just talk a different game.

Just look at their proposals during the Trump Regime to "repeal & replace" ObamaCare that failed (barely), it was nothing more than "ObamaCare-Republican Version" aka slow walk to UHC.
We don’t want it..

Yeah and? If you don't want it then why support a political crime family whose party bosses do?

Stop listening to what they say and start paying attention to what they actually do and you'll see that the only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the logo behind their names and the framing of the lies they tell to the public.
He’s responding to a democrat party trying to give away everything for free.
LOL and yet you're defending a republican crime family that is trying to give away everything for free or haven't you noticed that vast volume of money the republicans have been printing and shoveling out the door in Washington while they've been in power? What do you think all that debt represents if not "giving things away for free"?

How low is your iq?
Not low enough to play the "which political crime family is the lesser of two evils" game that you and your fellow partisan lemmings seem to enjoy so much.

Perhaps someday you'll figure it out but at the rate you're going I doubt it. :cool:
You mean paying welfare to working Americans when we are in a trade war?? lol
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.

I vote Option 3.

Medicare and Tricare.

Wow, we agreed on something again. Did you just feel the ground tremor on that one? But only about 2% of the people in here have the same Health Plan that we have. We have Medicare and Tricare. And neither are Free.

Will, you already know this, so this isn't for you.

Medicare part B costs me 135 a month and is required for me to have Tricare. Medicare covers the first 80%. It ain't free and the premium is determined by the the income you have coming in. Since, like you, I have my Retirement SSI, and Military Retirement along with another one, I pay a higher premium than someone with less coming in. If all I had coming in was the minimum $667 the premium would be zero but the 80% would still apply and of course there would be no tricare to pick up the rest. Some states kick in with Medicaid to help pay for that other 20%.

Then we have the others that are over 65 that do not have tricare. The rules for the premiums still apply so Medicare is not free. If they make, say, 1200 a month on SSI, they do not apply for Medicaid. They also pay a smaller premium for Medicare. The amount is figured by VooDoo, I believe. The smart ones will have a supplemental plan to pick up what Medicare won't.

Retired Military uses Tricare. It's like Medicare but it uses a yearly deductible instead of a premium until you start receiving Medicare where it becomes like a supplemental with a cap.

Gee, that means that Medicare for all pretty well exists already for anyone 65 or older. And it exists already for every Military Retiree regardless of age using Tricare.

The system for Medicare for all already exists. Without it, our entire Medical Community today would collapse. To just expand an already successful operating system wouldn't cost a figgin dime or wouldn't really cost that much as compared to all the other half baked programs that everyone else keeps dreaming up. And then we could slightly change it to make it better with little or no pain.

Medicare for All would NOT be free and you could still have your Health Insurance a part of the Package. The catch here is, the HMO would be out of business because the Doctor and you would be directly talking to each other and the Insurance Companies would be making a whole lot less. Now, that would be a shame only if you owned the HMO or the Insurance Company. But for the rest of us, it would be a good thing.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
How about a none of the above option? Healthcre insurance and government involvment in healthcare is excaty how it got so screwed up and broken in the first place. Before all this insurance and goverment crap got started the cost was affordable and the quality was much higher.
Beliving that you are going to win out on any insurace program, including healthcare is like taking a trip to Las Vegas on a one way ticket thinking that you'll get back home by beating the house. Odds are, that's not very likly to happen. And it's not as if the goverment has such a great track record at anything it does including healthcare. So why are so many people such willing suckers?
I have provided a I Am Not Voting Next Year option.

If you vote for a Republican next year, you are voting for Obamacare.

If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for some form of UHC.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Both of them are fucked up, because they are all about control you fucking retard
I pick none of the above.
Let's go with a constitutional form of healthcare.
Non federal govt intervention.
Not going to happen. Let's be real. I have posted my thoughts many times on what we SHOULD be doing. But let's face it, the Republican plan is "do NOTHING".

So these are your only real choices: Obamacare or UHC.

You can flail and scream and gnash your teeth all you like, but those are the facts.
If you kill 50 percent of the population that is miserable and mean(Demonrats) then the US would be a much happier place, illegals would be FORCED to leave this country and everyone would be healthy , wealthy and wise. Liberals are such ignorant , stupid, mean fuckers. Just look at the OP.


