Chris Matthews Compares Obama, Reagan

Actually, Chris Matthews is an arrogant, self-centered, motor-mouthed asshole who thinks he's a legend in his own mind - and he also worshiped Reagan. He's the absolute worst piece of shit on MSNBC. He's even too lazy to do his show live - yet three live shows follow him. That may be so they can edit out some of his Daffy Duck shit.

Yes that is the standard MO of the far left, just look at all the far left posts on this board including yours..

Then again the irony of an Obama worshiper attacking another Obama worshiper is priceless..
Actually, Chris Matthews is an arrogant, self-centered, motor-mouthed asshole who thinks he's a legend in his own mind - and he also worshiped Reagan. He's the absolute worst piece of shit on MSNBC. He's even too lazy to do his show live - yet three live shows follow him. That may be so they can edit out some of his Daffy Duck shit.

Yes that is the standard MO of the far left, just look at all the far left posts on this board including yours..

Then again the irony of an Obama worshiper attacking another Obama worshiper is priceless..

we need to check if hell is freezing over

Actually, Chris Matthews is an arrogant, self-centered, motor-mouthed asshole who thinks he's a legend in his own mind - and he also worshiped Reagan. He's the absolute worst piece of shit on MSNBC. He's even too lazy to do his show live - yet three live shows follow him. That may be so they can edit out some of his Daffy Duck shit.

That is the impression I have also; a flip of conservatives like Coulter, and Hannity. Meanwhile Stephanie Gutmann wrote a very good book on Israel and media bias toward the Palestinians; I never see her quoted. Medved and Hume, occasionally, though Hume isn't Buckley by any means.
Actually, Chris Matthews is an arrogant, self-centered, motor-mouthed asshole who thinks he's a legend in his own mind - and he also worshiped Reagan. He's the absolute worst piece of shit on MSNBC. He's even too lazy to do his show live - yet three live shows follow him. That may be so they can edit out some of his Daffy Duck shit.

Chris Matthews is the epitome of Liberalism.

1. Out in the cold was the poor self-righteous white liberal, those who congratulated themselves on their own ethnic sensitivity while moving heaven and earth to make sure their own kids didn’t have to go to school with black kids.

Speaking of Chris Matthews….

a. “I go back to living in D.C. all these years. I’ve lived there 40 years, a black-majority city, and anybody who wants to get up early in Washington and drive down North Capitol and drive past Florida Ave., sees nothing but young, but black people up at 6:30 in the morning going to work,” Matthews said…. Matthews doesn’t live in the District of Columbia but instead lives in Chevy Chase, Md., an affluent suburb of Washington, D.C.” MSNBC's Matthews falsely claims living in black majority DC | The Daily Caller

b. The greatest number of Chevy Chase View residents report their race to be White, followed by Asian.
Chevy Chase View, MD - 20895 - Real Estate Information

c. “Is this the same Chris Matthews that sent his kids to private schools in Chevy Chase, Is this the same Chris Matthews whose son got married recently and not a black guest at the wedding,”
A comment @ Chris Matthews And Panel Wonder Why No One Sees All The Racism Directed At Obama | Mediaite

d. As attuned to black folks as Chris is, how to explain how one looks like another to him? “MSNBC's Chris Matthews confuses Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) for Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC). Both are black Democratic congressmen. Matthews is famously known for saying he "forgot" President Obama "was black" during his State of the Union address this year.” MSNBC's Matthews Mistakes One Black Congressman For Another | RealClearPolitics
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

On Sept. 1, 1983, the Soviet Union shot down a Korean Airlines passenger airliner traveling from New York to Seoul, killing 269 people.

True, the president’s nationally televised address on Sept. 5 (THAT'S 4 DAYS LATER FOR MATH CHALLENGED CONSERVATIVES) was full of strong rhetorical condemnation:

Reagan called the Soviet action “monstrous,” “murderous,” and “born of a society which wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life.”

But little action followed. Reagan demanded an apology to the world and continued a number of sanctions — but he decided not to end grain sales to the USSR or to suspend arms control talks.

George Will argued that “the administration (REAGAN) is pathetic…. We didn’t elect a dictionary. We elected a President and it’s time for him to act.” The Manchester Union-Leader editorialized that “if someone had told us three years ago that the Russians could blow a civilian airliner out of the skies – and not face one whit of retaliation from a Ronald Reagan administration, we would have called that crazy. It is crazy. It is insane. It is exactly what happened.”

