Chris christie doubles down on treason - Slams GOP for not giving him money


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself

Chris Christie On Sandy Aid: House Republicans Were ‘Disappointing And Disgusting To Watch’ | _

Posted on January 2, 2013 by Angel - NYC

WASHINGTON — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Republicans Wednesday for not holding a vote on a Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

“There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner,” he said. “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Natural disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night. Last night, politics was placed before oaths to serve our citizens. For me, it was disappointing and disgusting to watch.”

House Republicans declined to schedule a vote for Sandy aid Tuesday night, after voting to pass a fiscal cliff deal. If the House does not pass a disaster relief bill before noon on Thursday, when the new session of Congress begins, lawmakers will have to start over
I think Fat-boy realizes he is done as a repub and is planning a switch to the dems - if they'll take him. Nobody likes a traitor.
Christie has far more admirers in both parties than does Bohner.

Poll: Gov. Christie's approval rating spikes in response to Sandy efforts |

TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie enjoys a “sky-high” 72 percent approval rating in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, according to a Quinnipiac University poll of 1,664 voters released this morning.

The rating, which is up from 56 percent less than two weeks before the storm, is not only the highest of Christie’s career, but the highest Quinnipiac has ever measured for a New Jersey governor.

Even 52 percent of Democrats approve of Christie.
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself

Chris Christie On Sandy Aid: House Republicans Were ‘Disappointing And Disgusting To Watch’ | _

Posted on January 2, 2013 by Angel - NYC

WASHINGTON — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Republicans Wednesday for not holding a vote on a Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

“There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner,” he said. “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Natural disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night. Last night, politics was placed before oaths to serve our citizens. For me, it was disappointing and disgusting to watch.”

House Republicans declined to schedule a vote for Sandy aid Tuesday night, after voting to pass a fiscal cliff deal. If the House does not pass a disaster relief bill before noon on Thursday, when the new session of Congress begins, lawmakers will have to start over

fuck the GOP.....if they cant handle criticism that is warranted then maybe those Congress people should quit.... and you dont pay back a politician you dont like by fucking over millions of Americans to do it.....
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself

Chris Christie On Sandy Aid: House Republicans Were ‘Disappointing And Disgusting To Watch’ | _

Posted on January 2, 2013 by Angel - NYC

WASHINGTON — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Republicans Wednesday for not holding a vote on a Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

“There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner,” he said. “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Natural disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night. Last night, politics was placed before oaths to serve our citizens. For me, it was disappointing and disgusting to watch.”

House Republicans declined to schedule a vote for Sandy aid Tuesday night, after voting to pass a fiscal cliff deal. If the House does not pass a disaster relief bill before noon on Thursday, when the new session of Congress begins, lawmakers will have to start over


The Clown Shoes party.
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself
I don't like Christie any more than you do but I think he's a lot smarter than you're giving him credit for. I believe he knew exactly what he was doing when he hitched his wagon to Obama. And his badmouthing Boehner for turning his back on the hurricane victims is another slick move.

While Christie might look like a traitor to Republicans who have been busily digging their party's grave for some time now, to the people of New Jersey, and to much of the Nation, he's transcended politics and connected at the human level by detaching himself from what is widely perceived as spiteful cruelty.

The chickens are coming home to roost, Christie knows it, and he is the big fat fox who will be sitting in the coop when they arrive.
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself
I don't like Christie any more than you do but I think he's a lot smarter than you're giving him credit for. I believe he knew exactly what he was doing when he hitched his wagon to Obama. And his badmouthing Boehner for turning his back on the hurricane victims is another slick move.

While Christie might look like a traitor to Republicans who have been busily digging their party's grave for some time now, to the people of New Jersey, and to much of the Nation, he's transcended politics and connected at the human level by detaching himself from what is widely perceived as spiteful cruelty.

The chickens are coming home to roost, Christie knows it, and he is the big fat fox who will be sitting in the coop when they arrive.

Nooope christie is just a politician whos record in nj sucks and has a re election coming up..hes a republican in a traditionally democrat state
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself

Chris Christie On Sandy Aid: House Republicans Were ‘Disappointing And Disgusting To Watch’ | _

Posted on January 2, 2013 by Angel - NYC

WASHINGTON — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Republicans Wednesday for not holding a vote on a Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

“There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner,” he said. “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Natural disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night. Last night, politics was placed before oaths to serve our citizens. For me, it was disappointing and disgusting to watch.”

