Chris Krebs sues the Trump Campaign

Political speech is protected.............

Saying that the election was "rigged", or that the Dominion Machines were hacked, isn't "political speech". It's lying about what actually happened. Calling for the torture and execution of those who tell the American people the truth, is the definition of "hate speech".

Lying about the machines the states used in the election in order to undermine the safety and the security of the elections, ON NO EVIDENCE, isn't political speech, it's "sedition", and it's promoting lies and disinformation in the hopes of making people mistrust the election results.

Not to mention causing financial harm to those who are being smeared and maligned. Mr. Crebs has been fired and called a "liar" by the President of the United States, for daring to say that the elections were "fair and honest".

Lies which defame the character or the performance of product are not "political speech". Furthermore, the claims the Trump Campaign and Trump's lawyers have made in the media, are not the claims they have made in the courts. Guiliani went out of his way to tell the Pennsylvannia Appeals Court that he wasn't arguing "fraud":

"Oh you fired me so I'm going to sue you"....snowflake seditious liberal slime ball.....
He should have his benefit package revoked and be prosecuted for gross mismanagement of his duties....
One day tards one of these idiot Trump haters is going to fuck up bigtime and get a lot of people killed.....

Hey stupid! The man who did his job and protected the election from Vladimir Putin, the Chinese and the Iranians, with no help from Donald Trump, isn't suing the goverment for firing him, he's suing the Trump Campaign slandering him because he refuses to lie on behalf of the President.

He's not a liberal, he's a lifelong Republican, who was hired by Donald Trump.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
So you are cheering some butthurt clown who was fired and doesn't think people are entitled to their own opinions in America.

Stay N of the border ya Canuck idiot.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
There is not a shred.of evidence. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
We saw your “evidence”
She is getting sued also

Political speech is protected.............

Saying that the election was "rigged", or that the Dominion Machines were hacked, isn't "political speech". It's lying about what actually happened. Calling for the torture and execution of those who tell the American people the truth, is the definition of "hate speech".

Lying about the machines the states used in the election in order to undermine the safety and the security of the elections, ON NO EVIDENCE, isn't political speech, it's "sedition", and it's promoting lies and disinformation in the hopes of making people mistrust the election results.

Not to mention causing financial harm to those who are being smeared and maligned. Mr. Crebs has been fired and called a "liar" by the President of the United States, for daring to say that the elections were "fair and honest".

Lies which defame the character or the performance of product are not "political speech". Furthermore, the claims the Trump Campaign and Trump's lawyers have made in the media, are not the claims they have made in the courts. Guiliani went out of his way to tell the Pennsylvannia Appeals Court that he wasn't arguing "fraud":

"Oh you fired me so I'm going to sue you"....snowflake seditious liberal slime ball.....
He should have his benefit package revoked and be prosecuted for gross mismanagement of his duties....
One day tards one of these idiot Trump haters is going to fuck up bigtime and get a lot of people killed.....

Hey stupid! The man who did his job and protected the election from Vladimir Putin, the Chinese and the Iranians, with no help from Donald Trump, isn't suing the goverment for firing him, he's suing the Trump Campaign slandering him because he refuses to lie on behalf of the President.

He's not a liberal, he's a lifelong Republican, who was hired by Donald Trump.
And your speculation here isn't wild and ridiculous ???? You have absolutely no proof other than your assumptions based upon unofficial second hand information, and this because the court's won't settle it for you or anyone else, yet you come here making outrageous claims based on biased information without legal merit. Oh and how about all the attacks the leftist have waged on Trump and his family ???? That's ok though eh ??? Hypocrisy is off the chain now, but until the courts step up to review all the evidence in an honorable and honest fair way, then everyone loses including the left.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
There is not a shred.of evidence. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Well we may never know then will WE ???? Without the courts reviewing the cases presented, then it's a ghost being chased by everyone in hopes of finding the truth, but the truth undoubtedly will never be found, because the court's wouldn't do their jobs.
Well we may never know then will WE ????
Right, just like we will never know if there are dragons and unicorns or not. Listen to yourself. Trump has turned your brains to tapioca. There is no way you could function day to day, if you really thought like this about life. You have chosen this absurd standard because there is nothing left to you in this absurd endeavor. You really need to reevaluate your anti-intellectual, insane stance and take stock of the idiotic things you are saying.
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Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
We saw your “evidence”
She is getting sued also

Yeah, yeah so attempt to create fear by slinging the threats of lawsuits everywhere eh, and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.
Well we may never know then will WE ????
Right, just like we will never know if there are dragons and unicorns or not. Listen to yourself. Trump has turned your brains to tapioca. There is no way you could function day to day, if you really thought like this about life. You have chosen this absurd standard because there is nothing left to you in this absurd endeavor. You really need to reevaluate your anyt intellectual, insane stance and take stock of the idiotic things you are aaying.
Wanting the courts to do their jobs is idiotic ??? You are kidding right ??
On Nov. 12, just nine days after Election Day, Trump tweeted a claim that “DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE.”

Im sure our president will be able to support his accusation against Dominion.

If not, he will be personally liable for damages
When Trump is out of office and no longer shielded from presidential immunity, the law suits will fly.

‘Lawyers just remember get your money up front with Trump!

oh wait..I forgot Trump’s supporters will pay for his lawyers.

Maybe he will claim he still has immunity because he really won
Yes..Trump will say he is immune because he will be wearing a crown he got from Burger King.