Reagan and KAL 007 - The Washington Post
The study of history cries out for certain comparisons.....

...and, with a pretend President who is unable to prioritize between fundraising and turning the spotlight of the bully pulpit on real evil.......

....well, today, July 18th, in the year 64 - the Great fire of Rome: A fire begins to burn in the merchant area of Rome and soon burns completely out of control while Emperor Nero reportedly plays his lyre and sings while watching the blaze from a safe distance.

I know, I know....Nero didn't have a teleprompter.

"I'm not sure -- but I would like to point out that Reagan slept through the shootdown -- and was not awakened.

That was reported in Tip O'Neill's 1987 memoir:

I'll never forget that summer day in 1983 when Flight 007, the Korean airliner, was shot down by the Soviets. I was on Cape Cod, where Secretary of State George Shultz called me at 7 in the morning. After telling me what had happened, he said he was sending down a plane to bring me to Washington for an emergency meeting at the White House.

"I'll be ready," I said. "But what does the President think about this?"

"He's still asleep," said Shultz. "He doesn't know about it yet."

"You've got to be kidding," I said. "You mean you`re calling me before you've even notified the President?"

"We'll tell him when he wakes up," said Shultz.

Larry Speakes, in his memoir, acknowledged that that was true, but said it was a cheap shot because Reagan was vacationing in California, where it was 4:00 A.M. (I guess the notion of a president taking a "3:00 A.M. phone call" didn't apply to Reagan.)"
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

On Sept. 1, 1983, the Soviet Union shot down a Korean Airlines passenger airliner traveling from New York to Seoul, killing 269 people.

True, the president’s nationally televised address on Sept. 5 (THAT'S 4 DAYS LATER FOR MATH CHALLENGED CONSERVATIVES) was full of strong rhetorical condemnation:

Reagan called the Soviet action “monstrous,” “murderous,” and “born of a society which wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life.”

But little action followed. Reagan demanded an apology to the world and continued a number of sanctions — but he decided not to end grain sales to the USSR or to suspend arms control talks.

George Will argued that “the administration (REAGAN) is pathetic…. We didn’t elect a dictionary. We elected a President and it’s time for him to act.” The Manchester Union-Leader editorialized that “if someone had told us three years ago that the Russians could blow a civilian airliner out of the skies – and not face one whit of retaliation from a Ronald Reagan administration, we would have called that crazy. It is crazy. It is insane. It is exactly what happened.”

Reagan and KAL 007 - The Washington Post

All hat, no cattle; that was RR. George H. W. Bush had more brains, and a conscience, as President.
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

On Sept. 1, 1983, the Soviet Union shot down a Korean Airlines passenger airliner traveling from New York to Seoul, killing 269 people.

True, the president’s nationally televised address on Sept. 5 (THAT'S 4 DAYS LATER FOR MATH CHALLENGED CONSERVATIVES) was full of strong rhetorical condemnation:

Reagan called the Soviet action “monstrous,” “murderous,” and “born of a society which wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life.”

But little action followed. Reagan demanded an apology to the world and continued a number of sanctions — but he decided not to end grain sales to the USSR or to suspend arms control talks.

George Will argued that “the administration (REAGAN) is pathetic…. We didn’t elect a dictionary. We elected a President and it’s time for him to act.” The Manchester Union-Leader editorialized that “if someone had told us three years ago that the Russians could blow a civilian airliner out of the skies – and not face one whit of retaliation from a Ronald Reagan administration, we would have called that crazy. It is crazy. It is insane. It is exactly what happened.”

Reagan and KAL 007 - The Washington Post

Wow the far left is reaching these days, got to do all they can to protect their king Obama..
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

On Sept. 1, 1983, the Soviet Union shot down a Korean Airlines passenger airliner traveling from New York to Seoul, killing 269 people.

True, the president’s nationally televised address on Sept. 5 (THAT'S 4 DAYS LATER FOR MATH CHALLENGED CONSERVATIVES) was full of strong rhetorical condemnation:

Reagan called the Soviet action “monstrous,” “murderous,” and “born of a society which wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life.”

