Chris Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

Yep. Just like 99% did with Romney...there was people like me who refused to vote for Willard because we were so dedicated to freedom and liberty and Dr Ron Paul I voted for Gary Johnson.I will do the same in 2016 as well...if I even vote.

Guess what?

We have an extra special candidate for you in 2016

We call him Rand Paul and ALL the nutjobs will vote for him
No, he showed himself as not being a political hack and shill for the Republican Party. When he needed to be there for his state, he was rather than trying to gain useless partisan points. It is pathetic that the right seems to reject him because he worked with the president for the betterment of his state – that’s his fucking job.

Now, don’t support him for his policies, that’s fine. There is nothing wrong with that and Christie is not exactly what I would consider ideal in that department BUT damn him because he did the right thing is insane. What ever happened to a working government? One of the things I like most about Christie is that I do NOT think he is going to tote the party line – he just does not seem like one to do that.

Right...Because nothing says "self-reliant" and "can-do" like going to Big Daddy Big Gubmint for a handout. :rolleyes:

Heh. You misunderstand. Not that I am surprised, that is the normal conclusion that everyone wants to come to in order to disregard the point but let me explain.

What you just stated IS A VALID COMPLAINT. If you want to criticize the fact that he sought federal funding, fine. That is a point of contention. I would disagree because we have all been forced to pay for that assistance through taxes so they are entitled to that funding even if it was wrong BUT your criticism would be attacking an actual position.

Realize that is NOT what most people are complaining about. INSTEAD, they are just pissed because he worked with Obama. That is pathetic and partisan bullshit.

NOW, I have a feeling that you are being disingenuous here also though. Do you think that it would be incorrect for you to draw on social security after you retire? You have been FORCED to pay your whole life. Even if you disagree with the program, it is not wrong to draw from something that you have been required to participate in. Exactly how is this different?

So, you can take you rolleyes and put them somewhere…
These are valid points.
People are pissed because he went out and made a big fat show of it right before the election.

You gonna tell us he couldn't have held out for a week before getting Obiedoodle on the horn for the FEMA trucks and the federal bailout payola?
Not good enough to get my vote.

The same thing was also said about Juan McWeasel and Vinnie Vitalis Romney...How'd that shake out for ya?

Choosing the lesser of two evils is better than not choosing at all.

If yo are one of those idiots who stayed home, rather than vote for a Mormon, I hope you are satisfied.
If all I get is evil, fuck that shit.

And I didn't withhold my vote from Romney because he was a Mormon...I didn't vote for him because he was a greasy, double-dealing, neocon shoe salesman....Would have sooner voted for Al Bundy.

Weren't you a Canadian at the time anyway?

"Vinnie Vitalis" ... :clap2: :beer:
Chrispie did what he had to for the people of his state. Republicans, with a message of "let him die", simply don't get the concept of "American helping American".
Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

Yep. Just like 99% did with Romney...there was people like me who refused to vote for Willard because we were so dedicated to freedom and liberty and Dr Ron Paul I voted for Gary Johnson.I will do the same in 2016 as well...if I even vote.

were people

Is Ron Paul really dedicated to freedom and liberty? Is that a claim that you can make without qualification? I do not think so.
Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

Yep. Just like 99% did with Romney...there was people like me who refused to vote for Willard because we were so dedicated to freedom and liberty and Dr Ron Paul I voted for Gary Johnson.I will do the same in 2016 as well...if I even vote.

Guess what?

We have an extra special candidate for you in 2016

We call him Rand Paul and ALL the nutjobs will vote for him

Well 1. I won't vote for him,he is ABSOLUTELY nothing like his father...Rand will blow whichever way the wind is blowing just to gain power in politics something his father never did and never would have done. 2. What makes him so crazy? I am assuming you are gonna vote for Hillary " I covered up Benghazi" Clinton? Or how about Andrew "gun grabber asshole" Cuomo? Or maybe we can go for 2 negro dictators in a row and get that moron Cory Booker...Or even Deval Patrick....yeah...
Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

Yep. Just like 99% did with Romney...there was people like me who refused to vote for Willard because we were so dedicated to freedom and liberty and Dr Ron Paul I voted for Gary Johnson.I will do the same in 2016 as well...if I even vote.

were people

Is Ron Paul really dedicated to freedom and liberty? Is that a claim that you can make without qualification? I do not think so.

