Chris Krebs sues the Trump Campaign

Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
We saw your “evidence”
She is getting sued also

Yeah, yeah so attempt to create fear by slinging the threats of lawsuits everywhere eh, and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.

Threats of lawsuits?
Isn’t that what Trump is doing?

Problem is that his lies, smears and misinformation are leaving him open to defamation suits

You calling them lies doesn't mean it's so, and the courts not hearing the cases aren't calling them lies either. They are just denying the hearings based upon process laws right ?? If the cases are presented properly and in order, and the evidence is presented in a way that suits the court, then maybe, but after what Roberts was caught saying, it could be that the court is compromised in this situation. Maybe going outside to get this done (on the world stage), you know like the left loves to always suggest here and there when things ain't going it's way in order to get a fair hearing now ???? What about it huh, huh, huh ??? Can't get a fair shake here, so maybe a world view would help. Rotflmbo.

You all love talking about the possibility of blue helmets on American soil, so is it time for that maybe ??? Man does that sound looney eh ??? Well listen to the playback, because the left has been using every trick in the book when it comes to listening to their rehtoric spewed over the years, but somehow this is sooo inappropriate when the right plays the same cards eh ??

Lie means it is not the truth

Trump has yet to prove any of his bizarre claims. That means he is either lying or incredibly stupid

Well if the courts refuse to hear the cases for whatever reason's, then you can't prove they are lies, just like no one can prove through the courts that it was truth.

Afraid “lack of evidence” is grounds to dismiss a case

You see, Trumps lawyers are afraid to make actual claims of voter fraud in a court of law

Really, is that your opinion (?) because it sure isn't fact. If you think it's fact, then prove that they didn't present what they had to the proper official's, otherwise in which could either except the material findings or reject the presented material for a review.

Go read the pleadings, stupid. That will tell you what they presented, and what they claimed. But more tellingly, read the judges' Orders, which displays total contempt for the attempt by the President to nullify the election.

It all means nothing after the last few decades. Precedent's have been set and reset all over the place.... No one truly knows if the people are friend or foe these days.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpeds have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy courts.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the mo this to come.

I laughed out loud when I read this part of your link....

" While some of the things said about Krebs (for doing his job faithfully and effectively, no less) ...."

I mean come on man! Krebs has allowed for the last year our Government institutions to be hacked....Yeah, great job....

According to DC rules he should have been promoted, not fired. :laughing0301:

I have a feeling Biden will bring him back
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
We saw your “evidence”
She is getting sued also

Yeah, yeah so attempt to create fear by slinging the threats of lawsuits everywhere eh, and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.

Threats of lawsuits?
Isn’t that what Trump is doing?

Problem is that his lies, smears and misinformation are leaving him open to defamation suits

You calling them lies doesn't mean it's so, and the courts not hearing the cases aren't calling them lies either. They are just denying the hearings based upon process laws right ?? If the cases are presented properly and in order, and the evidence is presented in a way that suits the court, then maybe, but after what Roberts was caught saying, it could be that the court is compromised in this situation. Maybe going outside to get this done (on the world stage), you know like the left loves to always suggest here and there when things ain't going it's way in order to get a fair hearing now ???? What about it huh, huh, huh ??? Can't get a fair shake here, so maybe a world view would help. Rotflmbo.

You all love talking about the possibility of blue helmets on American soil, so is it time for that maybe ??? Man does that sound looney eh ??? Well listen to the playback, because the left has been using every trick in the book when it comes to listening to their rehtoric spewed over the years, but somehow this is sooo inappropriate when the right plays the same cards eh ??

Lie means it is not the truth

Trump has yet to prove any of his bizarre claims. That means he is either lying or incredibly stupid

Well if the courts refuse to hear the cases for whatever reason's, then you can't prove they are lies, just like no one can prove through the courts that it was truth.

