Chris Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Christie is a total asshole...and nobody is elected Governor of NJ without having mob ties.

BTW, the folks on the Jersey shore are in no better shape than they were before Hussein "helped"....many have just abandoned their former homes as a total loss and continue to wait for insurance settlement money.

Once again we realize Hussein only shows up for photo-ops and then disappears and does nothing. Christie is finished which was the homo kenyan's intention in the first place.

That's odd.....I live on the Jersey Shore and I see massive rebuilding

The people of NJ give Christie a lot of credit........but no credit to the Republican Party

Sure ya do...and tomorrow you'll live in Colorado and maybe England by Wednesday. Fact of the matter is folks who really do live on the Jersey Shore HATE Hussein for doing nothing after bawling for years how Katrina was handled....another RAT fiasco thanks to Nagin and Blanco. At least Christie didn't run to NYC like Nagin ran to Houston....probably can't fit his gigantic ass into an airline seat anymore. CC is done as a GOP presidential candidate for that stunt with Barry the Fairy...who runs NJ, who cares? :dunno:
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Oddball, please use accurate terms and definitions.

Reactionaries are to the far right, radicals to the far left, and where libertarians roost at anytime is up in the air.
If anyone is using inaccurate terms and definitions around here, it's you...Starting with defining yourself as a republican.

(1) You are not a Pub. (2) You got caught out on partisan hackery about CC. (3) You need to use accurate terms and definitions to be taken seriously, which is not the case for you.
1) Neither are you.

2) I didn't get caught in jack shit.... Christie was good enough to be a party man when he accepted being in the GOP...And he's now trying to save face after throwing the people who brought him to the dance overboard...That's his choice, not mine.

3) Take your own advice, meathead....Oh yeah, nobody but the leftbats take you seriously in the first place, so you can post incomprehensible word salad and they'd agree with you anyways.
JoeBlam has opinion but no facts to support the diatribe.

link, twink? :eusa_eh:

Blam-Blam asking for a link??


Here's your link. We're still waiting.

Christie is a total asshole...and nobody is elected Governor of NJ without having mob ties.

BTW, the folks on the Jersey shore are in no better shape than they were before Hussein "helped"....many have just abandoned their former homes as a total loss and continue to wait for insurance settlement money.

Once again we realize Hussein only shows up for photo-ops and then disappears and does nothing. Christie is finished which was the homo kenyan's intention in the first place.

That's odd.....I live on the Jersey Shore and I see massive rebuilding

The people of NJ give Christie a lot of credit........but no credit to the Republican Party

Sure ya do...and tomorrow you'll live in Colorado and maybe England by Wednesday. Fact of the matter is folks who really do live on the Jersey Shore HATE Hussein for doing nothing after bawling for years how Katrina was handled....another RAT fiasco thanks to Nagin and Blanco. At least Christie didn't run to NYC like Nagin ran to Houston....probably can't fit his gigantic ass into an airline seat anymore. CC is done as a GOP presidential candidate for that stunt with Barry the Fairy...who runs NJ, who cares? :dunno:

Nagin didn't "run to Houston", o eternal font of speciousity. Nor did Blanco.
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If anyone is using inaccurate terms and definitions around here, it's you...Starting with defining yourself as a republican.

(1) You are not a Pub. (2) You got caught out on partisan hackery about CC. (3) You need to use accurate terms and definitions to be taken seriously, which is not the case for you.
1) Neither are you.

2) I didn't get caught in jack shit.... Christie was good enough to be a party man when he accepted being in the GOP...And he's now trying to save face after throwing the people who brought him to the dance overboard...That's his choice, not mine.

3) Take your own advice, meathead....Oh yeah, nobody but the leftbats take you seriously in the first place, so you can post incomprehensible word salad and they'd agree with you anyways.

(1) yup, I am; no, you are not; (2) yup, you are wiggling on the hook; CC did the right thing by his people and put them over party; (3) most people here don't take anyone seriously; (4) you have a good mind but don't use it.
Christie is a total asshole...and nobody is elected Governor of NJ without having mob ties.

BTW, the folks on the Jersey shore are in no better shape than they were before Hussein "helped"....many have just abandoned their former homes as a total loss and continue to wait for insurance settlement money.

Once again we realize Hussein only shows up for photo-ops and then disappears and does nothing. Christie is finished which was the homo kenyan's intention in the first place.

