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Chris Matthews, Meet Chris Matthews (or Why he Learned to Love the Tea Party)


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Chris Matthews, Meet Chris Matthews (or Why he Learned to Love the Tea Party)

Brent Bozell | Jun 18, 2014

Ronan Farrow, considered the "boy wonder" of cable hosts by MSNBC executives, interviewed his colleague Chris Matthews on June 11 over the stunning primary defeat of Eric Cantor.

Farrow was shocked that the winner, David Brat, had dared to campaign among the tea party rabble, being the professor he is: "Is it rare to see that kind of brazen intellectualism, particularly in populist candidates like this?" Translation: How did he win among knuckle-dragging Virginia racists with that spiel?

In response, Matthews unleashed something almost as unexpected as the Cantor defeat. He came to the tea party's defense. "I don't think you can assume that the liberals are smarter than the conservative professors. I think that's crazy talk," he said.

Matthews then doubled down.

"(Brat) can handle any debate on this program or my program. So this looking down our noses at tea party people has got to stop. They have a message, they're as American as any liberal is, and they're really angry of the failure of the system."

What makes this so incredibly bizarre is that Matthews has been routinely, savagely assaulting the tea party for years. We cannot think of anyone in the press more vituperative than this man. It is another day in the office when Matthews sneers/dismisses/insults tea party conservatives, usually in personal terms, with cheap shots.

For example, just two days before the Brat remarks, he condemned Sen. Ted Cruz for being in the "hate wing" of the Texas Republican Party and dismissed Joni Ernst, the conservative U.S. Senate contender from Iowa, as a "hog castrator."

In April, he slammed people questioning the official Obamacare enrollment numbers -- including the question about how many "enrolled" people hadn't yet paid a premium. "What can you say about these guys besides they are health care enrollment truthers right now," Matthews insisted. "It's a new form of birtherism."

In March 2013, Matthews attacked the tea party as racist, xenophobic and homophobic, all in one breath: "Is it like that old dreamy nostalgia you get in the old movies 'Gone With The Wind'? Is it that kind of America they want to bring back or what? When there were no gays, where blacks were slaves, Mexicans were in Mexico. I mean, is this what they want?"

In 2012, he asked leftist writer David Corn, just flat out, "Why do tea party crackpots keep winning elections out in the country?"

In 2011, Matthews felt it was fair and accurate to compare the tea party to the terrorist-aligned Muslim Brotherhood as the Republicans competed before the primaries: "So the Muslim Brotherhood has a parallel role here with the tea party."

Chris Matthews, Meet Chris Matthews - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Chris Matthews has FINALLY come to recognize Obama is a loser.

Matthews doesn't realize the true extent of Obama's threat to America, now that his real danger now reaches its zenith. But, anyone ignorant enough to have followed him all this time should find a new political analyst to follow now that Matthews' political vision and instincts have been shown to be 100% wrong.

His political vision is blurred by his own emotional personal beliefs.

Not something you can afford if you wish to be taken seriously as a real journalist.

Liberals should find a new analyst to follow.

I suggest a Conservative pundit like Hannity or Rush or Glenn or Mark or Ann or Dennis or Hugh or Michael or Michelle or Dinesh or...

Listen, all you Libs who have lost faith in Obama, we don't want to bust your balls over how you were led astray by the Hawaiian Con Man these past 6 years or how you were stupid to have ever believed him or in him.

We just want you to help us spread the word to your fellow Libs that he needs to be excised from our political system ASAP. We need to impeach his ass before his entire agenda is rolled out to be executed on America.

Oh, but before you are welcomed by us with open arms, you have to recognize that the Tea Party is not the Debil that Matthews and those at MSNBC tried to get you to believe it is.

"(Brat) can handle any debate on this program or my program. So this looking down our noses at tea party people has got to stop. They have a message, they're as American as any liberal is, and they're really angry of the failure of the system."

-- Chris Matthews
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Many of the Libertarians I have met are smarter than the average bear. David Brat is clearly a Libertarian. But Libertarians running for office have avoided using the L-word in recent years and chosen to run under the Republican brand. And some have dug in and remained under the Tea Party flag just because they refuse to give it up to the retards who took it over.