Afraid “lack of evidence” is grounds to dismiss a case

You see, Trumps lawyers are afraid to make actual claims of voter fraud in a court of law

Really, is that your opinion (?) because it sure isn't fact. If you think it's fact, then prove that they didn't present what they had to the proper official's, otherwise in which could either except the material findings or reject the presented material for a review.

Go read the pleadings, stupid. That will tell you what they presented, and what they claimed. But more tellingly, read the judges' Orders, which displays total contempt for the attempt by the President to nullify the election.

It all means nothing after the last few decades. Precedent's have been set and reset all over the place.... No one truly knows if the people are friend or foe these days.

Bullshit. No election precedents have changed at all. The only election the SC has been a part of in my lifetime is the 2000 election.

This is a list of "precedent decisions" as listed by the ABA. The last precedent decision was 1978.

"Oh you fired me so I'm going to sue you"....snowflake seditious liberal slime ball.....
He should have his benefit package revoked and be prosecuted for gross mismanagement of his duties....
One day tards one of these idiot Trump haters is going to fuck up bigtime and get a lot of people killed.....
Government employees are never successful
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

I would love to see Trump in the bread line.
Trump may very well be subpoenaed to defend his “tweets”, if not, sued himself.
I would certainly like to see a penalty for all the crazy lies. Of course old Tucker Carlson may be on to something. Some of the lies were so outrageous it can be argued that one thought they were so fantastic no one would believe them. Crazy days when 73 million people follow a guy that tells you to put cleaners in your veins. I would not let that guy fix the pea trap under my sink.
Very good point. Yes, these RW media companies and Trumpist pundits could use the ”Tucker Carlson defense”. That defense is you have to be an absolute moron to believe anything that comes out of the mouths of Trumpist pundits.

The problem with that defense are the real world damages and threats these individuals and companies have faced Are dealing with.
If it were 1980 I would believe these people would be held responsible. Today I wait with bated breath.
Dominion can prove definite damages
Their livelihood is at stake.

Hope the court holds those spreading intentional lies accountable. There was malicious intent

Both actual and punitive damages are in order
The most dim witted argument that the Trumpers make in defense is somehow discovery will show what they assert is true. Yeah, like discovery will show Hugo Chavez’s ghost was involved in software development or that Dominon made software that would change Trump votes to Biden votes in four states but not change anyone else’s votes and that the software knew when a Trumper was reviewing the software. LOL

Good luck with that idiocy.

The key is, they will have to defend their misinformation campaign in court.
Dominion relies on its reputation for accurate, trustworthy election software. These unfounded accusations could destroy the company.
Actual damages as well as punitive damages are in order

Fox and Trump have deep pockets
Lets empty them
Agreed. I especially hope they drive OAN and Newmax into bankruptcy.

What they have said is not just accidental, it was malicious.

I expect the courts will hold them accountable

Everyone is accountable in court especially if they are guilty and that goes for the complainant... as well.
Malicious is the purposeful rerouting of a constitutionally guaranteed vote....objecting to that or bringing it to light is first amendment stuff....
You have about as much chance of suing that as you do the kitchen sink.

Maliciousness is lying about rerouting votes and falsely accusing others of being involved in such action.
Nothing will shock Trumper back to reality than having to sell their property to pay for a law suit verdict. many documented cases of this have come to light that the law suit is doomed before it begins...what it does have the ability to do though is further the proof of the fraud through discovery.....I think that the Trump Team was counting on it frankly.

Lol... “Trump Team” as you call them is already scurrying away from their Dominion lie. Not just scurrying away but abandoning the lie with their tails between their legs. They are scared to death of this litigation and for good reason. They lied. They know they lied. They know they lied to increase their viewership. They purposefully hurt the companies and individuals with their lies to increase their profits or personal gain, financial or political. ”Team Trump” will pay dearly.

Hmm....I don't seem to be watching the same news you are...

