Chris Christie: No. 1 U.S. Attorney In Wasting Gov't Travel Money

Nothing to this. Just Odumbo's revenge. He spent the sum total of $2,000 over budget over 6 years for hotel expenses when government rate rooms weren't available. That comes out to around $350 per year. YAWN.


I love when CON$ make up shit out of thin air even though the KNOWN facts contradict their fabrications.

61% of the time Christie provided no such justification for his excess spending as the law requires. He's an elitist, he needs no justification, those laws are for all the little people, not a BIG shot like him.

"In terms of the percentage of travel, U.S. Attorney C was the U.S. Attorney who most often exceeded the government rate without adequate justification," the report found. "The U.S. Attorney provided insufficient, inaccurate, or no justification for 14 of 23 trips (61 percent) that exceeded the government rate."

You just hate him because he has the guts to fire some no account loser teachers and not give them a raise of their over inflated salaries. He needs to fire half of the no account govt employees, too.

At least he nixed the overpriced tunnel.

That's really what all this is about. $2100 over five years is nothing. Nancy Pelosi wastes that in an afternoon. It is just a smokescreen for a "get Christie" movement.
The Left has nothing, zilch. They are reduced to absurd personal attacks because GOP pols didn't tie their tie right or had an overdue book at the library.
Duh, did you ever think he stopped the project because there was no money to pay for it? I know that's a common problem for you libs, you will beg, borrow or steal to put forth your pork projects or get more entitlements for illegals and leeches. And when that doesn't work you will simply print more worthless money.

Sorry but the piper is here and you have to pay up. BTW, we now have the power, nothing to regain. And we don't spend like drunken sailors or socialists.

You know what they say about socialists, don't you? Socialism always fails because eventually you run out of other people's money.

As for all those jobs that don't yet exist, Pelosi says food stamps and unemployment are great stimulus for the economy. So there you go.
You know what they say about Fascists don't you, they always lie about Socialism.

The money was there, Christie lies like a typical CON$ervoFascist GOP elitist POLITICIAN.

Senator Frank R. Lautenberg

“The Governor was given a deal from the federal government on Sunday that put no extra imposition on the state of New Jersey for its obligation to the ARC Tunnel project, and the Governor refused it. It was clear from the beginning that Governor Christie planned to kill the ARC Tunnel no matter what. In doing so, the Governor has once again put politics over performance.

“This is a tragic day in New Jersey’s history. Two weeks ago, Governor Christie made the biggest public policy blunder in New Jersey’s history. Today he repeated it. Today he killed the prospect for improving New Jersey's economy and creating thousands of new jobs. He increased the amount of toxic fumes that will be discharged from idling cars stuck in traffic, and he took away an opportunity for New Jersey housing values to go up.

“New Jersey Transit is coming off one of the worst summers for delays in recent memory. 1,400 delays were recorded this summer, and just this week a minor derailment caused hour-long delays for thousands of commuters. Delays and derailments are only going to get worse on our aging infrastructure and thanks to the Governor, New Jersey commuters shouldn’t count on new rail service options for decades to come.

“The Governor has put politics before performance, and it is the people of New Jersey who will pay the high price.”


Christie Myth: The Federal Government did not provide a proposal that would have shielded New Jersey from being responsible for cost overruns beyond the current state share of $2.7 billion.

Truth: The Federal Government provided options to the state for transferring responsibility for covering overruns to a private entity through a Public Private Partnership (“P3”).

Christie Myth: The Federal Government did not offer New Jersey any additional Federal funds beyond the $3 billion already committed.

Truth: The Federal Government offered a financing option in which it would provide an additional $358 million dollars, bringing the total Federal commitment to an unprecedented $3.358 billion.

Christie Myth: The actual cost to New Jersey of this project will be $3.5 billion because the state will be on the hook for Portal Bridge.

Truth: The Federal Government presented Governor Christie with a proposal for a Public Private Partnership (“P3”) that would not only relieve New Jersey of responsibility for cost overruns, but also of the cost of the Portal Bridge.

Christie Myth: He is killing the tunnel because the state cannot afford it.

Truth: He is killing the tunnel in order to move $1.25 billion in New Jersey Turnpike Authority funds dedicated to the ARC Tunnel to the state’s Transportation Trust Fund.

The Governor was presented with a proposal from the Department of Transportation (as noted above) that would shield New Jersey from the risk of cost overruns. The Public Private Partnership (P3) proposal was presented to Governor Christie as follows:

  • Federal Contribution: $3 Billion
  • Port Authority Contribution: $3 Billion
  • New Jersey Contribution: $2.7 Billion (hard cap)
  • Private Investors: $1.85 Billion plus assumption of risk of cost overruns

For the first time in their life, Socialists are hearing Americans say: "We can't afford your stupid ideas anymore" and its like if the Wicked Witch were a Vampire and walked out into a sun shower.
So now the CON$ervoFascists are trying to steal the $271 million NJ Transit was already paid by the Federal Transit Administration for the Access to the Region's Core (tunnel) project.

