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Christian Arab Woman Becomes Commander of Israeli Combat Unit

from: MJB
Gosh I wonder why not a single Muslim Palestinian citizen of Israel has opted to leave Israel to go live in some Arab country with all of Israel's "brutal treatment" of Palestinians?

More silly delections.
You are still avoiding MJ's question.
If Israel is so hard on her "Muslim Palestinian citizen" why is it that so few have "opted to leave Israel to go live in some Arab country?"

He never asked me that question. But it's a simple answer. Those citizens have lived in those cities long before Israel was created. And they aren't leaving. Although about 80% were expelled.

Israel has expelled 80% of her Muslim Palestinian citizens?
You say the stupidest things :lol::lol::lol:

This is referring to the war.
Incidentally, Lipush - The US military absolutely DOES accept enlistment by noncitizens.

One of my great-uncles got in big trouble with his wife for enlisting to fight for the US in WW1 - she just couldn't understand why he'd *volunteer* when everyone knew how horrible being in the military was in Russia.

We've had friends who were citizens of S.Korea, Germany, and Mexico who enlisted in the US military. Part of the reason is you can become a citizen about 2 years sooner - which was trie a lmost a century ago when my grand-uncle enlisted.
How can one explain the Jewish population increasing from 16% to 30% from 1929-1939?
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from: MJB
Gosh I wonder why not a single Muslim Palestinian citizen of Israel has opted to leave Israel to go live in some Arab country with all of Israel's "brutal treatment" of Palestinians?

from: BecauseIKnow
While most Arabs remaining in Israel were granted citizenship, they were subject to martial law in the early years of the state.Travel permits, curfews, administrative detentions, and expulsions were part of life until 1966.

from: SayIt
More silly delections.
You are still avoiding MJ's question.
If Israel is so hard on her "Muslim Palestinian citizen" why is it that so few have "opted to leave Israel to go live in some Arab country?"

from: BecauseIKnowSquat
He never asked me that question. But it's a simple answer. Those citizens have lived in those cities long before Israel was created. And they aren't leaving. Although about 80% were expelled.

from: SayIt
Israel has expelled 80% of her Muslim Palestinian citizens?
You say the stupidest things :lol::lol::lol:

from: BecauseIKnowSquat
This is referring to the war.[/QUOTE]

from: SayIt
Your English comprehension could use some work. This conversation is about Israel's treatment of her non-Jewish Arab citizens and despite your lying, you have been aware of that.
MJ posited that if they were treated badly as some here claim, why would they stay?
The question is rhetorical, Princess. As you like to say, "everyone" knows they stay because life for Israel's citizens isn't what you claim.
"Most Arabs in the city [Jerusalem] prefer to live under Israeli rule for a number of reasons. First, because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy. They include freedom of movement and social, economic, health and education services that Israeli citizens are entitled to." - Khaled Toameh :D
Ask the Arabs of East Jerusalem: Should Jerusalem Be Redivided? :: Gatestone Institute
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Like I said they lived there and were born there. They are staying there. I know as a Zionist you would love if Israel was a 100% Jewish.

And hahahahaha gatestone
250,000 Jewish immigrants from 1929-1939 tells us enough about this conflcit. 1933-1936 more than 164,000 Jewish immigrants arrived. No wonder there was a rebellion.
I wasn't speaking to MJ. Must be someone else.

Here [http://www.usmessageboard.com/israe...er-of-israeli-combat-unit-6.html#post6200190]] is where you jumped into the conversation, Princess. Now tell me again you didn't know the subject matter:

Quote: Originally Posted by kvetch
You are quite right about Christians in many Arab lands but they are NOT treated well in Israel if they are Arab Christians and all Jews HATE Jewish Christians like Jews for Jesus!.
Read about the History of Nazareth under Israeli rule. First 20 years they were all put under martial law!

Quote: Originally Posted by Hossfly
Perhaps the Israeli Jews are not happy with the Messanic Jews. However, they do not kill them the way many who have dropped out of Islam and taken up another religion are killed by other Muslims.

Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT
Nor do "all Jews HATE Jewish Christians like Jews for Jesus" as Kvetch claims.
I'm beginning to doubt his/her credentials.

from: BecauseIKnowSquat
At 1990 there were 700,000 in the Gulf and KSA
Like I said they lived there and were born there. They are staying there. I know as a Zionist you would love if Israel was a 100% Jewish.

And hahahahaha gatestone

Khaled Abu Toameh
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Khaled Abu Toameh (Arabic: خالد أبو طعمة*, born 1963) is an Arab Israeli journalist, lecturer and documentary filmmaker. Abu Toameh is the West Bank and Gaza correspondent for the Jerusalem Post and U.S. News and World Report, and has been the Palestinian affairs producer for NBC News since 1988. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, World Tribune, Sunday Times, Daily Express and many other newspapers. He was a senior adviser for the Hudson Institute think-tank in New York.
Abu Toameh also wrote for the New York-based think tank Stonegate Institute.
He is currently writing for the Gatestone Institute think-tank on Palestinian and Arab issues.
I don't care what one arab says. Stupid dumbass.

That means Noam Chonmsky is more credible than every Jew in the world.

You have a fucking lame Zionist logic.
Obviously. My commander was a Christian Arab Israeli citizen.

I don't get your point. Are you implying we don't let Fatah people into our army?

Damn. What a crime.

How does being Palestinian make you a Fatah member? :lol:

The Palestinians are defined as a hostile community. that's for one. Ther seond is - Why should we let a non Israeli citizen serve in the Army?

Does the USA army letting non American serve in their forces?

Here's where I need to jump in and show you where you are bigoted and incorrect. The Palestinians occupied the land before the Jewish Zionists landed there after WWII. They also existed in the occupied territory that Israel covets and continually annexes as its citizens with full rights move out onto that territory. You do not see the inherent injustice in this? Moving Israeli citizens onto conquered territory, but not giving the conquered the same rights?

You are in complete error here. The native inhabitants of the United States have, and have had, for a great deal of time, the full rights of all American Citizens. Since 1924 in fact.
BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and house of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all non citizen Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States be, and they are hereby, declared to be citizens of the United States: Provided That the granting of such citizenship shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of any Indian to tribal or other property." Approved, June 2, 1924. June 2, 1924. [H. R. 6355.] [Public, No. 175.] SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 233. 1924. See House Report No. 222, Certificates of Citizenship to Indians, 68th Congress, 1st Session, Feb. 22, 1924. Note: This statute has been codified in the United States Code at Title 8, Sec. 1401(b).

Added to that, in fact, yes, that is one of the biggest ways that Mexican and Canadian immigrants that are denied citizenship are granted citizenship, they serve in the U.S. military. If an Israeli citizen wants a duel U.S. citizenship, but can't get one because there are already too many? Just sign up with the U.S. military, it is like a free pass to citizenship. No citizenship is required to enlist with the U.S. all volunteer, all nationality, world police military. It is the fast track to show your love for America! :tongue:

It is time that the people of Israel give it's conquered people full citizenship rights or pursue a two state solution in earnest. This apartheid crap is bullshit and will eventually engulf the whole region and the world in global war.
Seems jews are upset about the Arab population as well.

The Growing Arab Cancer WITHIN Israel

Well duh. Maybe b/c the Zionist lobby that existed with their dreams of an Israeli state were assisted by a for more powerful clandestine organization with an alternative agenda of it's own. Hmmmm. . . . what organization had once sought to rid the middle east of Islamic influence and try to dominate there with it's own representatives?

What organization would stand to gain by having the Zionists and the Islamaicists destroy each other? :rolleyes: Maybe the same one that allowed and enabled the creation of Israel in the first place?


The activities of the Holy See within the United Nations system officially began on April 6, 1964, when the Holy See was granted the status of permanent observer state. In that capacity, it has since had a standing invitation to attend all sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Security Council, and the United Nations Economic and Social Council to observe their work.[1] Accordingly, the Holy See has established permanent observer missions in New York and in Geneva and has been able to influence the decisions and recommendations of the United Nations.