Lol...what a load of garbage that “summary” was. That idiotic summary couldn’t even get the man who signed it, name right. I mean his name was different in three different places. You people are just plain sad with this election fraud rubbish.
Oh I beg to differ... The report was not a spelling lesson.... It was yet another contribution in the algorithmic analysis of a very definite and consistent footprint throughout Dominion system. It exists in numerous other locations also.. however I'll concede to you that proving it in court maybe next to impossible.
Most of the judges are political appointees who are too stupid to struggle through freshman calculus never mind algorithmic analysis. Old Joe may have gone and pulled an OJ... But he definitely pulled it.

I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

It doesn't seem to me to be that strong a suit. Everyone is blabbing rhetoric like that these days, aren't they? Not that I think they should (especially not the President's men) but diGenova has apologized publicly twice, explaining that (naturally) he didn't literally mean it. It would be great, though, if a few suits like this got people to stop running their mouth so much. If it accomplishes that, it will have done some good, but I'm not expecting a whole lot.

Krebs can't win on the employment aspects because Russian hackers were worming their way through our systems for nine months before anyone figured it out. Trump had a perfectly credible excuse for firing him ( even though we know why he really did it).
"Oh you fired me so I'm going to sue you"....snowflake seditious liberal slime ball.....
He should have his benefit package revoked and be prosecuted for gross mismanagement of his duties....
One day tards one of these idiot Trump haters is going to fuck up bigtime and get a lot of people killed.....
Government employees are never successful
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

I would love to see Trump in the bread line.
Trump may very well be subpoenaed to defend his “tweets”, if not, sued himself.
I would certainly like to see a penalty for all the crazy lies. Of course old Tucker Carlson may be on to something. Some of the lies were so outrageous it can be argued that one thought they were so fantastic no one would believe them. Crazy days when 73 million people follow a guy that tells you to put cleaners in your veins. I would not let that guy fix the pea trap under my sink.
Very good point. Yes, these RW media companies and Trumpist pundits could use the ”Tucker Carlson defense”. That defense is you have to be an absolute moron to believe anything that comes out of the mouths of Trumpist pundits.

The problem with that defense are the real world damages and threats these individuals and companies have faced Are dealing with.
If it were 1980 I would believe these people would be held responsible. Today I wait with bated breath.
Dominion can prove definite damages
Their livelihood is at stake.

Hope the court holds those spreading intentional lies accountable. There was malicious intent

Both actual and punitive damages are in order
The most dim witted argument that the Trumpers make in defense is somehow discovery will show what they assert is true. Yeah, like discovery will show Hugo Chavez’s ghost was involved in software development or that Dominon made software that would change Trump votes to Biden votes in four states but not change anyone else’s votes and that the software knew when a Trumper was reviewing the software. LOL

Good luck with that idiocy.

The key is, they will have to defend their misinformation campaign in court.
Dominion relies on its reputation for accurate, trustworthy election software. These unfounded accusations could destroy the company.
Actual damages as well as punitive damages are in order

Fox and Trump have deep pockets
Lets empty them
Agreed. I especially hope they drive OAN and Newmax into bankruptcy.

What they have said is not just accidental, it was malicious.

I expect the courts will hold them accountable

Everyone is accountable in court especially if they are guilty and that goes for the complainant... as well.
Malicious is the purposeful rerouting of a constitutionally guaranteed vote....objecting to that or bringing it to light is first amendment stuff....
You have about as much chance of suing that as you do the kitchen sink.

Maliciousness is lying about rerouting votes and falsely accusing others of being involved in such action.
Nothing will shock Trumper back to reality than having to sell their property to pay for a law suit verdict. many documented cases of this have come to light that the law suit is doomed before it begins...what it does have the ability to do though is further the proof of the fraud through discovery.....I think that the Trump Team was counting on it frankly.

Lol... “Trump Team” as you call them is already scurrying away from their Dominion lie. Not just scurrying away but abandoning the lie with their tails between their legs. They are scared to death of this litigation and for good reason. They lied. They know they lied. They know they lied to increase their viewership. They purposefully hurt the companies and individuals with their lies to increase their profits or personal gain, financial or political. ”Team Trump” will pay dearly.

