Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate

Wallace was a failure and showed Bias in 2016 so why did they allow him to be a moderator again?

I think it was the only way that Biden would show. They were not gonna send in their empty moron puppet without help from both earbud and moderator.

No one should have been shocked.
No, not shocked. Disappointed.

He may have thought he was doing ole Joe a favor, but I think the people could see how weak it made him. Wallace is just a small part of the problem. The fake news is everywhere, and it simply will not let people get a clear picture of what's what, unless they have been heavily focused all along. Most people are not.
I thought when Wallace grouped White supremacist and the militia as one in the same Does he mean to say every Black militia member is a White supremacist? Good thing I show no respect for democRats because if I had I would have lost all respect for Wallace.

It was offensive.

A bunch of people huddle up to proclaim patriotism of their country in response to the rioting violence, and they are labeled as white supremacists and antagonists?

Compared to far more groups of angry looting, projectile throwing, building burning lunatics, and they are left alone as described mostly peaceful protesters?

I don't think anyone could have done a good job under the out of control brawl.
Having said that, unquestionably Wallace favored Biden. I believe he only called out Biden once for speaking completely off topic in the 1st round, when he did so several times - yet interrupted Trump repeatedly for the same thing. Wallace interrupted Trump I believe at least 3 times when it was Trumps turn...merely to say it is Trumps turn. That is pointless, and disrupts the train of thought.
So that's the Trump cult official excuse for losing so badly. "WAAAAAA! THE WILDLY RIGHT-WING FOX NEWS MODERATOR WAS REALLY BIASED FOR THE DEMOCRAT!".

That's yet another reason why it's good be a Democrat. Winners don't have to whimper out butthurt excuses for losing that make them look craven and crazy.
Trump didn't lose, over 60% of Hispanics thought Trump won. Still want open borders. I told you dumbasses that Hispanics wouldn't support liberal views.
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.

Most objective people thought that Donald Trump wanted to debate Joe Biden, but they were wrong. Donald Trump came to make a spectacle of himself and in that he succeeded wildly. And I do mean wildly.

Donald Trump showed exactly why he's unfit for pubic office. Angry, red faced, sweaty, spewing hate, lies and utter bullshit, Trump behaved like a drunken madman. The idea that rants, invective and bullshit wasn't fuelled by either alcohol or drugs, is probably the most troubling thing about his performance.

Look at his face at the end of the debate. Flushed and bathed in sweat, threatening the American people with violent white supremacists if they don't vote for him. The Proud Boys consider his statement a call to arms to them. They've already starting selling the T-Shirts. Trump now has his own goon squad. He gave them their motto, and their marching orders last night.

Only his most devout cult members were impressed.
But moderation should be required to maintain some order.
Why? Wallace did nothing last night to maintain order. All he did was interfere on Biden's behalf.

Let the candidates moderate themselves.

It's very simple. Wallace should have killed Trump's microphone. No moderator will go into a future debate with Trump without a kill switch for his mic. If Trump is going to behave like an angry child, he needs to be disciplined like one.

That you think that the moderator was the problem, you must think that Trump has no obligation to abide by the rules or behave himself. As always, Trump should be able to do whatever he wants, and fuck you.
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.

No wonder you love Donald Trump, you too are a damn liar!

Fake news? Only in the vast void between the ears of those who still believe everything trump says or tweets.
That's a bit deceptive in the article. The backlash from "colleagues" ... it seems it was the rightwingers who whined that he was unfair to Trump. The other comments in the article were more general, such as:

Question...Chris Wallace is not doing a good job as debate doubt about that. But in terms of Trump's repeated interrupting would another moderator have handled it better? Without the ability to mute a microphone, what could another moderator have done?

Nothing to do with any "bias" against Trump but rather the fact that he had NO CONTROL over the debate, none - he let Trump run roughshod over the entire debate, breaking agreed upon rules, and was completely unable to get them in line. Yes, Biden interrupted, I heard Wallace rebuke him SEVERAL times, but nothing to the degree Trump was doing. It was horrible.

I listened to it on the radio. Wallace lost control immediately when Biden interrupted attempting to defend obozocare and it was Trump who shut him down rather than Wallace. Trump already viewed Wallace (correctly IMO) as an adversary in the room so he took the gloves off.

I will say Trump went over the top at times, but Biden was spewing so much inane shit I was doing the same thing often enough.

