CHOP anarchy at work


Platinum Member
Apr 27, 2020

CHOP has been taken over by gangs. I've been challenged by anarchists here who think anarchy will be a paradise without government when I point out that the strongest will take over in the first day. Rapper Raz Simone has effectively taken over policing in CHOP with armed gang members. None of the anarchists dare challenge him because he's not bound or restricted by law. This is the future of anarchism: crime run by the strongest gangs.

Even conservatives think their guns will protect them but they shouldn't assume their enemies will be unarmed sissies in skinny jeans. There will be a fight, if our Constitution were to fall.. and it's hanging by a thread as we speak.

CHOP has been taken over by gangs. I've been challenged by anarchists here who think anarchy will be a paradise without government when I point out that the strongest will take over in the first day. Rapper Raz Simone has effectively taken over policing in CHOP with armed gang members. None of the anarchists dare challenge him because he's not bound or restricted by law. This is the future of anarchism: crime run by the strongest gangs.

Even conservatives think their guns will protect them but they shouldn't assume their enemies will be unarmed sissies in skinny jeans. There will be a fight, if our Constitution were to fall.. and it's hanging by a thread as we speak.
Time to break out the Dogs ,water cannons ,and GAS.
They've just elected a new head of security.

meat puppet.jpg
Wonder how much longer the city of Seattle and the state of Washington will put up with this shit. A couple of shootings and a couple people dead in recent days, who the hell is going to relocate to Seattle vs haul ass out. I know it used to be a great place to live and work, but there's no stability or security there.

CHOP has been taken over by gangs. I've been challenged by anarchists here who think anarchy will be a paradise without government when I point out that the strongest will take over in the first day. Rapper Raz Simone has effectively taken over policing in CHOP with armed gang members. None of the anarchists dare challenge him because he's not bound or restricted by law. This is the future of anarchism: crime run by the strongest gangs.

Even conservatives think their guns will protect them but they shouldn't assume their enemies will be unarmed sissies in skinny jeans. There will be a fight, if our Constitution were to fall.. and it's hanging by a thread as we speak.
having a small group of people with guns controlling a larger group is NOT anarchy,,,thats closer to communism,,,
real anarchist dont believe in violence unless they are attacked,,,
having a small group of people with guns controlling a larger group is NOT anarchy,,,thats closer to communism,,,
real anarchist dont believe in violence unless they are attacked,,,

You missed the point. There will never be a group of sissy anarchists where the strength and leadership vacuum is not filled by someone. If they're lucky, like the anarchists here, the vacuum is filled by a constitutional republic. But, history backs this, it is more often filled by the likes of those in CHOP and in the worst countries on earth today.

There will never, can never, be anarchy in the world.
You missed the point. There will never be a group of sissy anarchists where the strength and leadership vacuum is not filled by someone. If they're lucky, like the anarchists here, the vacuum is filled by a constitutional republic. But, history backs this, it is more often filled by the likes of those in CHOP and in the worst countries on earth today.

There will never, can never, be anarchy in the world.
I agree there can never be a true anarchy as proven by our founders with the articles of confederation,,
thats why they went back to the drawing board and gave us a constitutional republic,,,

as for the choppers,,, they are violent criminals using the absence of government to play their LARP games,,,
Even conservatives think their guns will protect them but they shouldn't assume their enemies will be unarmed sissies in skinny jeans.
It takes about a 10 to advantage for assaulting troops to overcome a defensive position

if black and guilt-ridden white wackos want kill whites they will have to come to us on our ground

but I dont think even they are that stupid
Wonder how much longer the city of Seattle and the state of Washington will put up with this shit. A couple of shootings and a couple people dead in recent days, who the hell is going to relocate to Seattle vs haul ass out. I know it used to be a great place to live and work, but there's no stability or security there.

But, but, but they were peaceful shootings and peaceful deaths.

CHOP has been taken over by gangs. I've been challenged by anarchists here who think anarchy will be a paradise without government when I point out that the strongest will take over in the first day. Rapper Raz Simone has effectively taken over policing in CHOP with armed gang members. None of the anarchists dare challenge him because he's not bound or restricted by law. This is the future of anarchism: crime run by the strongest gangs.

Even conservatives think their guns will protect them but they shouldn't assume their enemies will be unarmed sissies in skinny jeans. There will be a fight, if our Constitution were to fall.. and it's hanging by a thread as we speak.

Yep, it's a pain, do you know how difficult it is to aim at a skinny guy that's running, dodging and weaving.

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