Fascists claim Americans can't afford infrastructure projects that will produce jobs, but think Americans can afford all the money CON$ervoFascists can steal for doing nothing. Christie is not only a liar but a thief, no wonder CON$ervoFascists love him, he is them.

NJ must repay $271 million for rail tunnel Christie canceled | | Asbury Park Press

New Jersey must repay the U.S. government $271 million “immediately” for money spent on the proposed Hudson River rail tunnel that Gov. Chris Christie canceled, a Federal Transit Administration official said.

The state will also owe “reasonable interest and penalty charges that will be determined by FTA,” wrote Brigid Hynes-Cherin, FTA’s regional administrator in New York, in a letter yesterday to James Weinstein, executive director of New Jersey Transit. New Jersey lost its claim on another $79 million earmarked for the project, she said.

NJ Transit may dispute some of $271M rail-tunnel bill | | Asbury Park Press

The bill has come due, but the check may not be in the mail soon.

NJ Transit officials said in a brief statement that they are reviewing the Federal Transit Administrations' request for repayment $271 million in federal money for the now canceled second Hudson River Tunnel project.
But the statement hinted that the agency may not totally agree with the FTA's "please remit'' letter.

"NJ Transit does not agree that the issues are as clear cut as portrayed in the FTA letter,'' said a terse three-sentence release from the agency.
Spokesman Paul Wyckoff declined to comment beyond the release or to elaborate on what those issues are.
The letter dated Nov. 8 from the FTA to NJ Transit executive director James Weinstein said NJ Transit must "immediately repay financial assistance'' extended in an Early Systems Work Agreement for the tunnel project "currently estimated to be $271 million.
You know what they say about Fascists don't you, they always lie about Socialism.

The money was there, Christie lies like a typical CON$ervoFascist GOP elitist POLITICIAN.

Senator Frank R. Lautenberg

“The Governor was given a deal from the federal government on Sunday that put no extra imposition on the state of New Jersey for its obligation to the ARC Tunnel project, and the Governor refused it. It was clear from the beginning that Governor Christie planned to kill the ARC Tunnel no matter what. In doing so, the Governor has once again put politics over performance.

“This is a tragic day in New Jersey’s history. Two weeks ago, Governor Christie made the biggest public policy blunder in New Jersey’s history. Today he repeated it. Today he killed the prospect for improving New Jersey's economy and creating thousands of new jobs. He increased the amount of toxic fumes that will be discharged from idling cars stuck in traffic, and he took away an opportunity for New Jersey housing values to go up.

“New Jersey Transit is coming off one of the worst summers for delays in recent memory. 1,400 delays were recorded this summer, and just this week a minor derailment caused hour-long delays for thousands of commuters. Delays and derailments are only going to get worse on our aging infrastructure and thanks to the Governor, New Jersey commuters shouldn’t count on new rail service options for decades to come.

“The Governor has put politics before performance, and it is the people of New Jersey who will pay the high price.”


Christie Myth: The Federal Government did not provide a proposal that would have shielded New Jersey from being responsible for cost overruns beyond the current state share of $2.7 billion.

Truth: The Federal Government provided options to the state for transferring responsibility for covering overruns to a private entity through a Public Private Partnership (“P3”).

Christie Myth: The Federal Government did not offer New Jersey any additional Federal funds beyond the $3 billion already committed.

Truth: The Federal Government offered a financing option in which it would provide an additional $358 million dollars, bringing the total Federal commitment to an unprecedented $3.358 billion.

Christie Myth: The actual cost to New Jersey of this project will be $3.5 billion because the state will be on the hook for Portal Bridge.

Truth: The Federal Government presented Governor Christie with a proposal for a Public Private Partnership (“P3”) that would not only relieve New Jersey of responsibility for cost overruns, but also of the cost of the Portal Bridge.

Christie Myth: He is killing the tunnel because the state cannot afford it.

Truth: He is killing the tunnel in order to move $1.25 billion in New Jersey Turnpike Authority funds dedicated to the ARC Tunnel to the state’s Transportation Trust Fund.

The Governor was presented with a proposal from the Department of Transportation (as noted above) that would shield New Jersey from the risk of cost overruns. The Public Private Partnership (P3) proposal was presented to Governor Christie as follows:

  • Federal Contribution: $3 Billion
  • Port Authority Contribution: $3 Billion
  • New Jersey Contribution: $2.7 Billion (hard cap)
  • Private Investors: $1.85 Billion plus assumption of risk of cost overruns

For the first time in their life, Socialists are hearing Americans say: "We can't afford your stupid ideas anymore" and its like if the Wicked Witch were a Vampire and walked out into a sun shower.
So now the CON$ervoFascists are trying to steal the $271 million NJ Transit was already paid by the Federal Transit Administration for the Access to the Region's Core (tunnel) project.

Fascists claim Americans can't afford infrastructure projects that will produce jobs, but think Americans can afford all the money CON$ervoFascists can steal for doing nothing. Christie is not only a liar but a thief, no wonder CON$ervoFascists love him, he is them.

NJ must repay $271 million for rail tunnel Christie canceled | | Asbury Park Press

New Jersey must repay the U.S. government $271 million “immediately” for money spent on the proposed Hudson River rail tunnel that Gov. Chris Christie canceled, a Federal Transit Administration official said.

