Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

Did you not say: 'There is no such thing as an unconvicted felon.'

Yes or no?

Yes. there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. Legally a felon is convicted of a felony first.

I am only interested in the legal definition.

And I posted the LEGAL definition.

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

You got it yet, dumbass?

Don't care. A person is a felon only when convicted of a felony.


So...first you say there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. I proved that wrong.

Then you changed it to you are only interested in the 'legal definition'. Then I proved that was wrong.

Now you are saying that you 'don't care' about ANY of that.

That despite the fact that in both regular AND legal definitions a felon is a felon just for committing a felony. You are saying they are both wrong and you are going with your own, personal definition.


Wow...this maybe a new record for moving the goal posts during a debate.

Stop being a baby and just admit you did not know what the definition of 'felon' was.


He is a tRumper, facts are meaningless to the tard horde!

Funny coming from a side that denies basic biology.
Yes. there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. Legally a felon is convicted of a felony first.

I am only interested in the legal definition.

And I posted the LEGAL definition.

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

You got it yet, dumbass?

Don't care. A person is a felon only when convicted of a felony.


So...first you say there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. I proved that wrong.

Then you changed it to you are only interested in the 'legal definition'. Then I proved that was wrong.

Now you are saying that you 'don't care' about ANY of that.

That despite the fact that in both regular AND legal definitions a felon is a felon just for committing a felony. You are saying they are both wrong and you are going with your own, personal definition.


Wow...this maybe a new record for moving the goal posts during a debate.

Stop being a baby and just admit you did not know what the definition of 'felon' was.


He is a tRumper, facts are meaningless to the tard horde!

Funny coming from a side that denies basic biology.

Funny from the party that denies climate change and believes coal is coming back.
And I posted the LEGAL definition.

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

You got it yet, dumbass?

Don't care. A person is a felon only when convicted of a felony.


So...first you say there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. I proved that wrong.

Then you changed it to you are only interested in the 'legal definition'. Then I proved that was wrong.

Now you are saying that you 'don't care' about ANY of that.

That despite the fact that in both regular AND legal definitions a felon is a felon just for committing a felony. You are saying they are both wrong and you are going with your own, personal definition.


Wow...this maybe a new record for moving the goal posts during a debate.

Stop being a baby and just admit you did not know what the definition of 'felon' was.


He is a tRumper, facts are meaningless to the tard horde!

Funny coming from a side that denies basic biology.

Funny from the party that denies climate change and believes coal is coming back.

Funny from the party that can't tell the difference between illegal and legal immigration and people's support of one over the other.

And the issue with AGW is that the progressive solution is always more government, less freedom, and more taxes (except for the party elite of course)

So how is "we can't drill our way out of energy dependency" holding up right now?

Keep focusing on coal, lol.
Don't care. A person is a felon only when convicted of a felony.


So...first you say there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. I proved that wrong.

Then you changed it to you are only interested in the 'legal definition'. Then I proved that was wrong.

Now you are saying that you 'don't care' about ANY of that.

That despite the fact that in both regular AND legal definitions a felon is a felon just for committing a felony. You are saying they are both wrong and you are going with your own, personal definition.


Wow...this maybe a new record for moving the goal posts during a debate.

Stop being a baby and just admit you did not know what the definition of 'felon' was.


He is a tRumper, facts are meaningless to the tard horde!

Funny coming from a side that denies basic biology.

Funny from the party that denies climate change and believes coal is coming back.

Funny from the party that can't tell the difference between illegal and legal immigration and people's support of one over the other.

And the issue with AGW is that the progressive solution is always more government, less freedom, and more taxes (except for the party elite of course)

So how is "we can't drill our way out of energy dependency" holding up right now?

Keep focusing on coal, lol.

Nobody is for illegal immigration, ewe have been duped by people as stupid as ewe. As far as big government ewe do know that tRump just turned in a budget that is $1,000,000,000,000 greater than the largest budget Obama ever submitted. Of course ewe knew that, bbbbbbuuuuutttt ewe remain blind to it purposely.

