Chris Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

"it can only mean If he's not for a party, then he's for the idea of partisanship"

That was worthy of a Yurt. Explain its meaning to me, please.

A "Yurt"? :confused:

OK, the poster said his problem was that CC did a "de facto campaign spot" for his party's opponent and thought he should have waited a week while New Jerseyans suffered.
Ergo the poster thinks party should be the priority over people.

Can I get a world of Yurt now? I already have a house but I'm willing to relocate. :razz:
What makes you think Rand won't appeal to people everywhere? Christie has been cozy with Obama people will remember that...I think Rand may take him as VP good choice...moderate,northeasterner etc....He could pick worse for sure.
What makes you think Rand won't appeal to people everywhere? Christie has been cozy with Obama people will remember that...I think Rand may take him as VP good choice...moderate,northeasterner etc....He could pick worse for sure.

People outside this little sphere of a few hundred posters don't take partisanship as the be-all and end-all that some here do, so to the extent the general public remembers that, they remember it as a positive, not a negative.

And sorry, Rand Paul isn't fit to shine Chris Christie's shoes. CC doesn't fit as a Paul subordinate; that will never happen. Even the other way around would be a stretch.
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What makes you think Rand won't appeal to people everywhere? Christie has been cozy with Obama people will remember that...I think Rand may take him as VP good choice...moderate,northeasterner etc....He could pick worse for sure.

People outside this little sphere of a few hundred posters don't take partisanship as the be-all and end-all that some here do, so to the extent the general public remembers that, they remember it as a positive, not a negative.

And sorry, Rand Paul isn't fit to shine Chris Christie's shoes. CC doesn't fit as a Paul subordinate; that will never happen. Even the other way around would be a stretch.

Ya think he could shine Christie's shoes the way Christie kissed Obama's ass?
"it can only mean If he's not for a party, then he's for the idea of partisanship"

That was worthy of a Yurt. Explain its meaning to me, please.

A "Yurt"? :confused:

OK, the poster said his problem was that CC did a "de facto campaign spot" for his party's opponent and thought he should have waited a week while New Jerseyans suffered.
Ergo the poster thinks party should be the priority over people.

Can I get a world of Yurt now? I already have a house but I'm willing to relocate. :razz:

:lol: OK, I get it now. CC would not let his people suffer for party. Exactly.
Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Republicans accused New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie of getting too cozy with President Barack Obama after Superstorm Sandy.

But during a visit Friday to a Republican stronghold for one of his regular town hall meetings, the governor went out of his way to put some distance between himself and the Democratic president.

Before taking questions from the public, Christie spoke about the problems in Washington, appearing to place most of the blame on Obama.

"We look at Washington, D.C., and we shake our heads in wonder at a president who can't figure out how to lead, at a Congress that only 11 percent of the people in the last poll I saw approve of the job they're doing," he said.

Referring further to those low approval ratings, Christie said "that's what happens when you don't have a leader at the top."

Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

will the liberals who so lovingly embraced him a few months ago, still embrace him? or will they start back in with the fat jokes?

fat jokes

but really, he's shown himself to be nothing more than an opportunist. He wants to run in '16 and has to appeal to the more conservative of the gop. Being an opportunist, he has the moderates tied up, since those idiots still think that dems are people you can actually compromise with.

I thought he was a mid-wing conservative for awhile, now I've learned better.

aside from that, stating that obama is not a leader is like telling people water is wet.

No, he showed himself as not being a political hack and shill for the Republican Party. When he needed to be there for his state, he was rather than trying to gain useless partisan points. It is pathetic that the right seems to reject him because he worked with the president for the betterment of his state – that’s his fucking job.

Now, don’t support him for his policies, that’s fine. There is nothing wrong with that and Christie is not exactly what I would consider ideal in that department BUT damn him because he did the right thing is insane. What ever happened to a working government? One of the things I like most about Christie is that I do NOT think he is going to tote the party line – he just does not seem like one to do that.

There's a vast gap between working to help your state, and propaganda.

what he did was propaganda. He glorified himself for doing what anyone probably would have done
What makes you think Rand won't appeal to people everywhere? Christie has been cozy with Obama people will remember that...I think Rand may take him as VP good choice...moderate,northeasterner etc....He could pick worse for sure.