The state will also owe “reasonable interest and penalty charges that will be determined by FTA,” wrote Brigid Hynes-Cherin, FTA’s regional administrator in New York, in a letter yesterday to James Weinstein, executive director of New Jersey Transit. New Jersey lost its claim on another $79 million earmarked for the project, she said.

NJ Transit may dispute some of $271M rail-tunnel bill | | Asbury Park Press

The bill has come due, but the check may not be in the mail soon.

NJ Transit officials said in a brief statement that they are reviewing the Federal Transit Administrations' request for repayment $271 million in federal money for the now canceled second Hudson River Tunnel project.
But the statement hinted that the agency may not totally agree with the FTA's "please remit'' letter.

"NJ Transit does not agree that the issues are as clear cut as portrayed in the FTA letter,'' said a terse three-sentence release from the agency.
Spokesman Paul Wyckoff declined to comment beyond the release or to elaborate on what those issues are.
The letter dated Nov. 8 from the FTA to NJ Transit executive director James Weinstein said NJ Transit must "immediately repay financial assistance'' extended in an Early Systems Work Agreement for the tunnel project "currently estimated to be $271 million.

First, Fascists were National Socialists. Their leader was raised by a Communist father who fathered multiple children with different woman and took no interest in his son, he was not raised in the country that elected him, he used economic chaos to catapult himself to political office and he wrote his second autobiography when his biggest accomplishment to date had been: wrote an autobiography, he also hated free enterprise, was a supporter of universal health care and was adored by Louis Farrakan. His first act in power was to take his nations auto industry. Does that remind you of anyone in America today?

Second. the State of NJ has been funding these Union helping Socialist schemes for generations and as a result, business have fled the state, refuse to start new ones, property taxes are the highest in the country and they have a budget deficit to rival Greece or Ireland.

In short, Socialist Democrats fucked the state over good and Christie is saying stuff that burns your ears. "we can't afford it. No more New Deal Epic Fail Public Works projects"

Again, I can understand how a total defeat of your ideology in 2010 was painful, and how you might be bitter and frustrated but that's just too fucking bad for you.
Last edited:
For the first time in their life, Socialists are hearing Americans say: "We can't afford your stupid ideas anymore" and its like if the Wicked Witch were a Vampire and walked out into a sun shower.
So now the CON$ervoFascists are trying to steal the $271 million NJ Transit was already paid by the Federal Transit Administration for the Access to the Region's Core (tunnel) project.

Fascists claim Americans can't afford infrastructure projects that will produce jobs, but think Americans can afford all the money CON$ervoFascists can steal for doing nothing. Christie is not only a liar but a thief, no wonder CON$ervoFascists love him, he is them.

NJ must repay $271 million for rail tunnel Christie canceled | | Asbury Park Press

New Jersey must repay the U.S. government $271 million “immediately” for money spent on the proposed Hudson River rail tunnel that Gov. Chris Christie canceled, a Federal Transit Administration official said.

The state will also owe “reasonable interest and penalty charges that will be determined by FTA,” wrote Brigid Hynes-Cherin, FTA’s regional administrator in New York, in a letter yesterday to James Weinstein, executive director of New Jersey Transit. New Jersey lost its claim on another $79 million earmarked for the project, she said.

NJ Transit may dispute some of $271M rail-tunnel bill | | Asbury Park Press

The bill has come due, but the check may not be in the mail soon.

NJ Transit officials said in a brief statement that they are reviewing the Federal Transit Administrations' request for repayment $271 million in federal money for the now canceled second Hudson River Tunnel project.
But the statement hinted that the agency may not totally agree with the FTA's "please remit'' letter.

"NJ Transit does not agree that the issues are as clear cut as portrayed in the FTA letter,'' said a terse three-sentence release from the agency.
Spokesman Paul Wyckoff declined to comment beyond the release or to elaborate on what those issues are.
The letter dated Nov. 8 from the FTA to NJ Transit executive director James Weinstein said NJ Transit must "immediately repay financial assistance'' extended in an Early Systems Work Agreement for the tunnel project "currently estimated to be $271 million.

First, Fascists were National Socialists. Their leader was raised by a Communist father who fathered multiple children with different woman and took no interest in his son, he was not raised in the country that elected him, he used economic chaos to catapult himself to political office and he wrote his second autobiography when his biggest accomplishment to date had been: wrote an autobiography, he also hated free enterprise, was a supporter of universal health care and was adored by Louis Farrakan. His first act in power was to take his nations auto industry. Does that remind you of anyone in America today?

Second. the State of NJ has been funding these Union helping Socialist schemes for generations and as a result, business have fled the state, refuse to start new ones, property taxes are the highest in the country and they have a budget deficit to rival Greece or Ireland.

In short, Socialist Democrats fucked the state over good and Christie is saying stuff that burns your ears. "we can't afford it. No more New Deal Epic Fail Public Works projects"

Again, I can understand how a total defeat of your ideology in 2010 was painful, and how you might be bitter and frustrated but that's just too fucking bad for you.
First of all, Fascists have always been and will always be CON$ervative CORPORATISTS.