That's odd.....I live on the Jersey Shore and I see massive rebuilding

The people of NJ give Christie a lot of credit........but no credit to the Republican Party

Sure ya do...and tomorrow you'll live in Colorado and maybe England by Wednesday. Fact of the matter is folks who really do live on the Jersey Shore HATE Hussein for doing nothing after bawling for years how Katrina was handled....another RAT fiasco thanks to Nagin and Blanco. At least Christie didn't run to NYC like Nagin ran to Houston....probably can't fit his gigantic ass into an airline seat anymore. CC is done as a GOP presidential candidate for that stunt with Barry the Fairy...who runs NJ, who cares? :dunno:

Listen newby, I've never said anything other than living on the Jersey Shore

As a matter of fact, the Jersey Shore is a Republican stronghold and voted for Romney in the last election. But they do not hate Obama and love Chris Christie. They are pretty pissed at Congressional Republicans who voted against hurricane relief......that you can count on
:lol: Guys, I don't have to rebut factual evidence until you post it.

That's the problem. You guys don't post factual evidence, and the blogs and the vids are not that.

Now stop being silly and post evidence.
:lol: Guys, I don't have to rebut factual evidence until you post it.

That's the problem. You guys don't post factual evidence, and the blogs and the vids are not that.

Now stop being silly and post evidence.

Translation: " I decide what are facts and what aren't."
(1) You are not a Pub. (2) You got caught out on partisan hackery about CC. (3) You need to use accurate terms and definitions to be taken seriously, which is not the case for you.
1) Neither are you.

2) I didn't get caught in jack shit.... Christie was good enough to be a party man when he accepted being in the GOP...And he's now trying to save face after throwing the people who brought him to the dance overboard...That's his choice, not mine.

3) Take your own advice, meathead....Oh yeah, nobody but the leftbats take you seriously in the first place, so you can post incomprehensible word salad and they'd agree with you anyways.

(1) yup, I am; no, you are not; (2) yup, you are wiggling on the hook; CC did the right thing by his people and put them over party; (3) most people here don't take anyone seriously; (4) you have a good mind but don't use it.
1) Nobody believes you....Give it up.

2) Christie did what he perceived to be best for himself and his political ambitions...That's how politicians work, fool.

3) Notwithstanding the fact that nobody takes you seriously.

4) Don't care what a compulsive liar and confirmed poseur thinks about me.
Oddball, #1 applies to you. #2 is wrong; Christie took care of his people. #3 No one takes you seriously; this is a message board. #4 You are talking to yourself in the mirror.
Oddball, #1 applies to you. #2 is wrong; Christie took care of his people. #3 No one takes you seriously; this is a message board. #4 You are talking to yourself in the mirror.
Not only are you a phony-baloney poseur, you're stupid enough to believe that politicians like Christie are sincere! :lol:

Oddball, #1 applies to you. #2 is wrong; Christie took care of his people. #3 No one takes you seriously; this is a message board. #4 You are talking to yourself in the mirror.
Not only are you a phony-baloney poseur, you're stupid enough to believe that politicians like Christie are sincere! :lol: Rube.

Your cynicism simply poisons your critical thinking skills, Oddball, which is a shame for someone as bright as you.
Personal attacks, Yurt, merely demonstrate you have nothing to offer.

Yes, your refusal to give up your allies mentioned above clearly demonstrate with whom you identify.

Sad that.

Oddball, please use accurate terms and definitions.

Reactionaries are to the far right, radicals to the far left, and where libertarians roost at anytime is up in the air.
If anyone is using inaccurate terms and definitions around here, it's you...Starting with defining yourself as a republican.

(1) You are not a Pub. (2) You got caught out on partisan hackery about CC. (3) You need to use accurate terms and definitions to be taken seriously, which is not the case for you.

what is that about personal attacks

Personal attacks, Yurt, merely demonstrate you have nothing to offer.

Yes, your refusal to give up your allies mentioned above clearly demonstrate with whom you identify.

Sad that.

If anyone is using inaccurate terms and definitions around here, it's you...Starting with defining yourself as a republican.

(1) You are not a Pub. (2) You got caught out on partisan hackery about CC. (3) You need to use accurate terms and definitions to be taken seriously, which is not the case for you.

what is that about personal attacks


Do as he says, not as he does!!!!!!
Corrected something that Oddball started, and letting you know I will stay with the OP.
Personal attacks, Yurt, merely demonstrate you have nothing to offer.

Yes, your refusal to give up your allies mentioned above clearly demonstrate with whom you identify.

Sad that.

(1) You are not a Pub. (2) You got caught out on partisan hackery about CC. (3) You need to use accurate terms and definitions to be taken seriously, which is not the case for you.

what is that about personal attacks


Do as he says, not as he does!!!!!!

Go back and read the string.

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