So...first you say there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. I proved that wrong.

Then you changed it to you are only interested in the 'legal definition'. Then I proved that was wrong.

Now you are saying that you 'don't care' about ANY of that.

That despite the fact that in both regular AND legal definitions a felon is a felon just for committing a felony. You are saying they are both wrong and you are going with your own, personal definition.


Wow...this maybe a new record for moving the goal posts during a debate.

Stop being a baby and just admit you did not know what the definition of 'felon' was.


He is a tRumper, facts are meaningless to the tard horde!

Funny coming from a side that denies basic biology.

Funny from the party that denies climate change and believes coal is coming back.

Funny from the party that can't tell the difference between illegal and legal immigration and people's support of one over the other.

And the issue with AGW is that the progressive solution is always more government, less freedom, and more taxes (except for the party elite of course)

So how is "we can't drill our way out of energy dependency" holding up right now?

Keep focusing on coal, lol.

Nobody is for illegal immigration, ewe have been duped by people as stupid as ewe. As far as big government ewe do know that tRump just turned in a budget that is $1,000,000,000,000 greater than the largest budget Obama ever submitted. Of course ewe knew that, bbbbbbuuuuutttt ewe remain blind to it purposely.

No, Dems are for illegal immigration. Why support sanctuary cities? Why support lack of border controls?

"No one is Illegal" Does that ring a bell?

Figures you are such a gutless coward that you can't be honest about what progressives support.
Being against illegal immigration does not mean you punish people just trying to make a living and survive.

The right wing does NOT want to solve the problem. They just want to punish brown people.'
Get back to me when you want to solve the problem.

When you want to actually punish employers (like Trump) who HIRE illegals
Being against illegal immigration does not mean you punish people just trying to make a living and survive.

Exactly. They posture as though it's merely illegal immigration they oppose, but it's their opposition to legal immigration that creates the problem in the first place. They don't want the brown people here period. Some of them will admit it. Some of them won't. But there's nothing righteous or moral about their position. he doesn't.

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

Surely this is approaching the record of the most times in one thread that someone keeps getting the same idea wrong.

Using the term felon on someone not convicted of a felony is wrong. it isn't.

And here is the LEGAL definition and it says NOTHING about being convicted.

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

Okay pally boy...why don't you show us all where it is written in a law book or dictionary that the term felon ONLY refers to someone who was convicted of a felony?

If felons are restricted from owning handguns, then there has to be a strict legal definition, and the definition is being CONVICTED of a felony.

Then where is your link to proof?

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

You didn't answer my question.

Questions end with question mark, dumbass.
Using the term felon on someone not convicted of a felony is wrong. it isn't.

And here is the LEGAL definition and it says NOTHING about being convicted.

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

Okay pally boy...why don't you show us all where it is written in a law book or dictionary that the term felon ONLY refers to someone who was convicted of a felony?

If felons are restricted from owning handguns, then there has to be a strict legal definition, and the definition is being CONVICTED of a felony.

Then where is your link to proof?

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

You didn't answer my question.

Questions end with question mark, dumbass.

If all you have is that, stop trying to play the game.

Is my statement in error?

So...first you say there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. I proved that wrong.

Then you changed it to you are only interested in the 'legal definition'. Then I proved that was wrong.

Now you are saying that you 'don't care' about ANY of that.

That despite the fact that in both regular AND legal definitions a felon is a felon just for committing a felony. You are saying they are both wrong and you are going with your own, personal definition.


Wow...this maybe a new record for moving the goal posts during a debate.

Stop being a baby and just admit you did not know what the definition of 'felon' was.


playing word games isn't proving anything. A felon is someone convicted of a felony. are just making yourself look utterly ridiculous on this.

You typed:

'Yes. there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. Legally a felon is convicted of a felony first.

I am only interested in the legal definition.'

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

Yet, here is the LEGAL definition and it says NOTHING about being convicted.

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

Hey pal...I can keep rubbing your nose in it as long as you want.

You are just too embarrassed to admit you were wrong.

A man admits his mistakes. A child refuses to.