"Modern fascism should be properly called corporatism,
since it is the merger of state, military and corporate power."
~Benito Mussolini~

It's the CON$ervoNazis who are NATIONAL Socialists, emphasis on the NATIONALISM.

And Mussolini, the leader of Fascism, was NOT "raised by a Communist father who fathered multiple children with different woman and took no interest in his son, he was not raised in the country that elected him, he used economic chaos to catapult himself to political office and he wrote his second autobiography when his biggest accomplishment to date had been: wrote an autobiography, he also hated free enterprise, was a supporter of universal health care and was adored by Louis Farrakan. His first act in power was to take his nations auto industry."

Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism,
both in the political and the economic sphere.

However Mussolini does resemble the Fascist dictator Chris Christie more than anyone else in America today, since you asked who the leader of Fascism reminds me of.

And it was CON$ervoFascist governer Frisky Whitless who bankrupted the state with her 30% tax reduction paid for with bonds that have to be paid back in the present.
So now the CON$ervoFascists are trying to steal the $271 million NJ Transit was already paid by the Federal Transit Administration for the Access to the Region's Core (tunnel) project.

Fascists claim Americans can't afford infrastructure projects that will produce jobs, but think Americans can afford all the money CON$ervoFascists can steal for doing nothing. Christie is not only a liar but a thief, no wonder CON$ervoFascists love him, he is them.

NJ must repay $271 million for rail tunnel Christie canceled | | Asbury Park Press

New Jersey must repay the U.S. government $271 million “immediately” for money spent on the proposed Hudson River rail tunnel that Gov. Chris Christie canceled, a Federal Transit Administration official said.

The state will also owe “reasonable interest and penalty charges that will be determined by FTA,” wrote Brigid Hynes-Cherin, FTA’s regional administrator in New York, in a letter yesterday to James Weinstein, executive director of New Jersey Transit. New Jersey lost its claim on another $79 million earmarked for the project, she said.

NJ Transit may dispute some of $271M rail-tunnel bill | | Asbury Park Press

The bill has come due, but the check may not be in the mail soon.

NJ Transit officials said in a brief statement that they are reviewing the Federal Transit Administrations' request for repayment $271 million in federal money for the now canceled second Hudson River Tunnel project.
But the statement hinted that the agency may not totally agree with the FTA's "please remit'' letter.

"NJ Transit does not agree that the issues are as clear cut as portrayed in the FTA letter,'' said a terse three-sentence release from the agency.
Spokesman Paul Wyckoff declined to comment beyond the release or to elaborate on what those issues are.
The letter dated Nov. 8 from the FTA to NJ Transit executive director James Weinstein said NJ Transit must "immediately repay financial assistance'' extended in an Early Systems Work Agreement for the tunnel project "currently estimated to be $271 million.

First, Fascists were National Socialists. Their leader was raised by a Communist father who fathered multiple children with different woman and took no interest in his son, he was not raised in the country that elected him, he used economic chaos to catapult himself to political office and he wrote his second autobiography when his biggest accomplishment to date had been: wrote an autobiography, he also hated free enterprise, was a supporter of universal health care and was adored by Louis Farrakan. His first act in power was to take his nations auto industry. Does that remind you of anyone in America today?

Second. the State of NJ has been funding these Union helping Socialist schemes for generations and as a result, business have fled the state, refuse to start new ones, property taxes are the highest in the country and they have a budget deficit to rival Greece or Ireland.

In short, Socialist Democrats fucked the state over good and Christie is saying stuff that burns your ears. "we can't afford it. No more New Deal Epic Fail Public Works projects"

Again, I can understand how a total defeat of your ideology in 2010 was painful, and how you might be bitter and frustrated but that's just too fucking bad for you.
First of all, Fascists have always been and will always be CON$ervative CORPORATISTS.

"Modern fascism should be properly called corporatism,
since it is the merger of state, military and corporate power."
~Benito Mussolini~

It's the CON$ervoNazis who are NATIONAL Socialists, emphasis on the NATIONALISM.

And Mussolini, the leader of Fascism, was NOT "raised by a Communist father who fathered multiple children with different woman and took no interest in his son, he was not raised in the country that elected him, he used economic chaos to catapult himself to political office and he wrote his second autobiography when his biggest accomplishment to date had been: wrote an autobiography, he also hated free enterprise, was a supporter of universal health care and was adored by Louis Farrakan. His first act in power was to take his nations auto industry."

Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism,
both in the political and the economic sphere.

However Mussolini does resemble the Fascist dictator Chris Christie more than anyone else in America today, since you asked who the leader of Fascism reminds me of.

And it was CON$ervoFascist governer Frisky Whitless who bankrupted the state with her 30% tax reduction paid for with bonds that have to be paid back in the present.

Chris Christie's Star Turn Raises National Prospects, Nearly $9 Million for GOP

So now the CON$ervoFascists are trying to steal the $271 million NJ Transit was already paid by the Federal Transit Administration for the Access to the Region's Core (tunnel) project.