But little action followed. Reagan demanded an apology to the world and continued a number of sanctions — but he decided not to end grain sales to the USSR or to suspend arms control talks.

George Will argued that “the administration (REAGAN) is pathetic…. We didn’t elect a dictionary. We elected a President and it’s time for him to act.” The Manchester Union-Leader editorialized that “if someone had told us three years ago that the Russians could blow a civilian airliner out of the skies – and not face one whit of retaliation from a Ronald Reagan administration, we would have called that crazy. It is crazy. It is insane. It is exactly what happened.”

Reagan and KAL 007 - The Washington Post

All hat, no cattle; that was RR. George H. W. Bush had more brains, and a conscience, as President.

Wow far left revisionism is proving to be more dangerous than any religion on the planet..
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

On Sept. 1, 1983, the Soviet Union shot down a Korean Airlines passenger airliner traveling from New York to Seoul, killing 269 people.

True, the president’s nationally televised address on Sept. 5 (THAT'S 4 DAYS LATER FOR MATH CHALLENGED CONSERVATIVES) was full of strong rhetorical condemnation:

Reagan called the Soviet action “monstrous,” “murderous,” and “born of a society which wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life.”

But little action followed. Reagan demanded an apology to the world and continued a number of sanctions — but he decided not to end grain sales to the USSR or to suspend arms control talks.

George Will argued that “the administration (REAGAN) is pathetic…. We didn’t elect a dictionary. We elected a President and it’s time for him to act.” The Manchester Union-Leader editorialized that “if someone had told us three years ago that the Russians could blow a civilian airliner out of the skies – and not face one whit of retaliation from a Ronald Reagan administration, we would have called that crazy. It is crazy. It is insane. It is exactly what happened.”

Reagan and KAL 007 - The Washington Post are not disputing Matthew's statement:

"MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he [Reagan] was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt..."

Instead, you'd rather change the subject, you dope?

If Obama were asleep, he'd have some sort of excuse for his Alfred E. Neuman "what, me worry?" insouciance.....

He does not.
4 days after the incident Raygun spoke to the nation. The cold war was hot.

By contrast Obama was on the phone with Putin when the news broke. He made his first remarks about the incident within hours.

You must be pretty desperate to disparage the president if you're willing to use Chris "Thrill up my leg" Mathews.
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

Prissy Chris no longer has tingly legs for his God?
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

Chic. You mean no more chills running up and down Matthews' leg?
Last edited:
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

On Sept. 1, 1983, the Soviet Union shot down a Korean Airlines passenger airliner traveling from New York to Seoul, killing 269 people.

True, the president’s nationally televised address on Sept. 5 (THAT'S 4 DAYS LATER FOR MATH CHALLENGED CONSERVATIVES) was full of strong rhetorical condemnation:

Reagan called the Soviet action “monstrous,” “murderous,” and “born of a society which wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life.”

But little action followed. Reagan demanded an apology to the world and continued a number of sanctions — but he decided not to end grain sales to the USSR or to suspend arms control talks.

George Will argued that “the administration (REAGAN) is pathetic…. We didn’t elect a dictionary. We elected a President and it’s time for him to act.” The Manchester Union-Leader editorialized that “if someone had told us three years ago that the Russians could blow a civilian airliner out of the skies – and not face one whit of retaliation from a Ronald Reagan administration, we would have called that crazy. It is crazy. It is insane. It is exactly what happened.”

Reagan and KAL 007 - The Washington Post

Wow the far left is reaching these days, got to do all they can to protect their king Obama..

wow, no kidding
that was some nasty stuff from that unbiased newpaper, theCompost
you think they'll write something like that about, the Dear leader?
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4 days after the incident Raygun spoke to the nation. The cold war was hot.

By contrast Obama was on the phone with Putin when the news broke. He made his first remarks about the incident within hours.

You must be pretty desperate to disparage the president if you're willing to use Chris "Thrill up my leg" Mathews.

And another far left talking and propaganda post that does not represent the days and times other than the a typical far left political programmed comments..

Maybe the far left can link to a web page from those times and show us how different things are now and then?
boy oh boy, they never have problems saying Reagan had alzheimer's, Bush couldn't put down a book, the pet goat, etc

but talk about THEIR DEAR LEADER

you get sneering defenses

liberalism is twisted
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

On Sept. 1, 1983, the Soviet Union shot down a Korean Airlines passenger airliner traveling from New York to Seoul, killing 269 people.

