Zone1 Christian Artist Amy Grant Hosting LGBT Wedding

And if a court says otherwise you will be left holding the bag while the rest of libdom moves on

Your side is already arguing that children are entitled to rights as adults when it comes to having a sex change

Its only a matter of time before a lib judge rules that they have the right to consent to the sex act itself
Is this something you are anticipating? That courts will rule that animals/children have the power of con-sent?
No. I would bake cookies, cupcakes and bday cakes for those people. Just not a wedding cake.

The discrimination is on the event, not the person
That's a poor rationalization.

If 2 gay guys ordered a white 4 tiered cake decorated with flowers and said it wasn't for a gay wedding would you bake it?
Isn't that wonderful? God loves us even though we're sinners!
And yet you won't do the same thing.

It is not a sin to bake a cake for any reason and no one has ever produced any bible verse that can even be stretched to apply as an argument in defense
And yet you complain about waiters refusing to serve Christians
I dont know her position but I suspect its closer to mine

The restaurant does not have to serve Christians as long as libs do not expect Christians to do business with godless libs

You are the ones who started this and cant have it both ways now
Sin and its punishments are not for you to decide are they?

If people sin aren't you still supposed to love them?

You Christians are all about forgiving murderers , rapist and child abusing priests but for some reason the gay sin is the one you just don't tolerate.
Because publically they go on about it being "icky"...................while they keep thinking about it. Just read threads here on this they keep dragging imagery of gay sex into threads that have nothing to do with it.
I dont know her position but I suspect its closer to mine

The restaurant does not have to serve Christians as long as libs do not expect Christians to do business with godless libs

You are the ones who started this and cant have it both ways now
I didn't start anything.

I for one think that all businesses are subject to public accommodation laws and that religion plays no part in civil laws whatsoever.

The whole "I don't bake cakes for sinners" thing is nothing but a rationalization for bigotry.

I have yet to see a baker deny service to anyone for any other "sins".
And yet you won't do the same thing.

It is not a sin to bake a cake for any reason and no one has ever produced any bible verse that can even be stretched to apply as an argument in defense

Bossy bossy with telling other people what they should believe, morally and with their conscience!
It is that sin because we are not only being asked to accept it, but celebrate it.

To some extent this is also true of divorce (until you talk to the children of divorce). However apply that to adultery, theft, greed, etc. Pretty universally acknowledged that these things are bad. Christians think so. So do non-Christians.

You hear us speak up again SSM not because it's particularly vile, but because we are DEMANDED to accept it
Who forced you to become married to another person of the same gender?
If you cannot distinguish between con-senting adults and sex with animals and children (you mention little boys as if little girls don't count)...............then you should stay away from animals and children.
Liberal sex perverts will do everything the law allows - and then some

When the first lib judge says its ok your comfortable illusions about limits go out the window
Marriage has deep cultural meaning as a term … it transcends a religion or a word’s etymology. That is why, imo, civil union has never taken off. I think we need to accept that the definition of marriage has grown and move on.

With that said, are there other ways to respect the holy ground of others with diminishing what some regard as a sacred union outside the confines of any one religion?
Wait.....are you saying that civil marriages are not real marriages?
Bossy bossy with telling other people what they should believe, morally and with their conscience!
IDGAF what you believe but no one is above the law.

If you don't like public accommodation laws then why aren't you trying to get them repealed?

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