Hmm....I don't seem to be watching the same news you are...

Lol...what a load of garbage that “summary” was. That idiotic summary couldn’t even get the man who signed it, name right. I mean his name was different in three different places. You people are just plain sad with this election fraud rubbish.
Oh I beg to differ... The report was not a spelling lesson.... It was yet another contribution in the algorithmic analysis of a very definite and consistent footprint throughout Dominion system. It exists in numerous other locations also.. however I'll concede to you that proving it in court maybe next to impossible.
Most of the judges are political appointees who are too stupid to struggle through freshman calculus never mind algorithmic analysis. Old Joe may have gone and pulled an OJ... But he definitely pulled it.

The Ramsland “affidavit” has been debunked for the trash that it is.

Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Conservatives will just consider it the cost of doing political business; the fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies will continue regardless the lawsuits.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Conservatives will just consider it the cost of doing political business; the fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies will continue regardless the lawsuits.
Already using our Justice system as a way to stop free speech, investigated discovery, journalistic discovery, and more eh ????

How typical of the Democrat's, otherwise basically showing exactly how you all try to run things when in power. Ohhh how the nation has had a stomach full of it in the past, and it is exactly why you all figured that you had to pull out all the stops this time in order to gain the power back.

Trump couldn't rest while you people were awake and thinking. He was probably the most harassed president this nation has ever had, but it would have been the same for any Republican that would have won in 2016, and would have attempted to do the will of the people that voted him or her into office.

If it wasn't Trump that gave it a run for his money in 2016, it would have been the same for another. That's right, he won because everyone knew that he meant business, and that he was all about business for the nation. He gave up so much for this country, and you all know that you attempted to destroy completely a patriotic American for your unethical agenda's. Can't hide the agenda's, because in order to use them you have to expose them, and that's when the nation see's what it's all about.

Now either the people reject the agenda's or they accept them, but if they don't except them, uhhh it matters not, because you all will use government power like the nation has had experience with in the past to force all the issues through in that way.

Well as frantic and desperate that it all has been, the nation see's the results of it all, now let's see where it all goes from here.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Conservatives will just consider it the cost of doing political business; the fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies will continue regardless the lawsuits.
The courts need to hold those spreading lies, smears and misinformation accountable.
Make them pay
Trump couldn't rest while you people were awake and thinking. He was probably the most harassed president this nation has ever had,

Trump got away with more lies, smears and misdeeds than any US President in history

The press was too soft on him
These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

This is just the next Russia or impeachment hoax. The Democrats should be saving their energy to bail out our sinking ship after Biden gets done drilling holes in the US. But they're not that smart. Political theater is all they're good for and that's exactly what this BS is.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Conservatives will just consider it the cost of doing political business; the fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies will continue regardless the lawsuits.
The courts need to hold those spreading lies, smears and misinformation accountable.
Make them pay
Oh the courts would take those cases eh ?

Do you think that the courts are interested in chasing down ghost when they won't even review evidence that the most powerful people in the country has attempted to present to them ????? Rotflmbo.

Uhh unless you know something about the courts that nobody else knows, and if so do tell Mr. Know it all.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

It doesn't seem to me to be that strong a suit. Everyone is blabbing rhetoric like that these days, aren't they? Not that I think they should (especially not the President's men) but diGenova has apologized publicly twice, explaining that (naturally) he didn't literally mean it. It would be great, though, if a few suits like this got people to stop running their mouth so much. If it accomplishes that, it will have done some good, but I'm not expecting a whole lot.

Krebs can't win on the employment aspects because Russian hackers were worming their way through our systems for nine months before anyone figured it out. Trump had a perfectly credible excuse for firing him ( even though we know why he really did it).

Krebs wasn't responsible for cyber security - Trump fired that entire team, just like the pandemic team. Krebs was only responsible for election security, and he did that job well.

