Chris Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

People are pissed because he went out and made a big fat show of it right before the election.

You gonna tell us he couldn't have held out for a week before getting Obiedoodle on the horn for the FEMA trucks and the federal bailout payola?

Are you really saying that he should have resisted working with the president based on partisan hackery? The timing might have been bad but you really need to realize that he did not pick the timing; nature did when it smashed large swaths of his state before the election.

I will NOT be a partisan simply for the sake of hating Obama and I can admit when a politician did something right. If Christie would have waited a week to avoid the election he would have been WRONG – pulling the party line for the sake of PARTY and NOT good governance. How can you possibly justify such an action? That is corrupt to the core, the very thing that you profess to be against.
OK...Making a defacto campaign commercial for your party's opponent a mere few days before the election is cool with you, as long as you say he's "doing the right thing".

In my view, "doing the right thing" would have been doing as best as you could, for as long as you could, before you went to the feds with your hand out, no matter what particular time of the year it was...But that's just me.

Your first line gives you away -- "for your party's opponent". For you it's all about the party, and the citizens come second.

Not to mention it's easy to Monday morning quarterback when the storm is in New Jersey and you're in Saskatchewan -- which ironically is underwater itself recently...
The ULTIMATE opportunist is Obama.

He knew that the idiots would be totally enchanted by simplistic and inane rhymes like "don't end it, mend it" and "if the glove don't fit, you must acquit".

And then he topped it with the "hope and change" nonsense, which we all know by now, meant that at the end of his first term there will be no change in your pocket, and when he is thru there is no hope.

But 90% of similar idiots bought it hook line and sinker.

BTW, those who profess to be conservatives, but then go and demonize Christie, remember that a fat semi-conservative Republican is far better than a skinny semi-Communist Democrat.
Not good enough to get my vote.

The same thing was also said about Juan McWeasel and Vinnie Vitalis Romney...How'd that shake out for ya?

Choosing the lesser of two evils is better than not choosing at all.

If yo are one of those idiots who stayed home, rather than vote for a Mormon, I hope you are satisfied.

why choose either one of the "evil" third know the two from the Parties are just going to give you the same old shit.....the third party guy? dont know....he might actually be for the Country.....
Choosing the lesser of two evils is better than not choosing at all.

If yo are one of those idiots who stayed home, rather than vote for a Mormon, I hope you are satisfied.
If all I get is evil, fuck that shit.

OK, then, look for and try to find perfection.

Good luck, and bitch for the rest of your life about Democrats.

or i can vote for the Republican and bitch the next 4 years about them....not much of a difference.....
People are pissed because he went out and made a big fat show of it right before the election.

You gonna tell us he couldn't have held out for a week before getting Obiedoodle on the horn for the FEMA trucks and the federal bailout payola?

Are you really saying that he should have resisted working with the president based on partisan hackery? The timing might have been bad but you really need to realize that he did not pick the timing; nature did when it smashed large swaths of his state before the election.

I will NOT be a partisan simply for the sake of hating Obama and I can admit when a politician did something right. If Christie would have waited a week to avoid the election he would have been WRONG – pulling the party line for the sake of PARTY and NOT good governance. How can you possibly justify such an action? That is corrupt to the core, the very thing that you profess to be against.
OK...Making a defacto campaign commercial for your party's opponent a mere few days before the election is cool with you, as long as you say he's "doing the right thing".

In my view, "doing the right thing" would have been doing as best as you could, for as long as you could, before you went to the feds with your hand out, no matter what particular time of the year it was...But that's just me.

Well, yes. Doing the right thing would be pretty important in my book. How is that not important in yours?

And why are we suddenly caring about party? I thought you were never a partisan anyway. The whole party duopoly is a major part of the problem here. Thinking of party first before good governance is exactly what caused that horrible problem. IOW, exactly as you are advocating.

I think that it is a stark problem that you immediately seen the party line here and agreed that the politician should have done what’s best for the party rather than what’s best for the people he represents. That thought process scares me.
Christie is a Jake Starkey "Republican", he's great to fill the back bench, but should never lead the nation

why because he aint far right enough for ya Frank?....i will take that guy over Bush and the guy we have now.....imagine someone who aint afraid to actually do something without asking the "party" if its ok to do something....what a concept....
Yep. Just like 99% did with Romney...there was people like me who refused to vote for Willard because we were so dedicated to freedom and liberty and Dr Ron Paul I voted for Gary Johnson.I will do the same in 2016 as well...if I even vote.

were people

Is Ron Paul really dedicated to freedom and liberty? Is that a claim that you can make without qualification? I do not think so.

Yes I can make that claim 100%.

Are you really saying that he should have resisted working with the president based on partisan hackery? The timing might have been bad but you really need to realize that he did not pick the timing; nature did when it smashed large swaths of his state before the election.

I will NOT be a partisan simply for the sake of hating Obama and I can admit when a politician did something right. If Christie would have waited a week to avoid the election he would have been WRONG – pulling the party line for the sake of PARTY and NOT good governance. How can you possibly justify such an action? That is corrupt to the core, the very thing that you profess to be against.
OK...Making a defacto campaign commercial for your party's opponent a mere few days before the election is cool with you, as long as you say he's "doing the right thing".

In my view, "doing the right thing" would have been doing as best as you could, for as long as you could, before you went to the feds with your hand out, no matter what particular time of the year it was...But that's just me.

Your first line gives you away -- "for your party's opponent". For you it's all about the party, and the citizens come second.

