Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate

Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.

Very disappointed in Chris Wallace. Though I know him to be a left leaning individual, I also always thought that he was a mostly objective journalist who did a better job than most journalists at not letting his political beliefs show professionally. Not so sure anymore. He allowed Joe Biden to avoid and evade direct and specific answers to questions, and worse, let Joe Biden use the debate as a political ad, by allowing him to speak directly to the camera rather than speak to the moderator and his debate opponent as it supposed to be. He allowed Joe Biden to simply regurgitate the pablum his staff fed him over the past weeks of prep, not pressing him so he would actually have to speak on a subject "off the cuff" and prove his cognitive abilities were up to the job of President of the United States.

Not sure who actually "won" the debate, but it is perfectly clear who lost. Chris Wallace.

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I disagree with this part: He allowed Joe Biden to avoid and evade direct and specific answers to questions.

I saw him, on multiple occasions, trying to pin Biden down, but Trump kept interrupting.

"but Trump kept interrupting."

That may be true, but it's a poor excuse. He was the Moderator. He should have been in control of the debate regardless of the participants actions. He should not have allowed Trumps interruptions to absolve Biden from answering the question.

Agree, BUT, he should not have ALLOWED those interruptions PERIOD. And there were time limits for each segment, so they had to move on.

"Agree, BUT, he should not have ALLOWED those interruptions PERIOD."

There is no BUT needed. I have already said I agreed that President Trump interrupted ( not that Former Vice President Biden didn't). I have also stated that leaning on the fact that there were interruptions like a crutch for doing a poor job of Moderating is a poor excuse. Now you want to cut Chris Wallace more slack, saying that time constraints "forced" him to "move on" ? REALLY? HE WAS THE MODERATOR. His one and only job that night was to maintain control and decorum, ask the questions, and get the participants to answer those questions for the American people so they could decide on a candidate to support. He failed, why do you feel compelled to make excuses for him? Why must the Left ALWAYS make excuses?

Thanks But GIF - Thanks But YeahBut GIFs

Oh I don't disagree with you on Wallace. I'm pointing out certain REALITIES of how debates are set up. They have get through a set number of topics in a set time frame. PART of the job of the moderator is to keep it MOVING. That's the ONLY part Wallace got right.

As for excuses, why does the right keep excusing Trump's behavior as "Trump being Trump"?

Behavior? What? Did the American people vote in an election to send someone to Finishing School to learn proper etiquette? NO. They elected someone to be President of the United States. To defend the Constitution and look out for America's and Americans' best interest....and that is EXACTLY what he has done. If your biggest concern is whether or not the President knows which fork to use for the salad....YOU probably shouldn't be voting.
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They supposedly voted for a president.

They got a boorish clown who's main motivation is self interest and enrichment.

Surely that has little to do with table top etiquette, but if your aim is to degrade the office, then well done. You've accomplished a lot in 4 years with that alone.

"........main motivation is self interest and enrichment. "? Wow, what flavor was the cool-aid they gave you?

The man was a businessman prior to running for office. He has lost MILLIONS of DOLLARS due to his giving of himself altruistically to the task of Making America Great Again. Altruistically, you ask? Yes, because in addition to not being able to personally attend to his many business interests, he donates BACK TO THE TREASURY his ENTIRE SALARY of $400,000 per year for a grand total of $1.6 Million dollars over his 4 year FIRST TERM.

Since you bring up the term "clown". Let's talk about that as it pertains to ill behavior you seem all too willing to gloss over. It wasn't President Donald J Trump who referred to his debate opponent as a "Clown" last night....That was your fine upstanding Statesman Joe Biden who did that. Oh, and it wasn't President Donald J Trump who told his opponent in the debate last night to "shut up" was fine and proper Joe Biden who told his opponent to "shut up". Now that's some behavior you can be proud of for someone who was Vice President for 8 years and aspires to fill the office of President...isn't it?

Your flavor of koolaide is duly noted for the future.

I won’t go into his finances ... much was revealed in the recent expose of his taxes...but..

...after the debate was more than half over, with Trump interrupting and talking over what was supposed to be Bidens don’t think maybe it was time some finally told Trump to shut up? Hard to blame him for that.
Yes, Trump was obnoxious last night.

