Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate

When one candidate is out of control and one candidate is upsetting the proceedings

Telling THAT candidate to knock it off is not bias
Its about trust. The old Candy Crowley fifth column bias comes through again and again. And it was done long before her.
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.
Why did anyone think Wallace was going to be unbiased? He played the same games and exhibited the same bias during the Clinton debates.

Wallace's behavior was shameful, and clearly biased. His questions for The President were loaded, prefaced with commentary and bias, and The President had to call him on it.

Just like during The Clinton debate, The President had to debate both Wallace and Joe Biden.

And just like The Clinton Debate Wallace Moderated, Wallace shielded Biden like he did Clinton, giving him passes on court packing, BLM and other issues, and even going so far to question The President more than once on False Information that had already been debunked.

If you ask me, Wallace should be fired.
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Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.
The pot calling the kettle black?

Overall, we rate The Daily Wire borderline questionable and Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks. If the Daily Wire fails another fact check will be moved to the Questionable list. (9/2/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 05/31/2020)
Trump would not let Biden complete a sentence
Biden was tap-dancing and would not answer the questions.
So that "debate" devolved into a talking point shouting match.
Yeah, and each time that Trump jumped on Biden ---it was to correct Biden from telling one blatant lie after another about trump. Trump effectively stopped Biden from doing lib commercial talking points using just made up lies about Trump. Trump won................even though Joe was lucid. Facts matter and the libs still can't grasp this concept.
I agree that Biden was lying his ass off.
But calling out Biden's lies was Wallace's job, Trump should have let Wallace question Biden instead of being obnoxious.
Wallace was never going to do that. He refused to call Clinton out on her lies about Russian Collusion which we now know was her idea paid for by her in Rubles, and approved by Joe Biden and Obama, and Obama's henchmen in the FBI and DOJ at the time.
We should give Mr. Chris a pass.

We older people remember that his father was a TV icon. MIKE Wallace was a famous TV journalist in his time.

I have long assumed that Mr. Chris got his break in TV because of his family connections.

For all intents & purposes, I do not watch TV news. I only ever watch a few minutes of some FOX headlines, but that's it.

I have heard that Mr. Chris is proud that he is considered less than friendly toward President Trump. It seems that Mr. Chris wants to prove his bona fides as an "objective" reporter,
Some observations:

I don't particularly like Chris Wallace, but he is no leftist, as far as I can tell.

It seemed like Trump would interrupt Joe while Joe was about to make a huge mistake and say something really stupid, and Chris would try to keep Trump from stopping Joe from gaffing.

At the same time, Wallace appeared to be doing his best to prevent an outright slaughter on the police/law and order issue.

Wallace talked about "climate change" as if it were a fact/"settled science" and expected Trump to accept that framing.

Wallace didn't give Trump a fair shot to actually condemn any alleged white supremacist organizations, as if it were factual that Trump would not condemn such groups.

Wallace did allow both to throw around accusations at each other.

The entire thing was a chimp pooh-flinging contest.
EVERY issue trump was pressing, Wallace would step in and either push back against trump, or continue onto the next subject. Right when Biden was going to be cornered into offering an answer one way or the other. It was infuriating. IF a moderator was going to do that (they shouldn’t, it’s a goddamn presidential debate, people want to hear an actual debate, not squeeze as many talking points in as you can in 2 mins on extremely complex subjects) do it to BOTH candidates. Biden got zero pushback from Wallace when he spewing completely false talking points.

At first I was upset with trump for pushing back against Wallace. I expected Wallace to pushback against trump, I also expected Wallace to pushback against Biden. The fact Wallace asked trump to denounce white supremacy, and interrupted trump when he was pressing Biden on BLM/Antifa is absurd. Our cities are literally burning. We know exactly whose doing the burning. And Wallace completely took that subject off the table to save Biden’s ass. Let’s put this into perspective. The last white supremacist rally was 24 people 2 years ago. Portland alone has had ANTIFA rioting for over 100 days in a row. Millions in damage, 1000 injured, 700 law enforcement injured, oh yeah and a guy hunted down and murdered for wearing a MAGA hat. And Wallace asked pressed trump on a rally 2 years ago with a completely false talking point, and didn’t address the burning elephant in the room that’s setting fires in apartment buildings with people inside.

