Chris Krebs sues the Trump Campaign

I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

It doesn't seem to me to be that strong a suit. Everyone is blabbing rhetoric like that these days, aren't they? Not that I think they should (especially not the President's men) but diGenova has apologized publicly twice, explaining that (naturally) he didn't literally mean it. It would be great, though, if a few suits like this got people to stop running their mouth so much. If it accomplishes that, it will have done some good, but I'm not expecting a whole lot.

Krebs can't win on the employment aspects because Russian hackers were worming their way through our systems for nine months before anyone figured it out. Trump had a perfectly credible excuse for firing him ( even though we know why he really did it).

Krebs wasn't responsible for cyber security - Trump fired that entire team, just like the pandemic team. Krebs was only responsible for election security, and he did that job well.

He's not suing for "wrongful dismissal", he's suing for defamation - for the lie that the election was "stolen" on his watch. He's suing because the Trump Campaign lied about what he did.

As for DiGenova, he can apologize until the cows come home, that doesn't change jack shit - certainly not legally. He should be censured by the Bar Association for making such a public comment, if not disbarred.
Trump fired that entire team, just like the pandemic team.

Hey Stupid, I have busted you on that blatant lie about a dozen times.....and yet you are dumb enough to keep spewing it.

Why don't you find a Canada board to spew your idiocy and forget about America?

Dragonlady is just a lying sack of shit.


Care to admit you are a lying sack of shit yet?
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Conservatives will just consider it the cost of doing political business; the fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies will continue regardless the lawsuits.
Already using our Justice system as a way to stop free speech, investigated discovery, journalistic discovery, and more eh ????

How typical of the Democrat's, otherwise basically showing exactly how you all try to run things when in power. Ohhh how the nation has had a stomach full of it in the past, and it is exactly why you all figured that you had to pull out all the stops this time in order to gain the power back.

Trump couldn't rest while you people were awake and thinking. He was probably the most harassed president this nation has ever had, but it would have been the same for any Republican that would have won in 2016, and would have attempted to do the will of the people that voted him or her into office.

If it wasn't Trump that gave it a run for his money in 2016, it would have been the same for another. That's right, he won because everyone knew that he meant business, and that he was all about business for the nation. He gave up so much for this country, and you all know that you attempted to destroy completely a patriotic American for your unethical agenda's. Can't hide the agenda's, because in order to use them you have to expose them, and that's when the nation see's what it's all about.

Now either the people reject the agenda's or they accept them, but if they don't except them, uhhh it matters not, because you all will use government power like the nation has had experience with in the past to force all the issues through in that way.

Well as frantic and desperate that it all has been, the nation see's the results of it all, now let's see where it all goes from here.

You started drinking early today. This idea that Joe Biden is going to destroy the nation, shows a level of disconnect from reality that is truly dangerous. Especially considering that by every scientific measure you can think of, the corrupt, criminal administration of Donald J. Trump has done just that.

Not surprising that Trump is pardoning murderers, fraud artists, and those who abuse the public purse and/or donations from voters. They're his people. The hardworking Americans he's leaving with no money, no protection from eviction, and shutting down the government on his way out the door, shows that he never really cared about the nation or the American people at all.

Today, Donald Trump called the USA a "third rate country". He's right. The USA is now a third rate country. The USA was the leader of the free world when you took office, Donnie. If it's now a "third rate country", well that's on you. Your hospitals are sending people home to die because they have no room to treat any more people, and 7 million people are sick. Millions will be evicted because Trump refused to sign the legislation, and the government is shutting down.

All because Americans voted him out of office. When Democrats impeached his criminal ass, Republicans said this was wrong. That the American voters should be allowed to decide. Well the American voters decided - BIGLY. They toss Trump out of office - overwhelmingly.

Trump lost the popular vote - by the largest marging since Herbert Hoover. He lost the electoral college. Trump lost. So in a pique of rage, he is doing as much damage to the country as possible on the way out the door.
Trump lost the popular vote - by the largest marging since Herbert Hoover.

I have also busted you on this blatant lie a number of times too Dragonlady

Hoover lost by 7 million.

Reagan beat Mondale by 17 million.

You are nothing more that a lying sack of shit who can't get thru a single post without spewing bullshit.
Dragonlady ready to admit you are a lying sack of shit yet?
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpeds have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy courts.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the mo this to come.