He needed to be.

For example, there was a moment when Biden attempted to steal sympathy points by waxing emotional about his son Beau and what a military hero and super-great guy he was, completely conflating Beau's story with that of his dirt bag brother Hunter.

A typical nice-guy Bush Republican politician would have run for the hills at that point and said "Oh yes, I agree that your son Beau was a hero" and blown himself up.

Not Trump. Trump shut Biden down utterly. "Who?"


"I don't know Beau. I know Hunter, and I want to know about that 3.5 million dollars."

It takes a level of jerk most people can't manage in order to pull that off, but when your opponent pulls out the corpse of his dead son in an attempt to deflect scrutiny on the corruption of his live son, corruption the candidate himself has obviously assisted in, your opponent deserves to get shut down.

Had Trump backed off, that "emotional moment" would have been the only thing the media would have allowed anyone to remember from last night.

This is why nobody should be upset about Trump being obnoxious. Politics is war. Trump fights.

And he blew it when he attacked Hunter.
BIDEN: “There’s a hundred million people with preexisting conditions and [their insurance will] be taken away as well.”

FACT: Biden’s claim has been called “misleading,” and President Trump has said he will always protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.

· Just last week, President Trump signed an Executive Order making it the official policy of the federal government to protect those with pre-existing conditions
That executive order is useless.

If Trump cared he would have had a healthcare plan ready before trying to destroy ACA.

Fact: he has no plan.
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.

One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.

BJ -
Most objective people knew going in that Wallace is a never trumper who would do what he did.
No one should have been shocked.

Very disappointed in Chris Wallace. Though I know him to be a left leaning individual, I also always thought that he was a mostly objective journalist who did a better job than most journalists at not letting his political beliefs show professionally. Not so sure anymore. He allowed Joe Biden to avoid and evade direct and specific answers to questions, and worse, let Joe Biden use the debate as a political ad, by allowing him to speak directly to the camera rather than speak to the moderator and his debate opponent as it supposed to be. He allowed Joe Biden to simply regurgitate the pablum his staff fed him over the past weeks of prep, not pressing him so he would actually have to speak on a subject "off the cuff" and prove his cognitive abilities were up to the job of President of the United States.

Not sure who actually "won" the debate, but it is perfectly clear who lost. Chris Wallace.

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I disagree with this part: He allowed Joe Biden to avoid and evade direct and specific answers to questions.

I saw him, on multiple occasions, trying to pin Biden down, but Trump kept interrupting.

"but Trump kept interrupting."

That may be true, but it's a poor excuse. He was the Moderator. He should have been in control of the debate regardless of the participants actions. He should not have allowed Trumps interruptions to absolve Biden from answering the question.

Agree, BUT, he should not have ALLOWED those interruptions PERIOD. And there were time limits for each segment, so they had to move on.

"Agree, BUT, he should not have ALLOWED those interruptions PERIOD."

There is no BUT needed. I have already said I agreed that President Trump interrupted ( not that Former Vice President Biden didn't). I have also stated that leaning on the fact that there were interruptions like a crutch for doing a poor job of Moderating is a poor excuse. Now you want to cut Chris Wallace more slack, saying that time constraints "forced" him to "move on" ? REALLY? HE WAS THE MODERATOR. His one and only job that night was to maintain control and decorum, ask the questions, and get the participants to answer those questions for the American people so they could decide on a candidate to support. He failed, why do you feel compelled to make excuses for him? Why must the Left ALWAYS make excuses?

Thanks But GIF - Thanks But YeahBut GIFs

Oh I don't disagree with you on Wallace. I'm pointing out certain REALITIES of how debates are set up. They have get through a set number of topics in a set time frame. PART of the job of the moderator is to keep it MOVING. That's the ONLY part Wallace got right.

As for excuses, why does the right keep excusing Trump's behavior as "Trump being Trump"?

Behavior? What? Did the American people vote in an election to send someone to Finishing School to learn proper etiquette? NO. They elected someone to be President of the United States. To defend the Constitution and look out for America's and Americans' best interest....and that is EXACTLY what he has done. If your biggest concern is whether or not the President knows which fork to use for the salad....YOU probably shouldn't be voting.
View attachment 395029

They supposedly voted for a president.