It's word games, nothing more. It's not like I am saying ice freezes at 100 degrees C or something factual.

It did however, keep your attention for hours.


And I stand by what I said. A felon is someone convicted of a felony.

What hours dufus? I come on here every so often, I see you replying to me in my 'alerts' section and I copy and paste the response from another post. Hours? Try seconds...moron troll.

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

Look people...martybegan just runs around, making up meanings for words.

Felons are banned from owning guns. Only people convicted of a felony are actually felons.

That's all the proof I need.

No it isn't.

You said above you were 'only interested in the legal definition'.

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof? it isn't.

And here is the LEGAL definition and it says NOTHING about being convicted.

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

Okay pally boy...why don't you show us all where it is written in a law book or dictionary that the term felon ONLY refers to someone who was convicted of a felony?

If felons are restricted from owning handguns, then there has to be a strict legal definition, and the definition is being CONVICTED of a felony.

Then where is your link to proof?

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

You didn't answer my question.

Questions end with question mark, dumbass.

If all you have is that, stop trying to play the game.

Is my statement in error?


I already posted the 'strict legal definition' from a legal dictionary.

And it has nothing to do with being convicted...nothing.


Once again, show me a definition from a legal dictionary/source that says that a felon must be convicted of said felony?

I answered your question, now answer mine.
If felons are restricted from owning handguns, then there has to be a strict legal definition, and the definition is being CONVICTED of a felony.

Then where is your link to proof?

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

You didn't answer my question.

Questions end with question mark, dumbass.

If all you have is that, stop trying to play the game.

Is my statement in error?


I already posted the 'strict legal definition' from a legal dictionary.

And it has nothing to do with being convicted...nothing.


Once again, show me a definition from a legal dictionary/source that says that a felon must be convicted of said felony?

I answered your question, now answer mine.

It's a silly debate. Christie was clearly speaking figuratively, suggesting that many people in Trump's circle have committed felonies, but have not yet been charged and convicted - thus "unconvicted felons".
playing word games isn't proving anything. A felon is someone convicted of a felony. are just making yourself look utterly ridiculous on this.

You typed:

'Yes. there is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. Legally a felon is convicted of a felony first.

I am only interested in the legal definition.'

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

Yet, here is the LEGAL definition and it says NOTHING about being convicted.

Chris Christie: Trump surrounded by unconvincted felons and grifters

Hey pal...I can keep rubbing your nose in it as long as you want.

You are just too embarrassed to admit you were wrong.

A man admits his mistakes. A child refuses to.

It's word games, nothing more. It's not like I am saying ice freezes at 100 degrees C or something factual.

It did however, keep your attention for hours.


And I stand by what I said. A felon is someone convicted of a felony.

What hours dufus? I come on here every so often, I see you replying to me in my 'alerts' section and I copy and paste the response from another post. Hours? Try seconds...moron troll.

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

Look people...martybegan just runs around, making up meanings for words.

Felons are banned from owning guns. Only people convicted of a felony are actually felons.

That's all the proof I need.

No it isn't.

You said above you were 'only interested in the legal definition'.

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

That's my proof. you don't like it tough.
If felons are restricted from owning handguns, then there has to be a strict legal definition, and the definition is being CONVICTED of a felony.

Then where is your link to proof?

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

You didn't answer my question.

Questions end with question mark, dumbass.

If all you have is that, stop trying to play the game.

Is my statement in error?


I already posted the 'strict legal definition' from a legal dictionary.

And it has nothing to do with being convicted...nothing.


Once again, show me a definition from a legal dictionary/source that says that a felon must be convicted of said felony?

I answered your question, now answer mine.

You didn't answer. Is my statement in error?
Then where is your link to proof?

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

You didn't answer my question.

Questions end with question mark, dumbass.

If all you have is that, stop trying to play the game.

Is my statement in error?


I already posted the 'strict legal definition' from a legal dictionary.

And it has nothing to do with being convicted...nothing.


Once again, show me a definition from a legal dictionary/source that says that a felon must be convicted of said felony?