Fascists claim Americans can't afford infrastructure projects that will produce jobs, but think Americans can afford all the money CON$ervoFascists can steal for doing nothing. Christie is not only a liar but a thief, no wonder CON$ervoFascists love him, he is them.

NJ must repay $271 million for rail tunnel Christie canceled | | Asbury Park Press

New Jersey must repay the U.S. government $271 million “immediately” for money spent on the proposed Hudson River rail tunnel that Gov. Chris Christie canceled, a Federal Transit Administration official said.

The state will also owe “reasonable interest and penalty charges that will be determined by FTA,” wrote Brigid Hynes-Cherin, FTA’s regional administrator in New York, in a letter yesterday to James Weinstein, executive director of New Jersey Transit. New Jersey lost its claim on another $79 million earmarked for the project, she said.

NJ Transit may dispute some of $271M rail-tunnel bill | | Asbury Park Press

The bill has come due, but the check may not be in the mail soon.

NJ Transit officials said in a brief statement that they are reviewing the Federal Transit Administrations' request for repayment $271 million in federal money for the now canceled second Hudson River Tunnel project.
But the statement hinted that the agency may not totally agree with the FTA's "please remit'' letter.

"NJ Transit does not agree that the issues are as clear cut as portrayed in the FTA letter,'' said a terse three-sentence release from the agency.
Spokesman Paul Wyckoff declined to comment beyond the release or to elaborate on what those issues are.
The letter dated Nov. 8 from the FTA to NJ Transit executive director James Weinstein said NJ Transit must "immediately repay financial assistance'' extended in an Early Systems Work Agreement for the tunnel project "currently estimated to be $271 million.

First, Fascists were National Socialists. Their leader was raised by a Communist father who fathered multiple children with different woman and took no interest in his son, he was not raised in the country that elected him, he used economic chaos to catapult himself to political office and he wrote his second autobiography when his biggest accomplishment to date had been: wrote an autobiography, he also hated free enterprise, was a supporter of universal health care and was adored by Louis Farrakan. His first act in power was to take his nations auto industry. Does that remind you of anyone in America today?

Second. the State of NJ has been funding these Union helping Socialist schemes for generations and as a result, business have fled the state, refuse to start new ones, property taxes are the highest in the country and they have a budget deficit to rival Greece or Ireland.

In short, Socialist Democrats fucked the state over good and Christie is saying stuff that burns your ears. "we can't afford it. No more New Deal Epic Fail Public Works projects"

Again, I can understand how a total defeat of your ideology in 2010 was painful, and how you might be bitter and frustrated but that's just too fucking bad for you.
First of all, Fascists have always been and will always be CON$ervative CORPORATISTS.

"Modern fascism should be properly called corporatism,
since it is the merger of state, military and corporate power."
~Benito Mussolini~

It's the CON$ervoNazis who are NATIONAL Socialists, emphasis on the NATIONALISM.

And Mussolini, the leader of Fascism, was NOT "raised by a Communist father who fathered multiple children with different woman and took no interest in his son, he was not raised in the country that elected him, he used economic chaos to catapult himself to political office and he wrote his second autobiography when his biggest accomplishment to date had been: wrote an autobiography, he also hated free enterprise, was a supporter of universal health care and was adored by Louis Farrakan. His first act in power was to take his nations auto industry."

Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism,
both in the political and the economic sphere.

However Mussolini does resemble the Fascist dictator Chris Christie more than anyone else in America today, since you asked who the leader of Fascism reminds me of.

And it was CON$ervoFascist governer Frisky Whitless who bankrupted the state with her 30% tax reduction paid for with bonds that have to be paid back in the present.

Fascists were National Socialists, the subject being "Socialist" (like American Democrats) and the modifier "National", so properly American Democrat Socialists are the ideological kissing cousins of the German National Socialists.

Fascism was the State CONTROLLING the corporation, much like Fin Reg and the take over of the US Auto industry by Obammy.

Hitler -> Took over the auto companies
Obama -> took over the auto companies

See how that works?

Hitler and Obammy's background is so similar, it's no wonder you chose to ignore it.
Frank bro.......gotta love the fat guy from New Jersey. The anithesis of Obama = real and with a set of balls.
Ive got a tingle running up my leg thinking of the possibility of a debate between the two.!!! Id pay good $$ to see it..........
Here is Christie explaining why he felt he had to cancel the ARC tunnel, Note that cost overuns would be NJ's responsibility. Note that the only Fed help NJ citizens would get would be federally subsidized loans and not grants. Note at the end of the video how Christie compares the NJ tunnel Fed deal with that Florida is getting with its high speed rail project. The video is at:

Hulu - NBC Meet the Press: Gov. Christie On Pulling Plug On NY-NJ Tunnel

Here is Christie explaining why he felt he had to cancel the ARC tunnel, Note that cost overuns would be NJ's responsibility. Note that the only Fed help NJ citizens would get would be federally subsidized loans and not grants. Note at the end of the video how Christie compares the NJ tunnel Fed deal with that Florida is getting with its high speed rail project. The video is at:

Hulu - NBC Meet the Press: Gov. Christie On Pulling Plug On NY-NJ Tunnel

Note that Christie is a pathological liar.