Donald actually prefers Big Mac hamberders, but King berders will do in a pinch. :D

Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
We saw your “evidence”
She is getting sued also

Yeah, yeah so attempt to create fear by slinging the threats of lawsuits everywhere eh, and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.

Threats of lawsuits?
Isn’t that what Trump is doing?

Problem is that his lies, smears and misinformation are leaving him open to defamation suits
and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.

One sided biased courts?
In both Red States and Blue States?
Before both Liberal and Conservative judges?
In a 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS?

And still Trump loses?
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
We saw your “evidence”
She is getting sued also

Yeah, yeah so attempt to create fear by slinging the threats of lawsuits everywhere eh, and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.

One sided bias? You GOTTA be kidding! He's 2 for 70 at present with nearly half the judges in question REPUBLICANS. He appointed EIGHT of them. And yet you yammer about one sided judges?

Too Funny! :laugh:
Trump has a history of settling out of court but without admitting fault or disclosing details.

Dominions reputation and future DEPENDS on the defendants admitting fault and publicly admitting their claims are baseless

Our Trumpy Bear counts on DEPENDS also ;)

There must be a day of reckoning for these people. I never thought that I would see the kind of disrespect and assault against our laws that I have seen during the time of trump. And they have not cared one whit about the people who have been hurt by their antics.

Lawsuits against public entities are great. BUT: I just hope that there is a mechanism to also identify private citizens who have taken part in defaming and probably terrorizing others in order to bring actions against them as well. Many of these people who pushed this stuff have only limited assets, but deserve to lose some or all of them. A person who has taken part in sending threats, taking pictures of people's houses and children, etc. should be punished in a way that hurts.
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
We saw your “evidence”
She is getting sued also

Yeah, yeah so attempt to create fear by slinging the threats of lawsuits everywhere eh, and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.

Threats of lawsuits?
Isn’t that what Trump is doing?

Problem is that his lies, smears and misinformation are leaving him open to defamation suits

You calling them lies doesn't mean it's so, and the courts not hearing the cases aren't calling them lies either. They are just denying the hearings based upon process laws right ?? If the cases are presented properly and in order, and the evidence is presented in a way that suits the court, then maybe, but after what Roberts was caught saying, it could be that the court is compromised in this situation. Maybe going outside to get this done (on the world stage), you know like the left loves to always suggest here and there when things ain't going it's way in order to get a fair hearing now ???? What about it huh, huh, huh ??? Can't get a fair shake here, so maybe a world view would help. Rotflmbo.

You all love talking about the possibility of blue helmets on American soil, so is it time for that maybe ??? Man does that sound looney eh ??? Well listen to the playback, because the left has been using every trick in the book when it comes to listening to their rehtoric spewed over the years, but somehow this is sooo inappropriate when the right plays the same cards eh ??
and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.

One sided biased courts?
In both Red States and Blue States?
Before both Liberal and Conservative judges?
In a 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS?

And still Trump loses?
Let it play out already..... Why the hurry, trial by media, assuming things, and just downright desperation if it's so in the bag ???
and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.

One sided biased courts?
In both Red States and Blue States?
Before both Liberal and Conservative judges?
In a 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS?

And still Trump loses?
Let it play out already..... Why the hurry, trial by media, assuming things, and just downright desperation if it's so in the bag ??? has “played out” in 70 court cases
Let it go....Trump lost
Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
Good luck.... LOL..... The evidence already obtained will stop any so called lawsuits filed, because although the evidence that was found is real, the courts not reviewing the cases in order to determine validity or not, leaves everyone hanging out to dry.

Now if the accusers were accusing without seeking the courts to clarify and/or verify the evidence found, and they were just jumping just like the Democrat's were doing through their media mouth pieces with out the courts doing their job, then it's the same thing where both sides are guilty of speculation gone wild. It is why the attempt to have trials by media take place, because the court's either refuse to do their job or the court is leaned one way or the other or the fear of reprisals keep the courts from being fair and impartial.
We saw your “evidence”
She is getting sued also

Yeah, yeah so attempt to create fear by slinging the threats of lawsuits everywhere eh, and if the courts show a one sided bias in all of this, then that will end up being seen as the courts failing in the nation, and then the constitution will be the overall settlement factor is the situation.

Threats of lawsuits?
Isn’t that what Trump is doing?

Problem is that his lies, smears and misinformation are leaving him open to defamation suits

You calling them lies doesn't mean it's so, and the courts not hearing the cases aren't calling them lies either. They are just denying the hearings based upon process laws right ?? If the cases are presented properly and in order, and the evidence is presented in a way that suits the court, then maybe, but after what Roberts was caught saying, it could be that the court is compromised in this situation. Maybe going outside to get this done (on the world stage), you know like the left loves to always suggest here and there when things ain't going it's way in order to get a fair hearing now ???? What about it huh, huh, huh ??? Can't get a fair shake here, so maybe a world view would help. Rotflmbo.

You all love talking about the possibility of blue helmets on American soil, so is it time for that maybe ??? Man does that sound looney eh ??? Well listen to the playback, because the left has been using every trick in the book when it comes to listening to their rehtoric spewed over the years, but somehow this is sooo inappropriate when the right plays the same cards eh ??

Lie means it is not the truth

Trump has yet to prove any of his bizarre claims. That means he is either lying or incredibly stupid

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