House Republicans declined to schedule a vote for Sandy aid Tuesday night, after voting to pass a fiscal cliff deal. If the House does not pass a disaster relief bill before noon on Thursday, when the new session of Congress begins, lawmakers will have to start over

I have never been a fan of Christie, but I have to give him credit for his dealings with Hurricane Sandy and his calling out the Republicans for being the shitheads they are. Those of you dumb ass tea party types ought to listen to him, because you will never win another election if you keep dissing anyone who doesn't yank your personal chains.
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself
I don't like Christie any more than you do but I think he's a lot smarter than you're giving him credit for. I believe he knew exactly what he was doing when he hitched his wagon to Obama. And his badmouthing Boehner for turning his back on the hurricane victims is another slick move.

While Christie might look like a traitor to Republicans who have been busily digging their party's grave for some time now, to the people of New Jersey, and to much of the Nation, he's transcended politics and connected at the human level by detaching himself from what is widely perceived as spiteful cruelty.

The chickens are coming home to roost, Christie knows it, and he is the big fat fox who will be sitting in the coop when they arrive.

The right wingers truly believe the reason they lost this last election is because they didn't run more people like Todd Akin and Richard Murdock. It's fucking hilarious.
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself

Chris Christie On Sandy Aid: House Republicans Were ‘Disappointing And Disgusting To Watch’ | _

Posted on January 2, 2013 by Angel - NYC

WASHINGTON — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Republicans Wednesday for not holding a vote on a Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

“There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner,” he said. “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Natural disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night. Last night, politics was placed before oaths to serve our citizens. For me, it was disappointing and disgusting to watch.”

House Republicans declined to schedule a vote for Sandy aid Tuesday night, after voting to pass a fiscal cliff deal. If the House does not pass a disaster relief bill before noon on Thursday, when the new session of Congress begins, lawmakers will have to start over

Yeah God forbid an elected official should put the people who elected him over mindless political partisanship. Where could that lead?

Funny that we all complain about politicians acting like politicians instead of public servants; then when one does, you're all over him. Christie's not the problem -- people that think politics is some kind of red vs. blue sport are the problem.

I didn't like Christie at first and I still don't like many of his policies, but for the way he approaches his job he's earned my respect. And as long as he stands up to blind political hackery, he keeps it.
Christie has far more admirers in both parties than does Bohner.

Poll: Gov. Christie's approval rating spikes in response to Sandy efforts |

TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie enjoys a “sky-high” 72 percent approval rating in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, according to a Quinnipiac University poll of 1,664 voters released this morning.

The rating, which is up from 56 percent less than two weeks before the storm, is not only the highest of Christie’s career, but the highest Quinnipiac has ever measured for a New Jersey governor.

Even 52 percent of Democrats approve of Christie.

He's a Republican but one that Bush always claimed to be early on. A compassionate Conservative.

This is just one more thing Boehner is going to get all the credit for. Christie and Obama are good at working around this do nothing congress and taking these issues public.
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself

Chris Christie On Sandy Aid: House Republicans Were ‘Disappointing And Disgusting To Watch’ | _

Posted on January 2, 2013 by Angel - NYC

WASHINGTON — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Republicans Wednesday for not holding a vote on a Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

“There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner,” he said. “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Natural disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night. Last night, politics was placed before oaths to serve our citizens. For me, it was disappointing and disgusting to watch.”

House Republicans declined to schedule a vote for Sandy aid Tuesday night, after voting to pass a fiscal cliff deal. If the House does not pass a disaster relief bill before noon on Thursday, when the new session of Congress begins, lawmakers will have to start over

Yeah God forbid an elected official should put the people who elected him over mindless political partisanship. Where could that lead?

Funny that we all complain about politicians acting like politicians instead of public servants; then when one does, you're all over him. Christie's not the problem -- people that think politics is some kind of red vs. blue sport are the problem.

I didn't like Christie at first and I still don't like many of his policies, but for the way he approaches his job he's earned my respect. And as long as he stands up to blind political hackery, he keeps it.

