Chris Cornell and Tiger Woods illustrate how dangerous prescription drugs are.

I had shingles. Most painful thing I ever went through, lasted for months. There was a small bottle of painkillers and after it was done I toughed it out with Ibuprofen. Somehow mankind survived without killing all the pain.
Interestingly enough, when CO legalized marijuana for recreational use, opiate overdoses went down by 25 percent and have continued to drop.

When people have a choice between marijuana and prescription drugs, most choose marijuana, and have better results as well.
I'd rather more people died of drug overdose than have more potheads running around.
Your macabre preference is duly noted.
I thought you were a Pro-lifer.
Interestingly enough, when CO legalized marijuana for recreational use, opiate overdoses went down by 25 percent and have continued to drop.

When people have a choice between marijuana and prescription drugs, most choose marijuana, and have better results as well.
I'd rather more people died of drug overdose than have more potheads running around.

You'd rather see people die? Some kind of compassionate person you are.
I have a lot of compassion. I care about society, you don't care if people run around doped up. That's not good for society.

Addictions can be resolved. Death is a permanent condition.
Interestingly enough, when CO legalized marijuana for recreational use, opiate overdoses went down by 25 percent and have continued to drop.

When people have a choice between marijuana and prescription drugs, most choose marijuana, and have better results as well.
I'd rather more people died of drug overdose than have more potheads running around.

You'd rather see people die? Some kind of compassionate person you are.
I have a lot of compassion. I care about society, you don't care if people run around doped up. That's not good for society.

Addictions can be resolved. Death is a permanent condition.
That would be their choice.
Tigers mugshot pretty much reveals he is an addict and apparently has been for a while.


You can almost sense a bit of self loathing there.

I suspect he has been an addict for a while. In 2009 he wrecked that suv into a fire hydrant and reports said he was high on prescriptions.

How many surgeries?

Yeah, driving around 3 am on a week night? On 4 different pain killers? He was pulled over about 4 miles from my house and there is nothing there, except a Tinder hook up.

That's about it.
When I had surgery on my foot, on the bone and nerves, no doctor prescribed any pain killers at all. Just grit your teeth. I had several follow up surgeries. No doctor would prescribe anything. One told me to take tylenol another recommended benedryl. 7 months of surgery and recovery.
In my opinion, Tylenol is absolutely worthless especially when going through your period. To me, Advil is the better stuff to go for.

God bless you always!!!

Interestingly enough, when CO legalized marijuana for recreational use, opiate overdoses went down by 25 percent and have continued to drop.

When people have a choice between marijuana and prescription drugs, most choose marijuana, and have better results as well.
I'd rather more people died of drug overdose than have more potheads running around.

You'd rather see people die? Some kind of compassionate person you are.
I have a lot of compassion. I care about society, you don't care if people run around doped up. That's not good for society.

Addictions can be resolved. Death is a permanent condition.
That would be their choice.
Not necessarily. Tiger was on opiods because he was in pain. Your statement indicates you'd rather see him die of a drug overdose than to see him become a pothead.
There's a non sequitur in that bizarre notion.
There's no nexus between opioid addiction
and marijuana use. The opioid addiction stems from a need to escape pain...marijuana is primarily a recreational drug that rarely causes death through just what are you trying to say?
I'd rather more people died of drug overdose than have more potheads running around.

You'd rather see people die? Some kind of compassionate person you are.
I have a lot of compassion. I care about society, you don't care if people run around doped up. That's not good for society.

Addictions can be resolved. Death is a permanent condition.
That would be their choice.
Not necessarily. Tiger was on opiods because he was in pain. Your statement indicates you'd rather see him die of a drug overdose than to see him become a pothead.
There's a non sequitur in that bizarre notion.
There's no nexus between opioid addiction
and marijuana use. The opioid addiction stems from a need to escape pain...marijuana is primarily a recreational drug that rarely causes death through just what are you trying to say?
My statement means that it's up to the individual. If you follow the dose you don't get addicted. There's a set amount and time period. People get addicted when they indulge themselves.

Even if a prescription got addictive the thing to do is get help and not self medicate. You are ignoring all personal responsibility aspects. I was clear on what I said, I can't understand it for you.
You'd rather see people die? Some kind of compassionate person you are.
I have a lot of compassion. I care about society, you don't care if people run around doped up. That's not good for society.

Addictions can be resolved. Death is a permanent condition.
That would be their choice.
Not necessarily. Tiger was on opiods because he was in pain. Your statement indicates you'd rather see him die of a drug overdose than to see him become a pothead.
There's a non sequitur in that bizarre notion.
There's no nexus between opioid addiction
and marijuana use. The opioid addiction stems from a need to escape pain...marijuana is primarily a recreational drug that rarely causes death through just what are you trying to say?
My statement means that it's up to the individual. If you follow the dose you don't get addicted. There's a set amount and time period. People get addicted when they indulge themselves.

Even if a prescription got addictive the thing to do is get help and not self medicate. You are ignoring all personal responsibility aspects. I was clear on what I said, I can't understand it for you.
Here is what I don't understand.I don't understand how what you just said has to do with your immoral judgement. You would rather see people DIE of a drug overdose than to see them become potheads. That's the issue; and, I'm not going to allow you to squirm away from it. I've got your weasle ass cornered and I'm going to keep you there.
The only way out is capitulation.
If we apply the logic of the gun argument, guns don't kill people, people that use guns kill people..Drugs don't kill people, only people that use drugs kill people..The guns/drugs are not the problem, people are..
Weed has lots of benefits. However, it doesn't help with everything. Prescription medication is sometimes needed.

Prescription drugs aren't the problem, doctors and patients are. Doctors are quick to shove a prescription without trying other alternatives like diet change (things like joint pain can get decreased by going vegan or severely limiting animal products ) . They are also herbal options available. The information should be presented to the patient and they can make decision from there.

At the same time people are not willing to change. Like most diabetes type 2 patients can control their blood sugar by diet and exercise, but they aren't bothered to change their diet. They want to keep on eating Wendy's and McDonalds.
Tigers mugshot pretty much reveals he is an addict and apparently has been for a while.


You can almost sense a bit of self loathing there.

I suspect he has been an addict for a while. In 2009 he wrecked that suv into a fire hydrant and reports said he was high on prescriptions.

How many surgeries?

Yeah, driving around 3 am on a week night? On 4 different pain killers? He was pulled over about 4 miles from my house and there is nothing there, except a Tinder hook up.

That's about it.

But this is why there are warnings about driving and operating other heavy machines when taking pain medications. Tiger wasn't being responsible. The man is rich. He could hire a driver to drive him around when he has to take his prescriptions.

The same rules for drinking and driving apply to certain prescription medications.
Drug addicts should die. Whether by overdose or necessary execution. Potheads are no less addicts than someone found dead with a needle in their arms. The only one dealing realistically with drugs is the President of the Philippines.
Drug addicts should die. Whether by overdose or necessary execution. Potheads are no less addicts than someone found dead with a needle in their arms. The only one dealing realistically with drugs is the President of the Philippines.
Potheads don't die from overdosing on pot!
They just get horny and hungry.
Drug addicts should die. Whether by overdose or necessary execution. Potheads are no less addicts than someone found dead with a needle in their arms. The only one dealing realistically with drugs is the President of the Philippines.
Potheads don't die from overdosing on pot!
They just get horny and hungry.
China used to take them to the park, shoot them in the head and bill the family for the bullet. If these pot heads won't stick a needle in their own arms there are other ways.
Just another reason to ban prescription drugs from advertise on television.

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