With its unique history and unusual present circumstances, the exact status of the Order in international law has been the subject of debate. It describes itself as a "sovereign subject of international law." Its two headquarters in Rome — the Palazzo Malta in Via di Condotti 68, where the Grand Master resides and Government Bodies meet, and the Villa Malta on the Aventine, which hosts the Grand Priory of Rome — Fort Saint Angelo on the island of Malta, the Embassy of the Order to Holy See and the Embassy of the Order to Italy have all been granted extraterritoriality.[14]

Some recent notable Knights of Malta.
Membership List of the Knights of Malta

*Edward Fenech Adami
*General Allavena
*George W. Anderson
*James Jesus Angelton
*Samuel Alito
*Julian Allason
*Joe M. Allbaugh
*Roberto Alejos Arzu
*Silvio Berlusconi
*Grandmaster, Prince Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie (cousin of QEII) deceased.
*(Former Prime Minister) Tony Blair
*Michael Bloomberg
*Elmer Bobst
*Marie Corinne Morrison Claiborne Boggs (Dame Lindy Boggs)
*Geoffrey T. Boisi
*John Robert Bolton
*Charles Joseph Bonaparte
*Prince Valerio Borghese
*Dr. Barry Bradley
*Nicholas Brady
*Joseph Brennan
*Monsignor Mario Brini
*Pat Buchanan
*James Buckley
*William F. Buckley, Jr.
*George H.W Bush
*George W. Bush
*Jeb Bush
*Precott Bush, Jr.
*Frank Capra
*(King) Juan Carlos
*Frank Charles Carlucci III
*William Casey
*Michael Chertoff
*Gustavo Cisneros
*(President) Bill Clinton
*(Cardinal) Terence Cooke
*Gerald Coughlin
*(Senator) John Danforth
*John J. DeGioia
*Cartha DeLoach
*Giscard d’Estaing
*Bill Donovan
*Allen Dulles
*Avery Dulles
*(Archbishop) Edward Egan
*Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr.
*Noreen Falcone
*(Count) Franz Egon
*John Farrell
*Matthew Festing (79th Grand Master)
*Edwin J. Feulner
*Francis D. Flanagan
*Raymond Flynn
*Adrian Fortescue (16th century)
*John C. Gannon
*Licio Gelli
*Reinhard Gehlen
*Burton Gerber
*Rudy Giuliani
*Emilio T. González
*Dr. Lawrence Gonzi
*Sir John Gorman CVO
*Thomas K. Gorman
*J. Peter Grace
*Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank
*Gen. Alexander Haig
*Cyril Hamilton
*Otto von Hapsburg
*William Randolph Hearst
*Edward L. Hennessy, Jr.
*(Baron) Conrad Hilton
*Heinrich Himmler
*Richard Holbrooke
*J. Edgar Hoover
*Leonard G. Horowitz
*Daniel Imperato
*Lee Iococca
*Carl Nicholas Karcher
*Francis L. Kellogg
*Joseph Kennedy
*(Senator) Ted Kennedy
*Henry A. Kissinger
*Bowie Kuhn
*Cardinal Pio Laghi
*Cathy L. Lanier
*Joseph P. Larkin
*Louis Lehrman
*General de Lorenzo
*Clara Booth Luce (Dame)
*Henry Luce
*Angus Daniel McDonald
*George MacDonald
*Nelson Mandela
*Avro Manhattan
*Alexandre de Marenches
*John McCone
*Thomas Melady
*Sir Stewart Menzies
*(Prince) Angelo di Mojana
*Thomas S. Monaghan
*Rupert Murdoch
*Joseph A. O’Hare
*Thomas ‘Tip’ O’Neill
*Francis (Frank) V. Ortiz
*Oliver North
*George Pataki
*Cardinal Patronus
*Robert James "Jim" Nicholson
*Oliver North
*Fra Giancarlo Pallavicini
*Fra Hubert Pallavicini
*Franz von Papen
*Baron Luigi Parrilli
*Juan Peron
*Peter G. Peterson
*Harold A.R. ‘Kim’ Philby
*Augusto Pinochet
*John J. Raskob
*(President) Ronald E. Reagan
*John Charles Reynolds
*George Rocca
*Nelson Rockefeller
*David Rockefeller
*Francis Rooney
*Rick Santorum
*General Giuseppe Santovito
*Antonin Scalia
*Phyllis Schlafly (Dame)
*Walter Schellenburg
*Joseph Edward Schmitz (Blackwater)
*Stephen A. Schwarzman
*Frank Shakespeare
*Martin F. Shea
*Clay Shaw
*William Edward Simon Jr.
*Jennifer Sims
*Frank Sinatra
*Frederick W. Smith
*Cardinal Francis Spellman
*Francix X. Stankard
*Steve Stavros
*Myron Taylor
*George Tenet
*Fritz Thyssen
*Richard Torrenzano
*Admiral Giovanni Torrinsi
*(Prince) Anton Turkul
*Albrecht von Boeselager
*Winfried Henckel von Donnersmark
*Thomas Von Essen
*Amschel Mayer von Rothschild
*Robert Ferdinand Wagner, Jr
*Kurt Waldheim
*General Vernon A. Walters
*Col. Albert J. Wetzel
*Canon Edward West
*Gen. William Westmoreland
*Gen. Charles A. Willoughby
*William Wilson
*Robert Zoellick
*Gen. Anthony Zinni