I'll take back a few of the bad things I've said about Chris M. recently.

Maybe there is hope.
Wow ~ Chris Matthews AND Chuck Todd both turning on Obama. There must be some Real Truth to some of these scandals for these guys to be jumping ship :lol::lol:
the Tea Party mix you'll find some ideas that can mesh with Libertarian or even liberal ideas eg;

Bring back American prosperity and jobs,
Honor the Constitution,
No more bailouts or crony capitalism,
Bring back American prosperity and jobs

How you achieve those goals may be contentious but there are grounds for dialogue. Let's start with "crony capitalism". Maybe we can agree that the influence of lobbying, big Money, the Military Industrial complex et. al. are the most destructive agents working against American democracy. Eradicating these plagues would go a long way towards curing the rest of the ills. Let's start at the center of the rot and we might find we agree almost as much as we disagree on a lot of issues.
Sounds like the far left is getting new marching orders..
The OP was interesting but you just had to throw in the obligatory O-Bash. Why?
I didn't see anything in your link to support this statement;

Mojo-Chris Matthews has FINALLY come to recognize Obama is a loser.
Sounds like the far left is getting new marching orders..
I suspect Soros ordered libs to distance themselves from Obama because he also ordered Obama to go Hitler in the bunker. it gives the libs plausible deniability

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

I'll take back a few of the bad things I've said about Chris M. recently.

Maybe there is hope.

I wouldn't hold your breath. That interview, like all rightwing blog pieces, is highly edited and cherry-picked. Matthews is as liberal as you can get this side of Bernie Sanders.
the Tea Party mix you'll find some ideas that can mesh with Libertarian or even liberal ideas eg;

Bring back American prosperity and jobs,
Honor the Constitution,
No more bailouts or crony capitalism,
Bring back American prosperity and jobs

How you achieve those goals may be contentious but there are grounds for dialogue. Let's start with "crony capitalism". Maybe we can agree that the influence of lobbying, big Money, the Military Industrial complex et. al. are the most destructive agents working against American democracy. Eradicating these plagues would go a long way towards curing the rest of the ills. Let's start at the center of the rot and we might find we agree almost as much as we disagree on a lot of issues.

The Tea Baggers want to get rid of the one-man/one-vote and make the vote only for people who pay taxes. Sounds good in theory until you scratch beneath the surface. Tea Bagger philosophy is based on the love, or actually the fornication with $$$$.
Sounds like the far left is getting new marching orders..
I suspect Soros ordered libs to distance themselves from Obama because he also ordered Obama to go Hitler in the bunker. it gives the libs plausible deniability

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Yeah, right. I've got the Soros app on my iPhone so I don't miss a single marching order...

So you have the MSNBC news App on your iphone?

Who would have thunk it form a far left Obama drone.
I suspect Soros ordered libs to distance themselves from Obama because he also ordered Obama to go Hitler in the bunker. it gives the libs plausible deniability

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Yeah, right. I've got the Soros app on my iPhone so I don't miss a single marching order...

So you have the MSNBC news App on your iphone?

Who would have thunk it form a far left Obama drone.

"Supporting Member" So you actually pay to be here?
Chris Matthews, Meet Chris Matthews (or Why he Learned to Love the Tea Party)

Brent Bozell | Jun 18, 2014

Ronan Farrow, considered the "boy wonder" of cable hosts by MSNBC executives, interviewed his colleague Chris Matthews on June 11 over the stunning primary defeat of Eric Cantor.

Farrow was shocked that the winner, David Brat, had dared to campaign among the tea party rabble, being the professor he is: "Is it rare to see that kind of brazen intellectualism, particularly in populist candidates like this?" Translation: How did he win among knuckle-dragging Virginia racists with that spiel?

In response, Matthews unleashed something almost as unexpected as the Cantor defeat. He came to the tea party's defense. "I don't think you can assume that the liberals are smarter than the conservative professors. I think that's crazy talk," he said.

Matthews then doubled down.

"(Brat) can handle any debate on this program or my program. So this looking down our noses at tea party people has got to stop. They have a message, they're as American as any liberal is, and they're really angry of the failure of the system."

