Christian Arab murders son in the us for being gay

really? or its troll ?
100% Truth ...... :cool:
I don't give a damn if you believe me or not, I'm not God, I have no forgiveness for anyone, I hope all the wretched burn, and that means you. I don't love you, i'm tired and ready for it to be over.
Gotta love angry bible thumper who hates people. ..... :lol: :lol:
Catholic Does NOT equal Christian... Far from it.

BS Catholics are the original Christians, everyone else is Johnny Come Lately
Wrong, the Disciples were the original Christians. But, catholics can lay claim to the crusades.

Please show me in the Bible where it gives man the power to proclaim who the saints are. Or show me in the Bible where it says to pray to human being, namely Mary. And please show me in the Bible where it says you can sin anyway you want as long as you as a priest to forgive you.

Catholics have let their church screw up their faith, and very few of them will be with God forever. It will shock the shit out of me, if any of the pope's in my lifetime get to heaven.

Argue all you want, if you are the person I think you are, then you will check it out for yourself, and find out the truth. Catholic does not equal Christian.

Your ignorance is appalling. Who has "power to proclaim who the saints are" has Jack Exactly Squat to do with whether the religion is "Christian" or not. "Christian" means "follower of Christ", specifically Jesus. And that's an integral part of Catholicism and always has been. That's the history and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.
I don't give a damn if you believe me or not, I'm not God, I have no forgiveness for anyone, I hope all the wretched burn, and that means you. I don't love you, i'm tired and ready for it to be over.

All I have to do is inform, the damn work involved, is up to those who read.
allahu akbar alahu akbar
John 16: 26"In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf;
John 14:13"Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14"If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
If you truly want to learn then I will teach. For discernment if my gift, though I think it's a curse.
Those verses do not say to pray to Jesus.

They say to pray to God using the name of Jesus.

Big difference. ..... :cool:
Learn if you want. You seem to be honest in you want of understanding.

Pray to God, give glory to God, for God rules, and will continue to rule, and His Son is the Lamb, who will be the Lord, thought the Lamb's work is about done, and the Lamb shall become a Lion, but there is only one King in Heaven, as the Lamb was not sent to become the king, but was sent to redeem the world.

If you need anything, ask it, in Jesus' name, for Jesus is the Lamb, and is the moderator between God and man.

All of this is written. Ask ye therefore, someone who knows the Scriptures, someone in whom the Holy Spirit dwells, for there is power in that person. My gift is discernment, and it is overwhelming me, and when my job is done, I will die, and I will rest, and my Father will welcome me.
Where in the Bible does it say to pray to Jesus? ....... :cool:

Good point
jesus isnt son of god ?

Yes He is but Sunni is correct, technically there is nowhere in the Bible where it says to pray to least that I know of. Maybe someone can't point it out if there is
See post 35. Then pick up a Bible and learn it, or quit trying to be a pretender.

GFY, you're obviously another loony loons came about around the mid 1800's...I bet you're waiting to be "raptured" LMAO
Those poor souls who wait on the rapture, don't even realize that the falling away is about over, and the judgments come next, yet we are here until the man of sin sets himself up as God, on the throne of God, in the holy land of God.

7 seals and 6 trumpets must be endured by all, Woe unto the inhabitants of the world.
Catholic Does NOT equal Christian... Far from it.

BS Catholics are the original Christians, everyone else is Johnny Come Lately
Wrong, the Disciples were the original Christians. But, catholics can lay claim to the crusades.

Please show me in the Bible where it gives man the power to proclaim who the saints are. Or show me in the Bible where it says to pray to human being, namely Mary. And please show me in the Bible where it says you can sin anyway you want as long as you as a priest to forgive you.

Catholics have let their church screw up their faith, and very few of them will be with God forever. It will shock the shit out of me, if any of the pope's in my lifetime get to heaven.

Argue all you want, if you are the person I think you are, then you will check it out for yourself, and find out the truth. Catholic does not equal Christian.

