Chris Krebs sues the Trump Campaign

On Nov. 12, just nine days after Election Day, Trump tweeted a claim that “DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE.”

Im sure our president will be able to support his accusation against Dominion.

If not, he will be personally liable for damages
When Trump is out of office and no longer shielded from presidential immunity, the law suits will fly.

‘Lawyers just remember get your money up front with Trump!

oh wait..I forgot Trump’s supporters will pay for his lawyers.
You dope....the Fraud is documented and the crowd has a first amendment right...there are no lawsuits possible here.
I think it's great. I encourage these cowards to sue. What they'll get is someone like Rudy Giuliani or Sidney Powell stand up in court and explain and document why they have alleged fraud from the Biden-ites.
Bring it on!

You are right.... a law suit is a two edged sword.

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I guess this was inevitable. The thought of lawsuits flying all over the place doesn't thrill me, and I suspect it will be overdone.

But if we can't agree on what reality is, we're fucked. This may be the only option.

As someone who worked in the legal profession for 30 years, I agree, wholeheartedly. I worked in corporate/commercial and real estate, mostly. Our job was to negotiate and close deals. When our files ended in litigation, we had failed to do our jobs.

Litigation is always the remedy of last resort. When all else fails, we go to court. Trump uses litigation to threaten, intimidate and bully. That backfired this time.

After watching Trump use the courts to block oversight, investigation, and transparency for four years, states took pains to run their elections by the books and with Crebs providing leadership at DHS, ensure a fair and accurate election which would withstand judicial scrutiny. Not what Donnie intended at all.

Given that the Russian hack took place in March, and didn't become apparent until recently, it makes me wonder if Putin didn't think he could hack the machines, and Crebs blocked him out. Maybe that meme "We can't hack paper ballots", wasn't a joke after all.
On Nov. 12, just nine days after Election Day, Trump tweeted a claim that “DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE.”

Im sure our president will be able to support his accusation against Dominion.

If not, he will be personally liable for damages
When Trump is out of office and no longer shielded from presidential immunity, the law suits will fly.

‘Lawyers just remember get your money up front with Trump!

oh wait..I forgot Trump’s supporters will pay for his lawyers.

Maybe he will claim he still has immunity because he really won
Unlike message boards, the accused will have to prove their assertions under oath and penalty of perjury

What they did was malicious and damaged the reputation of a company that must have trusted software.

I think more than an apology will be demanded
Put on your tie then and offer your services to Dominion vote changing machines.
Don't forget to mention the Michigan independent forensic audit where Dominion was
guilty of everything said about them.

You know the machine was developed by Hugo Chavez, right? You know Eric Coomer assured colleagues
that he guaranteed Trump would lose, right? Make sure you tell the judge all that.
On Nov. 12, just nine days after Election Day, Trump tweeted a claim that “DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE.”

Im sure our president will be able to support his accusation against Dominion.

If not, he will be personally liable for damages
When Trump is out of office and no longer shielded from presidential immunity, the law suits will fly.

‘Lawyers just remember get your money up front with Trump!

oh wait..I forgot Trump’s supporters will pay for his lawyers.

Maybe he will claim he still has immunity because he really won
Yes..Trump will say he is immune because he will be wearing a crown he got from Burger King.
Unlike message boards, the accused will have to prove their assertions under oath and penalty of perjury

What they did was malicious and damaged the reputation of a company that must have trusted software.

I think more than an apology will be demanded
Put on your tie then and offer your services to Dominion vote changing machines.
Don't forget to mention the Michigan independent forensic audit where Dominion was
guilty of everything said about them.

You know the machine was developed by Hugo Chavez, right? You know Eric Coomer assured colleagues
that he guaranteed Trump would lose, right? Make sure you tell the judge all that.
Tell it to the judge.

Trump surrogates and Trump himself better be prepared to back their accusations with FACTS
Something they haven’t brought to court yet
Unlike message boards, the accused will have to prove their assertions under oath and penalty of perjury

What they did was malicious and damaged the reputation of a company that must have trusted software.

I think more than an apology will be demanded
Put on your tie then and offer your services to Dominion vote changing machines.
Don't forget to mention the Michigan independent forensic audit where Dominion was
guilty of everything said about them.

You know the machine was developed by Hugo Chavez, right? You know Eric Coomer assured colleagues
that he guaranteed Trump would lose, right? Make sure you tell the judge all that.
The Hugo Chavez ghost defense! Yeah..that will have Dominion’s lawyers shaking in their boots!
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Political speech is protected.............