Don’t get me wrong, trump didn’t do himself any favors. He often missed layups. That being said, those layups are tough when it’s 2 on 1, and you’re constantly being interrupted and cut off by the fucking MODERATOR. I would’ve been perfectly fine with Biden interrupting trump. Good, let them duke it out. Why we are still allowing antiquated platforms, that Americans on whole rejected years ago for better platforms, dictate presidential debates for us in beyond me.

Trump just needs to go on Rogan, with or without Biden. It’ll be a tough interview but Rogan at least isn’t an egomaniac and will actually let trump make his points...and then offer pushback.
What we found out is the Quid Pro Joe is owned by China and Russia.

Joe got $3 Million from Putin's wife
Hunter got $130,000 a month for playing the role of 'stripper' from Burisma
Hillary Clinton got $125 Million from Putin for the Uranium One Deal
Obama got $64 Million from a Russian backed publishing company for a book he never wrote and still hasn't written to this day.
China gave Joe and Hunter Biden $250 Million, and we know they gave The Clintons and Obamas lots of cash and political favors.

If you want to see America Be sold out To Globalist Oligarchs, The UN, Who, China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, and our cities being run by Muslim Radicals, BLM and Antifa.

Joe 666 Biden is your man!
We should give Mr. Chris a pass.

We older people remember that his father was a TV icon. MIKE Wallace was a famous TV journalist in his time.

I have long assumed that Mr. Chris got his break in TV because of his family connections.

For all intents & purposes, I do not watch TV news. I only ever watch a few minutes of some FOX headlines, but that's it.

I have heard that Mr. Chris is proud that he is considered less than friendly toward President Trump. It seems that Mr. Chris wants to prove his bona fides as an "objective" reporter,
Just like Hunter Biden, a drug addict and sex addict with no skills got his Millions because of Daddy Quid Pro Joe the Extortionist.
Someone needed to fact-check Wallace.

One incident that convinced me he favored Biden was when he claimed that in 2018, five states allowed mail-in ballots, completely ignoring the distinction Trump made between mail-in ballots and solicited ballots.

Before this year, I had never heard of states mailing out ballots en masse to their citizens. Wallace is not only biased, but he's stupid.
What is the difference? The 5 states, mail unsolicited ballots to ALL of their registered voters, some have had this process for over 10 years, without problems.

There are only 4 new states that are sending unsolicited ballots to all of their registered voters

41 states require the voter to request a mail in ballot.
Typical inane Trumpist defense: Blame anyone and everyone for Trump's words and actions but Trump himself.

Don't you Trumpers ever get tired of playing dumb?
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No one should have been shocked.
No, not shocked. Disappointed.

He may have thought he was doing ole Joe a favor, but I think the people could see how weak it made him. Wallace is just a small part of the problem. The fake news is everywhere, and it simply will not let people get a clear picture of what's what, unless they have been heavily focused all along. Most people are not.
I thought when Wallace grouped White supremacist and the militia as one in the same Does he mean to say every Black militia member is a White supremacist? Good thing I show no respect for democRats because if I had I would have lost all respect for Wallace.
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.
The pot calling the kettle black?

Overall, we rate The Daily Wire borderline questionable and Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks. If the Daily Wire fails another fact check will be moved to the Questionable list. (9/2/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 05/31/2020)

Your point?
Someone needed to fact-check Wallace.

One incident that convinced me he favored Biden was when he claimed that in 2018, five states allowed mail-in ballots, completely ignoring the distinction Trump made between mail-in ballots and solicited ballots.

Before this year, I had never heard of states mailing out ballots en masse to their citizens. Wallace is not only biased, but he's stupid.
What is the difference? The 5 states, mail unsolicited ballots to ALL of their registered voters, some have had this process for over 10 years, without problems.

