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Chris Wallace Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor

Every now and then, Wallace takes one of the nutters to the woodshed. It is easy to do and ensures that he keeps his rep as a "serious" journalist among hacks at FOX.

It does not signal that FOX is any more reliable today than they were yesterday.

still more reliable than anybody else
Chris Wallace Rips Eric Cantor as Fox News Drops a Reality Bomb on House Republicans

Chris Wallace tore through Eric Cantor with some tough realistic question on Fox News Sunday, and proved that Fox News is frighteningly more in touch with reality than House Republicans.

Chris Wallace first asked Cantor, “Is what you have been doing the best way to spend Congress’s time when you are about to go on recess for five full weeks?” Cantor tried to defend the votes with standard House Republican talking points, government doesn’t create jobs, blah, blah, blah. Wallace then dropped a reality bomb on Majority Leader Cantor, “But Congressman, rightly or wrongly, none of these bills that you passed is going to become law. Your own members say they’re not going to pass the Senate. The president won’t sign them. Let’s talk reality. You haven’t passed a Farm Bill. You’ve only passed 4 of the 12 appropriations bills you’re supposed to pass. We face a government shutdown and debt limit in the fall. Again, is the best way to spend your time passing bills that aren’t going to become law? An added question, with so much unfinished business why not stick around instead of taking a five week vacation. Rep. Cantor blamed Obama for being out giving campaign speeches, and not cooperating with the House.

Wallace kept after Cantor, “You could tend to your own knitting. You could pass a Farm Bill. You could take. You have the power of the purse. Only 4 of the 12 appropriations bills have you even passed. Why not do what the House is supposed to do?” Cantor claimed they passed a Farm Bill, and tried to turn their complete failure to pass a comprehensive Farm Bill into Republican reform. Cantor blamed the Senate for lack of passage of appropriations bills, and said the House has passed more than the Senate.

When Fox News is more in touch with reality than the Republican Majority Leader in the House, there’s a big problem.


Wallace’s aggressiveness spoke to how unpopular House Republicans are within their own party. Everyone is tired of their decision to waste their time on stunts like votes to repeal Obamacare, and meaningless week long votes on “government waste.”


Rep. Cantor dodged the vacation question, because he is the one who designed the schedule. The 126 day 2013 House work schedule was his idea. Of course, he is not going to take responsibility for only leaving 9 legislative days out of two months to avoid a government shutdown.

Buuuuuuut I thought that Fox News was not to be trusted and they suck the big wazeeny?
Now, all of a suddent ehy are good? Make up your mind synthy.
Every now and then, Wallace takes one of the nutters to the woodshed. It is easy to do and ensures that he keeps his rep as a "serious" journalist among hacks at FOX.

It does not signal that FOX is any more reliable today than they were yesterday.

still more reliable than anybody else

If you believe that, you just might believe anything.
Every now and then, Wallace takes one of the nutters to the woodshed. It is easy to do and ensures that he keeps his rep as a "serious" journalist among hacks at FOX.

It does not signal that FOX is any more reliable today than they were yesterday.

still more reliable than anybody else

If you believe that, you just might believe anything.

I do not have to believe, it is proven by research in the liberal bastions :rolleyes:
that study by study showed that Fox news is actually the LEAST biased news outlet :lol:
first it was UCLA:
Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom
Then Harvard:
THE INVISIBLE PRIMARY?INVISIBLE NO LONGER: A First Look at Coverage of the 2008 Presidential Campaign | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)
Study Finds Democrats Given Preferential Treatment by the MSM | NewsBusters
and finally PEW:
Winning the Media Campaign 2012 | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)

In writing about the Pew study released today, I was struck by the big story of how negative coverage on several levels of presidential politics had become.

I think this is big trouble for democracy, especially the hostile level of discourse in social media. And that it's something the media need to address collectively after the election.

But here's one of several fascinating smaller findings of the study that are kind of stunning -- even if they seem obvious and ho-hum to some of my more jaded, postmodern, aren't-we-cleverly-ironic colleagues:

ON MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.

That's not a news channel. That's a propaganda machine, and owner Comcast should probably change Phil Griffin's title from president to high minister of information, or something equally befitting the work of a party propaganist hack in a totalitarian regime. You wonder how mainstream news organizations allow their reporters and correspondents to appear in such a cauldron of bias.

I thought show host Sean Hannity of Fox News defined party propagandist. But while his channel was bad, it wasn't as bad-boy biased as MSNBC.

The ratio of negative to positive stories in Fox's coverage of President Obama was 46 to 6.

Read more: MSNBC really is more partisan than Fox, according to Pew study - baltimoresun.comen Preferential Treatment by the MSM | NewsBusters
and finally PEW:
Winning the Media Campaign 2012 | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)

In writing about the Pew study released today, I was struck by the big story of how negative coverage on several levels of presidential politics had become.

I think this is big trouble for democracy, especially the hostile level of discourse in social media. And that it's something the media need to address collectively after the election.

But here's one of several fascinating smaller findings of the study that are kind of stunning -- even if they seem obvious and ho-hum to some of my more jaded, postmodern, aren't-we-cleverly-ironic colleagues:

ON MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.