He's not suing for "wrongful dismissal", he's suing for defamation - for the lie that the election was "stolen" on his watch. He's suing because the Trump Campaign lied about what he did.

As for DiGenova, he can apologize until the cows come home, that doesn't change jack shit - certainly not legally. He should be censured by the Bar Association for making such a public comment, if not disbarred.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Conservatives will just consider it the cost of doing political business; the fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies will continue regardless the lawsuits.
Already using our Justice system as a way to stop free speech, investigated discovery, journalistic discovery, and more eh ????

How typical of the Democrat's, otherwise basically showing exactly how you all try to run things when in power. Ohhh how the nation has had a stomach full of it in the past, and it is exactly why you all figured that you had to pull out all the stops this time in order to gain the power back.

Trump couldn't rest while you people were awake and thinking. He was probably the most harassed president this nation has ever had, but it would have been the same for any Republican that would have won in 2016, and would have attempted to do the will of the people that voted him or her into office.

If it wasn't Trump that gave it a run for his money in 2016, it would have been the same for another. That's right, he won because everyone knew that he meant business, and that he was all about business for the nation. He gave up so much for this country, and you all know that you attempted to destroy completely a patriotic American for your unethical agenda's. Can't hide the agenda's, because in order to use them you have to expose them, and that's when the nation see's what it's all about.

Now either the people reject the agenda's or they accept them, but if they don't except them, uhhh it matters not, because you all will use government power like the nation has had experience with in the past to force all the issues through in that way.

Well as frantic and desperate that it all has been, the nation see's the results of it all, now let's see where it all goes from here.. t
Go put cleaners in your veins that should make you feel better. Lol . More bull to co.e from the tin hat brigade I am The guy golfed over 300 days in office. Ya, gave up so much. You are a loon.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Conservatives will just consider it the cost of doing political business; the fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies will continue regardless the lawsuits.
Already using our Justice system as a way to stop free speech, investigated discovery, journalistic discovery, and more eh ????

How typical of the Democrat's, otherwise basically showing exactly how you all try to run things when in power. Ohhh how the nation has had a stomach full of it in the past, and it is exactly why you all figured that you had to pull out all the stops this time in order to gain the power back.

Trump couldn't rest while you people were awake and thinking. He was probably the most harassed president this nation has ever had, but it would have been the same for any Republican that would have won in 2016, and would have attempted to do the will of the people that voted him or her into office.

If it wasn't Trump that gave it a run for his money in 2016, it would have been the same for another. That's right, he won because everyone knew that he meant business, and that he was all about business for the nation. He gave up so much for this country, and you all know that you attempted to destroy completely a patriotic American for your unethical agenda's. Can't hide the agenda's, because in order to use them you have to expose them, and that's when the nation see's what it's all about.

Now either the people reject the agenda's or they accept them, but if they don't except them, uhhh it matters not, because you all will use government power like the nation has had experience with in the past to force all the issues through in that way.

Well as frantic and desperate that it all has been, the nation see's the results of it all, now let's see where it all goes from here.

You started drinking early today. This idea that Joe Biden is going to destroy the nation, shows a level of disconnect from reality that is truly dangerous. Especially considering that by every scientific measure you can think of, the corrupt, criminal administration of Donald J. Trump has done just that.

Not surprising that Trump is pardoning murderers, fraud artists, and those who abuse the public purse and/or donations from voters. They're his people. The hardworking Americans he's leaving with no money, no protection from eviction, and shutting down the government on his way out the door, shows that he never really cared about the nation or the American people at all.

Today, Donald Trump called the USA a "third rate country". He's right. The USA is now a third rate country. The USA was the leader of the free world when you took office, Donnie. If it's now a "third rate country", well that's on you. Your hospitals are sending people home to die because they have no room to treat any more people, and 7 million people are sick. Millions will be evicted because Trump refused to sign the legislation, and the government is shutting down.

