Chris Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Son, reactionaries are not real Republicans is the point you need to learn and embrace and love.

You are going to have to give up on health care. We GOP had an opportunity from 1994 to 2006 to do something dramatic, we did not, and the health insurance industry blew the game sky high.

If you don't like this, then go find another party.
Indeed you are correct about healthcare its called government get the hell out of it and let the free market take over...its been proven the free market allows for MUCH MUCH lower prices and better care.
How are they doing that? How is Rand using the far right? Hell Rubio is far right except on immigration

So you want Democrats on Steroids...that isn't a republican. We need men like Grover Cleveland and Calvin Coolidge back in office not RINOS like Christi,Romney and Huntsman. If 90% of the country wanted what Romney was peddling he would be president right now..I guess most of the republican voters are just right wingers eh?

Axelrod 'Surprised' by Huntsman Run
Huntsman's moderate stances on some issues and his service in the Obama administration could hurt him with the Republican Party's right-leaning base.

Axelrod said that when he was in China in the fall of 2009, he had a chance to talk with Huntsman. "He was very effusive about what the president was doing. He was encouraging on health care. He was encouraging on the whole range of issues. He was a little quizzical about what was going on in his own party. And you got the strong sense that he was going to wait until 2016 for the storm to blow over."

Axelrod said that "obviously circumstances change. So I was surprised when he emerged as a candidate. But certainly I take him seriously."

Read Latest Breaking News from Axelrod 'Surprised' by Huntsman Run
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

He is a douche bag...he liked obamacare,hell even worked for Obama! The man will go no where in the republican party,he is better off running as a independent.

So basically ... what? His failure to exhibit the symptoms of ODS make him a "lapdog"? What did his working for both Bushes make him? A Bush hog?

You need a bigger shovel?


Huntsman is a tool. Obviously the republican voters wanted nothing to do with him! What more proof do you need? He was given the same air time etc as Willard and Santorum etc...they wanted a republican not a democrat pretending to be a republican like Jake there. Hell in the end they didn't even get a republican...Willard just another liberal from new england.

"Proof" of my theory is what I just got. You said it; I didn't have to. Thanks. :thup:
Love the links to Newsmax btw. Nice touch there. :lol:

Now onto part 2 -- "weak weak candidate"...


Oh btw Willard's from Michigan, just for the record.
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Yes he was BORN in Michigan but he is a New England Liberal now.

- and that makes him from Michigan. You can only be from one place. Unless you're Barack O'bama of course, then you can be from continents all over the world simultaneously.

So that's it?? No basis except "Huntsman is a tool" and "Democrat pretending to be a Republican"? That's it?

How 'bout "Weak, weak, weak candidate"? Nothing?

Weak, weak, weak absence of response.
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I would hope the lefties would go after him, along the with the far right reactionaries, Yurt.

CC can demonstrate to the 80% of the rest of us that he is not going to take any crap from the extremes.

I don't know if he could have beaten BHO last time, but I strongly suspect the can handle Mrs. Clinton without too much difficulty in 2016.
Yurt, if you are now not a reactionary, I am glad you have changed. That means if you are giving up your bad old ways, you got to give up the old associates. Got to give it all up to be believable. That means daveman, TemplarKormac, Redfish, daveman, JimBowie et al. Or they are not reactionary either, hmmm. You need to think through what you are and what you believe.
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Will it work?

Will the rw's take him back?

How much name calling does he have to do to get back in the good graces of the R hacks?

All that really matters is he did his job and that's something you don't often see from a repub.
The mainstream GOP never lost CC, he has always been in the midst of it.

Will CC accept the reactionary wing nuts? Sure, on his terms only.
name one position of mine that is far right and reactionary

Yurt, if you are now not a reactionary, I am glad you have changed. That means if you are giving up your bad old ways, you got to give up the old associates. Got to give it all up to be believable. That means daveman, TemplarKormac, Redfish, daveman, JimBowie et al. Or they are not reactionary either, hmmm. You need to think through what you are and what you believe.

and once again jake cannot back up his assertion

you are a boring tool. you are an ankle biter that starves for attention.
Personal attacks, Yurt, merely demonstrate you have nothing to offer.