I laughed out loud when I read this part of your link....

" While some of the things said about Krebs (for doing his job faithfully and effectively, no less) ...."

I mean come on man! Krebs has allowed for the last year our Government institutions to be hacked....Yeah, great job....

According to DC rules he should have been promoted, not fired. :laughing0301:

I have a feeling Biden will bring him back

Probably so, dems usually pick incompetent losers.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

Republicans need to be held accountable for their baseless claims that hurt innocent people.

Democrats need to be held accountable for a stolen election that hurt innocent people. Nothing baseless about that.

Plenty of evidence and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpeds have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy courts.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the mo this to come.

I laughed out loud when I read this part of your link....

" While some of the things said about Krebs (for doing his job faithfully and effectively, no less) ...."

I mean come on man! Krebs has allowed for the last year our Government institutions to be hacked....Yeah, great job....

According to DC rules he should have been promoted, not fired. :laughing0301:

I have a feeling Biden will bring him back

Probably so, dems usually pick incompetent losers.
Imagine that

Hiring someone who will actually tell the truth
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

Republicans need to be held accountable for their baseless claims that hurt innocent people.

Democrats need to be held accountable for a stolen election that hurt innocent people. Nothing baseless about that.

Plenty of evidence and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there.

Seems you have been trying to do that for close to two months.
The courts have just laughed at your claims.

Time to return to Realityville ......Don’t cha think?
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

Republicans need to be held accountable for their baseless claims that hurt innocent people.

Democrats need to be held accountable for a stolen election that hurt innocent people. Nothing baseless about that.

Plenty of evidence and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there.

Seems you have been trying to do that for close to two months.
The courts have just laughed at your claims.

Time to return to Realityville ......Don’t cha think?

The Courts don't seem to want to get involved even with massive evidence.

You and I know that if Biden were Trump YOU would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Reality isn't your bag at all. You prefer the lies of a stolen election.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

Republicans need to be held accountable for their baseless claims that hurt innocent people.

Democrats need to be held accountable for a stolen election that hurt innocent people. Nothing baseless about that.

Plenty of evidence and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there.

Seems you have been trying to do that for close to two months.
The courts have just laughed at your claims.

Time to return to Realityville ......Don’t cha think?

The Courts don't seem to want to get involved even with massive evidence.

You and I know that if Biden were Trump YOU would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Reality isn't your bag at all. You prefer the lies of a stolen election.

I know...more Republican “Everyone is picking on me!”

You know...Conservative judges, Liberal Judges
A 6-3 Conservative Supreme Court

All conspiring against you
Lol... Thise libeled, defamed and slandered by Trumpist lie will demand justice. The American juries will give it to them.
Yeah...not interested in your cheer leading.

We're not interested in your delusions and lies either, but here you are day, day out, claiming that Donald Trump isn't a lying cheating piece of scum when we've all seen the evidence with our eyes and ears.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

Republicans need to be held accountable for their baseless claims that hurt innocent people.

Democrats need to be held accountable for a stolen election that hurt innocent people. Nothing baseless about that.

Plenty of evidence and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there.

Seems you have been trying to do that for close to two months.
The courts have just laughed at your claims.

Time to return to Realityville ......Don’t cha think?

The Courts don't seem to want to get involved even with massive evidence.

You and I know that if Biden were Trump YOU would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Reality isn't your bag at all. You prefer the lies of a stolen election.

The posters don't want to believe the truth even with massive evidence.

You have a really short memory. In 2016, Clinton won the popular vote, and Trump won the EC. Clinton gave a concession speech the next day, and you aSShats bitched for weeks that Hillary should have conceded the night before.

Within a week, Barrack Obama had invited Trump to the White House. We weren't sitting here a month a half after the election with Clinton claiming she had won filing court case after court case, and Obama obstructing the transition.

So we already know that if Trump had won, Biden would have conceded. No sitting President in the history of the Republic has behaved as Donald Trump has. Lying, trying to force the overthrow of the will of the people. With the Banana Republicans slavishly refusing to acknowledge Biden's election.

Back when Democrats impeached Trump, Republicans said that Democrats should let the voters pass judgement on Donald Trump in November. He should not be removed from office. Well the voter spoke - very loudly. The largest margin of victory in the popular vote since Roosevelt defeated Hoover!!!