Not to mention it's easy to Monday morning quarterback when the storm is in New Jersey and you're in Saskatchewan -- which ironically is underwater itself recently...

i dont think OB is for a "party" Pogo....he has ragged on both quite often....
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Christie is a politician, duh. He is also a good one and a great leader. When he takes the nomination easily in 2016, all branches of the GOP will fall in behind him with good faith. I have no doubt that when he is elected that if those who opposed him tried the faux rage and anger with which Romney was opposed during his primary season will, indeed, face the wrath of a president wrapped in immense power. A President Christie can easily end the careers of stupid party opponents.
OK...Making a defacto campaign commercial for your party's opponent a mere few days before the election is cool with you, as long as you say he's "doing the right thing".

In my view, "doing the right thing" would have been doing as best as you could, for as long as you could, before you went to the feds with your hand out, no matter what particular time of the year it was...But that's just me.

Your first line gives you away -- "for your party's opponent". For you it's all about the party, and the citizens come second.

Not to mention it's easy to Monday morning quarterback when the storm is in New Jersey and you're in Saskatchewan -- which ironically is underwater itself recently...

i dont think OB is for a "party" Pogo....he has ragged on both quite often....

I haven't seen that, but what I have seen is he's on CC for putting his constituents ahead of his party. That tells me what his priorities are: it can only mean If he's not for a party, then he's for the idea of partisanship.
Are you really saying that he should have resisted working with the president based on partisan hackery? The timing might have been bad but you really need to realize that he did not pick the timing; nature did when it smashed large swaths of his state before the election.

I will NOT be a partisan simply for the sake of hating Obama and I can admit when a politician did something right. If Christie would have waited a week to avoid the election he would have been WRONG – pulling the party line for the sake of PARTY and NOT good governance. How can you possibly justify such an action? That is corrupt to the core, the very thing that you profess to be against.
OK...Making a defacto campaign commercial for your party's opponent a mere few days before the election is cool with you, as long as you say he's "doing the right thing".

In my view, "doing the right thing" would have been doing as best as you could, for as long as you could, before you went to the feds with your hand out, no matter what particular time of the year it was...But that's just me.

Well, yes. Doing the right thing would be pretty important in my book. How is that not important in yours?

And why are we suddenly caring about party? I thought you were never a partisan anyway. The whole party duopoly is a major part of the problem here. Thinking of party first before good governance is exactly what caused that horrible problem. IOW, exactly as you are advocating.

I think that it is a stark problem that you immediately seen the party line here and agreed that the politician should have done what’s best for the party rather than what’s best for the people he represents. That thought process scares me.
This isn't about me....When you're a party politician, party and politics play into the situation whether you like it or not...It's what happens when you marry the mob.

Personally, I don't think Christie was thinking about his party, politics or his potential republican constituents in New Jersey or the GOP...He was thinking about himself....Which makes it even worse.
"it can only mean If he's not for a party, then he's for the idea of partisanship"

That was worthy of a Yurt. Explain its meaning to me, please.
Christie is a politician, duh. He is also a good one and a great leader. When he takes the nomination easily in 2016, all branches of the GOP will fall in behind him with good faith. I have no doubt that when he is elected that if those who opposed him tried the faux rage and anger with which Romney was opposed during his primary season will, indeed, face the wrath of a president wrapped in immense power. A President Christie can easily end the careers of stupid party opponents.

LOL...I say he won't win more than 5 states IF he runs...Although I hate Rand Paul I think he easily wins the nomination.But hey if the republicans wanna go for a 3peat in losing the presidency that's fine with me go ahead nominate Christie.
OK...Making a defacto campaign commercial for your party's opponent a mere few days before the election is cool with you, as long as you say he's "doing the right thing".

In my view, "doing the right thing" would have been doing as best as you could, for as long as you could, before you went to the feds with your hand out, no matter what particular time of the year it was...But that's just me.

Well, yes. Doing the right thing would be pretty important in my book. How is that not important in yours?

And why are we suddenly caring about party? I thought you were never a partisan anyway. The whole party duopoly is a major part of the problem here. Thinking of party first before good governance is exactly what caused that horrible problem. IOW, exactly as you are advocating.

I think that it is a stark problem that you immediately seen the party line here and agreed that the politician should have done what’s best for the party rather than what’s best for the people he represents. That thought process scares me.
This isn't about me....When you're a party politician, party and politics play into the situation whether you like it or not...It's what happens when you marry the mob.

Personally, I don't think Christie was thinking about his party, politics or his potential republican constituents in New Jersey or the GOP...He was thinking about himself....Which makes it even worse.

I think the whole point is that Christie is not a "party politician".

And we need a whole lot more of them, of all sides of the spectrum --- and a lot fewer pander-sheep.
Christie is a politician, duh. He is also a good one and a great leader. When he takes the nomination easily in 2016, all branches of the GOP will fall in behind him with good faith. I have no doubt that when he is elected that if those who opposed him tried the faux rage and anger with which Romney was opposed during his primary season will, indeed, face the wrath of a president wrapped in immense power. A President Christie can easily end the careers of stupid party opponents.

LOL...I say he won't win more than 5 states IF he runs...Although I hate Rand Paul I think he easily wins the nomination.But hey if the republicans wanna go for a 3peat in losing the presidency that's fine with me go ahead nominate Christie.

I disagree. Rand will carry maybe three to five states period, in my opinion. But should he win the nomination, I think he will take Christie as his running mate.

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