Senator Frank R. Lautenberg


Christie Myth: The Federal Government did not provide a proposal that would have shielded New Jersey from being responsible for cost overruns beyond the current state share of $2.7 billion.

Truth: The Federal Government provided options to the state for transferring responsibility for covering overruns to a private entity through a Public Private Partnership (“P3”).

Christie Myth: The Federal Government did not offer New Jersey any additional Federal funds beyond the $3 billion already committed.

Truth: The Federal Government offered a financing option in which it would provide an additional $358 million dollars, bringing the total Federal commitment to an unprecedented $3.358 billion.

Christie Myth: The actual cost to New Jersey of this project will be $3.5 billion because the state will be on the hook for Portal Bridge.

Truth: The Federal Government presented Governor Christie with a proposal for a Public Private Partnership (“P3”) that would not only relieve New Jersey of responsibility for cost overruns, but also of the cost of the Portal Bridge.

Christie Myth: He is killing the tunnel because the state cannot afford it.

Truth: He is killing the tunnel in order to move $1.25 billion in New Jersey Turnpike Authority funds dedicated to the ARC Tunnel to the state’s Transportation Trust Fund.

The Governor was presented with a proposal from the Department of Transportation (as noted above) that would shield New Jersey from the risk of cost overruns. The Public Private Partnership (P3) proposal was presented to Governor Christie as follows:

  • Federal Contribution: $3 Billion
  • Port Authority Contribution: $3 Billion
  • New Jersey Contribution: $2.7 Billion (hard cap)
  • Private Investors: $1.85 Billion plus assumption of risk of cost overruns
Remember the post decrying Christie as some sort of spendthrift or worse? Here's the latest from the Daily Caller. Seems like someone in DOJ had something other than justice in mind. Author of DOJ report targeting NJ Governor Chris Christie has history of using position for political purposes, sources say | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Highlights are mine.
The Daily Caller has learned that the author behind the recent report from the Department of Justice that targeted five former U.S. attorneys

for excessive travel expenses has had, according to our sources, a troubled history in the DOJ and attempted in the past to use her position to smear conservatives.

When the report surfaced last week, the investigation’s timing and targeting especially of New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie, who has steadily been raising his national profile, raised red flags.

According to the DOJ report, Christie — favored by many conservatives to run against President Obama in 2012 — spent a total of about $2,000 more than his budget allowed on 23 trips he took between 2007 and 2009. Almost immediately after the report’s release, conservative media and the blogosphere lit up with accusations that the report was politically motivated and meant to malign a rising star in the Republican Party.

Tom Fitton, the president of DOJ watchdog organization Judicial Watch, agreed with that sentiment, telling TheDC that his first instinct was that the report was nothing more than a hit job from an “ideological and hostile Justice Department that leaked the report.”

New information obtained by TheDC shows that that narrative may be true.

The report’s author, Maura Lee, began her DOJ career in the civil rights division, but now works in the DOJ Office of Inspector General. Hans von Spakovsky, former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights, supervised Lee and told TheDC that he was “astonished” when he found out she was the author of the report.

According to von Spakovsky, Lee was “one of the most belligerent, unprofessional lawyers” he encountered during his time at the DOJ. “Because of her,” he said, “we had to completely change our security protocol.”

Another former senior DOJ official who asked not to be named confirmed Lee’s involvement in strategizing to leak information to the Washington Post, saying that she was not a trustworthy person and had major political motivations.Von Spakovsky described one case where Lee was caught breaking into the e-mail of a colleague, Joshua Rogers, specifically because Rogers was conservative and Christian. “Lee was radically left. She made it plain that she didn’t like Rogers,” von Spakovsky said.

He went on to call Lee’s efforts at DOJ a “major security breach.”

“She was one of the most partisan career people I ever met,” von Spakovsky told TheDC. So partisan, in fact, that he describes Lee as someone who would encourage other DOJ lawyers

not to pursue cases so that the Bush administration would not be able to take credit for being progressive on voter and civil rights issues.

When asked, von Spakovsky said Lee is “so biased, there is no way she could investigate and write an objective report. I can’t imagine anyone more inappropriate to be working on this kind of report in the IG office.”

According to another former DOJ employee

who worked closely with Lee, Lee first got into trouble while working in the Voters Rights Division during the Bush administration. There, according to the former coworker, Lee was caught breaking into other employees’ e-mail accounts and spreading around personal information.

The former coworker also alleges that Lee sent out e-mails to the more “left-leaning DOJ employees,” suggesting that they leak sensitive information to the Washington Post. According to this former DOJ employee, once Lee was found out, the entire security system within the Voters Rights Division had to be revamped.

Not only that, but according to this source, Lee’s superiors – including von Spakovsky – were authorized by the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility to search her e-mails. They found evidence of Lee’s attempts to leak information to the Washington Post on, among other things, the Texas redistricting issue in 2005 when a handful of DOJ attorneys argued the new plan was unconstitutional because it unfairly favored Republicans.