What makes this so incredibly bizarre is that Matthews has been routinely, savagely assaulting the tea party for years. We cannot think of anyone in the press more vituperative than this man. It is another day in the office when Matthews sneers/dismisses/insults tea party conservatives, usually in personal terms, with cheap shots.

For example, just two days before the Brat remarks, he condemned Sen. Ted Cruz for being in the "hate wing" of the Texas Republican Party and dismissed Joni Ernst, the conservative U.S. Senate contender from Iowa, as a "hog castrator."

In April, he slammed people questioning the official Obamacare enrollment numbers -- including the question about how many "enrolled" people hadn't yet paid a premium. "What can you say about these guys besides they are health care enrollment truthers right now," Matthews insisted. "It's a new form of birtherism."

In March 2013, Matthews attacked the tea party as racist, xenophobic and homophobic, all in one breath: "Is it like that old dreamy nostalgia you get in the old movies 'Gone With The Wind'? Is it that kind of America they want to bring back or what? When there were no gays, where blacks were slaves, Mexicans were in Mexico. I mean, is this what they want?"

In 2012, he asked leftist writer David Corn, just flat out, "Why do tea party crackpots keep winning elections out in the country?"

In 2011, Matthews felt it was fair and accurate to compare the tea party to the terrorist-aligned Muslim Brotherhood as the Republicans competed before the primaries: "So the Muslim Brotherhood has a parallel role here with the tea party."

Chris Matthews, Meet Chris Matthews - Brent Bozell - Page 1

Chris Matthews has FINALLY come to recognize Obama is a loser.

Matthews doesn't realize the true extent of Obama's threat to America, now that his real danger now reaches its zenith. But, anyone ignorant enough to have followed him all this time should find a new political analyst to follow now that Matthews' political vision and instincts have been shown to be 100% wrong.

His political vision is blurred by his own emotional personal beliefs.

Not something you can afford if you wish to be taken seriously as a real journalist.

Liberals should find a new analyst to follow.

I suggest a Conservative pundit like Hannity or Rush or Glenn or Mark or Ann or Dennis or Hugh or Michael or Michelle or Dinesh or...

Listen, all you Libs who have lost faith in Obama, we don't want to bust your balls over how you were led astray by the Hawaiian Con Man these past 6 years or how you were stupid to have ever believed him or in him.

We just want you to help us spread the word to your fellow Libs that he needs to be excised from our political system ASAP. We need to impeach his ass before his entire agenda is rolled out to be executed on America.

Oh, but before you are welcomed by us with open arms, you have to recognize that the Tea Party is not the Debil that Matthews and those at MSNBC tried to get you to believe it is.

"(Brat) can handle any debate on this program or my program. So this looking down our noses at tea party people has got to stop. They have a message, they're as American as any liberal is, and they're really angry of the failure of the system."

-- Chris Matthews

Chris Matthews is setting the stage to get Hillary Clinton elected and nothing else. He will dump on Obama to promote Hillary. You heard it here first!
the Tea Party mix you'll find some ideas that can mesh with Libertarian or even liberal ideas eg;

Bring back American prosperity and jobs,
Honor the Constitution,
No more bailouts or crony capitalism,
Bring back American prosperity and jobs

How you achieve those goals may be contentious but there are grounds for dialogue. Let's start with "crony capitalism". Maybe we can agree that the influence of lobbying, big Money, the Military Industrial complex et. al. are the most destructive agents working against American democracy. Eradicating these plagues would go a long way towards curing the rest of the ills. Let's start at the center of the rot and we might find we agree almost as much as we disagree on a lot of issues.

I would agree with you, but these rightwing assholes are too busy fighting gay marriage, women's right to choose, ancient Middle Eastern sectarian wars, and immigration to worry themselves with the very things that are sucking up their lives, blood and money.
I was anti obama before it was cool.

Oh, wow....You mean like these cool people?
That woman could be right since Obama's birth certificate has been found to be a 100% forgery along with his selective service registration. It's time for Obama to release his college admissions from Occidental and Columbia.

Prove that it was a forgery. Or STFU and crawl back into your subterranean crevice.

Put YOUR birth certificate online and prove YOU are a fucking American citizen, simpleton. Let us be the judge.
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