Yes I can make that claim 100%.
Yep. Just like 99% did with Romney...there was people like me who refused to vote for Willard because we were so dedicated to freedom and liberty and Dr Ron Paul I voted for Gary Johnson.I will do the same in 2016 as well...if I even vote.

Guess what?

We have an extra special candidate for you in 2016

We call him Rand Paul and ALL the nutjobs will vote for him

Well 1. I won't vote for him,he is ABSOLUTELY nothing like his father...Rand will blow whichever way the wind is blowing just to gain power in politics something his father never did and never would have done. 2. What makes him so crazy? I am assuming you are gonna vote for Hillary " I covered up Benghazi" Clinton? Or how about Andrew "gun grabber asshole" Cuomo? Or maybe we can go for 2 negro dictators in a row and get that moron Cory Booker...Or even Deval Patrick....yeah...

I voted for Paul in the primary and Johnson in the general. I will absolutely vote for Rand Paul. If you're looking for purity then you may as well never vote again in your life because you're never going to find it.
Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Republicans accused New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie of getting too cozy with President Barack Obama after Superstorm Sandy.

But during a visit Friday to a Republican stronghold for one of his regular town hall meetings, the governor went out of his way to put some distance between himself and the Democratic president.

Before taking questions from the public, Christie spoke about the problems in Washington, appearing to place most of the blame on Obama.

"We look at Washington, D.C., and we shake our heads in wonder at a president who can't figure out how to lead, at a Congress that only 11 percent of the people in the last poll I saw approve of the job they're doing," he said.

Referring further to those low approval ratings, Christie said "that's what happens when you don't have a leader at the top."

Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

will the liberals who so lovingly embraced him a few months ago, still embrace him? or will they start back in with the fat jokes?

fat jokes

but really, he's shown himself to be nothing more than an opportunist. He wants to run in '16 and has to appeal to the more conservative of the gop. Being an opportunist, he has the moderates tied up, since those idiots still think that dems are people you can actually compromise with.

I thought he was a mid-wing conservative for awhile, now I've learned better.

aside from that, stating that obama is not a leader is like telling people water is wet.

No, he showed himself as not being a political hack and shill for the Republican Party. When he needed to be there for his state, he was rather than trying to gain useless partisan points. It is pathetic that the right seems to reject him because he worked with the president for the betterment of his state – that’s his fucking job.

Now, don’t support him for his policies, that’s fine. There is nothing wrong with that and Christie is not exactly what I would consider ideal in that department BUT damn him because he did the right thing is insane. What ever happened to a working government? One of the things I like most about Christie is that I do NOT think he is going to tote the party line – he just does not seem like one to do that.

:clap2: :clap2:

Good to know there are still a few people not on the bullshit diet. I don't buy a lot of Christie's ideology but I respect and admire that he goes his own way and gives the finger to the idea of partisan hackery. We need a lot more of that attitude.

Just as a rising tide lifts all boats, partisan hackery lowers them.
Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Republicans accused New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie of getting too cozy with President Barack Obama after Superstorm Sandy.

But during a visit Friday to a Republican stronghold for one of his regular town hall meetings, the governor went out of his way to put some distance between himself and the Democratic president.

Before taking questions from the public, Christie spoke about the problems in Washington, appearing to place most of the blame on Obama.

"We look at Washington, D.C., and we shake our heads in wonder at a president who can't figure out how to lead, at a Congress that only 11 percent of the people in the last poll I saw approve of the job they're doing," he said.

Referring further to those low approval ratings, Christie said "that's what happens when you don't have a leader at the top."

Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

will the liberals who so lovingly embraced him a few months ago, still embrace him? or will they start back in with the fat jokes?

i agree with him.....Obama is a piss poor Leader....
Guess what?