Not hate speech and threats.
oh please how many hate speechin libs have been sued have mobs standing outside poiticians homes and you can shut up now

People standing outside politicians' homes are typically not involved in hate speech, slander and threats.
oh obviously haven not been following even recent current events or are just posting your usuaul lies

You may be thinking about the armed thugs on your team who have been threatening election officials and assembling outside their homes disturbing the peace.
yeah thats it,,,,,,,.....pile on more lies

Not a lie Skippy - FACT

You dope....the Fraud is documented and the crowd has a first amendment right...there are no lawsuits possible here.


So it is legal to threaten someones life? Okay, whatevs dude. :icon_rolleyes:
I hope Dominion lawyers remember to introduce into evidence their funny cat pictures in this case that will never see a courtroom. That will impress a judge.
Political speech is protected.............

Not hate speech and threats.
oh please how many hate speechin libs have been sued have mobs standing outside poiticians homes and you can shut up now

People standing outside politicians' homes are typically not involved in hate speech, slander and threats.
oh obviously haven not been following even recent current events or are just posting your usuaul lies

You may be thinking about the armed thugs on your team who have been threatening election officials and assembling outside their homes disturbing the peace.
yeah thats it,,,,,,,.....pile on more lies

Not a lie Skippy - FACT

You dope....the Fraud is documented and the crowd has a first amendment right...there are no lawsuits possible here.


So it is legal to threaten someones life? Okay, whatevs dude. :icon_rolleyes:

She gets a death Threat.... From Whom?... you do realize that all the proof stuff you keep harping on applies here too right? People get death threats every day....many of them make them up also....sooooooo like I said... From Whom???? I say it was the Biden Campaign that made the threat disguised as a Trump supporter! Do I need to prove that?
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

I would love to see Trump in the bread line.
Trump may very well be subpoenaed to defend his “tweets”, if not, sued himself.
I would certainly like to see a penalty for all the crazy lies. Of course old Tucker Carlson may be on to something. Some of the lies were so outrageous it can be argued that one thought they were so fantastic no one would believe them. Crazy days when 73 million people follow a guy that tells you to put cleaners in your veins. I would not let that guy fix the pea trap under my sink.
Very good point. Yes, these RW media companies and Trumpist pundits could use the ”Tucker Carlson defense”. That defense is you have to be an absolute moron to believe anything that comes out of the mouths of Trumpist pundits.

The problem with that defense are the real world damages and threats these individuals and companies have faced Are dealing with.
If it were 1980 I would believe these people would be held responsible. Today I wait with bated breath.
Dominion can prove definite damages
Their livelihood is at stake.

Hope the court holds those spreading intentional lies accountable. There was malicious intent

Both actual and punitive damages are in order
The most dim witted argument that the Trumpers make in defense is somehow discovery will show what they assert is true. Yeah, like discovery will show Hugo Chavez’s ghost was involved in software development or that Dominon made software that would change Trump votes to Biden votes in four states but not change anyone else’s votes and that the software knew when a Trumper was reviewing the software. LOL

Good luck with that idiocy.

The key is, they will have to defend their misinformation campaign in court.
Dominion relies on its reputation for accurate, trustworthy election software. These unfounded accusations could destroy the company.
Actual damages as well as punitive damages are in order

Fox and Trump have deep pockets
Lets empty them
Agreed. I especially hope they drive OAN and Newmax into bankruptcy.

What they have said is not just accidental, it was malicious.

I expect the courts will hold them accountable

Everyone is accountable in court especially if they are guilty and that goes for the complainant... as well.
Malicious is the purposeful rerouting of a constitutionally guaranteed vote....objecting to that or bringing it to light is first amendment stuff....
You have about as much chance of suing that as you do the kitchen sink.

Here's a lawsuit that has already had a chilling effect on the FOX News and Newsmax:

Notice how FOX News is no longer calling the 2020 election "rigged"? The same with Newsmax. Because they're now getting sued for defamation by the people who AREN'T lying about the election.

Crebs is going to make out like a bandit on these suits. Although the Trump campaign is broke, so collecting from Trump will be a problem, but Murdoch has deep, deep pockets.
LOL, Yes I’m sure the Trump campaign and Newsmax are terrified of this idiot.

President Trump hasn’t backed down from challenging the fraudulent elections, and Newsmax hasn’t backed down from reporting on it.

You’re living in a fantasy world.