That's not a news channel. That's a propaganda machine, and owner Comcast should probably change Phil Griffin's title from president to high minister of information, or something equally befitting the work of a party propaganist hack in a totalitarian regime. You wonder how mainstream news organizations allow their reporters and correspondents to appear in such a cauldron of bias.

I thought show host Sean Hannity of Fox News defined party propagandist. But while his channel was bad, it wasn't as bad-boy biased as MSNBC.

The ratio of negative to positive stories in Fox's coverage of President Obama was 46 to 6.

Read more: MSNBC really is more partisan than Fox, according to Pew study - baltimoresun.com
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Why can't folks just accept that Cantor is a crappy leader and has become a big embarrassment. He doesn't get the job done, and hasn't in a long time. As a spokesperson for the party he fails. He brings about negative responses from voters ans potential voters. He represents the do nothing congress and the dispised Washington "insider" image. If the Republicans want to gain some new support and fix their broken image, they can do it by replacing the rotten wood and putting on a new paint job. Why go through all this grief for a guy who had his chance and blew it? Is his ego and personel status more important than the party?

your premise is wrong.

whom do you think the Republicans have the broken image with?
the libtards?
who cares :rolleyes:

The premise is correct.

The GOP indeed has a tarnished image with a majority of the voters, the House in particular.

As a blind partisan hack it’s understandable you can’t see it.
Why can't folks just accept that Cantor is a crappy leader and has become a big embarrassment. He doesn't get the job done, and hasn't in a long time. As a spokesperson for the party he fails. He brings about negative responses from voters ans potential voters. He represents the do nothing congress and the dispised Washington "insider" image. If the Republicans want to gain some new support and fix their broken image, they can do it by replacing the rotten wood and putting on a new paint job. Why go through all this grief for a guy who had his chance and blew it? Is his ego and personel status more important than the party?

your premise is wrong.

whom do you think the Republicans have the broken image with?
the libtards?
who cares :rolleyes:

The premise is correct.

The GOP indeed has a tarnished image with a majority of the voters, the House in particular.

As a blind partisan hack it’s understandable you can’t see it.

another liberal who gives the dems a pass for what they bitch about pubs doing
Every now and then, Wallace takes one of the nutters to the woodshed. It is easy to do and ensures that he keeps his rep as a "serious" journalist among hacks at FOX.

It does not signal that FOX is any more reliable today than they were yesterday.

That's the ticket!!!!

you and synthia should get a room......:cool:

I read both pages of the article, went to the pew excellence in journ. Link, ...where is the information backing up the article titles assertion? :eusa_eh:

Are you questioning my integrity?

That fucking study was done by PEW and reported at the time. If I had not been 100% certain that the study was done and reported, I would not have posted about it.

Fuck off.
I don't watch Sunday "news" shows, the only bill the Republican House can pass that would pass Reid's Senate would be one making Lenin's birthday a US Holiday

Oh bullshit.

And conservatives are really the one's looking to make Putin President of the United States with Snowden as his Vice President.

Economically and on many basic freedoms, Putin is to the right of the "American" Left
It never ceases to amaze me just how fast you dullards embrace Fox News when they do something you find favorable...

They suddenly become the greatest and most reliable news source on the planet...

The OP did not "embrace Fox News". Why lie (consider that rhetorical)?

Roger Ailes isn't stupid, I suspect he knows Speaker Boehner has lost control of the H. of Rep. and a radical faction is now in control, and radical change is anathema to the vast majority of the American People.

And he also knows that radical change can sometimes produce collateral damage.

Some of the early, Ron Paul TP-ers could have been part of Occupy Wall Street, before the corporate Astro-Turfers (Koch, Armey, Luntz) teamed up with the trailer trash TeaTards to hijack the message and introduce Social Conservatism to what was, ostensibly, a fiscally-based movement.

Ailes knows that the true Libertarian position is to never bail out businesses and corporations, and if in power may start to codify it into law in multiple ways, across multiple jurisdiction. Then they may go after 0% loans to Wall Street.

All of that is unlikely, but Ailes is always going to back the establishment, the status quo, and the corporate vision.

I read both pages of the article, went to the pew excellence in journ. Link, ...where is the information backing up the article titles assertion? :eusa_eh:

Are you questioning my integrity?

That fucking study was done by PEW and reported at the time. If I had not been 100% certain that the study was done and reported, I would not have posted about it.

Fuck off.

You don't have any so I would not bother....

I read the article, went to the pew site- where is the information? Your certainty means zip to me.

See how that works, I ask a question and you don't go schizo, but answer it......unless of course you didn't read the links...:eusa_whistle:
hey, thats FOX.:eek:..can we trust it? :lol:

honestly, you guys...:lol:

What a fucking retard you have become.

So are you saying that if you watch Obama take reporters' questions on MSNBC instead of watching it on FOXNEWS, it's bogus? It's not to be trusted?

You're a pathetic hack, and quite the partisan imbecile.

whats the matter? your slobbering hypocrisy ( and idiotic strawman above) to much to swallow even for yourself?