Your ignorance is appalling. Who has "power to proclaim who the saints are" has Jack Exactly Squat to do with whether the religion is "Christian" or not. "Christian" means "follower of Christ", specifically Jesus. And that's an integral part of Catholicism and always has been. That's the history and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.
I don't give a damn if you believe me or not, I'm not God, I have no forgiveness for anyone, I hope all the wretched burn, and that means you. I don't love you, i'm tired and ready for it to be over.

All I have to do is inform, the damn work involved, is up to those who read.

It doesn't TAKE "forgiveness" or your self-infatuated "judgment" --- it's a simple fucking definition of what the word means. "Christian" means "follower of (Jesus) Christ". That's it, PERIOD. "Who decides who the saints are" or "whether somebody prays TO or THROUGH Jesus has absolute zero bearing on that definition.

You don't get to rewrite the fucking dictionary.
Or show me in the Bible where it says to pray to human being, namely Mary.
Where in the Bible does it say to pray to Jesus? ....... :cool:

Good point
jesus isnt son of god ?

Yes He is but Sunni is correct, technically there is nowhere in the Bible where it says to pray to least that I know of. Maybe someone can't point it out if there is

if you are catholic .you must accept rome pope belief ........
isnt it ??
Any catholic who does not believe what the church says is truth is labeled a heretic and excommunicated. That is not a Christian church.
Where in the Bible does it say to pray to Jesus? ....... :cool:

Good point
jesus isnt son of god ?

Yes He is but Sunni is correct, technically there is nowhere in the Bible where it says to pray to least that I know of. Maybe someone can't point it out if there is

if you are catholic .you must accept rome pope belief ........
isnt it ??
Any catholic who does not believe what the church says is truth is labeled a heretic and excommunicated. That is not a Christian church.

You don't have the first clue and personally I think you're nuts. Certifiable loons
Catholic Does NOT equal Christian... Far from it.

BS Catholics are the original Christians, everyone else is Johnny Come Lately
Wrong, the Disciples were the original Christians. But, catholics can lay claim to the crusades.

Please show me in the Bible where it gives man the power to proclaim who the saints are. Or show me in the Bible where it says to pray to human being, namely Mary. And please show me in the Bible where it says you can sin anyway you want as long as you as a priest to forgive you.

Catholics have let their church screw up their faith, and very few of them will be with God forever. It will shock the shit out of me, if any of the pope's in my lifetime get to heaven.

Argue all you want, if you are the person I think you are, then you will check it out for yourself, and find out the truth. Catholic does not equal Christian.

Your ignorance is appalling. Who has "power to proclaim who the saints are" has Jack Exactly Squat to do with whether the religion is "Christian" or not. "Christian" means "follower of Christ", specifically Jesus. And that's an integral part of Catholicism and always has been. That's the history and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.
I don't give a damn if you believe me or not, I'm not God, I have no forgiveness for anyone, I hope all the wretched burn, and that means you. I don't love you, i'm tired and ready for it to be over.

All I have to do is inform, the damn work involved, is up to those who read.

It doesn't TAKE "forgiveness" or your self-infatuated "judgment" --- it's a simple fucking definition of what the word means. "Christian" means "follower of (Jesus) Christ". That's it, PERIOD. "Who decides who the saints are" or "whether somebody prays TO or THROUGH Jesus has absolute zero bearing on that definition.

You don't get to rewrite the fucking dictionary.
John 10:9"I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

Mark 16:16"He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. 17"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;…

Mark 13:12"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. 13"You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.
Good point
jesus isnt son of god ?

Yes He is but Sunni is correct, technically there is nowhere in the Bible where it says to pray to least that I know of. Maybe someone can't point it out if there is

if you are catholic .you must accept rome pope belief ........
isnt it ??
Any catholic who does not believe what the church says is truth is labeled a heretic and excommunicated. That is not a Christian church.

You don't have the first clue and personally I think you're nuts. Certifiable loons
Thank you.
I didn't see the part where the accused was described as "Christian". The big story seems to be that the victim was homosexual while the murder of his mother seems to be overlooked. Could the mother have been the intended victim of a domestic assault while the son was killed because he interfered rather than because of his sexual orientation?

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