Shortly thereafter, Lee moved to the Inspector General’s office, where she authored this latest report. Although the report did not mention Christie by name, it mirrored accusations made in 2009 about Christie’s travel expenses that nearly derailed his gubernatorial campaign.

When contacted by TheDC, Lee refused to comment.

Both von Spakovsky and the former DOJ employee are of the opinion that considering the history of its author, the recent report targeting Chris Christie is absolutely politically motivated. Moreover, both said that another IG report was also done on internal travel expenses of DOJ employees that, in some cases, exceeded the budget limit by tens of thousands of dollars. That report, however, was never released.
“There is absolutely no logical explanation for why this report [for the five attorneys general] would get leaked and the one about internal employees was kept confidential,” said von Spakovsky.

Christie’s office has not yet returned TheDC’s request for comment.

61% of the time Christie provided no such justification for his excess spending as the law requires. He's an elitist, he needs no justification, those laws are for all the little people, not a BIG shot like him.

"In terms of the percentage of travel, U.S. Attorney C was the U.S. Attorney who most often exceeded the government rate without adequate justification," the report found. "The U.S. Attorney provided insufficient, inaccurate, or no justification for 14 of 23 trips (61 percent) that exceeded the government rate."

Remember the post decrying Christie as some sort of spendthrift or worse? Here's the latest from the Daily Caller. Seems like someone in DOJ had something other than justice in mind. Author of DOJ report targeting NJ Governor Chris Christie has history of using position for political purposes, sources say | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Highlights are mine.
The Daily Caller has learned that the author behind the recent report from the Department of Justice that targeted five former U.S. attorneys

for excessive travel expenses has had, according to our sources, a troubled history in the DOJ and attempted in the past to use her position to smear conservatives.

When the report surfaced last week, the investigation’s timing and targeting especially of New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie, who has steadily been raising his national profile, raised red flags.

According to the DOJ report, Christie — favored by many conservatives to run against President Obama in 2012 — spent a total of about $2,000 more than his budget allowed on 23 trips he took between 2007 and 2009. Almost immediately after the report’s release, conservative media and the blogosphere lit up with accusations that the report was politically motivated and meant to malign a rising star in the Republican Party.

Tom Fitton, the president of DOJ watchdog organization Judicial Watch, agreed with that sentiment, telling TheDC that his first instinct was that the report was nothing more than a hit job from an “ideological and hostile Justice Department that leaked the report.”

New information obtained by TheDC shows that that narrative may be true.

The report’s author, Maura Lee, began her DOJ career in the civil rights division, but now works in the DOJ Office of Inspector General. Hans von Spakovsky, former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights, supervised Lee and told TheDC that he was “astonished” when he found out she was the author of the report.

According to von Spakovsky, Lee was “one of the most belligerent, unprofessional lawyers” he encountered during his time at the DOJ. “Because of her,” he said, “we had to completely change our security protocol.”

Another former senior DOJ official who asked not to be named confirmed Lee’s involvement in strategizing to leak information to the Washington Post, saying that she was not a trustworthy person and had major political motivations.Von Spakovsky described one case where Lee was caught breaking into the e-mail of a colleague, Joshua Rogers, specifically because Rogers was conservative and Christian. “Lee was radically left. She made it plain that she didn’t like Rogers,” von Spakovsky said.

He went on to call Lee’s efforts at DOJ a “major security breach.”

“She was one of the most partisan career people I ever met,” von Spakovsky told TheDC. So partisan, in fact, that he describes Lee as someone who would encourage other DOJ lawyers

not to pursue cases so that the Bush administration would not be able to take credit for being progressive on voter and civil rights issues.

When asked, von Spakovsky said Lee is “so biased, there is no way she could investigate and write an objective report. I can’t imagine anyone more inappropriate to be working on this kind of report in the IG office.”

According to another former DOJ employee

who worked closely with Lee, Lee first got into trouble while working in the Voters Rights Division during the Bush administration. There, according to the former coworker, Lee was caught breaking into other employees’ e-mail accounts and spreading around personal information.

The former coworker also alleges that Lee sent out e-mails to the more “left-leaning DOJ employees,” suggesting that they leak sensitive information to the Washington Post. According to this former DOJ employee, once Lee was found out, the entire security system within the Voters Rights Division had to be revamped.

Not only that, but according to this source, Lee’s superiors – including von Spakovsky – were authorized by the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility to search her e-mails. They found evidence of Lee’s attempts to leak information to the Washington Post on, among other things, the Texas redistricting issue in 2005 when a handful of DOJ attorneys argued the new plan was unconstitutional because it unfairly favored Republicans.

Shortly thereafter, Lee moved to the Inspector General’s office, where she authored this latest report. Although the report did not mention Christie by name, it mirrored accusations made in 2009 about Christie’s travel expenses that nearly derailed his gubernatorial campaign.

When contacted by TheDC, Lee refused to comment.