I hope the illegals are not coming with their plastic straws.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Both of them are fucked up, because they are all about control you fucking retard
Well, you are the one of the many millions of rubes who allowed yourselves to be hoaxed into this corner by the Republicans. So who's the retard, really?
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Both of them are fucked up, because they are all about control you fucking retard
Well, you are the one who allowed yourself to be hoaxed into this corner. So who's the retard, really?
As long as there’s not a mandate I don’t give two shits, I will continue to pay out-of-pocket
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Both of them are fucked up, because they are all about control you fucking retard
Well, you are the one who allowed yourself to be hoaxed into this corner. So who's the retard, really?
As long as there’s not a mandate I don’t give two shits, I will continue to pay out-of-pocket
There is still an employer mandate, which affects far more people than the individual mandate did.

There are still health care exchanges and subsidies.

All Trump managed to do is make Obamacare even more disastrous and expensive.

You fell for, and continue to fall for, a massive Trump/Republican hoax.

So who's the retard?

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.

I vote Option 3.

Medicare and Tricare.
I have mixed feelings about Tricare. And I have not yet reached the age where I can use both Medicare and Tricare, but I am looking forward to it.

It was a shock when I went from just using Tricare to also using Medicare. The good news was, preventive medicine was not being paid for instead of out of my pocket when I went to both. But the real shocker was when I noticed that I was now being charged a hefty premium each month for part B Medicare and was required to have it and still retain Tricare. Medicare is not free.

I've only used both twice. The last time was for a double Catarac removal (recently) where I also could have gone through the VA. The Problem with going through the VA, if I had elected going through the VA, I would have been legally blind in both eyes by the time the operation would have happened. I was already legally blind in my left eye at 20/400 and my right eye was 20/100. Not an option. I used Medicare and tricare and got the left eye done in 30 days. 1 week later, the right eye. I think the total cost to me will be under 100 bucks out of pocket. I can live with that. Especially when I got my 20/15 back in my left eye and better than 20/20 back in my right eye. Tricare is like a supplemental insurance that is payback for our giving our time and more to our Country. So it's not free either. We paid for it.

Medicare is NOT free and shouldn't be. But it depends on your income level on what your premium is. The Government does not say who you can see to use it. They don't say what medicines you can or cannot have prescribed to you by your Doctor (legally). And it almost always requires some for of supplemental insurance or out of pocket expense. Medicare is NOT free. And it works.

There is no reason that we can't expand Medicare to every Citizen of the United States under the same policies and procedures and make things much better. ACA won't work and we certainly are in the middle of a disaster without any kind of Federal Health Care. But we have one that works and does fill all the voids. Why not stop this stupid fighting and just expand it to everyone that pays taxes.
To get proper health care we need to vote out the never Trumpers and democrats. That's how it is done.
Sure your not. That’s why you are pushing for the dems uhc
I'm not pushing for UHC. I hate UHC.

I am pointing out the reality. The Republicans have hoaxed the entire country into a corner. We now have no choice but to choose between Obamacare and UHC.

So now we have to decide which is the least harmful poison.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Both of them are fucked up, because they are all about control you fucking retard
Well, you are the one who allowed yourself to be hoaxed into this corner. So who's the retard, really?
As long as there’s not a mandate I don’t give two shits, I will continue to pay out-of-pocket
There is still an employer mandate, which affects far more people than the individual mandate did.

There are still health care exchanges and subsidies.

All Trump managed to do is make Obamacare even more disastrous and expensive.

You fell for, and continue to fall for, a massive Trump/Republican hoax.

So who's the retard?

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

You’re obviously an Obamacare supporter, The whole concept of paying into a pool is socialism… Socialism always fails in the end
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
How about a none of the above option? Healthcre insurance and government involvment in healthcare is excaty how it got so screwed up and broken in the first place. Before all this insurance and goverment crap got started the cost was affordable and the quality was much higher.
Beliving that you are going to win out on any insurace program, including healthcare is like taking a trip to Las Vegas on a one way ticket thinking that you'll get back home by beating the house. Odds are, that's not very likly to happen. And it's not as if the goverment has such a great track record at anything it does including healthcare. So why are so many people such willing suckers?
I have provided a I Am Not Voting Next Year option.