All because Americans voted him out of office. When Democrats impeached his criminal ass, Republicans said this was wrong. That the American voters should be allowed to decide. Well the American voters decided - BIGLY. They toss Trump out of office - overwhelmingly.

Trump lost the popular vote - by the largest marging since Herbert Hoover. He lost the electoral college. Trump lost. So in a pique of rage, he is doing as much damage to the country as possible on the way out the door.
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

It doesn't seem to me to be that strong a suit. Everyone is blabbing rhetoric like that these days, aren't they? Not that I think they should (especially not the President's men) but diGenova has apologized publicly twice, explaining that (naturally) he didn't literally mean it. It would be great, though, if a few suits like this got people to stop running their mouth so much. If it accomplishes that, it will have done some good, but I'm not expecting a whole lot.

Krebs can't win on the employment aspects because Russian hackers were worming their way through our systems for nine months before anyone figured it out. Trump had a perfectly credible excuse for firing him ( even though we know why he really did it).

Krebs wasn't responsible for cyber security - Trump fired that entire team, just like the pandemic team. Krebs was only responsible for election security, and he did that job well.

He's not suing for "wrongful dismissal", he's suing for defamation - for the lie that the election was "stolen" on his watch. He's suing because the Trump Campaign lied about what he did.

As for DiGenova, he can apologize until the cows come home, that doesn't change jack shit - certainly not legally. He should be censured by the Bar Association for making such a public comment, if not disbarred.
Trump fired that entire team, just like the pandemic team.

Hey Stupid, I have busted you on that blatant lie about a dozen times.....and yet you are dumb enough to keep spewing it.

Why don't you find a Canada board to spew your idiocy and forget about America?

Dragonlady is just a lying sack of shit.

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Trump couldn't rest while you people were awake and thinking. He was probably the most harassed president this nation has ever had,

Trump got away with more lies, smears and misdeeds than any US President in history

The press was too soft on him
I'll use candycons logic, why hasn't he been arrested then ??? And don't come back with this bullcrap of "wait till he leaves office".

If the man would have been guilty of anything the leftist threw at him, then he would have been asked by American's to step down, and Pence would have been the president for the remainder of the 4 years.

And don't come here with that "Trump would have never stepped down" bullcrap
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Conservatives will just consider it the cost of doing political business; the fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies will continue regardless the lawsuits.
Already using our Justice system as a way to stop free speech, investigated discovery, journalistic discovery, and more eh ????

How typical of the Democrat's, otherwise basically showing exactly how you all try to run things when in power. Ohhh how the nation has had a stomach full of it in the past, and it is exactly why you all figured that you had to pull out all the stops this time in order to gain the power back.

Trump couldn't rest while you people were awake and thinking. He was probably the most harassed president this nation has ever had, but it would have been the same for any Republican that would have won in 2016, and would have attempted to do the will of the people that voted him or her into office.

If it wasn't Trump that gave it a run for his money in 2016, it would have been the same for another. That's right, he won because everyone knew that he meant business, and that he was all about business for the nation. He gave up so much for this country, and you all know that you attempted to destroy completely a patriotic American for your unethical agenda's. Can't hide the agenda's, because in order to use them you have to expose them, and that's when the nation see's what it's all about.

Now either the people reject the agenda's or they accept them, but if they don't except them, uhhh it matters not, because you all will use government power like the nation has had experience with in the past to force all the issues through in that way.

Well as frantic and desperate that it all has been, the nation see's the results of it all, now let's see where it all goes from here.

You started drinking early today. This idea that Joe Biden is going to destroy the nation, shows a level of disconnect from reality that is truly dangerous. Especially considering that by every scientific measure you can think of, the corrupt, criminal administration of Donald J. Trump has done just that.

Not surprising that Trump is pardoning murderers, fraud artists, and those who abuse the public purse and/or donations from voters. They're his people. The hardworking Americans he's leaving with no money, no protection from eviction, and shutting down the government on his way out the door, shows that he never really cared about the nation or the American people at all.