I answered your question, now answer mine.

It's a silly debate. Christie was clearly speaking figuratively, suggesting that many people in Trump's circle have committed felonies, but have not yet bet charged and convicted - thus "unconvicted felons".

Still not a real thing.

Will the government refuse gun ownership to "unconvicted felons" using laws that ban felons from gun ownership?
You didn't answer my question.

Questions end with question mark, dumbass.

If all you have is that, stop trying to play the game.

Is my statement in error?


I already posted the 'strict legal definition' from a legal dictionary.

And it has nothing to do with being convicted...nothing.


Once again, show me a definition from a legal dictionary/source that says that a felon must be convicted of said felony?

I answered your question, now answer mine.

It's a silly debate. Christie was clearly speaking figuratively, suggesting that many people in Trump's circle have committed felonies, but have not yet bet charged and convicted - thus "unconvicted felons".

Still not a real thing.

Will the government refuse gun ownership to "unconvicted felons" using laws that ban felons from gun ownership?

Whatever. I don't take Christie any more seriously than I take Trump.
Then where is your link to proof?

I have already proven that in both regular and legal dictionaries that the definition does NOT require a conviction.

So...where is your link to proof?

You didn't answer my question.

Questions end with question mark, dumbass.

If all you have is that, stop trying to play the game.

Is my statement in error?


I already posted the 'strict legal definition' from a legal dictionary.

And it has nothing to do with being convicted...nothing.


Once again, show me a definition from a legal dictionary/source that says that a felon must be convicted of said felony?

I answered your question, now answer mine.

It's a silly debate. Christie was clearly speaking figuratively, suggesting that many people in Trump's circle have committed felonies, but have not yet bet charged and convicted - thus "unconvicted felons".

What's it to you why we debate?

You don't like it....don't read it.

Have a nice day.
You quote how you want. :ahole-1::bigboy::boo_hoo14::290968001256257790-final:

But people want to pick and choose when it come to the words of tRump!

The former NJ Governor says Trump doesn’t even vet his picks via "Google or Wikipedia".
The people around Trump are ""amateurs," "weaklings" and "unconvicted felons", He said.
Purchase Christie's book now.
Christie says Trump is surrounded by 'revolving door' of 'grifters' and 'felons'

There is no such thing as an unconvicted felon.

Sounds like Christie is a bit butt hurt.

Of course you guys rally to him when it suits you. never mind you hated him for years, and once his usefulness is used up, you will hate him again.
Yes there is. Suppose you murdered someone. You have not been arrested yet.
Would you not call yourself a felon because you're on the run?

No, you are a suspect. a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

Words mean things.

Orange Man Bad.

also, learn to quote properly.
You quote how you want. :ahole-1::bigboy::boo_hoo14::290968001256257790-final:

But people want to pick and choose when it come to the words of tRump!

There is no such thing as an unconvicted felon.

Sounds like Christie is a bit butt hurt.

Of course you guys rally to him when it suits you. never mind you hated him for years, and once his usefulness is used up, you will hate him again.
Yes there is. Suppose you murdered someone. You have not been arrested yet.
Would you not call yourself a felon because you're on the run?

No, you are a suspect. a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

Words mean things.

Orange Man Bad.

also, learn to quote properly.

Your maturity is similar to AOC's, i.e. somewhere between a petulant 2 year old and an obstinate 3 year old.
:290968001256257790-final:Did you use the thesaurus on the web?
You little whiny tRump bitched cannot take it when you get this kind of treatment. The one your dicktator uses, the one you find acceptable.
Go clean up after tRump like you always do.

You quote how you want. :ahole-1::bigboy::boo_hoo14::290968001256257790-final:

But people want to pick and choose when it come to the words of tRump!

Yes there is. Suppose you murdered someone. You have not been arrested yet.
Would you not call yourself a felon because you're on the run?

No, you are a suspect. a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

Words mean things.

Orange Man Bad.

also, learn to quote properly.

Your maturity is similar to AOC's, i.e. somewhere between a petulant 2 year old and an obstinate 3 year old.

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