The most disappointing point was when Trump failed to say that MMGW is bullshit. He tried to duck and dodge rather than just come out and plainly proclaim the pseudo-science of "climate change" is political horse shit designed to fleece the tax payers of government funds for infinite and eternal "study" as well as promote the leftist agenda of shutting down American industrial infrastructure. It's a hoax and I don't know why everyone but Ted Cruz is willing to come out and say so unequivocally.

The second most disappointing thing was that Trump didn't stand flat footed and declare that white supremacy is bullshit. That the infinitesimal gaggle of inbred socialist assholes running around among "the right" are not patriots, represent no one and should be ignored. Just like those pushing asinine ideas of "white privilege" and that America's Founders where all a bunch of wicked slave owning sociopaths who whipped blacks as a routine.

Third, when plugs made a snide remark about Trump "hiding" in a bunker then using the military to gas and oppress "peaceful protesters" to do a political stunt in front of a church with a bible I had spittle all over the windshield of my patrol car. Those antifa parasites were tearing down statues and rioting. The government was far more restrained than they ought to have been. They could have gone full WACO on those pieces of leftist shit as far as I'm concerned. The pictures of the desecration of our monuments disgusted me to no end and it was lost in the "conversation" that those "peaceful protesters" tried to burn down that church the night before.

Trump is not "dividing" one side against another. The left is dividing itself from the rest of us, and frankly I don't care because from my perspective they're going to lose in numbers far worse than 1972 even with their attempts to stuff ballot boxes with mail in ballots they'll find in trunks and dumpsters. Queen Antifa's minions are repulsive to most Americans just like hippie pieces of shit in the 1970's


Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.

Very disappointed in Chris Wallace. Though I know him to be a left leaning individual, I also always thought that he was a mostly objective journalist who did a better job than most journalists at not letting his political beliefs show professionally. Not so sure anymore. He allowed Joe Biden to avoid and evade direct and specific answers to questions, and worse, let Joe Biden use the debate as a political ad, by allowing him to speak directly to the camera rather than speak to the moderator and his debate opponent as it supposed to be. He allowed Joe Biden to simply regurgitate the pablum his staff fed him over the past weeks of prep, not pressing him so he would actually have to speak on a subject "off the cuff" and prove his cognitive abilities were up to the job of President of the United States.

Not sure who actually "won" the debate, but it is perfectly clear who lost. Chris Wallace.

No wonder you love Donald Trump, you too are a damn liar!

Fake news? Only in the vast void between the ears of those who still believe everything trump says or tweets.

You know, for a bed wetter that is always pissing and moaning about " ad hominem " attacks you sure do like to use them yourself. In the spirit of a true fascist piece of shit you can't actually defend your own side with facts so you cherry pick agitprop just like Goebbels taught you.

Gute Arbeit Comrade Scheiße Mund

Someone needed to fact-check Wallace.

One incident that convinced me he favored Biden was when he claimed that in 2018, five states allowed mail-in ballots, completely ignoring the distinction Trump made between mail-in ballots and solicited ballots.

Before this year, I had never heard of states mailing out ballots en masse to their citizens. Wallace is not only biased, but he's stupid.
What is the difference? The 5 states, mail unsolicited ballots to ALL of their registered voters, some have had this process for over 10 years, without problems.

There are only 4 new states that are sending unsolicited ballots to all of their registered voters

41 states require the voter to request a mail in ballot.

I live in one of those 5 states.

We have been 100% mail in ballot for 15 years. Since 2005.

We have had no problems.
That's a bit deceptive in the article. The backlash from "colleagues" ... it seems it was the rightwingers who whined that he was unfair to Trump. The other comments in the article were more general, such as:

Question...Chris Wallace is not doing a good job as debate doubt about that. But in terms of Trump's repeated interrupting would another moderator have handled it better? Without the ability to mute a microphone, what could another moderator have done?

Nothing to do with any "bias" against Trump but rather the fact that he had NO CONTROL over the debate, none - he let Trump run roughshod over the entire debate, breaking agreed upon rules, and was completely unable to get them in line. Yes, Biden interrupted, I heard Wallace rebuke him SEVERAL times, but nothing to the degree Trump was doing. It was horrible.

I listened to it on the radio. Wallace lost control immediately when Biden interrupted attempting to defend obozocare and it was Trump who shut him down rather than Wallace. Trump already viewed Wallace (correctly IMO) as an adversary in the room so he took the gloves off.

I will say Trump went over the top at times, but Biden was spewing so much inane shit I was doing the same thing often enough.