The American people have spoken. They want Trump gone. They never wanted him in the first place, and they came out in sufficient numbers to ensure that there is no question that they want him gone. Any attempt to overturn the will of the people, is sedition and an attempted coup against the legally elected government of the United States of America.

Trump's continue war on democracy is both unconstitutional and un-American. And so are his supporters.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

Republicans need to be held accountable for their baseless claims that hurt innocent people.

Democrats need to be held accountable for a stolen election that hurt innocent people. Nothing baseless about that.

Plenty of evidence and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there.

Seems you have been trying to do that for close to two months.
The courts have just laughed at your claims.

Time to return to Realityville ......Don’t cha think?

The Courts don't seem to want to get involved even with massive evidence.

You and I know that if Biden were Trump YOU would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Reality isn't your bag at all. You prefer the lies of a stolen election.

I know...more Republican “Everyone is picking on me!”

You know...Conservative judges, Liberal Judges
A 6-3 Conservative Supreme Court

All conspiring against you

No. None of them want to be involved in the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

All conspiring against the American people.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

Republicans need to be held accountable for their baseless claims that hurt innocent people.

Democrats need to be held accountable for a stolen election that hurt innocent people. Nothing baseless about that.

Plenty of evidence and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there.

Seems you have been trying to do that for close to two months.
The courts have just laughed at your claims.

Time to return to Realityville ......Don’t cha think?

The Courts don't seem to want to get involved even with massive evidence.

You and I know that if Biden were Trump YOU would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Reality isn't your bag at all. You prefer the lies of a stolen election.

The posters don't want to believe the truth even with massive evidence.

You have a really short memory. In 2016, Clinton won the popular vote, and Trump won the EC. Clinton gave a concession speech the next day, and you aSShats bitched for weeks that Hillary should have conceded the night before.

Within a week, Barrack Obama had invited Trump to the White House. We weren't sitting here a month a half after the election with Clinton claiming she had won filing court case after court case, and Obama obstructing the transition.

So we already know that if Trump had won, Biden would have conceded. No sitting President in the history of the Republic has behaved as Donald Trump has. Lying, trying to force the overthrow of the will of the people. With the Banana Republicans slavishly refusing to acknowledge Biden's election.

Back when Democrats impeached Trump, Republicans said that Democrats should let the voters pass judgement on Donald Trump in November. He should not be removed from office. Well the voter spoke - very loudly. The largest margin of victory in the popular vote since Roosevelt defeated Hoover!!!

The American people have spoken. They want Trump gone. They never wanted him in the first place, and they came out in sufficient numbers to ensure that there is no question that they want him gone. Any attempt to overturn the will of the people, is sedition and an attempted coup against the legally elected government of the United States of America.

Trump's continue war on democracy is both unconstitutional and un-American. And so are his supporters.

Go inflict yourself on Canadian message boards. We all laugh at you on this one. Dumbass.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

Republicans need to be held accountable for their baseless claims that hurt innocent people.

Democrats need to be held accountable for a stolen election that hurt innocent people. Nothing baseless about that.

Plenty of evidence and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there.

Seems you have been trying to do that for close to two months.
The courts have just laughed at your claims.

Time to return to Realityville ......Don’t cha think?

The Courts don't seem to want to get involved even with massive evidence.

You and I know that if Biden were Trump YOU would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Reality isn't your bag at all. You prefer the lies of a stolen election.

I know...more Republican “Everyone is picking on me!”

You know...Conservative judges, Liberal Judges
A 6-3 Conservative Supreme Court

All conspiring against you

No. None of them want to be involved in the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

All conspiring against the American people.
What a pathetic denial of a major defeat

Much like a Football Team that lost 42-3 claiming they really won
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

Republicans need to be held accountable for their baseless claims that hurt innocent people.

Democrats need to be held accountable for a stolen election that hurt innocent people. Nothing baseless about that.

Plenty of evidence and hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there.

Seems you have been trying to do that for close to two months.
The courts have just laughed at your claims.

Time to return to Realityville ......Don’t cha think?

The Courts don't seem to want to get involved even with massive evidence.

You and I know that if Biden were Trump YOU would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Reality isn't your bag at all. You prefer the lies of a stolen election.

I know...more Republican “Everyone is picking on me!”