They got a boorish clown who's main motivation is self interest and enrichment.

Surely that has little to do with table top etiquette, but if your aim is to degrade the office, then well done. You've accomplished a lot in 4 years with that alone.

"........main motivation is self interest and enrichment. "? Wow, what flavor was the cool-aid they gave you?

The man was a businessman prior to running for office. He has lost MILLIONS of DOLLARS due to his giving of himself altruistically to the task of Making America Great Again. Altruistically, you ask? Yes, because in addition to not being able to personally attend to his many business interests, he donates BACK TO THE TREASURY his ENTIRE SALARY of $400,000 per year for a grand total of $1.6 Million dollars over his 4 year FIRST TERM.

Since you bring up the term "clown". Let's talk about that as it pertains to ill behavior you seem all too willing to gloss over. It wasn't President Donald J Trump who referred to his debate opponent as a "Clown" last night....That was your fine upstanding Statesman Joe Biden who did that. Oh, and it wasn't President Donald J Trump who told his opponent in the debate last night to "shut up" was fine and proper Joe Biden who told his opponent to "shut up". Now that's some behavior you can be proud of for someone who was Vice President for 8 years and aspires to fill the office of President...isn't it?

Your flavor of koolaide is duly noted for the future.

I won’t go into his finances ... much was revealed in the recent expose of his taxes...but..

...after the debate was more than half over, with Trump interrupting and talking over what was supposed to be Bidens don’t think maybe it was time some finally told Trump to shut up? Hard to blame him for that.

So you'll condone bad behavior so long as it fits your narrative. Got it. Your a Liberal.

When I think of Heaven, deliver me in a black-winged bird
I think of flying down in your sea of pens and feathers
And all other instruments of faith and sex and God
In the belly of a black-winged bird

Seems about right.
Cuckoo birds kinda have black wings.
And he blew it when he attacked Hunter.
By blaming Hunter he also blamed Biden who used his office to get a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son. Trump didn't blow it at all.
I disagree on that, but that is another discussion. I meant when he attacked Hunter for being a drug addict.
Like the damned democrats haven’t attacked Trump’s children for years now all of a sudden they are outraged that Bidedumbs son was attacked . Color me not impressed with that complaint
Trump would not let Biden complete a sentence
Biden was tap-dancing and would not answer the questions.
So that "debate" devolved into a talking point shouting match.

I was a little surprised that the President came out so combative, might have been better to wait and see if Biden could finish a sentence with an actual logical ending a couple of times before interrupting.

let Trump be Trump - for sure
Also let Biden be Biden.
The first meaningful thing Biden said to President Trump was to call him a liar.
I disagree on that, but that is another discussion. I meant when he attacked Hunter for being a drug addict.
Hunter was a drug addict and got kicked out of the military. That is a fact but not the point. Biden tried to obfuscate with fake outrage about his son's well known addiction. No, the real issue is that Hunter had 0 experience in Ukraine and Energy and was being investigated for FRAUD. Biden had the prosecutor FIRED based on withholding American money unless they FIRED the prosecutor!!! WTF! It certainly is a prescient discussion especially when Biden BRIBED another country with our tax dollars for personal gain. Biden has no business even running for President of the U.S. he should be in handcuffs and on trial for being a traitor. Honestly, do you understand what's going on here?
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I disagree on that, but that is another discussion. I meant when he attacked Hunter for being a drug addict.
Hunter was a drug addict and got kicked out of the military. He had 0 experience in Ukraine and Energy and was being investigated for FRAUD. Biden had the prosecutor FIRED based on withholding American money unless they FIRED the prosecutor!!! WTF! It certainly is a prescient discussion especially when Biden BRIBED another country with our tax dollars for personal gain. Biden has no business even running for President of the U.S. he should be in handcuffed and on trial for being a traitor. Honestly, do you understand what's going on here?
I totally understand what is going on. I stick with facts however.