How about a little consistency? Have you been diagnosed?
I never said I would support him.I am just curious...I do think he will be the nominee for the republicans but I will not vote for him.
Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Republicans accused New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie of getting too cozy with President Barack Obama after Superstorm Sandy.

But during a visit Friday to a Republican stronghold for one of his regular town hall meetings, the governor went out of his way to put some distance between himself and the Democratic president.

Before taking questions from the public, Christie spoke about the problems in Washington, appearing to place most of the blame on Obama.

"We look at Washington, D.C., and we shake our heads in wonder at a president who can't figure out how to lead, at a Congress that only 11 percent of the people in the last poll I saw approve of the job they're doing," he said.

Referring further to those low approval ratings, Christie said "that's what happens when you don't have a leader at the top."

Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

will the liberals who so lovingly embraced him a few months ago, still embrace him? or will they start back in with the fat jokes?

fat jokes

but really, he's shown himself to be nothing more than an opportunist. He wants to run in '16 and has to appeal to the more conservative of the gop. Being an opportunist, he has the moderates tied up, since those idiots still think that dems are people you can actually compromise with.

I thought he was a mid-wing conservative for awhile, now I've learned better.

aside from that, stating that obama is not a leader is like telling people water is wet.
can you compromise with Republicans?.....i dont think either side wants to Compromise....both sides want every one to think the other side is the bad guys.....they dont have me fooled.....they both suck at "getting along".......

Did you forget the decades where reps compromised with dems, only to have the dems come back and get all that they wanted and then some?

not laying down is something new for the gop.
Christie is a politician, duh. He is also a good one and a great leader. When he takes the nomination easily in 2016, all branches of the GOP will fall in behind him with good faith. I have no doubt that when he is elected that if those who opposed him tried the faux rage and anger with which Romney was opposed during his primary season will, indeed, face the wrath of a president wrapped in immense power. A President Christie can easily end the careers of stupid party opponents.

Told ya

Jake is a moderate and CC has him wrapped up.
fat jokes

but really, he's shown himself to be nothing more than an opportunist. He wants to run in '16 and has to appeal to the more conservative of the gop. Being an opportunist, he has the moderates tied up, since those idiots still think that dems are people you can actually compromise with.

I thought he was a mid-wing conservative for awhile, now I've learned better.

aside from that, stating that obama is not a leader is like telling people water is wet.

No, he showed himself as not being a political hack and shill for the Republican Party. When he needed to be there for his state, he was rather than trying to gain useless partisan points. It is pathetic that the right seems to reject him because he worked with the president for the betterment of his state – that’s his fucking job.

Now, don’t support him for his policies, that’s fine. There is nothing wrong with that and Christie is not exactly what I would consider ideal in that department BUT damn him because he did the right thing is insane. What ever happened to a working government? One of the things I like most about Christie is that I do NOT think he is going to tote the party line – he just does not seem like one to do that.

There's a vast gap between working to help your state, and propaganda.

what he did was propaganda. He glorified himself for doing what anyone probably would have done

is that it?....well then i guess all the righties here that were saying a REAL Republican would never do that are wrong then.....because whether he did it for himself OR because he wanted to get people help....he did it....and thats the bottom line.....back in the 90's California had 5 pretty big quakes of 6 and 7 's and Pete Wilson did not hesitate to ask the feds for help....and Financially Cal may not have needed it.....
Christie is a politician, duh. He is also a good one and a great leader. When he takes the nomination easily in 2016, all branches of the GOP will fall in behind him with good faith. I have no doubt that when he is elected that if those who opposed him tried the faux rage and anger with which Romney was opposed during his primary season will, indeed, face the wrath of a president wrapped in immense power. A President Christie can easily end the careers of stupid party opponents.

Told ya

Jake is a moderate and CC has him wrapped up.

Hey, I made it from lefty to libtard to moderate. There is hope for 2thumbs. However, understand the politics of power and CC's ruthlessness does not make me a moderate, simply one who understands politics and power.
No, he showed himself as not being a political hack and shill for the Republican Party. When he needed to be there for his state, he was rather than trying to gain useless partisan points. It is pathetic that the right seems to reject him because he worked with the president for the betterment of his state – that’s his fucking job.