Palestine is not recognised as a non-member state, but its people's representative, the Palestine Liberation Organization, holds observer status as an entity and its territory is regarded as occupied by Israel.[8]

Abbas offered no timeline and gave little sense of urgency, an indication he will hold off on any new initiatives until after the U.S. elections in November.

“We have begun intensive consultations with various regional organizations and member states aimed at having the General Assembly adopt a resolution considering the State of Palestine as a non-member state of the United Nations during this session,” Abbas said in the UN hall.

“In our endeavor, we do not seek to delegitimize an existing State -- that is Israel; but rather to assert the state that must be realized -- that is Palestine,” he said in the English text of his remarks.

While becoming a non-member state may open the door for the Palestinian Authority to sign treaties such as the Rome Statute that set up the International Criminal Court, it would alienate the U.S., the UN’s biggest financial contributor and a key aid donor to the Palestinians.

The fact that this power is so easily able to divide members on this site, and people in the middle east, and use the Zionists and the Ḥashshāshīn to get rid of each other? Ingenious and diabolical, no? And in the end, who will be left in control of the land and the resources?

Well, not they if the Russians and the Chinese have anything to say about it. But ah, not all plans are perfect, there are always back room negotiations to split up the spoils, after all, the way their economies are integrated and inter woven so deep at this point. Besides, they knew how to infiltrate and divide here, and there, they can do it anywhere. Besides the game of international politics is one the is played out over hundreds, spanning to the millenia. If you don't study history, you don't know what is truly going on. It's no conspiracy to those who do. To everyone else, it sounds like a conspiracy or fiction. To the enlightened trying to get Americans together, they know why George Washington hated partisans.

But the Chinese empire? That is another story, it is a more ancient power than even theirs. . .

If you don't study history, you don't know what is truly going on. It's no conspiracy to those who do. To everyone else, it sounds like a conspiracy or fiction. To the enlightened trying to get Americans together, they know why George Washington hated partisans.

How does being Palestinian make you a Fatah member? :lol:

The Palestinians are defined as a hostile community. that's for one. Ther seond is - Why should we let a non Israeli citizen serve in the Army?

Does the USA army letting non American serve in their forces?

Here's where I need to jump in and show you where you are bigoted and incorrect. The Palestinians occupied the land before the Jewish Zionists landed there after WWII. They also existed in the occupied territory that Israel covets and continually annexes as its citizens with full rights move out onto that territory. You do not see the inherent injustice in this? Moving Israeli citizens onto conquered territory, but not giving the conquered the same rights?

You are in complete error here. The native inhabitants of the United States have, and have had, for a great deal of time, the full rights of all American Citizens. Since 1924 in fact.
BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and house of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all non citizen Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States be, and they are hereby, declared to be citizens of the United States: Provided That the granting of such citizenship shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of any Indian to tribal or other property." Approved, June 2, 1924. June 2, 1924. [H. R. 6355.] [Public, No. 175.] SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 233. 1924. See House Report No. 222, Certificates of Citizenship to Indians, 68th Congress, 1st Session, Feb. 22, 1924. Note: This statute has been codified in the United States Code at Title 8, Sec. 1401(b).