There are only 4 new states that are sending unsolicited ballots to all of their registered voters

41 states require the voter to request a mail in ballot.
Why is it the Battleground states Clinton lost by a slim margin that are doing this? 4 states with voter fraud is all it takes to throw the election and turn America in to a DemNazi Venezuela and throw America under Globalist Rule, like Joe Biden promised he would do.
We should give Mr. Chris a pass.

We older people remember that his father was a TV icon. MIKE Wallace was a famous TV journalist in his time.

I have long assumed that Mr. Chris got his break in TV because of his family connections.

For all intents & purposes, I do not watch TV news. I only ever watch a few minutes of some FOX headlines, but that's it.

I have heard that Mr. Chris is proud that he is considered less than friendly toward President Trump. It seems that Mr. Chris wants to prove his bona fides as an "objective" reporter,

Neither him nor his father were ever objective reporters.
Typical inane Trumpist defense: Blame anyone and everyone for Trump's words and actions but Trump.

Don't you Trumpers ever get tired of playing dumb?
So you are for giving trillions to global warming and believe the new green deal will create thousands of millions of jobs? You are for raising taxes trillions of dollars and shooting yourself in the foot? What about taking credit for the economic boom? Biden must of forgot I was there and just because democRats have never had a job they don't know what it's like not to have one.
Someone needed to fact-check Wallace.

One incident that convinced me he favored Biden was when he claimed that in 2018, five states allowed mail-in ballots, completely ignoring the distinction Trump made between mail-in ballots and solicited ballots.

Before this year, I had never heard of states mailing out ballots en masse to their citizens. Wallace is not only biased, but he's stupid.
What is the difference? The 5 states, mail unsolicited ballots to ALL of their registered voters, some have had this process for over 10 years, without problems.

There are only 4 new states that are sending unsolicited ballots to all of their registered voters

41 states require the voter to request a mail in ballot.
Why is it the Battleground states Clinton lost by a slim margin that are doing this? 4 states with voter fraud is all it takes to throw the election and turn America in to a DemNazi Venezuela and throw America under Globalist Rule, like Joe Biden promised he would do.
They are also scum sucking treasonous little bitches and the sooner we start playing Cowboys and leftist the better off we will be.
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.

That's a bit deceptive in the article. The backlash from "colleagues" ... it seems it was the rightwingers who whined that he was unfair to Trump. The other comments in the article were more general, such as:

Question...Chris Wallace is not doing a good job as debate doubt about that. But in terms of Trump's repeated interrupting would another moderator have handled it better? Without the ability to mute a microphone, what could another moderator have done?

Nothing to do with any "bias" against Trump but rather the fact that he had NO CONTROL over the debate, none - he let Trump run roughshod over the entire debate, breaking agreed upon rules, and was completely unable to get them in line. Yes, Biden interrupted, I heard Wallace rebuke him SEVERAL times, but nothing to the degree Trump was doing. It was horrible.
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.

That's a bit deceptive in the article. The backlash from "colleagues" ... it seems it was the rightwingers who whined that he was unfair to Trump. The other comments in the article were more general, such as:

Question...Chris Wallace is not doing a good job as debate doubt about that. But in terms of Trump's repeated interrupting would another moderator have handled it better? Without the ability to mute a microphone, what could another moderator have done?

Nothing to do with any "bias" against Trump but rather the fact that he had NO CONTROL over the debate, none - he let Trump run roughshod over the entire debate, breaking agreed upon rules, and was completely unable to get them in line. Yes, Biden interrupted, I heard Wallace rebuke him SEVERAL times, but nothing to the degree Trump was doing. It was horrible.
Wallace was a failure and showed Bias in 2016 so why did they allow him to be a moderator again? Because he is biased. He used leading questions framed by personal biased commentary to the President and with Biden, he gave Biden several passes such as packing the courts question, whether he would denounce BLM, and when Joe forgot the question he was being asked, and many other examples Wallace kept bailing Biden out, and kept trying to shut Trump down.

Why did Wallace admonish The President for interrupting Joe when Joe was lying, but never admonish Biden for calling The President a Racist, Clown, Liar and other names?

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