The most disappointing point was when Trump failed to say that MMGW is bullshit. He tried to duck and dodge rather than just come out and plainly proclaim the pseudo-science of "climate change" is political horse shit designed to fleece the tax payers of government funds for infinite and eternal "study" as well as promote the leftist agenda of shutting down American industrial infrastructure. It's a hoax and I don't know why everyone but Ted Cruz is willing to come out and say so unequivocally.

The second most disappointing thing was that Trump didn't stand flat footed and declare that white supremacy is bullshit. That the infinitesimal gaggle of inbred socialist assholes running around among "the right" are not patriots, represent no one and should be ignored. Just like those pushing asinine ideas of "white privilege" and that America's Founders where all a bunch of wicked slave owning sociopaths who whipped blacks as a routine.

Third, when plugs made a snide remark about Trump "hiding" in a bunker then using the military to gas and oppress "peaceful protesters" to do a political stunt in front of a church with a bible I had spittle all over the windshield of my patrol car. Those antifa parasites were tearing down statues and rioting. The government was far more restrained than they ought to have been. They could have gone full WACO on those pieces of leftist shit as far as I'm concerned. The pictures of the desecration of our monuments disgusted me to no end and it was lost in the "conversation" that those "peaceful protesters" tried to burn down that church the night before.

Trump is not "dividing" one side against another. The left is dividing itself from the rest of us, and frankly I don't care because from my perspective they're going to lose in numbers far worse than 1972 even with their attempts to stuff ballot boxes with mail in ballots they'll find in trunks and dumpsters. Queen Antifa's minions are repulsive to most Americans just like hippie pieces of shit in the 1970's

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For me - I wanted to see a pin-down on certain things. I give credit to Wallace for ATTEMPTING to pin down Biden, for example, on the Antifa violence (would he did or would call the mayors, ask them to act more strongly on the violence, but Biden wiggled out of that one).

I wanted to hear a better answer from Biden on the balance of economic needs and environmental concerns (I'm an environmentalist, but I understand you need to address both) - he failed big time on answering that.

Frankly, if Trump had shut up and allowed Wallace to ask the questions he was trying to ask - and he was asking some tough questions on Biden - we might have been able to see Biden pinned down a bit.

Trump's "stand down and stand by" - very bad.
Biden's waffling on condemning Antifa.
Lack of detail and often direct answers from both.
Inability of Biden to be heard over Trump's verbal shitstorm.
Most of all - Wallace's inability to come down hard and control the debate.

Strong points....
Bad - Trump's attack on Hunter Biden's drug addiction
Good - Biden's response to that.

Overall - if you heard it on the radio you missed all their facial expressions. I got more out of that than anything they said!
I think I saw Biden actually call Trump a "CLOWN".
Biden must not have any respect for the office which Trump holds.
The office lost all dignity with the election of the meat puppet faggot. Biden helped reduce it to a den of thieves. If Trump wins and leftist sociopaths start getting prosecuted maybe then the federal government might reclaim some credibility, but for the mean time it is certainly working in opposition of the interests of the American Constitutional Republic.
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.

Very disappointed in Chris Wallace. Though I know him to be a left leaning individual, I also always thought that he was a mostly objective journalist who did a better job than most journalists at not letting his political beliefs show professionally. Not so sure anymore. He allowed Joe Biden to avoid and evade direct and specific answers to questions, and worse, let Joe Biden use the debate as a political ad, by allowing him to speak directly to the camera rather than speak to the moderator and his debate opponent as it supposed to be. He allowed Joe Biden to simply regurgitate the pablum his staff fed him over the past weeks of prep, not pressing him so he would actually have to speak on a subject "off the cuff" and prove his cognitive abilities were up to the job of President of the United States.

Not sure who actually "won" the debate, but it is perfectly clear who lost. Chris Wallace.

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I disagree with this part: He allowed Joe Biden to avoid and evade direct and specific answers to questions.

I saw him, on multiple occasions, trying to pin Biden down, but Trump kept interrupting.
Trump would not let Biden complete a sentence
Biden was tap-dancing and would not answer the questions.
So that "debate" devolved into a talking point shouting match.

I was a little surprised that the President came out so combative, might have been better to wait and see if Biden could finish a sentence with an actual logical ending a couple of times before interrupting.

let Trump be Trump - for sure
Also let Biden be Biden.
Meh. Trump needs to be more "presidential" and at least act as if he has character and poise.
Biden would not answer the questions for fear of upsetting the progs.
Trump could have won the debate on points, but chose to beat the crap out of old tired Biden.
Trump did accomplish one of his goals which were to keep Biden off balance. Not hard to do.

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