Now, don’t support him for his policies, that’s fine. There is nothing wrong with that and Christie is not exactly what I would consider ideal in that department BUT damn him because he did the right thing is insane. What ever happened to a working government? One of the things I like most about Christie is that I do NOT think he is going to tote the party line – he just does not seem like one to do that.

There's a vast gap between working to help your state, and propaganda.

what he did was propaganda. He glorified himself for doing what anyone probably would have done

is that it?....well then i guess all the righties here that were saying a REAL Republican would never do that are wrong then.....because whether he did it for himself OR because he wanted to get people help....he did it....and thats the bottom line.....back in the 90's California had 5 pretty big quakes of 6 and 7 's and Pete Wilson did not hesitate to ask the feds for help....and Financially Cal may not have needed it.....


I don't know what you're talking about. all states that have to ask the Fed for help. Only CC made an ass of himself by parading around, sucking up glory.

sorry, as big as he is, if I melted him down into a bucket, I could stand in it and not get my feet wet.
Christie is a politician, duh. He is also a good one and a great leader. When he takes the nomination easily in 2016, all branches of the GOP will fall in behind him with good faith. I have no doubt that when he is elected that if those who opposed him tried the faux rage and anger with which Romney was opposed during his primary season will, indeed, face the wrath of a president wrapped in immense power. A President Christie can easily end the careers of stupid party opponents.

Told ya

Jake is a moderate and CC has him wrapped up.

Hey, I made it from lefty to libtard to moderate. There is hope for 2thumbs. However, understand the politics of power and CC's ruthlessness does not make me a moderate, simply one who understands politics and power.

I always considered you a mod. A standard, run of the mill republican.

Do you claim otherwise?
Well, yes. Doing the right thing would be pretty important in my book. How is that not important in yours?

And why are we suddenly caring about party? I thought you were never a partisan anyway. The whole party duopoly is a major part of the problem here. Thinking of party first before good governance is exactly what caused that horrible problem. IOW, exactly as you are advocating.

I think that it is a stark problem that you immediately seen the party line here and agreed that the politician should have done what’s best for the party rather than what’s best for the people he represents. That thought process scares me.
This isn't about me....When you're a party politician, party and politics play into the situation whether you like it or not...It's what happens when you marry the mob.

Personally, I don't think Christie was thinking about his party, politics or his potential republican constituents in New Jersey or the GOP...He was thinking about himself....Which makes it even worse.

I think the whole point is that Christie is not a "party politician".

And we need a whole lot more of them, of all sides of the spectrum --- and a lot fewer pander-sheep.
We have too many of them...People who run as one thing then govern as another.

But if you think that we heed even more of that, I don't know what to say.
The ULTIMATE opportunist is Obama.

He knew that the idiots would be totally enchanted by simplistic and inane rhymes like "don't end it, mend it" and "if the glove don't fit, you must acquit".

And then he topped it with the "hope and change" nonsense, which we all know by now, meant that at the end of his first term there will be no change in your pocket, and when he is thru there is no hope.

But 90% of similar idiots bought it hook line and sinker.

BTW, those who profess to be conservatives, but then go and demonize Christie, remember that a fat semi-conservative Republican is far better than a skinny semi-Communist Democrat.
Not good enough to get my vote.

The same thing was also said about Juan McWeasel and Vinnie Vitalis Romney...How'd that shake out for ya?

Choosing the lesser of two evils is better than not choosing at all.

If yo are one of those idiots who stayed home, rather than vote for a Mormon, I hope you are satisfied

you nailed it. sad, but true
Not good enough to get my vote.

The same thing was also said about Juan McWeasel and Vinnie Vitalis Romney...How'd that shake out for ya?

Choosing the lesser of two evils is better than not choosing at all.

If yo are one of those idiots who stayed home, rather than vote for a Mormon, I hope you are satisfied

you nailed it. sad, but true
He didn't nail jack schitt.

My one vote didn't make any difference.

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