Chris Chripie is getting ripped for his 'insane' comment on vaccinations

Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
Apparently you struggle with the concepts of freedom and public safety.

Are vaccinations a good thing? I, ME, MYSELF believe they are and had my child get them. In a free country someone else may decide that isn't the right decision and not get theirs vaccinated. That's freedom. Forcing people to get a vaccination isn't freedom it's a police state where government gets to decide how you will act.

Now, on the other side of your argument you have a nurse, not just a clerk at a store or anything but a fucking nurse that was exposed to Ebola and refused to voluntary 30 day isolation. She was exposed to disease we knew was spreading yet still wouldn't take the steps all of the medical community deemed frugal in order to prevent the spread. She's an asshole and indeed at that point made a poor decision that needed some force for her to comply with. How you think this parallels with vaccination I don't know.

But here's my question and I honestly don't know the answer. How does an un-vaccinated child get measles and transfer it to children who have been vaccinated? Is everyone that has gotten this so far all cases of people that weren't vaccinated at all? And if that's the case then why do you give a shit? Vaccinate your kids and head for Disney since the only people that should be concerned about it are the ones that didn't get the shots.

Forcing people to get vaccinated is not a police state - it's public health.

Vaccinations only work if enough of the population is protected to protect those who truly can't get vaccinated due to serious health issues vs those who just don't wanna.
I think the forcing people part of your reply would indicate otherwise.
Yes, that is what we now call 'moderates.' People who think that freedom is disgusting.

And you will be called a wacko or far right loon for thinking that people should be free to choose anything.

So the government should just allow a child to die that could be saved? Of course, I am talking to someone that hates government and believes that only a few people at the top at a corporation should control everything.
Liberals do just that with abortion. But they call that a choice. Killing a child is a choice not immunizing them isn't I guess.
Yes it is

Pregnancy is not a communicable disease
To hear you assholes talk about it you would think it's a death sentence for any woman to become pregnant.
Actually, it is a legal procedure available through much of the world
Well then we should be stoning people to death for being adulterers or rape victims or gay or whatever else we can just make up. The rest of the world isn't exactly the standard I think we should follow. Maybe we should think for ourselves.
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
Apparently you struggle with the concepts of freedom and public safety.

Are vaccinations a good thing? I, ME, MYSELF believe they are and had my child get them. In a free country someone else may decide that isn't the right decision and not get theirs vaccinated. That's freedom. Forcing people to get a vaccination isn't freedom it's a police state where government gets to decide how you will act.

Now, on the other side of your argument you have a nurse, not just a clerk at a store or anything but a fucking nurse that was exposed to Ebola and refused to voluntary 30 day isolation. She was exposed to disease we knew was spreading yet still wouldn't take the steps all of the medical community deemed frugal in order to prevent the spread. She's an asshole and indeed at that point made a poor decision that needed some force for her to comply with. How you think this parallels with vaccination I don't know.

But here's my question and I honestly don't know the answer. How does an un-vaccinated child get measles and transfer it to children who have been vaccinated? Is everyone that has gotten this so far all cases of people that weren't vaccinated at all? And if that's the case then why do you give a shit? Vaccinate your kids and head for Disney since the only people that should be concerned about it are the ones that didn't get the shots.

Forcing people to get vaccinated is not a police state - it's public health.

Vaccinations only work if enough of the population is protected to protect those who truly can't get vaccinated due to serious health issues vs those who just don't wanna.
I think the forcing people part of your reply would indicate otherwise.

Not when it comes to public health. Quarantine measures can be forced. As can curfews and other restrictions when it comes to public safety.
The libertarian thing is, fortunately, just a passing fad, like anarchism was. Twenty years ago, there were about three of them in the USA. Twenty years from now, they will be as extinct as the Whig Party We can not protect them from their own stupidity, but we can at least protect their children until they reach the age of adulthood.
Apparently you struggle with the concepts of freedom and public safety.

Are vaccinations a good thing? I, ME, MYSELF believe they are and had my child get them. In a free country someone else may decide that isn't the right decision and not get theirs vaccinated. That's freedom. Forcing people to get a vaccination isn't freedom it's a police state where government gets to decide how you will act.

Okay, so if you are a Libertarian or anti-Vax asshole, i guess you are perfectly free to let your kid die of a disease we already have under control... I guess. But what about all the kids your little Germ-bomb is going to expose to these diseases who are too young to get vaccinated? I kind of like this issue, it shows how fucked up Libertarians are and
I kind of like this issue as well. So at what age does the government yank your kid away from you to give them the vaccinations they need and the education they need and the training they need? Where is the freedom part of being an American come into play? You seem to be more pro-china or russia in this regard. Without the freedom to decide not to be forced by the government to do what they think is right do you really have any freedom? We let you choose to be a left wing retard. What if we just decide you aren't capable of making that decision on your own? You know, for the good of everyone.
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
Apparently you struggle with the concepts of freedom and public safety.

Are vaccinations a good thing? I, ME, MYSELF believe they are and had my child get them. In a free country someone else may decide that isn't the right decision and not get theirs vaccinated. That's freedom. Forcing people to get a vaccination isn't freedom it's a police state where government gets to decide how you will act.

Now, on the other side of your argument you have a nurse, not just a clerk at a store or anything but a fucking nurse that was exposed to Ebola and refused to voluntary 30 day isolation. She was exposed to disease we knew was spreading yet still wouldn't take the steps all of the medical community deemed frugal in order to prevent the spread. She's an asshole and indeed at that point made a poor decision that needed some force for her to comply with. How you think this parallels with vaccination I don't know.

But here's my question and I honestly don't know the answer. How does an un-vaccinated child get measles and transfer it to children who have been vaccinated? Is everyone that has gotten this so far all cases of people that weren't vaccinated at all? And if that's the case then why do you give a shit? Vaccinate your kids and head for Disney since the only people that should be concerned about it are the ones that didn't get the shots.