Attacking Hunter’s drug addictionm at a time when so many families are struggling with this...was a massive miscalculation.
I disagree on that, but that is another discussion. I meant when he attacked Hunter for being a drug addict.
Hunter was a drug addict and got kicked out of the military. He had 0 experience in Ukraine and Energy and was being investigated for FRAUD. Biden had the prosecutor FIRED based on withholding American money unless they FIRED the prosecutor!!! WTF! It certainly is a prescient discussion especially when Biden BRIBED another country with our tax dollars for personal gain. Biden has no business even running for President of the U.S. he should be in handcuffed and on trial for being a traitor. Honestly, do you understand what's going on here?
I totally understand what is going on. I stick with facts however.

Attacking Hunter’s drug addictionm at a time when so many families are struggling with this...was a massive miscalculation.

So don't vote for him.
I totally understand what is going on. I stick with facts however.

Attacking Hunter’s drug addictionm at a time when so many families are struggling with this...was a massive miscalculation.
Did you watch the debate? Trump brought up Joe Biden bribing the prosecutor while holding the Vice Presidency of the U.S. to get his son off on charges of fraud and money laundering and getting a job in which he (Hunter) had 0 experience. All that was being investigated until Biden threatened to withhold aid unless that prosecutor got fired!! Joe is on video admitting to it!! Good God! How blind can some of you be?
I totally understand what is going on. I stick with facts however.

Attacking Hunter’s drug addictionm at a time when so many families are struggling with this...was a massive miscalculation.
Did you watch the debate? Trump brought up Joe Biden bribing the prosecutor while holding the Vice Presidency of the U.S. to get his son off on charges of fraud and money laundering and getting a job in which he (Hunter) had 0 experience. All that was being investigated until Biden threatened to withhold aid unless that prosecutor got fired!! Joe is on video admitting to it!! Good God! How blind can some of you be?
All I can say is that when Biden indulges in influence pedalling as vice president and does it so brazenly that he fucking BRAGS about it, just imagine what he will do if he is President?

America will be up for auction to the highest bidder.
Trump was pretty restrained compared to his performances the the 2016 faux 'debates', and these faux 'debates' with these media hacks are just scams put on in the hopes Trump commits gaffes while they cover for Democrats' lack of a real platform to run on, too many conflicts of interest among their violent racist base. Anybody who expects anything remotely serious from these prime time farces are more senile than Gou Pi Joe is.
That executive order is useless.

If Trump cared he would have had a healthcare plan ready before trying to destroy ACA.

Fact: he has no plan.

Congress writes legislation, not the president. I also don't give a shit about any "plans" to replace obozocare, I just want the turd flushed into the sewer where it belongs, not polished and put back on my plate.
Poor Pete, I called him out for the buffoon he is and he continues to try to defame me with ludicrous and clownish remarks; I truly enjoy his failed efforts, but admire his obsessive and compulsive needs.

Yes, Trump was obnoxious last night.

He needed to be.

For example, there was a moment when Biden attempted to steal sympathy points by waxing emotional about his son Beau and what a military hero and super-great guy he was, completely conflating Beau's story with that of his dirt bag brother Hunter.

A typical nice-guy Bush Republican politician would have run for the hills at that point and said "Oh yes, I agree that your son Beau was a hero" and blown himself up.

Not Trump. Trump shut Biden down utterly. "Who?"


"I don't know Beau. I know Hunter, and I want to know about that 3.5 million dollars."

It takes a level of jerk most people can't manage in order to pull that off, but when your opponent pulls out the corpse of his dead son in an attempt to deflect scrutiny on the corruption of his live son, corruption the candidate himself has obviously assisted in, your opponent deserves to get shut down.

Had Trump backed off, that "emotional moment" would have been the only thing the media would have allowed anyone to remember from last night.

This is why nobody should be upset about Trump being obnoxious. Politics is war. Trump fights.

And he blew it when he attacked Hunter.

With who? Dope addled Democrats and left wingers who have been lining the pockets of murdering drug cartels, street gangs, and biker gangs for decades, then pretending it's the goverment's fault they poured money into the pockets of scum? Yeah right, Trump lost the votes of low life vermin who aren't' likely to stagger to the polls anyway.

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