If you vote for a Republican next year, you are voting for Obamacare.

If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for some form of UHC.

That's not the same. Ill be voting for Trump again BTW so i guess you'll be screaming at the sky again.
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.

I vote Option 3.

Medicare and Tricare.
I have mixed feelings about Tricare. And I have not yet reached the age where I can use both Medicare and Tricare, but I am looking forward to it.

It was a shock when I went from just using Tricare to also using Medicare. The good news was, preventive medicine was not being paid for instead of out of my pocket when I went to both. But the real shocker was when I noticed that I was now being charged a hefty premium each month for part B Medicare and was required to have it and still retain Tricare. Medicare is not free.

I've only used both twice. The last time was for a double Catarac removal (recently) where I also could have gone through the VA. The Problem with going through the VA, if I had elected going through the VA, I would have been legally blind in both eyes by the time the operation would have happened. I was already legally blind in my left eye at 20/400 and my right eye was 20/100. Not an option. I used Medicare and tricare and got the left eye done in 30 days. 1 week later, the right eye. I think the total cost to me will be under 100 bucks out of pocket. I can live with that. Especially when I got my 20/15 back in my left eye and better than 20/20 back in my right eye. Tricare is like a supplemental insurance that is payback for our giving our time and more to our Country. So it's not free either. We paid for it.

Medicare is NOT free and shouldn't be. But it depends on your income level on what your premium is. The Government does not say who you can see to use it. They don't say what medicines you can or cannot have prescribed to you by your Doctor (legally). And it almost always requires some for of supplemental insurance or out of pocket expense. Medicare is NOT free. And it works.

There is no reason that we can't expand Medicare to every Citizen of the United States under the same policies and procedures and make things much better. ACA won't work and we certainly are in the middle of a disaster without any kind of Federal Health Care. But we have one that works and does fill all the voids. Why not stop this stupid fighting and just expand it to everyone that pays taxes.
I currently have Tricare Prime. I pay a quarterly premium for that.

I did not know that the premium for Medicare B depends on your income. That sucks. When I retire, I will have my military pension, social security, and my 401k and other savings. So I guess I will take a big hit on Medicare B.

The thing about Tricare is that not every doctor takes Tricare or is in the network. So how does that work in conjunction with Medicare?
If you are going to vote Republican next year, then you should choose Obamacare in the poll. Because let's face it, Trump and the Republicans have no health care reform plan and so we will be stuck with some form of Obamacare if they win.

And now, some figures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record

Thanks, Trump!

We spent $3.65 Trillion on health care last year. That's your insurance premiums and co-pays, plus your employer's share of premiums, plus the government's outlays for Medicaid, Medicare, etc.

$3.65 trillion. That would be $36.5 trillion over ten years...except it will actually be much more than that since health care costs have been skyrocketing for many decades, long before Obamacare.

So here's another number: CMS Estimates Annual U.S. Health Care Spending to Hit $5.96 Trillion by 2027

In short, we literally cannot afford the Republican "do nothing" health care plan.

I am opposed to UHC, but I think it is the best of two bad choices. And I think most Americans are rapidly reaching that conclusion as well.
Both of them are fucked up, because they are all about control you fucking retard
Well, you are the one who allowed yourself to be hoaxed into this corner. So who's the retard, really?
As long as there’s not a mandate I don’t give two shits, I will continue to pay out-of-pocket
There is still an employer mandate, which affects far more people than the individual mandate did.

There are still health care exchanges and subsidies.

All Trump managed to do is make Obamacare even more disastrous and expensive.

You fell for, and continue to fall for, a massive Trump/Republican hoax.

So who's the retard?

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

You’re obviously an Obamacare supporter, The whole concept of paying into a pool is socialism… Socialism always fails in the end

I have posted at least a hundred times the way I think our health care system should work. So you are pulling manufactured bullshit out of your ass when you make the false claim I support Obamacare.

Why do you assholes always lie when you are cornered by your own stupidity? I never fell for the Trump or GOP hoaxes like you did. That does not automatically mean I support the Democrats, retard. When will you dumb fucks ever figure that out?

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