True, the president’s nationally televised address on Sept. 5 (THAT'S 4 DAYS LATER FOR MATH CHALLENGED CONSERVATIVES) was full of strong rhetorical condemnation:

Reagan called the Soviet action “monstrous,” “murderous,” and “born of a society which wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life.”

But little action followed. Reagan demanded an apology to the world and continued a number of sanctions — but he decided not to end grain sales to the USSR or to suspend arms control talks.

George Will argued that “the administration (REAGAN) is pathetic…. We didn’t elect a dictionary. We elected a President and it’s time for him to act.” The Manchester Union-Leader editorialized that “if someone had told us three years ago that the Russians could blow a civilian airliner out of the skies – and not face one whit of retaliation from a Ronald Reagan administration, we would have called that crazy. It is crazy. It is insane. It is exactly what happened.”

Reagan and KAL 007 - The Washington Post

Wow the far left is reaching these days, got to do all they can to protect their king Obama..

Giving perspective to right wingers is 'protecting' the second best conservative Prez (BJ Bill #1) since Ike?
Even Chris Matthews.

Yup even Matthews knows what a fraud the current pretend President is.....

Said a few words about the 298 killed, went right back to his teleprompter, and fundraising.

Not Reagan. He cancelled his schedule, and spoke to the American people in the appropriate manner.

1."CHRIS MATTHEWS:... a flashback. From the moment I heard about today's shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, I remember that 1983 shooting down of a Korean airliner over Soviet airspace (Korean Air Lines Flight 007). Back then, the Soviets, still in a Cold War mindset refused to even admit responsibility for the deliberate murder of 269 passengers including, U.S. Congressman Lawrence McDonald of Georgia who was aboard. Here's how President Reagan reacted:

2. REAGAN: What can we think of a regime that so broadly trumpets its vision of peace and global disarmament and yet so callously and quickly commits a terrorist act to sacrifice the lives of innocent human beings? What can be said about Soviet credibility when they is a flagrantly lie about such a heinous act?

3. MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt:

4. REAGAN: We know it will be hard to make a nation that rules its own people through force to cease using force against the rest of the world, but we must try. This is not a role we sought. .... But like Americans who began this country and brought forth this last best hope of mankind, history has asked much of the Americans of our own time, much we have already given, much more we must be prepared to give.

5. MATTHEWS: There are events like this today that no one forgets, especially not today."
Chris Matthews: Reagan Knew The Way Americans Felt After Soviets Downed A Plane in 1983 | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems, for the more astute among us, the thrill is gone.

On Sept. 1, 1983, the Soviet Union shot down a Korean Airlines passenger airliner traveling from New York to Seoul, killing 269 people.

True, the president’s nationally televised address on Sept. 5 (THAT'S 4 DAYS LATER FOR MATH CHALLENGED CONSERVATIVES) was full of strong rhetorical condemnation:

Reagan called the Soviet action “monstrous,” “murderous,” and “born of a society which wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life.”

But little action followed. Reagan demanded an apology to the world and continued a number of sanctions — but he decided not to end grain sales to the USSR or to suspend arms control talks.

George Will argued that “the administration (REAGAN) is pathetic…. We didn’t elect a dictionary. We elected a President and it’s time for him to act.” The Manchester Union-Leader editorialized that “if someone had told us three years ago that the Russians could blow a civilian airliner out of the skies – and not face one whit of retaliation from a Ronald Reagan administration, we would have called that crazy. It is crazy. It is insane. It is exactly what happened.”

Reagan and KAL 007 - The Washington Post are not disputing Matthew's statement:

"MATTHEWS: I can tell you, he [Reagan] was speaking for the American people back then ....cold-blooded killing of so many innocent people, their brutal destruction of so many human lives, their utter lack of compassion for the people aboard that plane. Here's the way our president and we, the American people, felt..."

Instead, you'd rather change the subject, you dope?

If Obama were asleep, he'd have some sort of excuse for his Alfred E. Neuman "what, me worry?" insouciance.....

He does not.

Weird, You don't think Obama feels the same as what Reagan said? lol

Today's GOP is the inevitable consequence of their 35 years embracing anti-intellectualism as patriotic and willful ignorance as a virtue.

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