Yeah....I just listened to a broadcast from Newsmax last night demonstrating how the dominion machines keep testing funky with the experts.
So I don't know what the fuck she ( this is not a real person you realize...its a chinese hack ergo the name Drangonlady as was pointed out to me by another very astute poster ) is talking about. Dominion is screwed as far as contracts with counties going forward and now that the machines in Wisconsin have been approved for forensic exam the proof is forthcoming so they probably have very little recourse but to try to sue their way out.....good luck to them.

If you haven’t noticed Trump is blaming everybody and everything he can to make as many excuses as possible for his loss. He even blamed the first Turkey he was supposed to pardon on Thanksgiving. Said the Turkey was a leader of the resistance and funded dominion, this is highly unlikely, but his supports will claim it true until absolutely proven to be false. So Trump had Jared bite off it’s head and that’s the bird they ate for T day. True story.
Sidney Powell, Lin Woods, Rudy Giuliani have all received death threats. Her too:
I know there are law suit threads already on USMB regarding companies and individuals libeled and slandered by Trumpist lies.

Now the piper will be paid.

These law suits are good news. Good news because nothing hurts like getting hit in the check book. Trumpers have got away with atrocious lies and defamation for too long. People have been hurt. Families threatened. Good companies‘ reputations damaged.

These folks that promulgated these lies should spend that next four years fighting those suits and spending time in bankruptcy court.

Expect a lot of back tracking and apologies in the more this to come.

This is only starting.

I would love to see Trump in the bread line.
Trump may very well be subpoenaed to defend his “tweets”, if not, sued himself.
I would certainly like to see a penalty for all the crazy lies. Of course old Tucker Carlson may be on to something. Some of the lies were so outrageous it can be argued that one thought they were so fantastic no one would believe them. Crazy days when 73 million people follow a guy that tells you to put cleaners in your veins. I would not let that guy fix the pea trap under my sink.
Very good point. Yes, these RW media companies and Trumpist pundits could use the ”Tucker Carlson defense”. That defense is you have to be an absolute moron to believe anything that comes out of the mouths of Trumpist pundits.

The problem with that defense are the real world damages and threats these individuals and companies have faced Are dealing with.
If it were 1980 I would believe these people would be held responsible. Today I wait with bated breath.
Dominion can prove definite damages
Their livelihood is at stake.

Hope the court holds those spreading intentional lies accountable. There was malicious intent

Both actual and punitive damages are in order
The most dim witted argument that the Trumpers make in defense is somehow discovery will show what they assert is true. Yeah, like discovery will show Hugo Chavez’s ghost was involved in software development or that Dominon made software that would change Trump votes to Biden votes in four states but not change anyone else’s votes and that the software knew when a Trumper was reviewing the software. LOL

Good luck with that idiocy.

The key is, they will have to defend their misinformation campaign in court.
Dominion relies on its reputation for accurate, trustworthy election software. These unfounded accusations could destroy the company.
Actual damages as well as punitive damages are in order

Fox and Trump have deep pockets
Lets empty them
Agreed. I especially hope they drive OAN and Newmax into bankruptcy.

What they have said is not just accidental, it was malicious.

I expect the courts will hold them accountable

Everyone is accountable in court especially if they are guilty and that goes for the complainant... as well.
Malicious is the purposeful rerouting of a constitutionally guaranteed vote....objecting to that or bringing it to light is first amendment stuff....
You have about as much chance of suing that as you do the kitchen sink.

Maliciousness is lying about rerouting votes and falsely accusing others of being involved in such action.
Nothing will shock the Trumper back to reality than having to sell their property to pay for a law suit verdict.
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Maliciousness is lying about rerouting votes and falsely accusing others of being involved in such action.
Nothing will ahock Trumper back to reality than having sell your property to pay for a law suit verdict.
Right...this all presupposes you are right which is inconceivable considering the overwhelming amount of
evidence against you. But you are slow to catch on.
I hope Dominion lawyers remember to introduce into evidence their funny cat pictures in this case that will never see a courtroom. That will impress a judge.

They have a solid case

None of the defendants want this to go to court. Punitive damages will destroy them.

Look for Team Trump to look to settle
You dope....the Fraud is documented and the crowd has a first amendment right...there are no lawsuits possible here.
I think it's great. I encourage these cowards to sue. What they'll get is someone like Rudy Giuliani or Sidney Powell stand up in court and explain and document why they have alleged fraud from the Biden-ites.
Bring it on!

You are right.... a law suit is a two edged sword.

No, he is 100% wrong and apparently got his law degree at Trump U.

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