Yes, your refusal to give up your allies mentioned above clearly demonstrate with whom you identify.

Sad that.
name one position of mine that is far right and reactionary

Yurt, if you are now not a reactionary, I am glad you have changed. That means if you are giving up your bad old ways, you got to give up the old associates. Got to give it all up to be believable. That means daveman, TemplarKormac, Redfish, daveman, JimBowie et al. Or they are not reactionary either, hmmm. You need to think through what you are and what you believe.

and once again jake cannot back up his assertion

you are a boring tool. you are an ankle biter that starves for attention.

OK I'm confused.

Jake, you actually want Yurt to disassociate with certain posters?? Would you do that? :disbelief:

Now I'll be the first to say this interaction between you two is none of my business. But you're airing it on the board.

I guess the short version would be: "get a room you two".

Thank you.

Now to return to topic --

as i thought would happen, the dems are now insulting christie

I'm not seeing where this is happening. If you refer to AnCapAtheist, he's definitely no Dem. He's more like Monty Python's "man with sixteen legs" -- he ran away.
Heh. You misunderstand. Not that I am surprised, that is the normal conclusion that everyone wants to come to in order to disregard the point but let me explain.

What you just stated IS A VALID COMPLAINT. If you want to criticize the fact that he sought federal funding, fine. That is a point of contention. I would disagree because we have all been forced to pay for that assistance through taxes so they are entitled to that funding even if it was wrong BUT your criticism would be attacking an actual position.

Realize that is NOT what most people are complaining about. INSTEAD, they are just pissed because he worked with Obama. That is pathetic and partisan bullshit.

NOW, I have a feeling that you are being disingenuous here also though. Do you think that it would be incorrect for you to draw on social security after you retire? You have been FORCED to pay your whole life. Even if you disagree with the program, it is not wrong to draw from something that you have been required to participate in. Exactly how is this different?

So, you can take you rolleyes and put them somewhere…
These are valid points.
People are pissed because he went out and made a big fat show of it right before the election.

You gonna tell us he couldn't have held out for a week before getting Obiedoodle on the horn for the FEMA trucks and the federal bailout payola?

Are you really saying that he should have resisted working with the president based on partisan hackery? The timing might have been bad but you really need to realize that he did not pick the timing; nature did when it smashed large swaths of his state before the election.

I will NOT be a partisan simply for the sake of hating Obama and I can admit when a politician did something right. If Christie would have waited a week to avoid the election he would have been WRONG – pulling the party line for the sake of PARTY and NOT good governance. How can you possibly justify such an action? That is corrupt to the core, the very thing that you profess to be against.

FA_Q2 is 100% correct. Here is an absolutely correct condemnation of partisan hackery, that would have abused millions of victims at the expense of politics.

Absolutely despicable.

Thank you, FA_Q2.
name one position of mine that is far right and reactionary

and once again jake cannot back up his assertion

you are a boring tool. you are an ankle biter that starves for attention.

OK I'm confused.

Jake, you actually want Yurt to disassociate with certain posters?? Would you do that? :disbelief:

Now I'll be the first to say this interaction between you two is none of my business. But you're airing it on the board.

I guess the short version would be: "get a room you two".

Thank you.

Now to return to topic --

as i thought would happen, the dems are now insulting christie

I'm not seeing where this is happening. If you refer to AnCapAtheist, he's definitely no Dem. He's more like Monty Python's "man with sixteen legs" -- he ran away.

Pogo, you have to understand Yurt; he has a man crush on me and I can't get rid of him.
Oddball, please use accurate terms and definitions.

Reactionaries are to the far right, radicals to the far left, and where libertarians roost at anytime is up in the air.
Oddball, please use accurate terms and definitions.

Reactionaries are to the far right, radicals to the far left, and where libertarians roost at anytime is up in the air.
If anyone is using inaccurate terms and definitions around here, it's you...Starting with defining yourself as a republican.

(1) You are not a Pub. (2) You got caught out on partisan hackery about CC. (3) You need to use accurate terms and definitions to be taken seriously, which is not the case for you.

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