Chris Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

well if he does get the gop nomination we'll see you lefties out in full smear mode, using his weight, his families weight and probably go after his dog if he has all went after someone horses for crying out loud...

If Christie uses his dog as a tax deduction....the left will go after him
Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

well if he does get the gop nomination we'll see you lefties out in full smear mode, using his weight, his families weight and probably go after his dog if he has all went after someone horses for crying out loud...

If Christie uses his dog as a tax deduction....the left will go after him

yeah, because you people are so pathetic and petty that's what you do...forget running on the other person RECORD..of course with Obama's record at the time of re-election you all didn't have much to run with, 8%unemployment still after one term, 800 BILLION of taxpayers money down the toilet, etc etc... so it the horse you went after..

people laughed their asses off
If my dog is a bona fide business which didn't make a profit why should I not take the legal exemption ?

Because that exemption is reserved for left voters and politicians ONLY. As it was not legal to put that in the law, the libs here just thought that would be an unspoken rule. How dare the ‘Mormon robot’ (because religion needs to be brought into this as well) use that tax deduction that was really not meant for him….
And.....if there is any truth in this is that conservatives despise people who toe the party line.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh baby!
A lot of people kick the party line. Few tow it.

Is that a problem for you? Oh wait. Of course it is. You're a liberal, and what the Union Boss sez is. What was I thinking!

Look at the idiot......she pretended to not get my sarcasm so she could make a lame comment. Typical nutter.
So you wish to be toast. Toasted you will be. :FIREdevil:
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yes, he did. And your NONvote made all the difference - because there were a lot of you, cowards.

remember Martin Niemöller?
I didn't know Martin Niemöller was on the ballot or lose by one vote.

Which state or precinct was decided by one, single (1) vote?

do not play the dumb game.

you know perfectly well that your not getting your ass to the voting booth resulted in this election going the way it did.

Have at least the courage to admit your fault, purist.
It's not nice to lecture someone who's ten times smarter than you. :FIREdevil:
A lot of people kick the party line. Few tow it.

Is that a problem for you? Oh wait. Of course it is. You're a liberal, and what the Union Boss sez is. What was I thinking!

Look at the idiot......she pretended to not get my sarcasm so she could make a lame comment. Typical nutter.
So you wish to be toast. Toasted you will be. :FIREdevil:

Whatchya gonna do, breathe on me? So much hot little burn.
Christie will crush the far right so badly that it will take generations to become important again.
Christie will crush the far right so badly that it will take generations to become important again.

Heh, talk about irrational belief based on faith. That's a corker, dude.

You, dude, thinking anyone of those lame brains could beat Romney in a primary or Obama in an election is faith-based irrational hope, my podjo.

Nonsense I am well aware of the republican party apparatus and how it keeps non-establishment candidates from legitimate contention. The fact that you support such skulduggery does not speak well of you.

That said, there is little doubt that Paul would've crushed Obama in a general election.

I am delighted with the inroads liberty-minded candidates have made in the Republican Party. As the establishment media loses its grip on the minds in America the movement will become stronger -- and yes, the religious right will climb on board when they see that they are being manipulated by Santorum and other neocons.

Since you are such a party loyalist, will you be voting for Rand Paul should he capture the republican nomination, a very real possibility, or will you skedaddle back to the Democratic Party, the original home of the neocons?
Christie will crush the far right so badly that it will take generations to become important again.

Heh, talk about irrational belief based on faith.

That's a corker, dude.

you notice jakies obsession with violence? Christy will now CRUSH people..
he even laughed about women getting the shit kicked out of them if they didn't bow down to his rules..

sort of a twisted little dude in my book:cuckoo:
well if he does get the gop nomination we'll see you lefties out in full smear mode, using his weight, his families weight and probably go after his dog if he has all went after someone horses for crying out loud...

If Christie uses his dog as a tax deduction....the left will go after him

yeah, because you people are so pathetic and petty that's what you do...forget running on the other person RECORD..of course with Obama's record at the time of re-election you all didn't have much to run with, 8%unemployment still after one term, 800 BILLION of taxpayers money down the toilet, etc etc... so it the horse you went after..

people laughed their asses off

You forgot to mention that he was a JUNIOR Senator and still kicked the shit out of the best available Republucan candidate
Christie is a total asshole...and nobody is elected Governor of NJ without having mob ties.

BTW, the folks on the Jersey shore are in no better shape than they were before Hussein "helped"....many have just abandoned their former homes as a total loss and continue to wait for insurance settlement money.

Once again we realize Hussein only shows up for photo-ops and then disappears and does nothing. Christie is finished which was the homo kenyan's intention in the first place.
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Christie is a total asshole...and nobody is elected Governor of NJ without having mob ties.

BTW, the folks on the Jersey shore are in no better shape than they were before Hussein "helped"....many have just abandoned their former homes as a total loss and continue to wait for insurance settlement money.

Once again we realize Hussein only shows up for photo-ops and then disappears and does nothing. Christie is finished which was the homo kenyan's intention in the first place.

That's odd.....I live on the Jersey Shore and I see massive rebuilding

The people of NJ give Christie a lot of credit........but no credit to the Republican Party
Christie will crush the far right so badly that it will take generations to become important again.

Heh, talk about irrational belief based on faith.

That's a corker, dude.

you notice jakies obsession with violence? Christy will now CRUSH people.. he even laughed about women getting the shit kicked out of them if they didn't bow down to his rules.. sort of a twisted little dude in my book:cuckoo:

My, how you weirdos reach. Bunch of sillies for sure. Better give a link that about women, Steph.
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Christie is a total asshole...and nobody is elected Governor of NJ without having mob ties.

BTW, the folks on the Jersey shore are in no better shape than they were before Hussein "helped"....many have just abandoned their former homes as a total loss and continue to wait for insurance settlement money.

Once again we realize Hussein only shows up for photo-ops and then disappears and does nothing. Christie is finished which was the homo kenyan's intention in the first place.

That's odd.....I live on the Jersey Shore and I see massive rebuilding

The people of NJ give Christie a lot of credit........but no credit to the Republican Party

That's my understanding too from several friends directly in that area.
Blam-Blam just makes it up as he goes along. Somehow he still thinks nobody will call him on it.

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