Today, Donald Trump called the USA a "third rate country". He's right. The USA is now a third rate country. The USA was the leader of the free world when you took office, Donnie. If it's now a "third rate country", well that's on you. Your hospitals are sending people home to die because they have no room to treat any more people, and 7 million people are sick. Millions will be evicted because Trump refused to sign the legislation, and the government is shutting down.

All because Americans voted him out of office. When Democrats impeached his criminal ass, Republicans said this was wrong. That the American voters should be allowed to decide. Well the American voters decided - BIGLY. They toss Trump out of office - overwhelmingly.

Trump lost the popular vote - by the largest marging since Herbert Hoover. He lost the electoral college. Trump lost. So in a pique of rage, he is doing as much damage to the country as possible on the way out the door.
You using the situation that the left has presented you as evidence, shows your lack of character because you gobble it up just like a good little closed minded sheeple.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Conservatives will just consider it the cost of doing political business; the fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies will continue regardless the lawsuits.
Already using our Justice system as a way to stop free speech, investigated discovery, journalistic discovery, and more eh ????

How typical of the Democrat's, otherwise basically showing exactly how you all try to run things when in power. Ohhh how the nation has had a stomach full of it in the past, and it is exactly why you all figured that you had to pull out all the stops this time in order to gain the power back.

Trump couldn't rest while you people were awake and thinking. He was probably the most harassed president this nation has ever had, but it would have been the same for any Republican that would have won in 2016, and would have attempted to do the will of the people that voted him or her into office.

If it wasn't Trump that gave it a run for his money in 2016, it would have been the same for another. That's right, he won because everyone knew that he meant business, and that he was all about business for the nation. He gave up so much for this country, and you all know that you attempted to destroy completely a patriotic American for your unethical agenda's. Can't hide the agenda's, because in order to use them you have to expose them, and that's when the nation see's what it's all about.

Now either the people reject the agenda's or they accept them, but if they don't except them, uhhh it matters not, because you all will use government power like the nation has had experience with in the past to force all the issues through in that way.

Well as frantic and desperate that it all has been, the nation see's the results of it all, now let's see where it all goes from here.

You started drinking early today. This idea that Joe Biden is going to destroy the nation, shows a level of disconnect from reality that is truly dangerous. Especially considering that by every scientific measure you can think of, the corrupt, criminal administration of Donald J. Trump has done just that.

Not surprising that Trump is pardoning murderers, fraud artists, and those who abuse the public purse and/or donations from voters. They're his people. The hardworking Americans he's leaving with no money, no protection from eviction, and shutting down the government on his way out the door, shows that he never really cared about the nation or the American people at all.

Today, Donald Trump called the USA a "third rate country". He's right. The USA is now a third rate country. The USA was the leader of the free world when you took office, Donnie. If it's now a "third rate country", well that's on you. Your hospitals are sending people home to die because they have no room to treat any more people, and 7 million people are sick. Millions will be evicted because Trump refused to sign the legislation, and the government is shutting down.

All because Americans voted him out of office. When Democrats impeached his criminal ass, Republicans said this was wrong. That the American voters should be allowed to decide. Well the American voters decided - BIGLY. They toss Trump out of office - overwhelmingly.

Trump lost the popular vote - by the largest marging since Herbert Hoover. He lost the electoral college. Trump lost. So in a pique of rage, he is doing as much damage to the country as possible on the way out the door.
Trump lost the popular vote - by the largest marging since Herbert Hoover.

I have also busted you on this blatant lie a number of times too Dragonlady

Hoover lost by 7 million.

Reagan beat Mondale by 17 million.

You are nothing more that a lying sack of shit who can't get thru a single post without spewing bullshit.
And don't come back with this bullcrap of "wait till he leaves office".
But that IS why. You can't arrest a sitting President. First you have to impeach him and boot him out. And we tried that, remember?
Yeah and you would think that after your impeachment failure, that you would learn better about the things you thought you knew something about. :)

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