You know...Conservative judges, Liberal Judges
A 6-3 Conservative Supreme Court

All conspiring against you

No. None of them want to be involved in the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

All conspiring against the American people.
What a pathetic denial of a major defeat

Much like a Football Team that lost 42-3 claiming they really won

LMAO A defeat. Nope. A stolen election, you bet. Trump was leading in one state by 700,000 votes and lost that state?? Fraud by God.

You just don't want to believe it. Carry on dumbass.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpeds have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy courts.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the mo this to come.

I laughed out loud when I read this part of your link....

" While some of the things said about Krebs (for doing his job faithfully and effectively, no less) ...."

I mean come on man! Krebs has allowed for the last year our Government institutions to be hacked....Yeah, great job....

According to DC rules he should have been promoted, not fired. :laughing0301:

I have a feeling Biden will bring him back

Probably so, dems usually pick incompetent losers.
Imagine that

Hiring someone who will actually tell the truth

You mean say what you want to hear.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpeds have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy courts.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the mo this to come.

I laughed out loud when I read this part of your link....

" While some of the things said about Krebs (for doing his job faithfully and effectively, no less) ...."

I mean come on man! Krebs has allowed for the last year our Government institutions to be hacked....Yeah, great job....

According to DC rules he should have been promoted, not fired. :laughing0301:

I have a feeling Biden will bring him back

Probably so, dems usually pick incompetent losers.
Imagine that

Hiring someone who will actually tell the truth

And not detect the largest government hack in history, for almost a year. Yeah, he was a real go getter. LAMO

Lol... Thise libeled, defamed and slandered by Trumpist lie will demand justice. The American juries will give it to them.
Yeah...not interested in your cheer leading.

We're not interested in your delusions and lies either, but here you are day, day out, claiming that Donald Trump isn't a lying cheating piece of scum when we've all seen the evidence with our eyes and ears.
We’re not interested in the delusional lies of a Canadians who has zero clue how things work in OUR country. Yet here you are every day spouting your proven bullshit. There will be NO lawsuits. There will be NO money for this idiot or Dominion. A little thing called discovery ends their bullshit.
Lol... Thise libeled, defamed and slandered by Trumpist lie will demand justice. The American juries will give it to them.
Yeah...not interested in your cheer leading.

We're not interested in your delusions and lies either, but here you are day, day out, claiming that Donald Trump isn't a lying cheating piece of scum when we've all seen the evidence with our eyes and ears.
We’re not interested in the delusional lies of a Canadians who has zero clue how things work in OUR country. Yet here you are every day spouting your proven bullshit. There will be NO lawsuits. There will be NO money for this idiot or Dominion. A little thing called discovery ends their bullshit.

How is discovery going to end it? You seem to think that discovery will give the defendents access to Dominion's data banks. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Again, Dominion doesn't not have to prove what FOX and others said is a lie, FOX has to prove what they said is true, and they can't use Dominion's files to do this. Hence discovery will not be on Dominion, it will be on FOX. What evidence does FOX have proving their claims about Dominion? The discovery will be on how FOX came to its position on Dominion, and why they did it, not whether Dominion has data to prove the assertions made by FOX.

The discovery will be on FOX, not Dominion.
Lol... Thise libeled, defamed and slandered by Trumpist lie will demand justice. The American juries will give it to them.
Yeah...not interested in your cheer leading.

We're not interested in your delusions and lies either, but here you are day, day out, claiming that Donald Trump isn't a lying cheating piece of scum when we've all seen the evidence with our eyes and ears.
We’re not interested in the delusional lies of a Canadians who has zero clue how things work in OUR country. Yet here you are every day spouting your proven bullshit. There will be NO lawsuits. There will be NO money for this idiot or Dominion. A little thing called discovery ends their bullshit.

How is discovery going to end it? You seem to think that discovery will give the defendents access to Dominion's data banks. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Again, Dominion doesn't not have to prove what FOX and others said is a lie, FOX has to prove what they said is true, and they can't use Dominion's files to do this. Hence discovery will not be on Dominion, it will be on FOX. What evidence does FOX have proving their claims about Dominion? The discovery will be on how FOX came to its position on Dominion, and why they did it, not whether Dominion has data to prove the assertions made by FOX.

The discovery will be on FOX, not Dominion.

Ah, so you admit that access to Dominion data banks would show the steal....Otherwise you’d have no problem granting access.

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