Chris Rock targets race in Oscars opening monologue

These Oscars have been a national disgrace for many years now. Blacks should have been boycotting the Oscars 25 to 45 years ago. The people that vote for the actors are all old time Hollywood racists. The film industry out there in California is all made up by a bunch of white racists southern transplants who all believe in
an old 1856 edict that black people should not even live in western states or anywhere west of the Missisippi.
Blacks need to continue to boycott the Oscars for many more years to come. Black people need there own
film industry with our own award show.End of story.
Blacks need to continue to boycott the Oscars for many more years to come. Black people need there own
film industry with our own award show.End of story.
They already's called the BET Awards. ...... :cool:
Is that supposed to be serious? Live by the sword, die by the sword. If you make money due to your looks don't be surprised when the offers dry up with age. That said, some do go on in roles, just not the same way as a sex interest.

What you don't see these old fart actors using young actresses? The only parts the old ladies get is of a old wise soul looking back at her younger days..while Stallone / Schwarzenegger are still the studs...

Hollywood's love affair with old dudes romancing young women

“I’m 37 and I was told recently I was too old to play the lover of a man who was 55. It was astonishing to me. It made me feel bad, and then it made me feel angry, and then it made me laugh.”
It works that way in real life too if you have the money. Hollywood is just living vicariously through its' characters. This has not been a secret. Bogart robbed the cradle with Bacall, she was what? 19?

and they were together until he died.

but it's amusing reading the misogynist spew in this thread. not sure how we got from rightwingnut bigotry to rightwingnut misogyny though.

Their relationship was beautiful., along with Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn..But if their ages were switched the woman is called a cougar....

It's always been that way, not just recently. Apparently the militant fems just figured it out.
What ?
What you don't see these old fart actors using young actresses? The only parts the old ladies get is of a old wise soul looking back at her younger days..while Stallone / Schwarzenegger are still the studs...

Hollywood's love affair with old dudes romancing young women

“I’m 37 and I was told recently I was too old to play the lover of a man who was 55. It was astonishing to me. It made me feel bad, and then it made me feel angry, and then it made me laugh.”
It works that way in real life too if you have the money. Hollywood is just living vicariously through its' characters. This has not been a secret. Bogart robbed the cradle with Bacall, she was what? 19?

and they were together until he died.

but it's amusing reading the misogynist spew in this thread. not sure how we got from rightwingnut bigotry to rightwingnut misogyny though.

Their relationship was beautiful., along with Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn..But if their ages were switched the woman is called a cougar....

It's always been that way, not just recently. Apparently the militant fems just figured it out.
What ?
I said: "It's always been that way, not just recently. Apparently the militant fems just figured it out."
It works that way in real life too if you have the money. Hollywood is just living vicariously through its' characters. This has not been a secret. Bogart robbed the cradle with Bacall, she was what? 19?

and they were together until he died.

but it's amusing reading the misogynist spew in this thread. not sure how we got from rightwingnut bigotry to rightwingnut misogyny though.

Their relationship was beautiful., along with Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn..But if their ages were switched the woman is called a cougar....

It's always been that way, not just recently. Apparently the militant fems just figured it out.
What ?
I said: "It's always been that way, not just recently. Apparently the militant fems just figured it out."

I am tired today, are you calling me a militant fem? Don't get

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