Try harder, I am sure you're up to it, next time you don't like what you hear or see from a fox source, you'll turn your hat around and drool as to what [a] hacks they are:rolleyes:
Hey Cletus - why is it wrong, or incorrect, to post an interview?
I guess Trajan left to freshen his drink. Again. :lol:

as soon as you kiss wallaces ass when he takes apart Jack Lew...:eusa_whistle:

turn your hat around dummy, we get it:lol:
This OP could have easily been titled Rachel Maddow Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor or Cenk Uygur Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor or Thom Hartmann Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor or Amy Goodman Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor or Michael Shure Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor or John Fugelsang Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor or Chris Matthews Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor or Lawrence O'Donnell Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor or Martin Bashur Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor or Chris Hayes Bitch-Slaps Eric Cantor.

But the pussy won't go on any of those shows.
As MSNBC/CNN/NBC is supportive of the political Left, FOX News is supportive of the political Right. In addition to this, there are times when pundits do question/criticize members of their own ideology. Don't take this one example and then giddily proclaim that FOX News doesn't have a vested interested in reporting the news through a unique lens, like every other major news network out there.
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Why can't folks just accept that Cantor is a crappy leader and has become a big embarrassment. He doesn't get the job done, and hasn't in a long time. As a spokesperson for the party he fails. He brings about negative responses from voters ans potential voters. He represents the do nothing congress and the dispised Washington "insider" image. If the Republicans want to gain some new support and fix their broken image, they can do it by replacing the rotten wood and putting on a new paint job. Why go through all this grief for a guy who had his chance and blew it? Is his ego and personel status more important than the party?

your premise is wrong.

whom do you think the Republicans have the broken image with?
the libtards?
who cares :rolleyes:

Ever heard of non-affiliated independent "swing" voters? How about right of center democrats and left of center republicans? How about the republicans that just are not motivated into supporting azzholes?
Chris Wallace Rips Eric Cantor as Fox News Drops a Reality Bomb on House Republicans

Chris Wallace tore through Eric Cantor with some tough realistic question on Fox News Sunday, and proved that Fox News is frighteningly more in touch with reality than House Republicans.

Chris Wallace first asked Cantor, “Is what you have been doing the best way to spend Congress’s time when you are about to go on recess for five full weeks?” Cantor tried to defend the votes with standard House Republican talking points, government doesn’t create jobs, blah, blah, blah. Wallace then dropped a reality bomb on Majority Leader Cantor, “But Congressman, rightly or wrongly, none of these bills that you passed is going to become law. Your own members say they’re not going to pass the Senate. The president won’t sign them. Let’s talk reality. You haven’t passed a Farm Bill. You’ve only passed 4 of the 12 appropriations bills you’re supposed to pass. We face a government shutdown and debt limit in the fall. Again, is the best way to spend your time passing bills that aren’t going to become law? An added question, with so much unfinished business why not stick around instead of taking a five week vacation. Rep. Cantor blamed Obama for being out giving campaign speeches, and not cooperating with the House.

Wallace kept after Cantor, “You could tend to your own knitting. You could pass a Farm Bill. You could take. You have the power of the purse. Only 4 of the 12 appropriations bills have you even passed. Why not do what the House is supposed to do?” Cantor claimed they passed a Farm Bill, and tried to turn their complete failure to pass a comprehensive Farm Bill into Republican reform. Cantor blamed the Senate for lack of passage of appropriations bills, and said the House has passed more than the Senate.

When Fox News is more in touch with reality than the Republican Majority Leader in the House, there’s a big problem.


Wallace’s aggressiveness spoke to how unpopular House Republicans are within their own party. Everyone is tired of their decision to waste their time on stunts like votes to repeal Obamacare, and meaningless week long votes on “government waste.”


Rep. Cantor dodged the vacation question, because he is the one who designed the schedule. The 126 day 2013 House work schedule was his idea. Of course, he is not going to take responsibility for only leaving 9 legislative days out of two months to avoid a government shutdown.
Interesting that you posted the verbatim questions from Wallace, but made commentary on Cantors replies.

How about a verbatim response from Cantor to each of these questions? BTW...Wallace failed in this interview by not including the same standard to Senate Democrats.

Maybe you'll find a transcript online.

Please post examples of Chris Wallace lobbing softballs to Democrats. You go first, then I'll follow with a Republican, OK? Who will find more, you or me? :lol: I'll win with Poor Sarah alone!
It never ceases to amaze me just how fast you dullards embrace Fox News when they do something you find favorable...

They suddenly become the greatest and most reliable news source on the planet...

The OP did not "embrace Fox News". Why lie (consider that rhetorical)?

Roger Ailes isn't stupid, I suspect he knows Speaker Boehner has lost control of the H. of Rep. and a radical faction is now in control, and radical change is anathema to the vast majority of the American People.

:lol: ..no really:lol:

Chris Wallace Rips Eric Cantor as Fox News Drops a Reality Bomb on House Republicans
Show where any of the quoted remarks are false, or STFU.

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