Amazing it's taken so long for this to be addressed even.


To these vermin?


14 Republicans Plotted to Commit Treason
n his latest book, entitle, "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives", Robert Draper wrote that during a four hour, "invitation only" meeting with the Republican Party Hate-Propaganda Minister, Frank Luntz, the below listed senior Republican law makers plotted to sabotage, undermine and destroy American’s Economy.

Shouldn't accusations of a high crime be saved for crimes against country, rather than someone brave enough to act against a bunch of spoiled brats who long ago proved beyond all doubt that they're unworthy of public office?
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself

Chris Christie On Sandy Aid: House Republicans Were ‘Disappointing And Disgusting To Watch’ | _

Posted on January 2, 2013 by Angel - NYC

WASHINGTON — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Republicans Wednesday for not holding a vote on a Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

“There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner,” he said. “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Natural disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night. Last night, politics was placed before oaths to serve our citizens. For me, it was disappointing and disgusting to watch.”

House Republicans declined to schedule a vote for Sandy aid Tuesday night, after voting to pass a fiscal cliff deal. If the House does not pass a disaster relief bill before noon on Thursday, when the new session of Congress begins, lawmakers will have to start over


The NJ unions prevented


from helping.

That's why it still sucks in nj.

aside from that fact

CC rolled the dice on being more popular in his state by doing photo ops with big 0.

It didn't float with the gop and the dnc will still go hard at him to remove him from ofc


To these vermin?


14 Republicans Plotted to Commit Treason
n his latest book, entitle, "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives", Robert Draper wrote that during a four hour, "invitation only" meeting with the Republican Party Hate-Propaganda Minister, Frank Luntz, the below listed senior Republican law makers plotted to sabotage, undermine and destroy American’s Economy.

Shouldn't accusations of a high crime be saved for crimes against country, rather than someone brave enough to act against a bunch of spoiled brats who long ago proved beyond all doubt that they're unworthy of public office?

All of a sudden obama was born in Kenya isn't sounding so far fetched.

Not to be outdone, you leftards have to cook up a conspiracy of your own aye?
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself

Chris Christie On Sandy Aid: House Republicans Were ‘Disappointing And Disgusting To Watch’ | _

Posted on January 2, 2013 by Angel - NYC

WASHINGTON — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Republicans Wednesday for not holding a vote on a Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

“There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner,” he said. “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Natural disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night. Last night, politics was placed before oaths to serve our citizens. For me, it was disappointing and disgusting to watch.”

House Republicans declined to schedule a vote for Sandy aid Tuesday night, after voting to pass a fiscal cliff deal. If the House does not pass a disaster relief bill before noon on Thursday, when the new session of Congress begins, lawmakers will have to start over


The NJ unions prevented


from helping.

That's why it still sucks in nj.

aside from that fact

CC rolled the dice on being more popular in his state by doing photo ops with big 0.

It didn't float with the gop and the dnc will still go hard at him to remove him from ofc

These aren't good enough reasons to mess with NJ's economy. The GOP is politicizing every dang thing and I'm tired of hearing their bullshit.
The GOP has not forgotten how Christie deliberately sabotaged Romney's campaign and they're paying him back. Christie is done as a politician. He outsmarted himself


The NJ unions prevented


from helping.

That's why it still sucks in nj.

aside from that fact

CC rolled the dice on being more popular in his state by doing photo ops with big 0.

It didn't float with the gop and the dnc will still go hard at him to remove him from ofc

These aren't good enough reasons to mess with NJ's economy. The GOP is politicizing every dang thing and I'm tired of hearing their bullshit.
Good... move your socialist ass to Greece then. I hear they're already the way you want a country to be.


The NJ unions prevented


from helping.

That's why it still sucks in nj.

aside from that fact

CC rolled the dice on being more popular in his state by doing photo ops with big 0.

It didn't float with the gop and the dnc will still go hard at him to remove him from ofc

These aren't good enough reasons to mess with NJ's economy. The GOP is politicizing every dang thing and I'm tired of hearing their bullshit.
Good... move your socialist ass to Greece then. I hear they're already the way you want a country to be.


Shut it, norep.

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