We have an extra special candidate for you in 2016

We call him Rand Paul and ALL the nutjobs will vote for him

Well 1. I won't vote for him,he is ABSOLUTELY nothing like his father...Rand will blow whichever way the wind is blowing just to gain power in politics something his father never did and never would have done. 2. What makes him so crazy? I am assuming you are gonna vote for Hillary " I covered up Benghazi" Clinton? Or how about Andrew "gun grabber asshole" Cuomo? Or maybe we can go for 2 negro dictators in a row and get that moron Cory Booker...Or even Deval Patrick....yeah...

I voted for Paul in the primary and Johnson in the general. I will absolutely vote for Rand Paul. If you're looking for purity then you may as well never vote again in your life because you're never going to find it.
Same as me. Paul/Johnson. I probably won't vote ever again then...right now Judge Napolitano,Gary Johnson,Jesse Ventura are the only people I would vote for.
Right...Because nothing says "self-reliant" and "can-do" like going to Big Daddy Big Gubmint for a handout. :rolleyes:

Heh. You misunderstand. Not that I am surprised, that is the normal conclusion that everyone wants to come to in order to disregard the point but let me explain.

What you just stated IS A VALID COMPLAINT. If you want to criticize the fact that he sought federal funding, fine. That is a point of contention. I would disagree because we have all been forced to pay for that assistance through taxes so they are entitled to that funding even if it was wrong BUT your criticism would be attacking an actual position.

Realize that is NOT what most people are complaining about. INSTEAD, they are just pissed because he worked with Obama. That is pathetic and partisan bullshit.

NOW, I have a feeling that you are being disingenuous here also though. Do you think that it would be incorrect for you to draw on social security after you retire? You have been FORCED to pay your whole life. Even if you disagree with the program, it is not wrong to draw from something that you have been required to participate in. Exactly how is this different?

So, you can take you rolleyes and put them somewhere…
These are valid points.
People are pissed because he went out and made a big fat show of it right before the election.

You gonna tell us he couldn't have held out for a week before getting Obiedoodle on the horn for the FEMA trucks and the federal bailout payola?

Are you really saying that he should have resisted working with the president based on partisan hackery? The timing might have been bad but you really need to realize that he did not pick the timing; nature did when it smashed large swaths of his state before the election.

I will NOT be a partisan simply for the sake of hating Obama and I can admit when a politician did something right. If Christie would have waited a week to avoid the election he would have been WRONG – pulling the party line for the sake of PARTY and NOT good governance. How can you possibly justify such an action? That is corrupt to the core, the very thing that you profess to be against.
Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

Yep. Just like 99% did with Romney...there was people like me who refused to vote for Willard because we were so dedicated to freedom and liberty and Dr Ron Paul I voted for Gary Johnson.I will do the same in 2016 as well...if I even vote.

OK, then, if you choose NOT to vote, follow up your strict principles with similar steadfastness not complaining about the person who was elected, if he/she
does not meet your high morals and expectations.

I hope you are satisfied for not voting for Willard, after all, you got your dream President.

It is advisable to compare "perfect" to "electable" and vote accordingly.
Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

Republicans accused New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie of getting too cozy with President Barack Obama after Superstorm Sandy.

But during a visit Friday to a Republican stronghold for one of his regular town hall meetings, the governor went out of his way to put some distance between himself and the Democratic president.

Before taking questions from the public, Christie spoke about the problems in Washington, appearing to place most of the blame on Obama.

"We look at Washington, D.C., and we shake our heads in wonder at a president who can't figure out how to lead, at a Congress that only 11 percent of the people in the last poll I saw approve of the job they're doing," he said.

Referring further to those low approval ratings, Christie said "that's what happens when you don't have a leader at the top."

Christie: I didn't vote for Obama, he doesn't lead

will the liberals who so lovingly embraced him a few months ago, still embrace him? or will they start back in with the fat jokes?

fat jokes

but really, he's shown himself to be nothing more than an opportunist. He wants to run in '16 and has to appeal to the more conservative of the gop. Being an opportunist, he has the moderates tied up, since those idiots still think that dems are people you can actually compromise with.