Added to that, in fact, yes, that is one of the biggest ways that Mexican and Canadian immigrants that are denied citizenship are granted citizenship, they serve in the U.S. military. If an Israeli citizen wants a duel U.S. citizenship, but can't get one because there are already too many? Just sign up with the U.S. military, it is like a free pass to citizenship. No citizenship is required to enlist with the U.S. all volunteer, all nationality, world police military. It is the fast track to show your love for America! :tongue:

It is time that the people of Israel give it's conquered people full citizenship rights or pursue a two state solution in earnest. This apartheid crap is bullshit and will eventually engulf the whole region and the world in global war.

Really? The Brits occupied the land for a short time and before that the the Turks occupied the land for four hundred years. History didn't start after WWII loon:cuckoo:
How does being Palestinian make you a Fatah member? :lol:

The Palestinians are defined as a hostile community. that's for one. Ther seond is - Why should we let a non Israeli citizen serve in the Army?

Does the USA army letting non American serve in their forces?

Here's where I need to jump in and show you where you are bigoted and incorrect. The Palestinians occupied the land before the Jewish Zionists landed there after WWII. They also existed in the occupied territory that Israel covets and continually annexes as its citizens with full rights move out onto that territory. You do not see the inherent injustice in this? Moving Israeli citizens onto conquered territory, but not giving the conquered the same rights?

You are in complete error here. The native inhabitants of the United States have, and have had, for a great deal of time, the full rights of all American Citizens. Since 1924 in fact.
BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and house of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all non citizen Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States be, and they are hereby, declared to be citizens of the United States: Provided That the granting of such citizenship shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of any Indian to tribal or other property." Approved, June 2, 1924. June 2, 1924. [H. R. 6355.] [Public, No. 175.] SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 233. 1924. See House Report No. 222, Certificates of Citizenship to Indians, 68th Congress, 1st Session, Feb. 22, 1924. Note: This statute has been codified in the United States Code at Title 8, Sec. 1401(b).

Added to that, in fact, yes, that is one of the biggest ways that Mexican and Canadian immigrants that are denied citizenship are granted citizenship, they serve in the U.S. military. If an Israeli citizen wants a duel U.S. citizenship, but can't get one because there are already too many? Just sign up with the U.S. military, it is like a free pass to citizenship. No citizenship is required to enlist with the U.S. all volunteer, all nationality, world police military. It is the fast track to show your love for America! :tongue:

It is time that the people of Israel give it's conquered people full citizenship rights or pursue a two state solution in earnest. This apartheid crap is bullshit and will eventually engulf the whole region and the world in global war.

Why don't you let Al Quaeda people serve? That's your logic.

Arab Israelis have full rights in Israel.

The Apartheid crap IS bullshit. There is no apartheid in Israel at all, and you singing the same mantra others have before you, doesn't make you any less wrong than they were/are.
250,000 Jewish immigrants from 1929-1939 tells us enough about this conflcit. 1933-1936 more than 164,000 Jewish immigrants arrived. No wonder there was a rebellion.

of the 250,000 immigrants------to palestine ----1929--1939 ---just about ALL OF THEM THAT I KNOW were escaping the vile filth of shariah oppression You are right---if not for the VILE FILTH of shariah and islamic oppression------Israel would not have had a basis for its existence as a country or the necessary power to being it about
At 1990 there were 700,000 in the Gulf and KSA
Now tell us how many were kicked out of the Gulf States since 1990. Weren't they kicked out of Iraq too?

While most Arabs remaining in Israel were granted citizenship, they were subject to martial law in the early years of the state.Travel permits, curfews, administrative detentions, and expulsions were part of life until 1966.
What in the world has this to do with how many Palestinians were kicked out of the Gulf States since 1990 and did Iraq also kick them out? Maybe it is time for you to go to bed since you have school tomorrow.
How can one explain the Jewish population increasing from 16% to 30% from 1929-1939?
Well we can explain the growing Arab population previously -- they came because the Jews had jobs for them. Why do you think so many Muslims are leaving their beloved Muslim countries and moving to Europe, Canada and the U.S.? I don't think they are immigrating for the weather. By the way, it is obvious that Baghdad Bob is now copying from one of his favorite Arab propaganda sites, which of course he wouldn't let us in on.

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