Chris Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Yup, Oddball, that's what the opponents to the Nazis said.
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And.....if there is any truth in this is that conservatives despise people who toe the party line.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh baby!
A lot of people kick the party line. Few tow it.

Is that a problem for you? Oh wait. Of course it is. You're a liberal, and what the Union Boss sez is. What was I thinking!
And.....if there is any truth in this is that conservatives despise people who toe the party line.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh baby!
A lot of people kick the party line. Few tow it.

Is that a problem for you? Oh wait. Of course it is. You're a liberal, and what the Union Boss sez is. What was I thinking!

Look at the idiot......she pretended to not get my sarcasm so she could make a lame comment. Typical nutter.
Choosing the lesser of two evils is better than not choosing at all.

If yo are one of those idiots who stayed home, rather than vote for a Mormon, I hope you are satisfied

you nailed it. sad, but true
He didn't nail jack schitt.

My one vote didn't make any difference.

yes, he did. And your NONvote made all the difference - because there were a lot of you, cowards.

remember Martin Niemöller?
you nailed it. sad, but true
He didn't nail jack schitt.

My one vote didn't make any difference.

yes, he did. And your NONvote made all the difference - because there were a lot of you, cowards.

remember Martin Niemöller?
I didn't know Martin Niemöller was on the ballot or lose by one vote.

Which state or precinct was decided by one, single (1) vote?
I never said I would support him.I am just curious...I do think he will be the nominee for the republicans but I will not vote for him.

You just said GOOD CHOICE.

That indicates a willingness to support.


I won't vote for him but I would support his presidency if he is somewhat like his father there especially on domestic issues and foreign policy.
He didn't nail jack schitt.

My one vote didn't make any difference.

yes, he did. And your NONvote made all the difference - because there were a lot of you, cowards.

remember Martin Niemöller?
I didn't know Martin Niemöller was on the ballot or lose by one vote.

Which state or precinct was decided by one, single (1) vote?

do not play the dumb game.

you know perfectly well that your not getting your ass to the voting booth resulted in this election going the way it did.

Have at least the courage to admit your fault, purist.
I never said I would support him.I am just curious...I do think he will be the nominee for the republicans but I will not vote for him.

You just said GOOD CHOICE.

That indicates a willingness to support.


I won't vote for him but I would support his presidency if he is somewhat like his father there especially on domestic issues and foreign policy.

I a, talking about CHRISTIE. Try to keep up. You said Christie would be a good choice for VP in the same thread that you have bashed him. You are schizo....aren't you?
I was talking about him being a good VP for the simple fact he is a moderate Rand is not,He is from the NE Rand is not. He has executive experience Rand does not...I don't like the idiot not by any stretch of the imagination.
yes, he did. And your NONvote made all the difference - because there were a lot of you, cowards.

remember Martin Niemöller?
I didn't know Martin Niemöller was on the ballot or lose by one vote.

Which state or precinct was decided by one, single (1) vote?

do not play the dumb game.

you know perfectly well that your not getting your ass to the voting booth resulted in this election going the way it did.

Have at least the courage to admit your fault, purist.
I'm not playing dumb, nor am I dumb.

I control one, single (1) vote...That's it.

Tell me which precinct, let alone state, was decided by one, single, (1) vote.

Name it.
There's a vast gap between working to help your state, and propaganda.

what he did was propaganda. He glorified himself for doing what anyone probably would have done

is that it?....well then i guess all the righties here that were saying a REAL Republican would never do that are wrong then.....because whether he did it for himself OR because he wanted to get people help....he did it....and thats the bottom line.....back in the 90's California had 5 pretty big quakes of 6 and 7 's and Pete Wilson did not hesitate to ask the feds for help....and Financially Cal may not have needed it.....


I don't know what you're talking about. all states that have to ask the Fed for help. Only CC made an ass of himself by parading around, sucking up glory.

sorry, as big as he is, if I melted him down into a bucket, I could stand in it and not get my feet wet.

there were lots of righties here saying that Christie by asking for federal aid was not being a "Republican".....i guess Republicans dont do least thats the impression i got out of it.....and if the media covers that and makes a big thing out of it to get a reaction from the two that Christies fault?....and Pete Wilson was the Republican Gov of California for 8 years in the 90's....and he was pretty Conservative....
you nailed it. sad, but true
He didn't nail jack schitt.

My one vote didn't make any difference.

yes, he did. And your NONvote made all the difference - because there were a lot of you, cowards.

remember Martin Niemöller?

so voting third party is being a coward? knowingly for the same old shit makes you a fucking idiot.....and there were a lot of you......
I wish Obama would double energy, science and infrastructure and stop the bail-outs. Now that's how you led. ;) Fuck Syria!
Too late! He doesn't hate Obama with every fiber of his being, so he has no chance amongst the base.

I think his fault will be trying to play both sides and burning to many bridges with voters.
Too late! He doesn't hate Obama with every fiber of his being, so he has no chance amongst the base.

I think his fault will be trying to play both sides and burning to many bridges with voters.

He is building bridges with voters as a candidate who puts the people above party loyalties

He is burning bridges with the fascist element of his party
Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

well if he does get the gop nomination we'll see you lefties out in full smear mode, using his weight, his families weight and probably go after his dog if he has all went after someone horses for crying out loud...
Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

well if he does get the gop nomination we'll see you lefties out in full smear mode, using his weight, his families weight and probably go after his dog if he has all went after someone horses for crying out loud...

Isn't it just awwwwwwful! The left is always so nasty in political campaigns. The right tries.....every single take the high road and focus on a positive message! Only to be drowned out by the lefty's attacks and lame stream media bias! When will the other side grow up and campaign fairly!

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