I thought he was a mid-wing conservative for awhile, now I've learned better.

aside from that, stating that obama is not a leader is like telling people water is wet.
can you compromise with Republicans?.....i dont think either side wants to Compromise....both sides want every one to think the other side is the bad guys.....they dont have me fooled.....they both suck at "getting along".......
Heh. You misunderstand. Not that I am surprised, that is the normal conclusion that everyone wants to come to in order to disregard the point but let me explain.

What you just stated IS A VALID COMPLAINT. If you want to criticize the fact that he sought federal funding, fine. That is a point of contention. I would disagree because we have all been forced to pay for that assistance through taxes so they are entitled to that funding even if it was wrong BUT your criticism would be attacking an actual position.

Realize that is NOT what most people are complaining about. INSTEAD, they are just pissed because he worked with Obama. That is pathetic and partisan bullshit.

NOW, I have a feeling that you are being disingenuous here also though. Do you think that it would be incorrect for you to draw on social security after you retire? You have been FORCED to pay your whole life. Even if you disagree with the program, it is not wrong to draw from something that you have been required to participate in. Exactly how is this different?

So, you can take you rolleyes and put them somewhere…
These are valid points.
People are pissed because he went out and made a big fat show of it right before the election.

You gonna tell us he couldn't have held out for a week before getting Obiedoodle on the horn for the FEMA trucks and the federal bailout payola?

Are you really saying that he should have resisted working with the president based on partisan hackery? The timing might have been bad but you really need to realize that he did not pick the timing; nature did when it smashed large swaths of his state before the election.

I will NOT be a partisan simply for the sake of hating Obama and I can admit when a politician did something right. If Christie would have waited a week to avoid the election he would have been WRONG – pulling the party line for the sake of PARTY and NOT good governance. How can you possibly justify such an action? That is corrupt to the core, the very thing that you profess to be against.
OK...Making a defacto campaign commercial for your party's opponent a mere few days before the election is cool with you, as long as you say he's "doing the right thing".

In my view, "doing the right thing" would have been doing as best as you could, for as long as you could, before you went to the feds with your hand out, no matter what particular time of the year it was...But that's just me.
Conservatives will worship at the Christie shrine once he gets the 2016 GOP nomination

Yep. Just like 99% did with Romney...there was people like me who refused to vote for Willard because we were so dedicated to freedom and liberty and Dr Ron Paul I voted for Gary Johnson.I will do the same in 2016 as well...if I even vote.

OK, then, if you choose NOT to vote, follow up your strict principles with similar steadfastness not complaining about the person who was elected, if he/she
does not meet your high morals and expectations.

I hope you are satisfied for not voting for Willard, after all, you got your dream President.

It is advisable to compare "perfect" to "electable" and vote accordingly.
I am very satisfied with not voting for Willard because I saw no difference between Willard and Obama...Not from where I am standing anyways...That's why it doesn't bother me Obama is still president...he is just doing what Willard would have a little slower...helping the country collapse on its self...Oh and I will "complain" all I want...I will point out how ignorant they are etc...only person I wouldn't mind seeing president is Rand Paul but I will not vote for him. I am sure I would be OK with his presidency though.
Guess what?

We have an extra special candidate for you in 2016

We call him Rand Paul and ALL the nutjobs will vote for him

Well 1. I won't vote for him,he is ABSOLUTELY nothing like his father...Rand will blow whichever way the wind is blowing just to gain power in politics something his father never did and never would have done. 2. What makes him so crazy? I am assuming you are gonna vote for Hillary " I covered up Benghazi" Clinton? Or how about Andrew "gun grabber asshole" Cuomo? Or maybe we can go for 2 negro dictators in a row and get that moron Cory Booker...Or even Deval Patrick....yeah...

I voted for Paul in the primary and Johnson in the general. I will absolutely vote for Rand Paul. If you're looking for purity then you may as well never vote again in your life because you're never going to find it.

I voted similarly, except I didn't vote for Johnson in the general. I supported him, but Republicans fought to keep him off the ballot in Pennsylvania. I'm still wary of voting for Rand Paul, though. I don't expect the perfect candidate, but his endorsement of Mitt Romney left a pretty bad taste in my mouth.

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