Forcing people to get vaccinated is not a police state - it's public health.

Vaccinations only work if enough of the population is protected to protect those who truly can't get vaccinated due to serious health issues vs those who just don't wanna.
I think the forcing people part of your reply would indicate otherwise.

Not when it comes to public health. Quarantine measures can be forced. As can curfews and other restrictions when it comes to public safety.
The amount of things you choose to have the government take over for you in the name of safety is pathetic.
All the libs have gone nutty about some people who think vaccinations might be a factor in autism. Meanwhile the same liberals protected insane homosexuals who spread AIDS for decades because they were offended about allegations that AIDS was a homosexual disease.
All the libs have gone nutty about some people who think vaccinations might be a factor in autism. Meanwhile the same liberals protected insane homosexuals who spread AIDS for decades because they were offended about allegations that AIDS was a homosexual disease.

Name three liberals who did that....
Are vaccinations a good thing? I, ME, MYSELF believe they are and had my child get them. In a free country someone else may decide that isn't the right decision and not get theirs vaccinated. That's freedom. Forcing people to get a vaccination isn't freedom it's a police state where government gets to decide how you will act.
Should you be free to drive with your infant not in a car seat?

Free to let your 8 year old smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol?

How about free to let your toddler stay at home alone for a couple days?
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
"Moby"....if Christie was a Democrat and Crusader Frank had called him that you would be all over Frank saying how Republicans always resort to name calling.....
No I wouldn't. Crispie is the only man I ever heard of who got his stomach stapled and is still growing. He must be eating around the staple.
well i will agree with you there,it does not seem like he has lost any weight to me....he looks pretty much the same.....but then you know those Republicans......
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.

Oh good the federal government debunked something ... I feel so much safer now.

Meanwhile why is it the parents of vaccinated children who are concerned about unvaccinated children?

Shouldn't it be the parents of unvaccinated children running around hysterically panicking about other unvaccinated rodents in their schools going to get their kids sick? Throw in some 3rd world racist panic here...
Apparently you struggle with the concepts of freedom and public safety.

Are vaccinations a good thing? I, ME, MYSELF believe they are and had my child get them. In a free country someone else may decide that isn't the right decision and not get theirs vaccinated. That's freedom. Forcing people to get a vaccination isn't freedom it's a police state where government gets to decide how you will act.

Okay, so if you are a Libertarian or anti-Vax asshole, i guess you are perfectly free to let your kid die of a disease we already have under control... I guess. But what about all the kids your little Germ-bomb is going to expose to these diseases who are too young to get vaccinated? I kind of like this issue, it shows how fucked up Libertarians are and
I kind of like this issue as well. So at what age does the government yank your kid away from you to give them the vaccinations they need and the education they need and the training they need? Where is the freedom part of being an American come into play? You seem to be more pro-china or russia in this regard. Without the freedom to decide not to be forced by the government to do what they think is right do you really have any freedom? We let you choose to be a left wing retard. What if we just decide you aren't capable of making that decision on your own? You know, for the good of everyone.
At the age they start to interact with other children and become possible disease spreaders
At what age do you realize you have a responsibility as a member of society?
I kind of like this issue as well. So at what age does the government yank your kid away from you to give them the vaccinations they need and the education they need and the training they need? Where is the freedom part of being an American come into play? You seem to be more pro-china or russia in this regard. Without the freedom to decide not to be forced by the government to do what they think is right do you really have any freedom? We let you choose to be a left wing retard. What if we just decide you aren't capable of making that decision on your own? You know, for the good of everyone.

Like I said, guy, I unfortunately made the mistake of choosing to be a right winger, until I figured out the right wing only works for the Rich.

But here's the thing. If Ronald Reagan had come out and spewed that Public Education and Vaccinations were some sort of "Communism" or some such crazy ass shit, they've have sent him back to Hollywood.

Today we have Major Republicans spouting that kind of batshit crazy in the open, and people like you nod your heads and say, "Um, yeah, that's like totally Freedom, man!"

Libertarians are Right Wing Hippies.
If people want to risk their children's lives so be it. But keep your children from coming in contact with infants, pregnant women, and anyone with a compromised immune system.
If people want to risk their children's lives so be it.

I'm still not understanding this line of thinking, you're basically saying society has no duty to protect children who are too young to make wise decisions related to their health and safety from the occasional parent who is also not wise enough.

Like if I decided to lock my infant in the car all night outside the strip club since I didn't want go get a baby sitter you'd be okay with it?
Not when it comes to public health. Quarantine measures can be forced. As can curfews and other restrictions when it comes to public safety.

How did you feel about forcing this woman?

Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
Ironic post is ironic dummy Zoom-boing

In Child Deaths a Test for Christian Science -
David and Ginger Twitchell, a Christian Science couple from Massachusetts who relied on prayer rather than on doctors as their young son lay dying from an obstructed bowel, were convicted of involuntary manslaughter last month. It was a stunning verdict, coming as it did in the very shadow of the Mother Church in Boston.

But the death of 2-year-old Robyn Twitchell and the conviction that followed was only the latest of a number of successful prosecutions of Christian Scientists whose children died agonizing deaths after spiritual healing failed.
If you don't want your kids to get measles, get them vaccinated. If they're vaccinated, why should you care if someone else's kid has measles?
Oh, fer fucks sake.

Children have to reach a certain age before they can be vaccinated. All not yet at that age are at risk.
thanks for confirming my suspicions about the *cough* "intellectual abilities" or rather "disabilities" of that poster ;)

Anywho, I'd like CrusaderFrank 's opinion on this :eusa_think:

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