Both von Spakovsky and the former DOJ employee are of the opinion that considering the history of its author, the recent report targeting Chris Christie is absolutely politically motivated. Moreover, both said that another IG report was also done on internal travel expenses of DOJ employees that, in some cases, exceeded the budget limit by tens of thousands of dollars. That report, however, was never released.
“There is absolutely no logical explanation for why this report [for the five attorneys general] would get leaked and the one about internal employees was kept confidential,” said von Spakovsky.

Christie’s office has not yet returned TheDC’s request for comment.

First of all, the hypocrisy of the extreme Right Wing Judicial Watch calling anyone else "politically motivated" is beyond the pot calling the kettle black! The GOP hack organization made its bones with its politically motivated harassment of Clinton. They have less than no credibility.

And in JW's entire hit piece attacking the messenger, there is not one fact in the DOJ report that has been refuted!!! Again it is not the amount of money involved it is the ruling class elitist attitude of Christie that he doesn't have to account for anything. Rules are for the little people, he is above the rules.
FDR new Deal Make work was a Failure, Obammy's Stimulus was a failure and the Big Dig was another Epic Fail. Thank God someone is finally telling the Progressives "we can't afford to fund your failed ideas anymore!"
edthecynic said:
And in JW's entire hit piece attacking the messenger, there is not one fact in the DOJ report that has been refuted!!! Again it is not the amount of money involved it is the ruling class elitist attitude of Christie that he doesn't have to account for anything. Rules are for the little people, he is above the rules.

Really Ed? Hopefully this is not an example of the left's stand on principle here. You might remember this: Chris Christie: No. 1 U.S. Attorney In Wasting Gov't Travel Money

You know, the title and premise of this very thread. You explicitly charged Christie with being a big meanie because he was the DOJ official that most overspent or "wast[ed]" the department's resources. Now, when you are notified that this is not the case you resort to Axelrodian spinning that claims, now, that its not the amount, but your self perceived "ruling class elitist attitude " that now so disfavors Christie (in your mind) and fuels your cynicism. You might be better served replacing your cynicism with a skepticism that would allow a healthy examination of facts from all concerned parties rather than allowing your cynical and predetermined attitudes to force you into searching for half baked articles that appear to reinforce said attitudes.

As to refutation, in neither article that we have posted does anyone claim that any of this spending of DOJ resources was, in fact, illegal or, even, improper. As I have mentioned before, concern here is rightly focused on DOJ's allowing such spending and not on which individual spent what leaglly.

edthecynic said:
And in JW's entire hit piece attacking the messenger, there is not one fact in the DOJ report that has been refuted!!! Again it is not the amount of money involved it is the ruling class elitist attitude of Christie that he doesn't have to account for anything. Rules are for the little people, he is above the rules.

Really Ed? Hopefully this is not an example of the left's stand on principle here. You might remember this: Chris Christie: No. 1 U.S. Attorney In Wasting Gov't Travel Money

You know, the title and premise of this very thread. You explicitly charged Christie with being a big meanie because he was the DOJ official that most overspent or "wast[ed]" the department's resources. Now, when you are notified that this is not the case you resort to Axelrodian spinning that claims, now, that its not the amount, but your self perceived "ruling class elitist attitude " that now so disfavors Christie (in your mind) and fuels your cynicism. You might be better served replacing your cynicism with a skepticism that would allow a healthy examination of facts from all concerned parties rather than allowing your cynical and predetermined attitudes to force you into searching for half baked articles that appear to reinforce said attitudes.

As to refutation, in neither article that we have posted does anyone claim that any of this spending of DOJ resources was, in fact, illegal or, even, improper. As I have mentioned before, concern here is rightly focused on DOJ's allowing such spending and not on which individual spent what leaglly.

Let me remind you again, the US Attorney was required to JUSTIFY his exceeding the spending limit, but elitist Christie couldn't be bothered 61% of the time. Justifying their expenses is for the peons.

"In terms of the percentage of travel, U.S. Attorney C was the U.S. Attorney who most often exceeded the government rate without adequate justification," the report found. "The U.S. Attorney provided insufficient, inaccurate, or no justification for 14 of 23 trips (61 percent) that exceeded the government rate."
Wow....And here I thought that edthe¢yni¢ was only a whore for the issue of the anthropogeni¢ ¢limate ¢hange hoax.

Nope..He's just another ¢loset Fabian so¢ialist DN¢ ¢hump, rather than a real jaded ¢yni¢.

I am depressed. :rolleyes:
Last edited:
Wow....And here I thought that edthe¢yni¢ was only a whore for the issue of the anthropogeni¢ ¢limate ¢hange hoax.

Nope..He's just another ¢loset Fabian so¢ialist DN¢ ¢hump, rather than a real jaded ¢yni¢.

I am depressed. :rolleyes:
Well thank you Dupe, to be cursed by the Devil is to be truly blessed.
See how terrified the Neo-National Socialists are of Christie? He's sunlight to their Dracula, water to their Wicked Witch.

He's the first Governor telling the Progressives "We can't afford your stupid, failed, make work ideas any more" and they treat him like he's a criminal. Imagine that, the fuckers that ran up $3 Trillion in deficits treating a fiscal Conservative like a criminal.

The irony is that this is being done on Obama's behalf and there's a good chance he's not even the Dem nominee in 2012

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